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1. What is the Performance Management System?

It is an organization-wide process to ensure that employees focus work efforts towards
achieving DepEd’s Vision, Mission and Values (VMV).
Performance Management is a systematic approach for continuous and consistent work
improvement and individual growth.
2. What are the objectives of the Results-based Performance Management System?
•Align individual roles and targets with DepEd’s direction.
•Track accomplishments against objectives to determine appropriate, corrective actions
if needed.
•Provide feedback on employee’s work progress and accomplishments based on clearly
defined goals and objectives.
•Become a tool for people development.
3. What is the FOCUS of RPMS?
RPMS on the other hand focuses on:
The WHAT which refers to results that must be achieved from the Central Office, Regional
Office, Division and Schools for the organization to succeed.
Strategic Priorities are broken down into Departmental/Functional Area Goals, which are
translated into individual Key Result Areas (KRAs) and objectives. Aligning objectives in
this way enables individuals and units to contribute to organizational success.
The HOW refers to competencies at play when individuals do their jobs. Each employee’s
competencies can promote organizational values and help achieve organizational goals.
If individuals and units possess required competencies and demonstrate values
consistent with strategic goals, the organizational vision will be realized.
Is the RPMS approved by the Civil Service Commission and DepED?
Yes, this has been approved by the Civil Service Commission and DepED through DepED
Order No. 2 series 2015. As a matter of fact, it follows the 4-phase cycle of the Strategic
Performance Management System namely:
Phase 1: Performance Planning and Commitment
At the start of the performance period, supervisors and subordinates agree on: 1)
Objectives to be met 2) required competencies based on strategic priorities of the
Phase 2: Performance Monitoring and Coaching
Managers create an enabling environment to improve individual and team performance.
They teach employee performance and progress towards accomplishments of objectives.
Phase 3: Performance Review and Evaluation
Managers evaluate employee performance based on evidences of competencies
measured against performance targets agreed during Phase 1. The manager points out
the employee’s strengths and weaknesses and gives a tentative rating. The manager and
employee discuss performance data and agree on the final rating.
Phase 4: Performance Rewards and Development Planning
This phase is based on the results of Phase 3. The supervisor and subordinate discuss
accomplishments and corresponding rewards and incentives. They also discuss
competency gaps and jointly come up with a development plan to address these.
The DepEd RPMS is aligned with the SPMS of CSC which has 4 Phases:
1.Performance Planning and Commitment 2. Performance Monitoring and Coaching
3.Performance Review and Evaluation 4. Performance Rewarding and Development
Phase 1 Performance Planning and Commitment
1.Discuss Unit’s Objectives 2. Identify Individual KRAs, Objectives and Performance
Indicators 3. Discuss Competencies Required and Additional Competencies Needed 4.
Reaching Agreement
1.What is the definition of Objectives? Objectives are the specific things you need to do,
to achieve the results you want.
2.SMART Criteria for Objectives
What is the definition of KRAs? KRAs define the areas in which an employee is
expected to focus his/her efforts.
Example KRAs Objectives Recruitment and Selection Processes Posted 20 vacant
positions within the CSC prescribed period and per requirements (for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
level positions) Gathered and submitted required documents for 20 nominees for
screening by the PSB/NSC Processed 20 appointment papers for selection and
promotion before June 2014 Conducted one-day orientation seminar for 20 newly hired
employees within two weeks upon hiring
Identify Performance Indicators or Measures (refer to PCPs)
Performance Indicators • They are EXACT QUANTIFICATION OF OBJECTIVES. • It is
an assessment tool that gauges whether a performance is good or bad. • Agree on
acceptable tracking sources
Why do we have Competencies?
• The RPMS looks not only at results, but HOW they are accomplished. • Competencies
help achieve results. • Competencies support and influence the DepEd’s culture. • For
DepEd, competencies will be used for development purposes (captured in the form). .
Reaching Agreement Once the form is completed : KRAs + Objectives + Performance
Indicators + Competencies 1. Rater schedules a meeting with Ratee. 2. Agree on the
listed KRAs, Objectives, Performance Indicators and assigned Weight per KRA. 3. Where
to focus on the Competencies
Phase 2 Performance Monitoring and Coaching
1. Performance Tracking
2. Coaching/Feedback (Heart of the RPMS)
Why is it important? • Key input to performance measures. • Provides objective basis of
the rating. • Facilitates feedback. • Clearly defines opportunities for improvement. •
Provides evidence.
No monitoring, no objective measurement.
STAR Approach Situation Task Action Result/s *developed by Development
Dimensions International (DDI)
Situation Task “Last December, during the work planning period, Action you took the
opportunity to review our unit’s work process. You assembled a team of your colleagues
and brainstormed on improvement ideas. As a result, our turnaround time on processing
promotions was reduced from 3 days to 1 day.”
To be effective in this phase you should: •Track your performance against your plan. •Use
Remember: • Manage the system as a process, NOT a one-time event! • It is NOT a
year-end paper exercise. • It is important to teach performance on certain frequencies
and provide feedback and coaching.
For the Raters: During Performance Phase always: •Provide COACHING to your
subordinates to improve work performance and behavior. •Provide FEEDBACK on the
progress of work performance and behavior change.
For the Ratees: •During Performance Phase, always seek the coaching of your leader
specially when you realize that you need improvements in your results. •FEEDBACK:
Know where and how to get helpful feedback for important aspects of your job
Phase 3 Performance Review and Evaluation
1. Review Performance
2. Discuss Strengths and Improvement Needsn
A successful review session should: • Be a positive experience • Have no surprises • Be
a two-way discussion • Well prepared (both sides)
Review Performance Results and Competencies Note: The Rater should set a
meeting with the Ratee. Request the Ratee to do self-assessment.
Some Pointers on Conducting the Review Meeting:
1. Manage the meeting • Prepare for the meeting • Create the right atmosphere • No
interruptions; no surprises
2. Enhance or maintain self-esteem • Express appreciation • Encourage self-appraisal •
Focus on the performance issue, not on the person
3. Be fair and objective • Base assessments on evidence • Change the behavior, not the
person • Focus on solving problems or correcting a behavior
4. Empower the employee • Ask him for ideas on how to resolve a problem or improve
performance • Adopt a joint problem-solving approach • Be supportive
Performance Evaluation is not: Attack on employee’s personality Monologue A chance to
wield power and authority Paper activity (compliance) An opportunity to gain “pogi points”
with staff
Steps for Evaluating Objectives and Competencies
Evaluate the manifestations of each competency. Evaluate each objective whether it has
been achieved or not. Determine overall rating.
Phase 4 Performance Rewarding and Development Planning
1. Rewards
1. Rewards Link to PBIS (EO 80 s. 2012) •Performance Based Bonus (PBB) •Step
2. Development Planning • Employee development is a continuous learning process that
enables an individual to achieve his personal objectives within the context of the business
goals. • Employee development is a shared responsibility among the Individual, Manager,
HR and the Organization.
Steps in Development Planning 1. Identify development needs 2. Set goals for meeting
these needs 3. Prepare actions plans for meeting the development need • sanction
learning activities • resources / support • measures of success 4. Implement Plans 5.
Prepared by:
Leany Aurelio

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