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Written paragraph Macbeth

Eve Morton
February 4, 2019

“Seyton! – I am sick at heart, When I behold – Seyton, I say! – This push Will cheer me ever or disseat
me now. I have lived long enough: my way of life Is fall’n int the sear, yellow leaf, An that which should
accompany old age, As honour, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have; but, in their
stead, curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honour, breath, Which the poor heart would fain deny, and
dare not. Seyton!” This quote I chose to base my project, in connection to the blood motif. Throughout
the play, the idea and common repetition of blood eventually ended Macbeth. The blood that Macbeth
spilled, lead to the fall of him as a ruler and a honourable man. In this painting, I used repetition of the
quote describing where he should be and where he is now as a background, representing it always being
on Macbeth’s mind, I also drew the possibilities Macbeth could’ve achieved if he didn’t murder and spill
so much blood, in which I end up destroying with “blood”, just like Macbeth did (in a less visual manor).
The thick blood of Duncan and Banquo ends up ruining Macbeths ambition and potential as a ruler,
turning him mentally unstable and overtaken with confidence. In this painting, there is 3 thrones
representing the rein of Macbeth throughout time, also, Lady Macbeth shows that without the killings,
she still would be by Macbeth’s side.

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