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1. Gigi Normal Anterior 2.

Gigi Normal Posterior

Sumber: White, S. C., & Pharoah, M. J. Oral Radiology Principles and

Arsip dari Dr. Galván Díaz dan Ray Tonks,DDS
Interpretation 6th Edition
3. Karies Gigi (Proximal Lesions pada Gigi 12 dan 13) 4. Sclerotic Periapical Osteitis pada Gigi 36

Sumber: White, S. C., & Pharoah, M. J. Oral Radiology Principles and

Interpretation 6th Edition

Sumber: White, S. C., & Pharoah, M. J. Oral Radiology Principles and

Interpretation 6th Edition
5. TMJ Normal dari Foto Panoramik 7. Kelainan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi :

Sumber: White, S. C., & Pharoah, M. J. Oral Radiology Principles and

Interpretation 6th Edition

6. TMD (Temporomandibular joint disorder) Panoramic

Sumber: Springer Panoramic Radiology 1st ed (page 44)

Sumber: Oral Radiology 6th ed (page 543)

8. Hypersementosis 10. Sialoliths

Sumber: Color Atlas of Dental Medicine radiology hal-134

9. Abnormalities of growth and development jaw

Gigi Sulung ( 84,85)

Sumber : Oral radiology Principales and interpretation pharaoh

ed 2 hal-604

Sumber: Oral radiology Principales and interpretation pharaoh

ed 5 Hal 643
11. Apical Periodontitis 12. Periapikal granuloma

Gigi 36


• Color Atlas of Dental Medicine radiology hal 152 ,

Gigi : 31,41
• Hoag P.M., Pawlak E.A.1990. Essensial of Periodontics. 4th
SOURCE : Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology
edition. St Louis : Mosby Co. 13-16 ; 138
13. Abses periapikal Sumber : Baroudi, K., Bahseer, B., Bava, F. A., Umar, D. (2015).
Bilateral Radicular Cyst in Mandible: An Unusual Case Report.
Journal of International Oral Health, 7, 61-3.

15. Osteoradionecrosis

Source : Langland OE, Langlais RP, Preece JW. Radiologic

diagnosis of periapical disease. In: principles of dental
imaging. Second Edition. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. USA:
Lippincott Williams & Willcins; 2002. 414

14. Kista Radikuler (gigi 36 & 46)

Sumber : Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology. Eric
Whaites : Foreword by R. A. Cowson
16. Periodontitis Kronis (Pada Gigi 22) 17. Aggressive Periodontitis (Pada Gigi 13)

Sumber : Pasler, F. A. Color Atlas of Dental Medicine Radiology.

Sumber : White, S. C., & Pharoah, M. J. Oral Radiology Principles and

Interpretation (6 ed.)
18. Periodontal abses 20. Sinus Maksilaris Normal dan panoramic

21. Infeksi Sinus Maksilari (sinusitis) tampak panoramik

19. Pericoronitis
22. Benda Asing (Implant) Sumber : Juodzbalys, G & Daugela, P(2013). Mandibular Third
Molar Impaction : Review of Literature and a Proposal of a
Classification. Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research,
4(2), usian pasien 19 tahun

24. Impaksi Caninus dari Oklusal

Sumber : Oral Radiology Principales and Interpretation White

Pharoah (edisi ke-5) hal-689
Sumber : White, S.&Pharoah, M. (2014). Oral Radiology Principles
23. Impaksi Molar 3 dari Panoramik and Interpretation 6th E. St Louise Missouri, Mosby
25. Osteomyelitis Akut dari Panoramik

Sumber : Larheim TA, Westesson P-L. 2006. Maxillofacial

Imaging. Berlin: Springer-Verlag BerlinHeidelberg. Pp. 119-
26. .
27. .
28. .
29. .
30. .
31. .
32. .
33. .
34. Lateral Periodontal Cyst
35. Torus
36. Dens Bone Island

37. Ameloblastoma dari panoramic

Source : Mallya S, Lam E. White and Pharoah ’ s Oral Radiology.
Elsevier Health Sciences; 2018.

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