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TIE Chennai PitchFest 2017

Bekind Bodycare
Rajan BL
1. Executive Summary
We enable people to Make Their Own Cosmetics Naturally at Home. We provide natural herbal
ingredients and DIY Guides (Online and Offline Content) with which they can make their cosmetics.
We are a Founder Institute (a Startup Accelerator) accelerated startup. We incorporated our company in
May 2017 and have served hundreds of customers so far.
As of now, we have released our product in the market with 15+ SKUs, sold 3000+ ingredient packs. Our
next version of Bodycare boxes are ready to be launched.

2. About the Founders

Rajan BL and Ramyapriya AM founded the company – Bekind Bodycare Pvt. Ltd.
We are from the herbal family who has been involved in business of herbs since 1888. We were once a
part of an herbal business which has completed 125 years in business and still running.
Rajan BL has worked in software companies in technical and business development areas. After which
Rajan was a farmer, an organic retailer and an herbal products manufacturer. His strength lies in
Knowledge of Herbal stakeholders involved right from Sourcing to Value Addition.

3. Customer Problem
More than 10,000 chemicals are present in our personal care products and many of them are harmful
toxins. Even before we leave our home, we are exposed to hundreds of chemicals, because of the
personal care products we use. It only takes 26 seconds for these toxins to enter into our bloodstream.
Prolonged exposure may cause many diseases and disorders. It is very important to know what are inside
your cosmetics before using them.
The solution to this problem is Make Your Own Cosmetics Naturally at Home. Bekind Bodycare enables
you to Make Your Own Cosmetics using our natural herbal ingredients and DIY guides.
Nowadays people are worried about the chemicals present in their food and cosmetics. Even if they buy
natural cosmetics, they are not sure about what goes inside it. Hence empowering them to know about
the ingredients and enabling them to make their own cosmetics is the only solution.
Our present customers are Organic Product users. They are ready to accept and try natural products. Our
potential customers are natural product users who give a thought about their health and their family’s.

4. Competition & Your Defense

The entire Personal Care Market is our competition. Right from chemical cosmetic manufacturers to
handmade natural cosmetic boutiques, everyone is a competitor.
But they fall into one of these categories:
• They say they are free from Toxin A – but add Toxin B
• They say their products have herbal/ayurvedic ingredients but they also add chemicals to it.
• They say they are natural, but not 100% Natural
• They claim 100% Natural, but too overpriced.
• There are few players like us, but never given a form to it. They just sell as commodities.
5. Biz Model

The Sales Plan is:

• We are now selling individual ingredient packs through Retail Stores (Organic Stores, Health
Stores, Boutique Stores, Premium Retail Stores etc.)
• We intend to sell Bodycare boxes (with assorted packs and content) through Online
Marketplaces in November 2017. (Amazon Cataloguing is in the process.)
• We will have our Own Online Store in April 2018 where we will be selling boxes for Monthly
The revenue is through Sales of Packs and Boxes. We currently have a Gross Profit of 35% by selling
through Retailers, which will increase when sold through Marketplaces and even more when sold through
our own E Store.

6. Current Status

Company Incorporated with 2 Directors, 3 Full Time Employees and few part time contributors and
interns. We have sold 3000+ packs through our retailers. We have been receiving enquiries from
Coimbatore and Bangalore to distribute our product.

7. Company Financials
We are bootstrapping currently. The future projections are as follows:
Breakeven Period – 18 Months (Sep 2017 – Mar 2018)
No. of Retailers to be acquired – 250
No. of Online Customers to be acquired – 10000
Total Revenue for 18 Month period – INR 4.15 Crore
Profit for 18 Month period – INR 83,00,000

8. Funding Required

We require INR 70 Lacs. We intend to use the investment to Scale Up and Build our Online Presence.

9. Contact Details

Rajan, Founder CEO
91- 9790 877 878
044- 4352 9352

Be Kind. Be You.

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