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VOL.97 NO.SM4. APR. 1971 SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATIONS DIVISION PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS CONTENTS Papers Page FLOW OF AIR THROUGH SOILS. by Geotirey B. Blight . . oe eee SHEAR STRENGTH OF SAND AT EXTREMELY LOW PRESSURES bby V. Miquel Ponce and James M. Bell ...... wee SAND LIQUEFACTION IN TRIAXIAL AND SIMPLE SHEAR TESTS by W. D. Liam Finn, Dennison J. Pickering, and Poter L. Bransby.. sees ee ee ev ee be LOAD-DEFORMATION MECHANISM FOR BORED PILES by Richard D. Elligon, Elto D’Appolonia, and Gerald R. Thiers . .. i sor 625 661 DISCUSSION Proc. Paper 8014 SLOPES IN STIFF-FISSURED CLAYS AND SHALES, by James M. Duncan and Peter Dunlop (Mar., 1989. Prior Discussions: Jan., Sept., 1970). ‘MIXING-IN-PLACE SOIL AND PORTLAND CEMENT, by James L. Sherard (Nov., 1969, Prior Discussions: July, Sept., 1970). closure... 681 681 ouraal Te publica woaialy Oy rious Soataly of OT Figineer Publications office (sat 946 East 47th Strect, New York, N-¥, 1001T. Adiroes efi ASCE correspondence to the Bdltorial and Gaceral fices a 94b Eat th Stree, New ‘York, N.Y. 10017. Allow etx woeks for change of addreae to become effective, Subscription price ($16.00 per year with dlecountsto members and Ubraries, Seo00d: lane postage peld at New York, N-Y. and at addtional malling offices. SM a DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND PERFORMANCE OF sBSQUILE Reese, ONT Ghat Ricard Calin, and Joaie M. Slorra ant Toto, rior Discussion: Sept 1070) IN-PLACE TREATMENT OF FOUNDATION SOILS, by Secs tebe! Gans 1970. Prior biscunslona July, Bent 1970. COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION OF NATURAL ROCK SURFACES, Soar elca rs Puuding, dr. (ar. 1070. Prior Discusion: Sent 110). ‘ECHNIQUE FOR STUDY OF GRANULAR MATERIALS," by Regine S Windisch and Michol Selle Guly, 1870. Bt. Ramamurthy ares EFFECT OF PARTICLE CHARACTERISTICS OF SOTL SruENanat by Hovert M. Koeraer ly, 1970 Te Maudie veers : 2 Men Tovey and David Kris ee elas ere eee ENGINEERING BEHAVIOR AND STRUCTURE OF COMPACTED Saar ig Barden and Ceottrey R. Sides (ly, 1070). Wh. Rota Tovey =" aaa, MODEL STUDY OF LATERALLY LOADED PILES,* by Meet rtnnen nd fumes alley (ep 1070) by Onman Av El-Charnry aad Honl-Yong Fang « NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF STRESS AND STRAIN IN SOILS, aoa E A Duncan and Chn-Yung Chang (opt 107) ae apts milogneniecttssestnctstensotes COMPARISON OF STRESS-DILITANCY THEORTES,*by Serre King and Eavard A. Dickin (Sept, 1970, Reese ot meset eee eerie 7 Diseusaion ForIod closed Tor tis paper. Ray eiher dacusston ‘Aisounoton period will be publithed in subsequent Journal w 682 684 62s 638 690 691 603, 604 ‘100 ‘102 "104 ring HS, _—— Dry oo oS: Sad Let: ming adatom parmesdiy, ing; mining: oxidation; permenb ABSTRACT: A proposed method th itu aeration of ay ot hacen {it sarin of arg vounes of wcenticat aces ee noth aac et siya AES AUF Snjotion was eatin ees ata fom tld ent were fone Slettons ofthe theory REFERENCE tle fie ow proces and morter at mine theoretically on te basi of Ptak's tne: Reese oe Mt und tobe tn good qualitative agreement ibe del Blight, Ceotrey ll Mechanics sn Fountains a6, Apel, TWh op BTS Flow of le Tough Stl Joa ASCE, Wot Nos di male 8062 SHEAR STRENGTH OF SAND AT VERY LOW PRESSUF 2 wharent coboeton; conf ea Spe at sae a et KEY WORDS: a | Be cel resmare besrees oto gar , tn the prise atrens rat 0421 pa: Beers evidence lone txt tio at flere. The ovatalltnoveate ese oa Intercept: Values of ‘som 044pel a looe pias to 8 et Seng of and at Be aie aad romions Diinn, EY WORDS, cyte touting Shae gl met REFERENCE: Finn, W. D. U fend Maueaction a tet any aa Det Ha Lectin in Total eas cmp Sent Fe Aor To pp ea aD ASCE, Vol 7, Jn and Brana, Peter, ‘Puree ofthe soil” No. Hit Pros ine ao,

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