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VOL.97 NO.SM2. FEB. 1971 JOURNAL OF THe SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY, OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS ‘BOARD OF DIRECTION me Sia mai “atin "ren Boe, domes Sins ia, ers Bersset | Somes ieee Mate mee pee eae ee eet ome ‘aight Walloce Sa ES ag mae po [EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Seer SOM MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION ‘CONTENTS Papers Page FLOW THROUGH ROCKFILL DAM ‘by Horace A. Johnson IN-SITU INVESTIGATION USING SH-WAVES by Mareis Kurzeme ..... 3 UNCONFINED TRANSIENT SEEPAGE IN SLOPING BANKS by Chandrakant 8. Desai and Walter C. Sherman, Jr. RECOVERABLE DEFORMATION OF COHESIONLESS SOILS ‘by Max D. Coon and Roger J. Evans . BEHAVIOR OF POROUS BED NEAR FLOW SINGULARITY by Charles 8. Martin . . CAISSON CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS AND CORRECTION, IN CHICAGO by Clyde N. Baker, Jr. and Faziur Khan... 2.0... STUDIES OF SEISMIC RESPONSE OF CLAY BANKS. bby William D. Kovacs, H. Bolton Seed, and Izzat M. Tdriss . ELECTRIC PENETROMETER FOR SITE INVESTIGATIONS ‘by Jacobus de Rulter . . 329. 341. 387 315. 398. ant aa. 457 Ca {Tile Journal is publisied monthly by the American Sooley of Civil Engineers. Publications office 16 at 345 East 47th Streol, New York, N.Y. 10017. Address a ASCE correspondence to che Ealtorial end General Oifloes a $45 Eaai 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. Allow six wodkh for change of address to become elective Supeeripiién price 18 $16.00 por oar with lsoountato members and Hbrariea, Second lass postage pald at New York, N-Y. and at additonal soaiing offices. SM. ry VOL.97 NO.SM1. JAN. 1971 OCEEDINGS OF PR THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS AMERICAN SOCIETY ‘OF CIVIL ENGINEERS ‘BOARD OF DIRECTION Pre "amon, Boner acai Bears ey aries homes hc Nie Sea Oo MBboan Sales ene Win nace toy Crondal Snore tt See sate sevice tea ent te herd on Jone Sowye Emon ai rere say Wont outs rene ene raph wolocs Tons Ravonogh ‘auoh 3 Ward Freda sop ‘ri ve Ens. 2uopr EXECUTIVE OFFICERS, sta) fo rs Chon ‘ood. Betas lovrens bovis one emer $21 MECHANICS AND, FOUNDATIONS onion ner Commie Tenet Comer Pheer cmon nye Stoney Che iedat h Bahe een Coomine trite oom heme “ore anon Wah oie, rodteas ikea wos eeieet er feu seca nie Mand wets CONTENTS INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACTS SECTION, by Joweph M. DeSalvo, Cn. of Commitee on Information Retrieval « chee gle as Papers PERFORMANCE OF FOUNDATION FOR ALTAIR RADAR by Robert V. Whitman, Dirk R Casagrande, WJell Karlara, and Richard Simon . LIMIT ANALYSIS OF STABILITY OF SLOPES by Wilfred F. Chen and M. W. Giger ‘RESPONSE OF NONUNIFORM SOIL DEPOSITS TO TRAVELLING ‘SEISMIC WAVES by Houshang Dezfulian and H. Bolton Seed . PHREATIC SURFACE LOCATION AFTER DRAWDOWN by Arthur H. Dvinotf and Milton EB. Harr. DYNAMIC MODULI AND DAMPING RATIOS FOR A SOFT CLAY by Wiliam D. Kors, Bolton Seed, and Clarence K.Chan % PERFORMANCE OF FOUR FOUNDATIONS ON END BEARING PILES by David J. D’Appolonia and T. William Lambe...e.+..sees.. 17 (over) “Tile Journal Te published moathly by the Amorican Soolely of Civil Engineers. Publications office Is at 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. Address ali ASCE correspondence to the Editorial and Genoral cifloos ai $45 Eami 47th Street, Now York, N-¥. 10017. Allow six wooks for change cf addresa to become effective, Subscription price 1s $16.00 per year with discounts to members and Ubrartes, Second Clase postage patd at Now York, N.Y. und at adltional railing offloes. SM. rr BEARING CAPACITY OF ECCENTRICALLY LOADED FOOTINGS by Shamsher Prakash and Swami Saran........... ROCK STABILIZATION AT MORROW POINT POWER PLANT by Gilbert L. Brown, Ernest D. Morgan, and Jerry 8. Dodd CALCULATED AND OBSERVED = AMPLITUDES by Peter J. Moore ...... , YIELD AND FAILURE OF CLAY UNDER TRIARIAL STRESSES bby Raymond N. Yong and Edward McKyes ......... SLIDING-ROCKING VIBRATION OF BODY ON ELASTIC ‘MEDIUM by Robert T. Ratay oo... eee eee eee eee ‘THIXOTROPIC BEHAVIOR OF COMPACTED CLAYS bby Donald H. Gray and Nour! A. Kashmeeri ... FIELD SOLUTIONS FOR TURBULENT SEEPAGE FLOW by Alan XK, Parkin. é ‘UNDRAINED STRENGTH OF COMPACTED CLAY by Kenneth L. Lee and Robert J. shubeck . DISCUSSION Proc. Paper 7785 ‘TESTS ON COHESIONLESS MATERIALS FOR ROCKFILL DAMS, ‘by Enamile Fumagall an, 1060. rior Discussion: Ma, closure... Lb ee, pat ats 9 CONSOLIDATION UNDER CONSTANT RATES OF STRAIN, by Ronald &. Smith and Harvey E. Wahls (Mar., 1969,, Prior Disc ‘sions: Jan., 1970). closure 2... ed peat CAUSES OF CLAY SENSITIVITY, by James K. Mitchell and William N. Houston (May, 1969. Prior Discussions: Jan., Mar, 1970). RPT closure... ..s. 7 a EULER BEAMS ON A TWO PARAMETER FOUNDATION MODEL, bby Milton E. Harr, John L., Davidson, Da-Min Ho, Luis E. Pombo, 8. V. Ramaswamy, and John C. Rosner (July, 1968, Prior Discus sion: May, 1970), ‘closure’. w ug aa 159 ar 03 219 237 238 239 240 Page PROPERTY INTERRELATIONSHIPS IN SENSITIVE CLAYS, by ‘William N. Houston and James K, Mitchell (July, 1969. Prior Dis- cussions: Jan., May, 1970). Berry et eerie ae ” oa ces detest COMPACTION GROUTING TECHNIQUE AND OBSERVATIONS, by Edward D. Graf (Sept., 1969. Prior Discussion: May, 1970). 2a closure bait esate Roe ede 242 STANDARDIZATION OF PARTICLESIZE RANGES, by the Com- mittee on Soil Properties of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division (Sept., 1969. Prior Discussions: May, 1970). Felowure see aeeeats TOMPETA D USIOPE 208 FORE 244 ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF SAND, by Mohamed A. El-Sohby (Nov., 1969. Prior Discussion: May, 1910). closure... er a eens 245 FOUNDATION STUDY FOR MATERIALS TEST STRUCTURE, by ‘Melvin C, Hironaka and Raymond J. Smith (Nov., 1969, Prior Discussion: May, 1970). closure 2+ 2 e0 2 Fo MHOLTE TTAB LUNDRAINED STRENGTH OF ANISOTROPICALLY CONSOLI- DATED SAND," by Kenneth L. Lee and H. Bolton Seed (Mar., 1970), bby Ravikumar Bhaskaran... 2.4003 + 2 Oua TARE ZO. BEARING CAPACITY OF FOUNDATIONS ON SAND, by Assad ‘Abdul-Baki and Lewis A, Beik (Mar., 1970. Prior Discussions: Nov., 1910). ‘by Bors 8. Browzin and Gary H. Collison ......-.+-+.+++-+ 280 ‘TESTS ON INSTRUMENTED PILES, OGEECHEE RIVER SITE,* by Aleksandar Sedmak Vesie (Mar., 1970. Prior Discussions: July, Nov., 1970). bby Vasant N. Vijayvergiya .. ses se ee eevee coo EB) COLLAPSE OF FARGO GRAIN ELEVATOR, by Reymond L. Nordlund and Don U. Deere (Mar., 190). errata... oun tat ed's gine Ke oh et AT STRENGTH OF A MODEL OF JOINTED ROCK, by Edwin 7. ‘Brown and D. Hugh Trollope (Mar., 1970).. errata... é a sees DYNAMIC SHEARING RESISTANCE OF DRY OTTAWA SAND, by ‘Kenan Atakol and H. Gordon Larew (Mar., 1970). errata... é Se 1 Piasasslon period olosed for th paper. Anjother dsousslon Fecolvod during le discussion period will be published in subeoqueat Journals. RECEIVED gun - 9 872 VOL.98 NO.SM6. JUNE 1972 SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION THE AMET MeReaN OF CIVIL ENGINEERS CONTENTS Paper Page ‘THE INTEGRATED CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT by T. William Lambe... SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUC- TION OF FOUNDATIONS OF BUILDINGS: PART TI by the Task Committee for Foundation Design Manual of the ‘Committee on Shallow Foundations of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division ....... POLYURETHANE FOAMED PLASTICS IN SOIL GROUTING by Ted 8. Vinson and James K. Mitchell. . ‘SHEAR MODULUS AND DAMPING IN SOILS: MEASUREMENT AND PARAMETER EFFECTS by Bobby O. Hardin and Vincent P. Drnevich......ss0eeeee0+ 608 EFFECT OF WALL MOVEMENT ON ACTIVE AND PASSIVE ‘PRESSURES by Ian K. Lee and John R, Herington . 531 acts Prelit (over) ‘Tile Journal Ts published monthly by the Amerioan Sootely of Ciall Engineers Publications office {3 at 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y, 10017. adaress eli ASCE ‘correspondence to the Ealtorial and General Offices ai S45 Beai 47th Street, ‘New York, N.¥. 10017, Allow six weeks for change of address to become effective, ‘Subsoription price is $16.00 per year withaiscountsto membere anc braries, Second ‘lass postage pald at New York, N.Y. and at adtiona! alilngoffcsa. SB, ‘The Society is not responsible for any statement made or" opinion expressed in its ‘publication VOLUME 89 NO. SM5 __ SEPTEMBER 1963 ART 1 JOURNAL of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division PROCEEDINGS OF THE S AMERICAN SOCIETY 8 OF CIVIL ENGINEERS BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR MANUSCRIPTS sgt ager ed dacs of caret pope hold be mbmited fo the Manager of Technical Publications, ASCE. Authors should indicate the technical division to which the paper ia referted, The fal dee on which a cussion should teach the Society is given a8 a footnote with each paper, Thowe who are planning {0 submit material wil expedite the review and publication procedures by comply ing with eh fllowing base requirement: 1. Tides must have logs aut eacceding 50 2. A.summary of approximately $0 words must accompany the paper, 3 300- sword synopsis must precede it, anda st of conclusions most end i 3, ‘The manuscript (an original ribbon copy and two duplicate copies) should be double-spaced on one side of BYeinch by Llinch paper. Three copie of al illstratons table, ete, mr be included 4. The author’ full mame, Society membership grade, and footnote reference stating present employment mist appear on the fist page of the paper 5, Mathematics are recomposed from the copy that is submitted, Because of thi, es necessary that Ketter be dram carefully, and that special eymbol be iy identified. The leter symbole used should’ be defined where they fest, Sppear, in the illstratons or in the text, and arranged alphabetically in an ‘Appendix. 6 Tables should be typed (an original ribbon copy and two duplicate copies) on one side of 8Ysinch by Ilinch paper. Specse ilsteations and explanation must be made in the text for each table. 71_Illusteations must be drawn in black ink on one side of 84-inch by 11-inch paper. Because illustrations will be reproduced with a width of between inches End Ayjinches, the lettering most be large enough to be legible at this width. Photographs should be submitted as ee ere teen oee et Conse enti Sea oe ier a : 8. The desirable average length of a paper ia about 12,000 words and the absolve maximum i 18000 words. As an approximation, each fall page of 'yped text, table, or illustration is the equivalent of 500 words, 9. Technical papers intended for publication must be writen in the third person. 10. A list of key words and an informative abstract should be provided for information retieval parpowes. uracters and spaces Reprints from this Journal may be made on condition that the ful title, name ‘of author, name of publication, page reference, and date of publication by the Society are given. The Society is not responsible for any statement made of opinion ‘expressed in its publications ‘This Journal is published bimonthly by the American Society of Civil En gincers. Publication office is at 2500 South ‘State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Editorial and General Offices are at United Engincering Center, 343 East 47th Street, New York 17, NY. $4.00 of a member's dues are applied 2s a subscription to thi Journal. Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. ‘The index for 1962 vas published at ASCE Publication 1963-10 (list price $2.00); indeses for previous years ae abu available paaysasus. Vol. 89 No. SM 5 Journal of the SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers ‘SOIL, MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, John Lowe, Il, Chairman; Wesley G. Holtz, Vice Chairman; Reginald A. Barron; Bramlette McClelland; H, Bolton Seed, Secretary; Leland J. Walker, Board Contact Member COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS Robert V. Whitman, Chairman; John A, Fock, Jr.; Harold J, Gibbs; James P, Gould; Kenneth 8, Lane; L. C. Reese; Frank E. Richart, Jr. ‘Woodland G. Shockley; R. J. Woodward H, Bolton Seed, Executive Committee Contact Member CONTENTS. Seplember, 1968 Papers Page Laminar and Turbulent Flow of Water Through Sand by M, Arandakrishnan and G, H. Varadarajulu 1 Stability of Cuts in Soft Soil by T, Cameron Kenney... ..++. +++ +45 u Boundary Values Problems of Soil Mechanics i 39 by W. D. Liam Finn . . (over) Copyright 1963 by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Note, Part 2 of this Journal ia the 1063.33 Nowolctter of the Soil Mo- chanies Division. ‘The three preceding issues of this Journal are dated March 1963, May 1963, and July 1963. Allowable Bearing Capacity of Initially Bent Piles by Bengt B, Brom: DISCUSSION Ground Vehicle Mobility on Soft Terrain, by W. J. Dickson. (August, 1962. Prior’ discussion: ‘March, 1963. Discussion closed.) by W. J. Dickson (closure)... , Basle Experiment into Soil-Structure Ineraction, by Robert V. Whitman and Ulrich Luscher, (December, 1962, Prior discussion: May, 1968. Discussion'slosed.) by P.S. Bulson . . Model Studies of Beams Resting on a Silt Subgrade, by Aleksander B. Vesic and Wesley H. Johnson, (February, 1963. Prior discussion: July, 1963, Discussion closed.) by Heinz Grasshotf. 6.6... se Elastic Wave Velocities in Granular Soils, by Bobby Ott Hardin and R. E. Richart, Jr, (February, 1963. Prior discussion: None, Discussion closed.) by John R. Hall, Jesse... . by. D. MeNiven and C. B. Brown | bey Tepes esata, Je 38) eae cet sacs ae by Robert V. Whitman and Frederick V. Lawrence, Jr. Study of Failure Envelope of Soils, by T. H. Wu, A. K. Loh, and L, E. Malvern, (Eebruary, 1963. Prior discussion: July, 1963, Discussion closed.) by R. M. Eaythornthwaite .. , Shear Strength Properties of a Sodium tite, by Roy E. Olson, (February, 1963. Prior discussion: None. Discussion closed.) by 7.8. Negara). Earthquake Resistance of Sloping Core Dams, by H. Bolton Seed and R. W. Clough. (February, 1963, Prior discussion: None. Discussion closed.) by H.R. Cedergren . by Shamsher Prakash 13 35 ior 103 103 a2 us a1 13 14 ‘Load Transfer in End-Bearing Steel H-Piles, ‘by E. D’Appolonia and J. P. Romualdi. (March, 1963. Prior discussion: None. by Charles L. Nalezny . . Melvins Ease ty Yee Nishida Effective Stress Theory of Soil Compaction, bby Roy E. Olson, (March, 1963, Prior discuss! July, 1963. Discussion closed.) by H. M. Horn... by 7, William Lambe by TS. Nagaraj Discussion closed.) 27 at 1 183 134 135 ‘VOLUME 90 NO. SM4 JULY 1964 PART 1 JOURNAL of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR MANUSCRIPTS Original gapers and discussions of curent papers should be submitted: the Manager of Technical Publiations, ASCE. Authors should indicate the technial dlvinon to whch the pape seer. Te Sal te on which dacusion ould reach the Socty i given as footnote with each paper. Those who ate planning to submit material will expedite the review and publication procedures by comply ing with the following base requirement: 1. Titles must have a length not exceeding 50 characters and spaces 2, Asummary of approximately 50 words must accompany the paper, 4 300: ‘word éynopsis must precede it, and a set of conclusions must end it 3, ‘The manuscript (an original ribbon copy 2nd two duplicate copies) shouid be double-spaced on one side of 8Ysrinch by 11-inch paper. Three copies of al lustrations, tables, etc, must be included, 4. ‘The author's full name, Society membership grade, and footnote reference stating present employment mist appear on the frst page of the paper. 5. Mathematics are recomposed from the copy that is eubmitted. Because of this, itis necessary cha letters be drawn carefully, and thae epecial symbols be properly identiied. The letter symbols used should be defned where they first Appear, in the illustrations or in the text, and arranged alphabetically in an ‘Appendix. 6, Tables should be typed (an original ribbon copy and two duplicate copies) on one side of BYrinch by Il-nch paper. Specie illustrations and ‘explanation must be made in the text for each table. 7._ Illustrations must be draw in blac ink on one side of 84-inch by 11-inch paper. Because illustrations will be reproduced with a width of between Sanches and 4Yj-inches, the lettering must be large enough to be legible at this width, Photographs stould be submitted as glossy prints. Explanations and descriptions ‘must be made within the text foreach illustration. 8. ‘The desirable average length of a paper is about 10,000 word-equisalents ‘nd the absolute maximum is 15,000 word-equivalents. As an approximation, cach full manuscript page of text, table, or illustration is the equivalent of 500 words 9. Technical papers intended for publication must be writen in the third person, 10. A lis of key words and an informative abetract should be provided for information retrieval purposes epee ner creeee oe ane ealceteaet ‘of author, name of publication, page reference, and date of publication by the Society ae given. The Society is not responsible for any statement made or opinion ‘expressed in it publications. ‘This Journal is published bimonthly by the American Society of Civil En- gincers, Publication office is at 2500 South State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ‘Editorial and General Offces are at United Engineering Center, 343 East 47th ‘Street, New York 17, N.Y. $4.00 of a member's dues are applied as a subscription to this Journal. Second:class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. ‘The index for 1963 was published as ASCE Publication 1964-15 (lst price $2.00); indeses for previous years are also avalable, Eaarysnst, Vol. 90 No, SM 4 ——————————— Bu: Journal of the SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers ceAins Of CE ASCO eiea ioe ata Cea ‘SOIL, MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Wesley G, Holtz, Chairman; Bramlette McClelland, Vice Chairman; ‘John Lowe, IM) Woodland G. Shockley; H. Bolton Seed, Secretary; Leland J. Walker, Board Contact Member COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS Robert V. Whitman, Chairman; Richard G. Ahivin; Jonn 4. Foeht, J; Hernard B, Gordon; James P. Gaild; Milton E. Harr ‘Kenneth S, Lane; L. C. Reese; Frank E. Richart, Jr.; R. J. Woodward; H. Bolton Seed, Executive Committee Contect Member CONTENTS aly, 1804 Papers Page Shear Streng:h of a Soil After Freezing and Thawing ‘by Bengt B, Brome and Leslie ¥. C. Yao... 0-6... 2 ++ Pore Presgutes and Bearing Capacity of Layered Claye oF by T. Cameron Kenney . ‘Yielding and Locking of Confined Sand ‘by Robert V. Whitman, Edmond T. Miller, and Peter J. Moore «+++ +--+ aa a 37 Variable-Factors Theory of Bearing Capacity ss bby George C. ¥. Hu 2 ‘Stabillaation of Sand Dunes at Vandenberg Air Force Base a ‘by John Peters and Joe Sciandrone “Copyright 196% by the American Society of Civil Engineers. ‘Note. Part 2 of this Journal ia the 1964-83 Newsletter of the Soll Me- chantes Division. ‘The three preceding is March, 1964, and May, 1 sues of this Journal are dated January, 19¢4, Page Clay Mineralogical Aspects of the Atterberg Limits by H. Bolton Seed, Richard J. Woodward, Jr., ‘and Raymond Lundgren. ee tM DISCUSSION Flexibility of Clay and Cracking of Zarth Dame, ty G, A. Loonards and J. Narain. (March, 1963. Prior diseusston: Norember, 1963, Discussion closed.) by G. A. Leonards and J. Narain (closure) «++. Bearing Capacity of Piles in-Cohesionless Soils, ‘by RL. Nordlund, (May, 1963. Prior discussion: November, 1968, January, 1964, Discussion closed.) by R. L. Nordlund (closure) Stress-Dilatancy, Earth Pressures, and Slopes, ty B, W. Rowe. (May, 1963, Prior discussion: Yovember, 1963, Janvary, 1964. Discussion closed.) bby B, W. Rowe (closure) . - Expansion of a Cavity in a Saturated Clay ‘Medium, by Branko Ladanyi. July, 1963. Prior discussion: January, 1964. Discussion closed.) by Branko Ladanyi (closure). Stability of Cuts in Soft Clays, by T. Cameron Kenney. (September, 1963, Prior discussion: March, May, 1964. Discussion closed.) by John H. Schmertmann Boundary Value Problems of Soll Mechanics, by W. D. Liam Finn, (September, 1963. Prior Aiscussion: March, 1964. Discussion closed.) ‘by W. D. Liam Finn (closure) Shear Strength of An Anisotropically Consolidated Clay, by Bengt B. Broms and M. V, Ratnam, (November, 1963. Prior discussion: None, Discussion closed.) bby T, §. Nagaraj . . 139 45 181 BAe aee gk 183 a Dissipation of Elastic Wave Energy in Granular ‘Soils, by J. R. Hall, Jr., and F. E. Richart, Jr, (November, 1963, Prior discussion: May, 1064, Discussion closed.) ‘by B. O. Hardin . . by H A.B. Rao. Lond Transfer in 2 Stop-Taper Pi, by E, D’Appolonia and J. A. Hribar. (November, 1963. Prior iacusson: None, Discussion closed.) by K. V. Swaminathan... Importance of Free Ends in Triaxial Testing, by P. W. Rowe. (January, 1964, Prior discussion: None. Discussion closed.) ‘by A Fagnoul Concept of Curtain Grouting Evaluation, by Leland F, Grant. (January, 1964, Prior Alacuaston: None, Discusion closed.) by John 8. Winefordner .. -. 195 108 199 203 VOLUME 90 NO. SM2 MARCH 1964 PART 1 JOURNAL of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR MANUSCRIPTS Original papers and discusions of current papers should be submitted to the Manages of Technical Pubiations, ASCE. Authors should indicate the technical Yeinn to which the paper is eferted. The Gnal date on which a dscusion should feck the Socety is goen a footnote with each paper Those who ate plnning to sibmitmateral wil expedite the review and publistion procedures by campy: tng sath the following basic requirements 1. Tides must have a length not exceeding 50 characters and spaces. 2. A summary of approximately 50 words must accompany the paper, a 300- sword synopsis must precede i, and a set of conclusions must end it 4. ‘The manuscript (an original ribbon copy and two duplicate copies) should be double spaced on one side of 8Y4inch by 11-inch paper. Three copies of all ilustrations, tables, etc, most be included. 4. The author's full name, Society membership grade, and footnote reference stating present employment must appear on the first page of the paper. 5. Mathematics are recompoted from the copy that is submitted, Because of this, itis necesary that leters be drawn carefully, and that special symbols be properly identifed. The letter eymbols used should be defined where they frst [ppeat, in the illustrations or in the text, and arranged alphabetically in an ‘Appendix. 6. Tables should be typed (an original ribbon copy and two duplicate copies) on one side of 8Yrinch by Ilinch paper. Specific illustrators and fxplanation must be made in the text for each table. 17. Illustrations must be drawn in black ink on one side of 8Ys-inch by Minch paper, Because illotrations will be reproduced with a width of between Sinches End éyinches, the lettering must be large enough to be legible at this width Photographs should be submitted as glossy prints, Explanations and descrptions must be mde within the text for each illustration. 8, The desirable average length of a paper is about 10,000 word-equivalents and the absolute maximum is 15,000 word-equivalents, As an approximation, each full manuscrip page of text, table, or illustration is the equivalent of 300 words, 9. Technical papers intended for publication must be written in the died person. 10. A list of key words and an informative abstract should be provided for information retrieval purposes. rit from this Joural may be made on condition tha the fl ly mame of ain, nme of pobcaon, pee referrer and date of publication by the Sty oe pn THe Sony ot eaponnble for any setement made or oiion Scpreted i pblstion “This Journal is pulsed bimonthly by the American Society of Cl Ea inert Pubcon Sse at 2500 South Sate Ses Aon Arbor, Mehie Estland Gencrl Ofes rest United Engneenng Center, 45 Eat 47h Suet New York 17, NY $400 of a members doe ae applied as 2 sbscipton Sts Joon Second css postage pad a Ann Arbor, Michigan “ne index for 196 ws pubes ASCE Pubation 1961-10 (tore $2.0) ndetes for pvis yer ar alo aval eal Vel. 90 No, SM2 Journal of the SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers ‘SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION EXECUTIVE COMMIT! Wesley G. Holtz, Chairman; Bramlette McClelland, Vice Caairm: ‘John Lowe, Il; Woodland G. Shockley; H. Bolton Seed, Secretary; Leland J. Walker, Board Contact Member COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS Robert V. Whitman, Chairman; Richard G, Ahlvin; John A. Fock, Jr.; Bernard B, Gordon; James P. Gould; Milton E, Harr; Kenneth 8, Lane; L. C. Reese; Frank F. Richart, Jr.; R J. Woodward; H. Bolton Seed, Executive Committee Contact Member CONTENTS ‘March, 1934 Papers Prediction of Pile Capacity by the Wave Equation by P. W. Forehand and J. L. Reese, Jr. Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesive Sotls by Bengt B. Brome... é Rebound in Redesign of Oahe Dam Hydraulic Structures by Lloyd B. Underwood, Stanley T. Thorfianson, 2 and William T. Black 63 ‘Mechanics of Inclined Filters in Earth Dams by V. J. Patel, A. V. Gopala Krishnayya, ana KL, Arora. ‘Copyright 1964 by the American Society of Civil Engineers, ‘Note.—Part 2 of this Journal is the 1964-13 Newsletter of the Soil Me- chanies Division. ‘The throe preceding issues of this Journal are dated September, 1963, ‘November, 1983, and January, 1964, Unwatering Akosombo Cofferdams bby Donald J, Bletfuss .. . 911 Lime Research at fowa State University by Manuel Mateos... 2 ; DISCUSSION ‘Analysis of the Engineering News Pile Formula, bby Hans A. Agerschou. (October, 1962. Prior discussion: December, 1962, March, ‘May, 1963. Discussion closed.) errata Soll-Cement a8 Slope Protection for Barth Dams, by W. G, Holtz and F. C. Walker. (December, 1962. Prior discussion: May, July, 1963. Discussion closed.) bby W. G. Bolte and F. C. Walker (closure) . . Basie Experiment into Soll-Structure Interaction, by Robert V. Whitman and Ulrich Lascher. (December, 1962, Prior discussion: May, September,'1363.. Discussion closed.) ‘by Robert V, Whitman and Ulrich Lascher (closure) ‘Study of Fatlure Envelope of Solls, by T. H. Wu, ALK, Loh, and L. E. Malvern, (February, 1963. Prior discussion: July, September, 1963. Discussion closed.) by T, H. Wu, A. K. Loh, and L. E. Malvern (closure) . . Shear Strength Properties of a Sodium Mite, by Roy E. Olgon, (February, 1963, Prior discuastos September, 1968, Discussion closed.) ‘by Roy H. Olson (closure)... Earthquake Resistance of Sloping Core Dams, by H. Bolton Seed and R. W. Clough, (February, 1963. Prior discussion: September, 1963. Discussion closed.) by H. Bolton Seed and R. W. Clough (closure) Etfective Stress Theory of Soll Compaction, by Roy B. Olson. (March, 1963. Prior discussion: Jy, September, November, 1068. Discussion closed) bby Roy E. Olson (closure) ....... “ Page aL at 187 19 163 165 ast 169 m Seepage Under Dams, by Hammad ¥. Hammad, (Buly, 1963, Prior discussion: None, Discussion closed.) Geraieler Poa svete sa Foundation Modulus Tests for Karad) Arch Dam, by W. A. Waldorf, J. A. Veltrop, and J. J. Curtis. (Guly, 1963. Prior discussion: Jamary, 1934 Discussion closed.) by K, V, Swaminathan . . . by E. W. Stropponi and G. H. Kruse Laminar and Turbulent Flow of Water through Sand, by M. Anandakrishnan and G. H, Varadarajals, (September, 1963. Prior discussior: January, 1964. Discussion closed.) by Ralph R Rumer... Stability of Cuts in Soft Soils, by 7. Cameron Kenney. (eptember, 1963, Prior discussion: None. Discussion elosed.) Uy ALD. M. Penman. Boundary Value Problems of Soil Mechanics, by W. D. L. Finn, (September, 1963. Prior iscussion: None. Discussion closed.) TAY ecciaie am wage 185 187 191 205 au

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