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20 Best Grammar Checker Software Solutions

for 2019

Whether you are writing for professional publications or communicating with your
superiors, colleagues or family and friends, what you want to say is best dressed in
clear, coherent language. Business deals could come undone with the slightest
mistake in the choice of words, as could relationships. How many times had we
wished that we could take back those sent emails, messages when upon later review
we discovered spelling or grammar errors? Even the best writers are not immune to
those moments. Grammar checking solutions, which have become very powerful,
are proving to be key to avoiding these embarrassing situations. More importantly,
they do not cost you both arms and leg: in fact, many of them are offered for free and
you can use them right away.

In this article, you’ll find 20 of such grammar checker software solutions, the best in
the field based on our analysis. Our experts have taken into consideration a number
of factors, foremost among them that of the strength and usability of the applications’
features, whether they make sense in terms of pricing for the everyday person or
employee and their accessibility, among others. Unlike other applications, language
tools are notoriously more open to any number of approaches and interpretations,
which means that most often you will find quirks in some of their suggestions—hence,
you need to carefully select the ones that also reflects your own preferred style.
There’s also the matter of whether the application works with your word processing,
email client, or web browser of choice, or if you need to install it on your desktop
system. Consider what works for you and note down other features that might prove
important to you.

There are a number of good reasons we are currently seeing a marked increase of
ESL institutions and grammar checker software all over the world. One that easily
comes to mind is the rising demand for English competency among non-English
speaking countries whose own people are seeking admission to higher education in
English-speaking nations and the publication of professional dissertation papers
related to their respective disciplines.

English proficiency also offers businesses a range of benefits. This is not lost to
multinational big shots in as diverse an environment as SAP, Audi and Samsung.
They all have made English as their official business language.
These companies are seeing increased collaboration among their global teams and
better global market reach using English as the common tongue. Not the least
integrating foreign acquisitions is smoother this way.

From the foregoing discussion, it makes enough sense, then, for us to score these
grammar check offerings that are hitting the market and compile this 20 best
grammar check software solutions to help you decide which one suits best your
needs. We considered accuracy, ease of use, pricing and other key factors to come
up with this list.
Of course, getting a grammar checker isn’t enough. If you’re probably thinking where
to open shop abroad with the most number of non-native English speakers, the chart
below, released in 2018, shows the English proficiency ranking of non-native-
speaking countries at the regional level:
Reverso’s unique proposition involves grammar and spellcheck services not just for
English but also for other major languages of the world: Spanish, French, Italian,
German, Polish, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, and many more.
To use Reverso, you either type or say what you want to translate. In seconds,
Reverso then generates the result in the language you have selected.

What is unique about Reverso?

1. Expansive language tools. If your language needs are more intense, you
will be happy to know that Reverso easily goes beyond basic dictionary
content and conversion functionalities: it offers specialized business,
finance, medical or technical terminologies. You could prompt Reverso to
pump out idioms, conjugated forms, and reverse translations. Professionals
most likely will appreciate this functionality as with it, they need not worry if
their context or pronunciation is correct.
2. Nimble translator. If you are a frequent traveler, you have probably run into
a few dire situations wherein you need to make a few critical purchases,
only to be stumped by a local salescrew who hardly understands what you
are trying to say. A couple of seconds in Reverso should get you the right
translation you need, to go with pronunciation to make the crew wonder how
you came to sound like a native speaker all of a sudden.
3. Intuitive, powerful, accurate. While Reverso boasts of being a powerful
and accurate translation platform, its ease-of-use makes it suitable for
beginners and professionals alike. The application is intuitively designed so
that individuals can enjoy using it.
4. Master foreign languages. Softissimo, Incorporated, should tell you that is
exactly the point of their nifty little software: to transform anyone into a
master of any foreign language in no time, starting with the most relevant
examples so you should be able to read, write, and speak your new host
country’s lingua franca. If nothing else, it should give you the confidence to
explore places more and not elect to spend the entire time camped in your
hotel for fear of getting lost somewhere.

The first thing you will notice about the native Ginger interface is its close
resemblance with Microsoft Word. All semblance of similarity, however, just about
ends there, as while Word will not see anything wrong with a sentence like “I lick to
reed a camel,” Ginger will promptly see through the relevant context and reformat
the sentence as “I like to ride a camel.” The original line makes for a direct spot in
some dark humor forum, while the corrected one enables you to breathe a sigh of
relief and to salvage some measure of legitimacy in your budding writing career.

What is unique about Ginger Software?

1. Reasonable price structure. As with other entries in our top 20 grammar

software solutions, Ginger comes in a free version featuring definitions,
Ginger for browsers, and translation. Premium packages come in monthly,
quarterly, or yearly plans, enabling such advanced features as unlimited
grammar checker, sentence rephraser, mistakes practice, and error
2. Translate to 40 languages. Aside from checking your grammar and
spelling errors in real-time, Ginger can also translate to forty languages,
which should give you fun trying to hold conversations with people who
speak different languages.
3. Built around proper context. Extracting proper context is the heart and
soul of Ginger, an invaluable tool for those embarking to learn and master
the English language. Its robust algorithm is also surprisingly excellent at
catching nefarious spelling errors, which should save you face many times
over and perhaps your day job too. If addressing proper context and blatant
typos are your main concern, plagiarism should be the last of your worries,
and Ginger agrees with you, the company electing not to include the feature
in its program. Ginger works well with Microsoft Word, Outlook, Internet
Explorer, and Powerpoint. It offers Android and iOS platforms, as well as
browser integration.

Using a unique technology called Natural Language

Processing, WhiteSmoke combines artificial intelligence and sophisticated
algorithms to detect a wider range of wording and phrasing errors. All that
intelligent muscle should take care of more grammar, spelling, punctuation, and
stylistic issues.

What is unique about WhiteSmoke?

1. Scoring your progress. You can use the application’s writing score feature
displayed using a colored bar and plain words like “poor,” “fair” and
“excellent” to describe your work, based on how many errors there are in
your writing sample. This feature set goes beyond what is offered in typical
built-in grammar checks of writing programs. It’s quite handy for newer
English speakers, to enable them to see their progress clearly.
2. Multiple platform support, templates. WhiteSmoke covers all the relevant
platforms that matter: dedicated desktop application, browser integration,
and Android and iOS implementations. To further separate itself from the
pack, WhiteSmoke gives its clients a hundred templates for business
documents, a handy time-saving extra feature.

3. Flexible pricing schemes. WhiteSmoke offers essential and premium

payment schemes in monthly, yearly, or three-year plans.

4. Writing assistant and other tools. WhiteSmoke offers a rich set of tools to
improve your writing, including free writing assistant for people with dyslexia,
translator, free toolbar download, along with several blogs that discuss
writing tips and general rules for the English language.

The open source sector is well represented in the grammar checker software scene
through LanguageTool, which can be used as a plugin for Chrome, Firefox,
LibreOffice, OpenOffice, as standalone dedicated desktop application, or as an
integrated program on websites. With some 14 years behind it, LanguageTool is no
slacker too, and it has become widely recognized in the industry to merit premium
and enterprise plans to go with its free package.
What is unique about LanguageTool?

1. Use as stand-alone, extension or add-on. Use LanguageTool as an add-

on or extension for Firefox, Chrome, Google Docs, LibreOffice, or Microsoft
Word. The MS Word add-on enables users to check their text directly in
Word. Users will see highlighted incorrect entries and they could just click a
suggested correction to replace the original ones.

2. Personal dictionary in any language. Central to LanguageTool is its

personal dictionary feature, which you can fully customize and expand with
entries from all the languages it supports. This fully expands the grammar
and spelling capabilities of LanguageTool in any language that you choose
to work on. Words added to the personal dictionary are treated as
exceptions to LanguageTool’s grammar and spelling rules. Rules that you
don’t need you can easily disable so you can focus only on the ones you
actually require.

3. Multiple language capability. What separates LanguageTool from the

competition is its capability to check grammar and spelling in 31 languages.
And what it does it does quite well: many users swear that LanguageTool
fixes so many grammatical errors no other programs can detect. If you want
to see for yourself, you can download the software and test-run its full
capabilities before you decide to engage its premium or enterprise plans.

If you want to know if what you’ve written is worth full publication or the trash
bin, PaperRater will be more than happy to do it for you. And it does so in seconds,
using artificial intelligence and its zippy flavor of data science to quickly scan for
grammatical and spelling errors in order to score your output. With its plagiarism
checker, PaperRater will also save you the potential embarrassment of someone
else claiming original credit for a hefty chunk of your work.

What is unique about PaperRater?

1. Rein in plagiarism. PaperRater’s Plagiarism Detector makes the most of

the massive indexes of the major search engines to conduct extensive scan
and single out copied sections. The system is robust, practically saving you
from potential professional disgrace and legal troubles.

2. Flexible plans and pricing. While the basic version of PaperRater will give
you functional capabilities, the premium package allows more submissions
per month, lessens restrictionthe on number of plagiarism checks per
month, gives you an ad-free version, enhanced plagiarism checker, faster
processing, and other advanced features you will need.

3. Accurate feedback. You will want to go deeper into the mystery of your
score, and PaperRater gives you that capability via its feedback tool, to help
you break down which areas in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and others
you need to further work on, along with providing other helpful tips to fashion
out a better writer out of you.
If you have a strange tendency to use wordy sentences, drive away readers by
employing dull or complicated words, have a standing fetish for adverbs and an
unhealthy fascination with passive voice, you have a lot to gain by
accessing Hemingway Editor online, or by simply installing the stand-alone
desktop version.

What is unique about Hemingway Editor?

1. No more copy-pasting between text editors. You also probably hate the
tedious process of copy-pasting between text editors, so Hemingway
enables you to skip complexity and import text directly from Microsoft Word
and other word processing programs. It also works the other way: once you
are done, you can opt to save your output as PDF or MS Word document
2. Improve writing style and inviting to read. Once you do and run the
application, Hemingway rises from the grave, scores your work, and
admonishes you where you have got it all wrong in terms of your cloudy
writing style, reliance on overly complex words and phrases, and suggests
using powerful words in place of weakening adverbs and overly flat and
passive voice all over your manuscript—all using color-coded highlights.
3. Free or pay a low price. You can access Hemingway online for free. For
the stand-alone application you have to pay $19.99 and beyond that, for
enterprise packages, you can contact the application creators.
If you are any type of writer—fiction, academic, business, or content writer—
ProWritingAid aspires to be all that you need as an editing companion and a
writing coach. To this end, ProWritingAid developers designed it to be the only
manuscript editing software that covers grammar, contextual spelling, and

What is unique about ProWritingAid?

1. Word treasury. To add to its compelling value, ProWritingAid packs an

enormous tool in Word Explorer, a comprehensive library featuring a
thesaurus, dictionary, reverse dictionary, collocation dictionary, alliteration
dictionary, cliche dictionary, rhymes and usage examples from poetry,
prose and songs. Such wealth of information not only enables you to
improve readability, it also expands your vocabulary. Users describe this
unique functionality as very intuitive, generating only suggestions that sits
well with the entire working manuscript’s context.

2. Comprehensive package. ProWritingAid flexes its codes to address vague

wording, repetitiveness, excessively long sentences, sort out complicated
sentence constructions, over-reliance on passive voice and adverbs, among
others. After tracking these issues, ProWritingAid will then allow you to
generate reports to help you identify those areas you tend to commit errors.
You will not need to search elsewhere to demystify those reported issues:
ProWritingAid will furnish the explanations right there for you to set you on
your way to improving your writing skills.

3. Flexible pricing. ProWritingAid comes in a free version, premium version,

and premium-plus version. The free version is strictly online only, limited to
19 writing reports, 500-word edit at a time, with a summary report of key
issues. The premium version, at $50/year, is all the free version with no
word limit, offers a desktop version, and integration for MS Word, Google
Docs, Chrome, and Scrivener. The premium-plus version can be had for
$60/year. It is all the premium version with 50 plagiarism checks per year.

4. Sufficient integration. With support for Windows and Mac OS, integration
is not an issue with ProWritingAid.

If you are used to the other entries of our top 20 grammar checker software
solutions list with all their bells and whistles, you can be forgiven for assuming that
the utter simplicity of makes it the lightest weight and so-
so package of the lot.

What is unique about

1. Absolutely free. Best of all, is absolutely free—but

you need a stable internet connection, of course. Oh, and has program counterparts in other major languages:
German, French, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Italian, and Russian.
2. High praises. The minimalist design, straightforward operation, outstanding
report feature all contributed to earning not a few
praises everywhere. If you are a fairly confident of your writing capabilities,
this little gem of a program might be all you need especially if the next
deadline is already staring you in the face.
3. Powerful engine. Excuse the cliche, but don’t let looks deceive you:
beneath the straightforward appearance of is a
sophisticated algorithm powered by Hunspell, DICTION and LanguageTool.
As such, that simple text box on their website is capable of spitting out
results highlighting spelling errors, basic grammar mistakes, as well as
suggestions to improve content via alternative vocabulary and sentence
4. No trace. The application even destroys every content that you submit
within half an hour in case you harbor some creepy feeling someone is
stealing your original ideas.

Another online grammar and spelling checker is SpellCheckPlus, best described

as a helpful tool for students who are after learning English as a second language.
The service helps both teachers and students pinpoint errors in the students’
writing, commit the students to learn from those mistakes and be better at writing in
What is unique about SpellCheckPlus?

1. Patience with errors. SpellCheckPlus doesn’t overwhelm students with

excessive errors, allowing users to fix one error at a time. It’s about process-
based learning, a teaching strategy wherein students learn to solve issues
or problems step by step.

2. Explain, teach. Key to SpellCheckPlus is making the most of its features to

explain to the students why they are committing grammar and spelling
mistakes and directing them what to do to address those mistakes.

3. Versions. SpellCheckPlus is free only up to 2000 characters. It is not

enough to check most documents, but enough to alert you that you might
want to look at your piece of writing once again. The paid version that
removes restriction can be had for $14.99 good for year’s use. It also
provides a detailed summary of errors. Even then, you will be well advised
to accept only those suggestions that make logical sense.

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