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When in the Forbidden Woods, head to the first small village (the one with a spike log trap

at the
entrance) and go left up the hill behind it. When you reach the dog kennels, head left through a
small path into a cave. Inside the cave, carefully cross the poison lake to the other side, and
climb the ladder back into Central Yharnam. From here, you can explore an alley behind Iosefka's
Clinic to find a ladder leading to the roofs and inside the second floor of the Sickroom. Once
inside, head right back to the room where you first woke up in the game. On the bed you started
on, you'll find the Cainhurst Summons - adressed to you! Now travel to Hemwick Charnel Lane,
and enter the large area leading to the Witch's Abode (the one with two patrolling Executioners).
Approach the large blue obelisk in the center of the area to trigger a cutscene. An ominous
horse-drawn carriage will appear, and take you to the castle (even though the bridge leading to
the castle has long since fallen apart).


Head up the long stairway as the gate before you slowly opens. You'll be in a large courtyard with
the lantern waypoint straight ahead. The grounds here are vast, and there are two entrances to
the castle. The one on the right houses an elevator that can't be used just yet - but you can find
some Frenzied Coldblood behind the elevator. The path to the left leads both to the main
entrance, and to a small ravine just below the elevator. Here you'll find a new type of enemy -
Flea Women. These bloodsucking enemies can hit extremely hard with their long-range jumping
attacks, sweeping claw strikes, and back kicks. If you head down the ravine path, you'll have to
fight though several ambushing Carnivorous Worms to reach the end of the path where you can
find a Tempering Blood Gemstone.

Back in the main courtyard, two Flea Women will be patrolling a fountain, where a body holds
Numbing Mist. Carefully fight off the enemies here, and make your way to the main entrance. A
path to the right of the door leads to a dead end with more Numbing Mist, and a path to the left
of the door leads to three Flea Women, who you can try to pick off one by one. Check the bodies
they were feeding on for more Numbing Mist and Frenzied Coldblood. Once you've finished
exploring the grounds, head up the stairs and make your way into the castle interior.

Inside, the first thing you'll notice is the sobbing. There's a lot of it - and it's coming from the
main hall. The only thing you can see among the pillars is a few Servants scrubbing the floors -
but they aren't the ones sobbing. They won't attack you straight off unless you attack them, and
they don't have a lot of health or great attacks - but the danger lies as you head further into the
main hall. Suddenly the source of the sobbing will be revealed as the room fills with Mournful
Spirits. These ladies are nearly invisible until you get close - and cannot be attacked until they
fully materialize, whereupon they will lunge at you with long knives. You can check both sides of
the hall for a Madman's Knowledge (and will usually make the Mournful Spirits appear). There is
also a chest in the far back right of the main hall with a Reiterpallasch.

Moving up the stairs, head right and watch for the spirits at the top of the stairs. Several will try
to ambush you as you get to the top, and make your way to the end of the balcony. A spirit and a
servant stand near the edge, guarding a corpse with a Blood Stone Chunk. Up the other steps on
the left side, more spirits and a servant hide in wait, so take care when taking on multiples - as
one can sneak up behind you. Once they have been taken care of, head into the dining hall.

The dining hall is seemingly empty, but the amount of sobbing says otherwise. As you carefully
step into the middle of the room - the lights will go out, and the Mournful Spirits will appear on
all sides. Quickly dodge back to the entrance so you don't get hit from behind, and take them out
one at a time. Once all have fallen, grab the Quicksilver Bullets in the middle of the room, and
head around behind the tables where a spirit stands in front of a chest containing a Noble Dress.
Now head out the door and onto a balcony with a long stairway to the ramparts.

At the end of the stairs you'll be met with rows of large statues on either side. Look around -
does one seem out of place? There is a Gargoyle hiding among them on the left side, and as you
approach it will lunge. If it catches you it will grab and bite you in a massive attack, so proceed
with caution. Luckily, certain stabbing attacks can knock it on its back making it easy to take out,
as long as you dodge its sweeping wing attacks and large slam.

Instead of moving through the statues, head up on the small stairs to the right to go around
them. While a gargoyle will fly down to the area on the right, another gargoyle high up on the
left will not jump down if you don't come up the main stairs. Carefully head up the tower to
where he is perched to hit him from behind, and grab the Blood Stone Chunk. Now head along
the ramparts into the next building room - but watch for the Gargoyle posing as a statue near
the door, and take care not to fall off the broken ramparts on the right.

Once inside the tower bridge, head left into a long hall that a Servant patrols. Unlike the others,
this one wields a rapier with style, and can do a rapid series of stabs and slashes. His weakness
lies in his style, as he'll end most of his attacks with a long flourish that invites a counter-attack.
Back out on the ramparts, the door ahead leads into a great library, but first head right through a
group of statues to two Gargoyles perched on the wall. Run and shove them off, or lure them
into you and fight them one at a time, then check the corpse for its Executioner Attire.

As you enter the great library, the room will be filled with assorted desks, chairs, bookcase
ladders, and Mournful Spirits. There's also a chest on the left with a Vileblood Register, and an
elevator leading back to the castle grounds below.

As you clear out the spirits in the library, look out for the Servant on the bookcase ladder at the
far end. When he notices you, he'll start using a blowpipe to hit you with darts. They don't deal
too much damage, but they will stagger you - which can lead to a world of hurt if you are
surrounded by spirits. Race up and defeat him, then take care of the spirits around him. When
the ground floor is cleared, check the right side for a bookcase ladder that drops onto two
tables. Jump down to open a chest containing the firearm Evelyn, then use the other bookcase
ladder to get out, and head up the main stairs.

The next floor contains several walkways and balconies that many Servants are scrubbing or
patrolling. The ones that stand on the bookcase ladders are equipped with blowdarts - so take
them out first, then the fencing experts, and finally the weak cane-swinging ones. If you explore
the far wall, you can find a body with a Blood Stone Chunk. On the opposite end of the wall, you
can find an open window leading outside to a very narrow railing. Slowly drop down a dead body
with some Quicksilver Bullets, and keep falling down until you land on the balcony below. As you
do, two Gargoyles will drop down as well, so be careful as you take them on one at a time. There
is a door back inside, as well as another ledge you can drop down beyond the door - but first go

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