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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of Popular Power of education

P.E.U: “Yoly Teresa Murzi”

Fabiola Machín #13
Valeria Vázquez #30
Javier Romero #18
Gustavo Aparicio #21
Brandon Patiño #12
Brazil or “Federative Republic of Brazil” is the largest country in both South
America and Latin America. Its capital is Brasilia and its most populated city is São
Paulo. Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country by area and the fifth most populous.
It is extended from the Amazon’s basin on the north, to the big Iguazu’s waterfalls
on the south. Brazil is a multiethnic country.
One of the most famous places in Brazil is the Rio de Janeiro statue “Christ, the
Redeemer”, and its beaches Copacabana and Ipanema, along with its enormous
and loud Carnival Fest.
1. Culture
2. Language
3. Cuisine
4. Weather
5. Clothing
5.1 Typical costumes in Salvador da Bahía
5.2 Typical costume of Rio de Janeiro
5.3 Typical clothes of Amazonas
5.4 Typical costumes from Paraiba and Pernambuco
Brazil is an eminently pluricultural country, marked by big and several migration
currents from all countries, it has an intense miscegenation. Brazil is formed by
many villages, which is reflected in its culture that contains mainly native, Africans,
and European elements, being the most important the Portuguese ones.
The traditional Brazil’s music is the “samba”, the “bossa-nova”, the “choro”, the
“axé”, the “lambada”, the “forró” and the “sertaneja”, but the foreign styles are also
popular, like Hip-Hop and Rock. The 75% of the people are catholic.
The Brazilian Carnival it is celebrated once a year, six days on the lasts days of
February or early March. The main celebrations are in Rio de Janeiro, Salvador da
Bahía and São Paulo. The samba schools, the “blocos” and the bands occupy
whole neighborhoods where they are followed by the crowd that dance and sing all
day long. The Carnival is a beautiful culture manifest, where predominates the
colors, the happiness and the excesses. It is marked mainly by the samba.
The most popular sport in Brazil is the football. This sport rapidly became in a
passion for the Brazilian people, who frequently refers to their country as “pais do
futebol” (Football Country). The football has an important effect on the Brazilian
culture, becoming in the favorite hobbies of the young people.
The only official language in Brazil is the Portuguese, spoken by 200 million of
residents, and a little of Spanish. Brazil is the only American country that has the
Portuguese as the official language. It can be seen small differences between
several zones, mainly in accents and pronunciation, so there are many dialects.
The Portuguese in Brazil had its own progress, influenced by the Amerindian and
African languages. As result, the Brazilian Portuguese is a little bit different, mainly
in the phonology, compared to the original Portuguese.
The gastronomy in Brazil is divided into 3 large group: native, the European and
the African. Brazilian cuisine is widely different depending on each region,
reflecting the mix of native populations and immigrants. Among the best examples
is the “feijoada”, considered the national dish, its basic ingredients are beans and
salted pork. It is usually presented accompanied by rice and oranges.
Traditional desserts are “brigadeiros”, “cocada”, “beijinhos” and “goiabada”. The
national drink is “caipirinha”, made from the “cachaça” brandy, the wine and beer
are popular. They also drink a lot of fruit juice, smoothies with crushed ice and
coffee. Brazilian cuisine uses ingredients such as cassava, yams and fruits such as
“açaí”, “cupuaçu”, mango, papaya, guava, orange and pineapple.
Brazil, having a territory located in various areas of South America, enjoys several
types of climates, with the tropical climate being the predominant in the country. It
has a lot of humidity and heat due to its proximity to the Amazon and the equator,
but the coldest region is in the southern zone.
Brazil has six main climatic subtypes: equatorial, tropical, semi-arid, tropical
altitude, temperate and subtropical. The different climatic conditions produce
environments that vary from the tropical forest on the north and the semi-arid
regions of the northeast, to the temperate coniferous forest on the south and the
tropical savannas on the center. Many other regions have totally different
microclimates. It is a rainy country and it has precipitations mostly in summer.
The typical clothing in Brazil is known by the variety of its colors and the
combination of native and Afro-descendant characteristics. Brazil occupies much of
the territory of South America, so the Brazilian clothing will change according to the
area of the country.
• Typical costumes in Salvador da Bahía: This typical costume is made of white
and thick cotton, having long skirts and blouses that carry handmade lace and
embroidery. Use a cloth on the head as a headband and accessories such as
colorful jewelry that are usually great to highlight in the suit. The clothing of
Salvador de Bahía shows Afro-Brazilian roots and is everyday clothes for women.
• Typical costume of Rio de Janeiro: It is a striking and tiny costume that has
sequins, feathers, glitter and bright accessories. Women wear high heels, sequined
bodices and should not wear a thong smaller than 4 centimeters. In the case of
men, they wear tight pants and show the chest. The typical clothes of Rio de
Janeiro are characteristic of the samba and in the carnival are accompanied by
ornate floats.
• Typical clothes of Amazonas: This Brazilian clothing consists of a plush skirt for
women, and anklets made of aguaje fibers, for men. They accompany the suit with
wooden earmuffs, animal teeth and feathers, besides they paint their faces red with
the dye extracted from the achiote. Women's clothing is made of simple fabric with
nothing on the chest. It is based on native tribes and it is considered part of the
ancestral culture of Brazil.
• Typical costumes from Paraíba and Pernambuco: The women wear colorful
dresses that almost cover the feet, a high-collar jacket adjusted to the waist and
high-heeled boots decorated with buttons on the sides. Men usually wear a three-
button knee-length jacket, a vest, a hard-collar shirt, a tie, narrow pants and boots.
This typical Brazilian clothing is worn in the folkloric dances of the “quadrilha
parade” at the “Fiestas Juninas”, which are three celebrations in honor of the winter
solstice, held during the month of June. Currently there are small variants in
clothing according to the region.

Brazil is one of the greatest countries in the world, it has a culture formed by
Amerindian, Africans and European elements, creating a huge miscegenation in its
society. The Brazilian carnival is an enormous celebration, being important in the
country and the world. The miscegenation influences in its music, gastronomy,
costumes, etc. It has a varied weather due to the extension of the region.
Antifaz gigante, bonito y colorido

Feijoada Brigadeiros

Cocada goiabada


Salvador da Bahia
Rio de Janeiro

Paraíba and Pernambuco


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