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The hospitality service industry, which is also called the hospitality industry, sells

hospitality services consisting of accommodation, food and beverage services. The pace of
hospitality is determined by these two elements. Even a hotel company can be said to be
successful if in achieving the goals of revenue derived from food service is greater than the sale
of rooms. One of the facilities to carry out the food service industry is restaurant. In this case the
restaurant in a hotel is not only to meet hotel guests, but also to receive guests from outside the
hotel that have nothing to do with the available accommodations. In this writing, the writer
focuses on the services provided by a restaurant regarding the scope and problems of
The restaurant is also a stand-alone where now many kinds of restaurants are found,
such as restaurants, cafeterias and others. Service characteristics are adjusted to the type of
restaurant, while prices have to compete, so here the role of a restaurant is increasingly very
important and competing with each other to improve the quality of food and service as well as
possible with the hope of reaching as many guests as possible. To achieve this, the services
provided must really be considered starting from the preparation of work to the presentation to
guests besides being supported by other aspects, such as the physical appearance of the
restaurant, the appearance of the menu, food and equipment, to complete the presentation of
services in selling the results of deception in restaurants that are needed by waiters who can
provide good service to their guests. Considering the services provided to guests are the main
key to the success of restaurant operations in addition to other aspect
Restaurant in general can be defined as a room or place that is organized commercially
to provide food and drink services that are available in it, so a restaurant in a hotel company is a
means of selling and serving food and drinks in a hotel.

Restaurant aspects
Restaurants that are operated in each hotel are not always the same, both in terms of quantity and
type. This depends on the size of the hotel being established, the ability of the company and the
requirements issued by the government, the success of the restaurant can be seen if the restaurant
has met the main aspects that can determine the operational success of a restaurant. The aspect in
question is G. Factor which consists of:
1. G-1: Good
Food is served to guests in a fresh state and a good management system, good material storage,
equipment and equipment of high quality and hygienic, good food taste and in accordance with
the ordering tongue

2. G-2: Good Location & Parking Facilities

The location of the restaurant must be strategic, where factors regarding this location are used as
guidelines when setting up a restaurant business. But for restaurants that are opened as facilities,
because of that the hotel also cannot ignore these factors, so the security of the vehicle parked
outside the hotel. Therefore it must be easily visible, easily found, have an attraction with the
choice of colors or special ornaments and not be in a remote location.
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3. G-3: Good
A comfortable and pleasant atmosphere needs to be created through a balanced interior and
exterior appearance as well as the decoration used, color bleaching and complete facilities, such
as toilets, good quality chairs and tables, complete set-up tables and so on.
4. G-4 Good Reputation
Restaurants must have a good reputation which includes service, management, achievement and
so on, so that it is the talk of the community / guests.
5. G-5: Good Pleasant & Courteous
Servicing is done so impressive, pleasant and satisfying waiters can provide suggestions for their
guests who do not understand their desires and serve food with quality, polite and friendly.
Through the Good factor, it is expected that the objectives to be achieved in managing a
restaurant that is to get benefits and provide satisfaction for guests can be achieved. The ability
of employees to provide quality service and satisfy guests can be used to lift the image and
enhance the reputation of the hotel in addition to the completeness of its facilities.
Destination Restaurant
The operational objective of the restaurant is to seek profit and satisfy its customers. Based on
the basic aspects of existence, a restaurant has the following four objectives:
• Trade
Restaurants function as sales services and services to customers of the types of products.
• Finance
Restaurants maintain the smooth running of activities is the turnover of investment costs.
• Position
The main restaurant operation is to serve various types of food and the appearance of the
atmosphere of the restaurant space.
• Practicality
Restaurant in its preparation attracts the attention, presentation and service of these types of
businesses are expected to provide satisfaction.

Restaurant Facilities
Basically, the equipment used in every restaurant both inside and outside the hotel is the same. In
a restaurant, adequate equipment and equipment must be available that will support the smooth
operation of the restaurant, and have a good quality and appearance because the image of the
restaurant can be built through the quality of the equipment and equipment provided. From the
amount of equipment found in restaurants, it can be classified into the following types:

1. Restaurant Supplies
The absolute equipment that must be provided are:
• Tables of various sizes and shapes
• Seats are adjusted to the type of restaurant
• Side stand / board is equipment in the form of a table or cabinet / rack, as a service tool, namely
a place for storing services and spices. Have boxes or drawers and are grouped according to
• Dispenser counter in the form of a long table which is usually placed in a strategic place in the
corner of the restaurant room. The function is also a place to temporarily put food that has just
been received from the kitchen or put dirty equipment before being sent to dishwashing
• Gueridon is a stroller for carrying large amounts of food, also for the purposes of clear-up
equipment from the table
2. Dining Table Accessories (Table Accessories)
Included in this dining table are salt and pepper shakers, ashtray, flower vase, table number,
creamer / milk jug, napkin, sugar bowl and sugar spoon, tootholder, candle holder, dish and
spoon clock.
3. Tableware
Cutlery that is used in the restaurant is quite many types so that it can be classified into several
types, namely:
• Silver ware / cutlery are knife-type tools used for cutting purposes. Silver ware is made of
stainless steel or silver, in the form of forks, spoons and tables
• China ware is glassware made of ceramic, porcelain or pottery and for restaurant operations. In
one restaurant only one china ware model is used, but it is also possible for a restaurant to use
several china ware. This tool is in the form of plates, cups & saucers.
• Glass ware is restaurant equipment used for drinking and made from glass-type materials. The
types are like champagne, wine glass, high ball glass, water goblet. 4 Dining Table Linen
Various types of dining table linen are:
• Moulton / silincer. Its function is to:
1. So that the surface of the table is not damaged by dishes that are served hot. Ø Muffles the
sound that arises due to the collision of cutlery with the surface of the table.

. So that the surface of the table is protected from stains due to spilled sauce.
• Place Mats, are used as a substitute for table cloth but are sometimes used as a base for table
• Table Cloth
• Guest napkin which functions as a mouth cleaner
• Skirting is usually used on the buffet table as a side table cover
• Cleaning towels and glass towels
Types of Restaurants
Based on the activities and the food or drinks it serves, restaurants are classified into several
types, namely as follows "Atmodjo, 2005":
• A'la carte restaurant, a full menu and is a restaurant without binding or free rules.
• Table d'hotel, a restaurant with a complete menu and serves each menu in sequence from the
opening menu to the closing menu, usually closely related to the hotel.
• Coffe shop, is a place to eat and drink that presents a relaxed atmosphere without binding rules
and usually presents a coffee mix as a special menu outside of snacks or fast food.
• Cafeteria, a place for eating and drinking that is limited to serving bread or sandwiches and soft
drinks that are not alcoholic, usually closely related to the office.
• Canteen, a place to eat and drink that serves a variety of instant foods at affordable prices.
Continental restaurant, a restaurant that gives visitors the freedom to choose and even slice the
food they order.
Carvery, is a restaurant that is usually found in small motels and serves simple food and drinks.
Discotheque, a place to eat and drink that presents a frenetic atmosphere of music as its appeal,
usually presents fast food and drinks.
Fish and chip shop, a restaurant that serves fish and chips or snack menus as the main menu.
Grill room, a restaurant with a barbecue or barbecue menu as a mainstay menu.
Intavern, a small restaurant on the edge of town that usually serves fast food and coffee drinks.
Pizzeria, restaurant with a menu of pizza and pasta as the main menu.
Creeperie, a restaurant that serves various creps and sweets menus.
Pubs, restaurants that sell alcoholic drinks.
Cafe, a place to eat and drink with fast food and serve a relaxed or informal atmosphere.
Specialty restaurant, is a place for eating and drinking that has a special theme or specificity of
the menu of dishes to be served and usually has a different taste to other restaurants.
Terrace restaurant, a place to eat and drink which is generally located outside the room and is
usually closely related to hotel facilities. In western countries, terrace restaurants are usually only
open in the summer.
Gourment restaurant, is a place to eat and drink that is usually reserved for people who are very
understanding of taste so that many provide lezt foods with magnificent service and expensive
Family restaurant, is a simple restaurant for eating and drinking for families or groups with
inexpensive prices and a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.
Main dining room, is a large dining room or restaurant that is generally found in hotels, serving
food officially, the services provided can use the French or Russian style, while people who
come in general also use formal formal attire.

Oleh :

NIM. 17201806

Dosen mata kuliah:

Dr. Abdul Kadir Ritonga,SS,M.Hum





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