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The Human Nervous System - Biology Notes

for Railways and SSC Exams!

The nervous system is a complex connection of nerves and unique cells (neurons) that
are responsible for transmitting signals to and from various body parts. Speaking
metaphorically, it can be interpreted as the body’s electrical wirings. If you are
appearing for competitive exams like Railways, Banking, SSC and UPSC, then
you will definitely come across questions related to Human Nervous System. We
are sharing with you this article based on the Human Nervous System, you can also get
free PDF notes for the same here!

Classification Of the Human Nervous System

The nervous system is basically classified into Central nervous system and Peripheral
nervous system. The central nervous system manages the whole body and the nervous
system. It is only because of the nervous system’s efficient coordination between the
different organ systems that we can feel sensations like pain or cold.

Broadly, the nervous system can be classified into:

1. The central nervous system (CNS) consisting of the brain, spinal cord.
2. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consisting of sensory neurons,
ganglia (a cluster of neurons) and nerves.

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The nervous system is also classified on the basis of functionality into:

1. The somatic nervous system(SNS) responsible for conscious perception and

voluntary motor response. For example, getting startled when someone sneaks
up on you. That was not decided by you, nonetheless, it is a motor response
involving skeletal muscle contractions.
2. The autonomic nervous system( ANS) responsible for involuntary body
movements usually with the objective of maintaining body homeostasis. For
example, sweating when your body is hot is to cool the body down.
3. The enteric nervous system(ENS) responsible for controlling smooth muscle
and glandular tissue in the digestive system.

Let's understand in detail the Central Nervous system and the Peripheral Nervous
System -

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Central Nervous System

So far you know that the nervous system is classified into Central and Peripheral
nervous system. Neurons are the basic unit of the nervous system. These neurons are
classified into three types - Sensory, motor and association/connecting neurons. The
main function of the central nervous system is to keep control over the entire body and
the nervous system. The Central Nervous consists of two main parts - Brain and Spinal
Cord. These two parts are covered by three membranes mentioned below:

• Durameter which is the outer layer/membrane.

• Arachnoid membrane is the middle layer.
• Piameter is the innermost membrane

Let's study in details the two main parts of the central nervous system i.e. brain and
spinal cord -

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It is entirely covered by a protective layer called meninges. To protect the brain from
injuries it is covered by a bony box termed as the cranium. Furthermore, the brain is
divided into three parts Forebrain, Midbrain, and Hindbrain.

• Forebrain

The forebrain is made up of the Cerebrum, Thalamus, and Hypothalamus. The

Cerebrum is associated with memory, wisdom, knowledge, will power and thinking.
Thalamus regulates cold, heat and pain. Whereas, the Hypothalamus controls the sweat,
blood pressure, secretion of hormones, thirst, hunger, etc.

• Midbrain

Midbrain manages the main function of hearing and vision.

• Hindbrain

Hindbrain includes parts like Cerebellum, Pons and Medulla. The human body posture
is managed by Cerebellum. The Pons acts as a bridge between the spinal cord and brain.
Medulla regulates important functions like respiration, heart rate, sneezing, and
coughing, etc.

Spinal Cord

• The spinal cord starts from the medulla oblongata and extends towards the
neural canal of the backbone/vertebral column.
• There are 31 pair of spinal nerves that arises from the side of the spinal cord.
• The function of the Spinal cord is to control all the reflexes that take place below
the neck.

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• Furthermore, the spinal cord conducts the sensory impulses arising from the
muscles and skin to the brain.
• Vertebrae protect the spinal cord from any kind of injuries.
• The spinal cord also conducts the motor responses from the brain to the muscles
present in the limbs and trunk area.

Peripheral Nervous

The peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves that arise from the brain and
spinal cord. The human body has 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and
autonomic nervous system.

Somatic Nervous system

Somatic Nervous system includes the peripheral nerve fibers that convey the sensory
information to the motor nerve fiber and central nervous system.

Autonomic Nervous system

The autonomic nervous system consists of three sections namely, the sympathetic,
parasympathetic and the enteric nervous system. It regulates the smooth muscle of the
viscera (internal organs) and glands.

What is the Function of the Nervous System?

• Essentially, the primary function of the nervous system is to send signals either
from one cell to another or from one body organ to another.
• There is more than one way in which cells send signals. The broadcast method of
signaling is done through the endocrine system where the hormones are released
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into the circulatory system. Through the nervous system, the signaling is done
“point to point”. Hence, the nervous system entails advantages of being more
specific, accurate and speedy.
• The human nervous system controls the human body. The body reacts to
stimulus because the nervous system extracts these external signals via sensory
receptors and the central nervous system processes these signals and decides on
an appropriate response and then sends an output signal to the concerned body
part to activate the response.

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Diseases Associated with the Nervous System

Diseases occurring in the nervous system are mainly due to a genetic defect, a result
of traumatic experiences, infections, or ageing. Diseases associated with the
peripheral nervous system are mainly due to stoppage in nerve conduction. Illustrated
below is the list of diseases along with their symptoms, treatment and precautionary

Name of Symptoms Treatment Prevention

Alzheimer's Associated with Treatments exist Regular physical
failing memory and only to slow down exercise can reduce the
deterioration in the symptoms risk of Alzheimer’s by
reasoning ability. because the death of at least 50%. We
brain cells cannot be should keep a check on
reversed. our thyroid and sex
hormone levels and eat
healthy fats.
Leprosy - Infectious disease Early recognition is Doctors recommend
and is associated important as early annual examinations
with skin lesions and treatment limits the for at least five years
no sensation to touch damage. after the last contact
Medications exist to with an infectious
- numbness in hands,
kill the person.
feet and legs
microorganisms and
reduce symptoms.
- Muscle weakness,
as evident from

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symptoms such as
foot drop.
Polio Fever, headache, The motive of the Polio can be
vomiting, diarrhoea, treatment is to completely prevented
fatigue, neck control the growth of and immunised
stiffness, muscle symptoms while the against through
stiffness, abnormal infection runs its vaccination. The polio
sensations in an course. vaccine needs to be
area, muscle spasms given at age 2 months,
4 months, and between
6 and 18 months of age
with a booster between
4 and 6 years of age.
Rabies Preliminary Injections or Rabies can be
symptoms are mild immunoglobulin prevented by
and varied. The vaccine. vaccinating dogs and
victim alternates cats as required by law.
between moods of We should not keep
agitation and calm; wild animals as pets
experiences muscle and stay away from
spasms of mouth and strays.
Epilepsy Epilepsy is a sudden The treatment plan We should keep away
rush of electrical depends on the from alcohol and drugs
activity in the brain. severity of seizures. and maintain a regular
Mild seizures may be Some options are sleep schedule.
difficult to recognise anti-epileptic Vitamin D tablets
and could span a few medications, can be consumed and

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moments wherein ketogenic diet, vagus regular exercising
you lack awareness. nerve stimulator and would also be
Stronger seizures will even brain surgery of beneficial. A head
lead to spasms and the affected area. injury can be
uncontrollable prevented by wearing
muscle twitches. helmets while riding at
Victims either all times. Regularise
become confused or your sleep cycle and
lose consciousness. ensure you stick to it.
Parkinson’s Parkinson’s disease Treatments prevent Consume organic
disease commences usually symptoms from products which do
with a tremor in the aggravating. In more not contain pesticides
hand. Other advanced cases, and insecticides. Have
symptoms include surgery is advised. A green tea and also
slow movement, speech pathologist incorporate
stiffness, loss of will correct the Vitamin D3 and
balance, speech problems associated Omega 3 Fatty
impairment. with speech. Acids in our diet.
Regular aerobic
exercise can also be
Cerebral Symptoms of The treatment varies Unfortunately,
Palsy cerebral palsy start from individual to cerebral palsy cannot
to show in the first individual. A care be completely
three years of life. plan addresses the prevented during
These include needs of the child pregnancy or delivery.
overdeveloped or and the parents. As However, expecting
underdeveloped the child gets older, mothers should try to

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muscles, leading to the plan is reviewed deliver a healthy baby
stiff or floppy and revised. The aim through regular visits
movements; crawling is to provide to their gynecologist.
abnormally, limited maximum Identifying
movement, possible potential Rh
preferring one side of independence to incompatibility
the body to another, the child. between mother
lying down and child can also
awkwardly. help prevent cerebral
palsy in the unborn

This note on one of the most vital systems of the human body will help you in your static
GK preparation. However, it is important for the candidate to be prepared with the
other human body processes as all work hand-in-hand. Hence, a few links are attached
below of a few more biological functions to help you stay updated

Hope this article was useful in your preparation!

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