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1. Caregiver / Care Provider

 To convey understanding and support
 Activities:
o Support and comfort measures (mothering aspect of nursing / nurturance
aspect of nursing)

2. Counselor
 Involves helping patient identify and avoid stressful and psychological problems
 Focuses on:
o Helping client establish capacity for successful interpersonal relations
o Helping the patient develop new coping skills

 Do not give advice!
o This is meant to facilitate decision-making on the part of the client
o This is observed so that the client would not develop DEPENDENCY

3. Client Advocate
 Protects rights of patients
 Activity:
o Speaking on behalf of the patient

4. Change Agent
 Brings change or adjustments
 Nurse only influences a patient
 Nurse does not change the patient

5. Teacher
 Teaching
 Imparting of knowledge

6. Leader
 Application of interpersonal influence to bring out desired behavior (leadership)

7. Manager
 Decision-making
 Planning
 Giving directions
 Monitoring operations
 Facilitating staff development
 Therefore, this is done on the supervisory level of organization
8. Researcher
 After graduation, nurse cannot yet be a researcher
 He can only be a researcher after he receives his Master of Arts in Nursing (M.A.N)

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