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- Is the cardiac-specific isoenzyme
- Found mainly in cardiac cells (increases only when there has been damage to the cardiac
- It is normally undetectable or very low in the blood.

Normal value:
Male: <6.7 ng/mL
Female: <3.8 ng/mL

Result in MI: Elevated CK-MB (level increase within few hours and peaks within 24 hours of an MI).
Remains elevated for 3-4 days. If there is a second heart attack or ongoing damage, then levels may rise
again and/or stay elevated longer.
2. Myoglobin
- A heme protein that helps transport oxygen
- Found in cardiac and skeletal muscle (not very specific in indicating cardiac event)

Normal value:
0-85 ng/mL

Result in MI: Increase within 1-3 hours and peaks within 12 hours after the onset of symptoms (means
that there has been very recent injury to the heart). Remains elevated for 12 hours.
3. Troponin
- A protein found in the myocardium which regulates the myocardial contractile process
- Troponins I and T are specific for cardiac muscle (are currently recognized as RELIABLE
and MARKERS of myocardial injury)
Normal Value:
Troponin T: <0.01 ng/mL
Troponin I: 0-0.1 ng/mL
Result in MI: Increase in the level of troponin in the serum within few hours during MI (indicates
degradation of actin and myosin filaments). Remains elevated for a long period (3 weeks).

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