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How to Select the Best Teacher for Your

Choosing the right teachers is an important decision for a parent and for a child. Making the
correct decision will ensure your children lifelong learning and possibly bright futures. So do
a thorough research before you enrol your children in a school you deem fit. Here are a few
tips to help you select the right science teacher.
The rapport between the child and teacher is crucial
The connection between the child and the teacher is very important. Your child is usually
surrounded by loving people at home like parents, grandparents, older siblings, cousins or a
caretaker. So, it is important to look for a preschool teacher who loves and understands
each child's individual needs. The best thing to do is engage in a conversation with the
prospective teacher. As you converse with her or him, evaluate them. See if they will be able
to talk about a student's strengths and areas of improvement.
Reading habits
A good school inculcates good reading habits in children. This is especially required in the
early formative years of a child. Hence look for books that are used. See if the school has a
good library and if there is some time allotted for reading in the children's daily study
schedule. Check if the teachers set aside time for reading and storytelling.
Physical activities
All children need breaks. This applies to adults too. Check if the school has ample space for
playgrounds and for other physical activities. Studies have shown that breaks for some
physical activity like aerobics help in increasing cognitive functioning. A half an hour break
or more helps in reinvigorating stressed minds of children.
Hence a recess is essential.
Math exposure
Math is an important subject. Your children should be made familiar with math concepts. It
is not wise to wait to teach math until children are older. Teachers in preschool should
discuss basic math concepts with students like greater than, lesser than, smaller, bigger, etc.
Look out for teachers who are enthusiastic about math. You do not require a teacher who is
scared of math or dislikes it. As a parent, you can follow up on math when your children
come home.
Look beyond teachers
Teachers science teacher play an important role in a child's life. There is no doubt about it.
It is good to look for schools that provide teachers with mentors. They will be able to
provide the much necessary guidance to children.

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