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● Hang onto the cricket ball ​as long as possible.

If you let go of the ball early, you limit

your power.

● Utilize a javelin style foot plant​. At the end of the runup, plant your front foot with a
straight leg. This position creates a longer lever from which to generate speed.

● A major contributing factor to how fast you can bowl is how much force you can produce.
Develop your overall strength​ through traditional weight room exercises like the squat,
bench press, and deadlift.

● Include explosive exercises in your training. ​Getting strong is important for increasing
your bowl speed. However, you also need to produce force quickly. Include body weight
or light jumping exercises into your training. Some examples are box jumps, kettlebell
swings, and clapping push-ups. Olympic style lifts like the power clean are also great for
developing force quickly.

● Include ​dynamic stretching​ into your daily training. Dynamic stretching involves
stretching your muscles quickly without holding the stretch. Examples are leg swings,
arm swings, and walking lunges. Dynamic stretching increases your range of motion
without dampening your muscles’ elasticity.

● Before your release, think about ​grabbing both sightscreens ​with your hands. This
position puts your muscles under a big stretch and allows you to use your muscles’
elasticity to produce more force.

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