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Writing purpose: to be able to know the meaning, function,

type and examples of interjuctio
Formulation of the problem:
a) What is the understanding and function of interjuction ?
b) How many types and examples of interjuction ?

Interjuction Function In English,interjection is often interpreted

as a word that has its own meaning and is widely used in one
sentence to express various feelings, usually some exclamation
can indicate several things, such as: disgust, anger, pain,
happiness, admiration, and many others.
But not all interjection words use these exclamations. Some
use commas to make their meaning more subtle. In other
words, interjection is more used in English conversations than
in writing because interjection represents the expression of
feelings felt by the speaker. Interjection also does not have a
grammatical relationship with the sentence that completes it.
Many and varied interjection makes its application in sentences
also many and varied as well. Therefore, based on their use in
sentences, interjection in English is divided into three types,
1. Beginning
1. begginning
Interjection which is usually at the beginning of a sentence.
Here is an example of interjection:
- Oh no! I can’t believe that I was lossing my job again
- Oops! Sorry, I will clean the table from the ink spill
-Aha! Finally I found my car key
-Gosh! You scared me out with those creepy dolls
-Eew! Throw that trash away!
-Ouch! It hurts my arm!
-Dang! I missed that car racing
-Mmm! This is the most delicious food I ever tasted!
2. Middle
Interjection mostly located on the middle of a sentence . Here
is an example of interjection :
- Did not you see that! Oh Gosh! It was a terrible accident, both
passager died at the moment!
- I think she has tried enough…er…but the result is not like what
we expected
-You should follow that test. Oh dear, I know you can nailed it
-Finally, we are graduated! Yay!! I am so happy
-I do not want to be fat but, um, I love chocolate very much
-Wait, wait I think I know him…uh…is he Robert Dalas?
Interjection at the end of a sentence. Here is an example of
- So, she has accepted your offering? Wow!
- My English teacher mad at me, hmph!
-I can not believe that we finished all the projects, whew!
-Manchester United won the game last night! Yeah!
-So, she is giving us a new homework again, huh?
expressing voices or asking for attention
- "Ahem! I want to tell you something."
2. Bravo!
show feelings of pleasure (expression of satisfaction) for
something or achievement.
-"Bravo! You got an A+"
3.Dear / Oh dear
show sympathy for someone.
- "Oh dear, are you ok?"
shows expressions of feeling upset about something.
- " Dammit! The computer doesn’t work again."
5. Eh
showing surprise, or curiosity about something.
- " Eh? I didn’t hear you."
showing disgust or dislike for something.
- "Yuck!! It’s so nasty."
silence or drive out something.
- "Hush!! Don’t make a noise!"
showing agreement (acknowledging something that is true) or
liking something.
- "Bingo! That’s exactly what we were looking for!"
9. Hmph!
showing displeasure.
- "Hmph. I could do that for half the amount he charged."
Exclamation of pain.
- "Ouch, that hurt! Stop pinching me!"
11. Uh Oh
Showing dismay.
- "Uh oh! The teacher’s caught him."
12. Whew
Amazement and/or relief.
- "Whew! I can’t believe we actually finished it all."
13. Yippe!
Exclamation of celebration.
- "Yippe! We won, lets head to the bar."
14. Alas
show sad or sorry expressions.
- "Alas, he failed."
15. Great!
show enthusiasm or satisfaction with an achievement or
something else.
- "Great! we get first place."
[00:17, 10/26/2019] +62 822-5917-0493: 16.Mmm
show enjoyment of something.
- "mmm, this cake is yummy."
showing feelings of anger or annoyance.
- "grr, I’ll smack him!"
18. Shh
An indication for silence.
- "Shh! The show is about to start."
19. Aww
Something sweet or cute.
- "Aww! Just look at that kitten."
20. Ah
showing feelings of pleasure.
- "Ah, the weather is good.”
21. Bah!
showing feelings of annoyance or annoyance at something.
- "Bah, he makes me laugh!”
22. Wow!
showing feelings of surprise.
- "wow, It’s great idea.”
23. Aha!
show feelings of pleasure that are usually associated with
success or achievement.
- "Aha! I’ve got a brilliant idea."
24. Oh
show statement is thinking or know.
- "Oh, it’s been around a week since I saw her."
25. Oops!
indicates making a mistake.
- "Oops! Sorry I didn’t see those skates there."
[00:29, 10/26/2019] +62 822-5917-0493: 26. Yay/Yaay
show congratulations or happiness.
- "I can’t believe you’re actually coming here! Yaay!"
27. Yeah
show approval of something.
- "Yeah, I’d love some orange juice."
28. Uh
Indicates a pause/ need for more time.
- "Wait I know this… uh… is it Taylor Swift?"
29. Hmm
indicates being thinking or showing feelings of doubt.
- "Hmm, I’m not sure this colour is the best for this room."
30. Er
shows that do not know what to say.
- "I don’t think…er… wait… let me call my boss."
31. Um/Umm
showing a doubtful expression.
- "He lives on…um…Wolter Monginsidi Street.”
[00:42, 10/26/2019] +62 822-5917-0493: 32. Boo
show rejection of something.
- "Boo, get away from here!”
33. hey!
indicates being asked for attention or being surprised.
- "Hey! It’s cool.”
34. No!
show disapproval of something.
- "No! I won’t give up now."
35. Hello/Hi!
showing greetings to someone.
- "Hello. How are you?"
Conclusion :
Interjection is said or written based on one's mood when
interjection is said when seeing / feeling something or the
emergence of spontaneous feelings. And, almost entirely is a
form of emotional expression

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