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Bachelor of Computer Applications Semester 5 Java Programming – A + B all q’s

c. Create the following form in Java:-
Subject should display name of subjects :
 C++

 VB

 Java

Foreign language should display choice of foreign languages French, German and Japanese.

Submit button should submit the result.

Import java.awt.*

import java.applet.*

import java.awt.event.*

public class student extends Frame implements ActionListener

String fin;

Button s = submit(“submit”);

Label l1= new Label(“Subjects”, Label.LEFT);

Label l2 = new Label(“Languages”, Label.LEFT);

Label l3 = new Label(“Student form”, Label.CENTER);

CheckboxGroup sub = new CheckboxGroup( ) ;

Checkbox c1 = new Checkbox(“C++”, false, sub);

Checkbox c2 = new Checkbox(“Java”, false, sub);

Checkbox c3 = new Checkbox(“VB”, false, sub);

TextField t1 = new TextField( );

Choice language = new Choice( );

public void student (){

addWindowListener(new myWindowAdapter());















l2.setBounds(25, 90, 90, 20);
Languages.setBounds(30, 90, 95,20);
s.setBounds(25, 140, 90, 50, 30);
public void paint(Graphics g){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
public static void main(String g[]) {
student f=new student();
f.setSize(new Dimension(300,300));
f.setTitle("Registration Form");
class myWindowAdapter extends WindowAdapter {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)

1 Explain the event delegation models in AWT. What are the components of an event?

Components of an event

Source (generating an event) : example any window's fundamental elements such as Container,
Panel, Window, Frame and form elements, Button, Checkbox, Choice, List, Menu item, Scroll bar, Text
components, Window

notifies one or more listeners (receives, processes and returns an event) .

Supported by a number of packages including :

java.util - contains the superclass in the Java event class hierarchy,

java.awt - contains the AWT superclass , AWTEvent, with its getID()
method determining the type of event


java.awt.event - defines methods for listener interfaces. Each method has specific
interfaces that must be implemented appropriately in the listener so
that it can receive the type of event desired. Adapter classes can be
used if only certain methods are needed from a listener interface.
commonly used are

 ActionListener

 AdjustmentListener

 ComponentListener

 ContainerListener

 Focus Listener

 ItemListener

 KeyListener

 MouseListener

 MouseMotionListener

 MouseWheelListener

 TextListener

 WindowFocusListener

 WindowListener

Each source must provide code for registering and unregistering (if needed) the listener, which
receives event notifications. .
e.g. KeyEvent is generated when keybaord input occurs. In this class, integer
constants are defined for

 ASCII equivalents of numbers and letters: VK_0 through VK_9 and VK_A
through V_Z


 enter, shift, ctl, alt, page down/up, left, right, esc,

KeyEvent and MouseEvent are subclasses of the abstract class InputEvent, a subclass
of ComponentEvent

Methods for keyboard and mouse event listeners are found in the Component class.

public void addKeyListener (KeyListener listenerName) //registers a keyboard

event object for all specified listener

public void removeKeyListener (KeyListener listenerName) //removes a

listener for that event
KeyEvent class may take a constructor as follows.

KeyEvent(Component src, int type, long when, int modifiers, int code, char ch)

 src: reference to the component that generated the event

 type: type of the event

 when: system time at which the key was pressed

 modifiers: modifiers that were pressed when this key event occurred

 code: VK coke

 ch: character equivalent if one exists

Some common methods are defined for all events, in for example KeyEvent,

char getKeyChar( )

int getKeyCode( )

Each listener must have been registered with one or more sources, and must provide
implementation methods to receive and process the notifications.
5 What is a static method?

Why can’t a static method use ‘this’ and ‘super’? Explain with example

The purpose of a static method in Java is to have a unit of program is independent of any of its
instances. No updates on a static variable or method. It can be declared in a class, so it can be
inherited and passed information in subclasses. Main() is declared like this, only once and before any
object exists. A static member is accessible before any objects of its class are created, and outside its
class. Two ways to access static methods are with import static statement or a dot operator reference


import static java.lang.Math.pow; //can use this method by name i.e. pow

import static java.lang.*; //can use all and any method of this class

Math.pow() //have to reference the class to use this method, useful in avoiding namespace collisions
when the method is not used much

A static method is independent of the instance of an object, class, interface. It does not have a
current instance. Therefore they cannot use 'this'. Static methods can only call other static methods
and can access static data. Therefore they cannot use 'super'.

A static block can be used to initialise variables of a class, before they are used., when the class is
first loaded.

Static methods can be declared in an interface, and can be called without an instance of the

Methods of local inner classes can't be marked as static.

4 State the significance of public, private, protected, default modifiers

 These are access modifiers specified on a class, memmbers (method and variables).

public : code can be modified by any other code . Always precedes main()

private : can only be accessed by other members of the same class

protected : can be accessed by members, classes, and interfaces of the same class, package
subclass and subclasses using different packages.

Default : no access modifier, can only be accessed by members using the same package. i.e.
Java is a package-oriented language
2 Explain the concept of interface.

What is scope and nature of variables and methods defined in an interface?

b. Create a Java applet with a button “Display”. On click of button it should display Rectangle, Oval and Circle
within the Applet.
import java.awt.Button;

import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.Panel;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

class drawShapes extends java.applet.Applet implements ActionListener

Panel circle = new Panel();

Panel rectangle = new Panel();

Panel oval = new Panel();

Button displayShape = new Button("Display");

public void init()



public void paint(Graphics g) {


if (displayShape) {
g.drawOval(45, 75, 75);
g.drawRect(10, 10, 60, 50);
g.drawOval(10, 10, 50, 50);

3 a) How does exception-handling work in Java?

An exception is a run-time error, that can be codified away in Java with a try, catch, (optional) final
block. The method that might throw the exception is put in the try clause. You want to monitor this
code. If an exception occurs, if something happens here that violates the rules of Java language, an
exception is thrown, and handled in a catch block. The catch block is supposed to resolve the error,
and continue execution in the next segment. Code that must be implemented after the try-catch
block is put in a finally block.
Exceptions are built-in to Java’s runtime. All are subclasses of Throwable. They can be Exception
(notably RuntimeException) or Error subclasses. You can extend any of these classes. Being a class
object, they can be used in debugging to simply print out an error message. Throwable;s methods
are to do with the stacktrace, description of the exception.

Exception-handling clauses can contain multiple catch statements and nested try-catch statements.
Subclasses of an exception must come before any of their superclasses in multiple catch statements.
Nested try statements form an ordered list by declaration order of catch handlers to match a try
Assignment B
a) Create a try block that is likely to generate two types of exception and then incorporate necessary catch
block to handle them appropriately
Divide by zero

array out of bounds

class A {

public static void main(String args[]) {

try {

int a = args.length;

int b = 42 / a;

System.out.println("a = " + a);

try {

if(a==1) a = a/(a-a); // division by zero

if(a==2) {

int c[] = { 1 };

c[42] = 99;

} catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

System.out.println("Array index out-of-bounds: " + e);

} catch(ArithmeticException e) {

System.out.println("Divide by 0: " + e);

b) Why Java doesn't support multiple inheritances?

6 Explain the concept of method overriding.

Overriding methods is a method in a subclass that has the same (signature) name, argument list
(number and type), and return type or subtype, with a different (overriding) implementation.
He access specifier can be more, but not less accessible.

Can we over-ride method within the same class? Explain.

No. Overriding is between interfaces and class objects only. Classes are for concrete, namespace
aware implementations.

7 a) What are native methods? How do you use them?

Native methods are written in another language like C or C++. They are declared same as any other
method, with the native keyword. The native code is compiled as separate files into a dynamically
loadable library, that can be referenced by file name in the Java source code by its name. The .class
files and the native code Is run in the Java interpreter.

b) What are wrapper classes? Why are they used?

Type wrappers are classes, objects that encapsulate a primitive type in an object in Java, for
operations such as passing between methods, and use in data structure. They all override the
toString ( ) method, returning the value within the wrapper, so they can be used with printIn( ).
Value of the wrapper can be extracted, or unboxed, with a typeValue ( ) method, example

Character(char ch) unboxed using char charValue ( )

Normally objects are created with the new keyword. No need for wrappers, done automatically

Integer x = 1 ; // autoboxed wrapper class. This occurs also when an argument is passed
to a method, or returned by a method, or otherwise any conversion to to
or from an object.

Other wrappers are

Boolean(boolean boolValue)

Boolean(String boolString) //if the string is true then object is true

and all Numeric type wrappers, example byte byteValue( ) and also from a valid numeric
containing string Integer(String s)

8 What are the most important features of Java? How does Java achieve platform independence?

From the whitepapers, Java is described as

 Simple – easy to learn, resembles C and C++

 Object-oriented – “everything’s an object”, code modules can be developed independently

 Robust – the language provide memory management and exception handling ; strictly typed
forcing few constraints on the programmer to reduce potential issues at compile-time

 Multithreaded – allows you to write programs that do many things simultaneously using the
Thread class and Runnable interface

 Architecture-neutral – “write once, run anywhere, any time, forever” design . ever changing
hardware resources, processor upgrades, operating system upgrades means that the a
programming language may be obsoletized or outdated. Java can be executed on any system
implementing the Java Virtual Machine.

 Interpreted and high performance – Java as an internet language can be executed on any
computer, as it is interpreted – compiled into an intermediate representation called Java
bytecode, which then. translates into any native machine code using a just-in-time compiler.

 Distributed – handles TCP/IP protocols and has methods for remote invocation across a

 Dynamic – can be updated dynamically in a running system, due to run-time verification and
resolution of object accesses

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