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006.2 RENAL FUNCTION Ms. Amapola Puaso, RMT MSMT


I. Renal Physiology
 Blood enters the nephron through the afferent
II. Renal Blood Flow arteriole. Then, it flows through the glomerulus,
III. Glomerular Filtration and into the efferent arteriole.
IV. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System  Before returning to the renal vein, blood from the
V. Tubular Reabsorption
VI. Tubular Concentration
efferent arteriole enters the peritubular capillaries
VII. Tubular Secretion and the vasa recta and flows slowly through the
VIII. Renal Function Tests cortex and medulla of the kidney
a. Glomerular Filtration Tests  Based on the average body size of 1.73 m2 of
i. Creatinine Clearance Test
surface, the total renal blood flow us
ii. Inulin Clearance Test
iii. Cystatin C approximately 1200 mL/min
iv. Beta-microglobulin  Normal values for renal blood flow and renal
v. Radionucleotides function tests depend on body size. When dealing
b. Tubular Reabsorption Tests with greatly varying sizes, a correction must be
i. Osmolality
ii. Freezing Point Osmometers done in order to determine whether the observed
iii. Vapor Pressure Osmometers measurements represent normal function.

 Each kidney contains approximately about 1-1.5
million functional units called nephrons.
 There are two types of nephrons:
o Cortical nephrons – makes up
approximately 85% of the nephrons,
situated in the cortex of the kidney,
responsible for the removal of waste
products and reabsorption of nutrients
o Juxtamedullary nephrons – Have longer
loops of Henle that extends deep into the
medulla of the kidney; functions to
regulate the concentration of urine
 The ability of the kidneys to clear waste products
selectively from the blood and simultaneously to
maintain the body’s essential water and electrolyte
balances is controlled by the following renal
functions: renal blood flow, glomerular filtration,
tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion.

 Glomerulus consists of a tuft of capillaries which is
referred to as the glomerular filtration barrier.
 It is located within the Bowman’s capsule which
forms the beginning of the renal tubule.
 Serves as a nonselective filter of plasma
substances with less than 70,000 molecular wight
 Several factors influence the filtration process:
o Cellular structure of the capillary walls and
Bowman’s capsule
o Hydrostatic pressure
o Oncotic pressure
o Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
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006.2 RENAL FUNCTION Ms. Amapola Puaso, RMT MSMT

 The system regulates the blood flow to and
within the glomerulus. It responds to changes in
blood pressure and plasma sodium cintent that
are monitored by the juxtaglomerular apparatus.
 Decrease of blood flow due to lowered plasma
sodium content triggers the macula densa of the
distal tubule to set off the RAAS system.
 Juxtaglomerular cells secrete renin which then
reacts to the blood-borne substrate
angiotensinogen to produce the inert hormone
 When the plasma ultrafliltrate enters the
angiotensin I.
proximal convoluted tubule, the nephrons begin
 As angiotensin I passes through the alveoli of the
reabsorbing these essential substances and
lungs, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
water through cellular mechanisms.
changes it into the active form angiotensin II.
 The cellular mechanisms involved in tubular
 Angiotensin II corrects renal blood flow by:
reabsorption are:
o Causing vasodilation of the afferent
o Active transport – a substance must be
arterioles and vasoconstriction of the
bound to a carrier protein. Responsible
efferent arterioles
for the reabsorption of:
o Stimulating reabsorption of sodium
 Glucose
and water in the proximal convoluted
 Amino acids
 Salts in the proximal
o Triggering the release of sodium-
convoluted tubule
retaining hormone aldosterone by the
 Chloride in the ascending loop
adrenal cortex and water-retaining
of Henle
hormone antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
 Sodium in the distal
by the hypothalamus
convoluted tubule
o Passive transport – the movement of
molecules across a membrane as a
result of a difference in the
concentration on the opposite sides of
the membrane. Takes place on all
parts of the nephron except the
ascending loop of Henle
 The plasma concentration wherein the active
transport stops is termed as the renal
threshold. For glucose, the renal threshold is
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006.2 RENAL FUNCTION Ms. Amapola Puaso, RMT MSMT

160-180 mg/dL. At this level, glucose starts o Some creatinine is secreted by the
appearing in the urine. tubules, and secretion increases as
blood levels rise
TUBULAR CONCENTRATION o Chromogens present in human plasma
 Renal concentration begins in the descending react in chemical analysis
and ascending loop of Henle, where the filtrate is o Medications (cephalosporins,
exposed to high osmotic gradient in the renal gentamicin, cimetidine), inhibit tubular
medulla secretion of creatinine
 Water is removed by osmosis in the descending o Bacteria will break dwn urinary
loop of Henle, and sodium and chloride are creatinine if specimens are kept at
reabsorbed in the ascending loop. room temeperature for extended
 Excessive reabsorption of water is prevented by periods
the impermeability of the ascending loop to it. o A diet heavy in meat consumed during
 This selective reabsorption process is called the the 24-hour urine specimen collection
countercurrent mechanism and serves to will influence the results
maintain the osmotic gradient of the medulla. o Measurement of creatinine clearance
 Maintenance of the osmotic gradient is essential is not a reliavble indicator in patients
for the final concentration of the filtrate when it suffering from muscle-wasting
reaches the collecting duct. diseases or persons involved in heavy
exercise or atheletes taking creatinine
o Accurate results depend on the
accurate completeness of a 24-hour
o It must be corrected for body surface
area, unless normal is assumed, and
must always be corrected for children.
 The GFR is reported as millilitres cleared per
 To calculate one must know the following:
o Urine volume in mL/min (V)
o Urine creatinine concentration in
mg/dL (U)
o Plasma creatinine concentration in
mg/dL (P)
GLOMERULAR FILTRATION TESTS  The equation goes as follows:
 The standard tests used to measure the filtering
capability of the glomeruli are termed as
clearance tests.  Example: Using the creatinine of 120 mg/dL
 Clearance tests measures the rate at which the (U), plasma creatinine of 1.0 mg/dL (P), and
kidneys are to remove a filterable substance urine volume of 1440 mL obtained from a 24-
from the blood hour specimen (V), calculate the GFR:


 Creatinine is a waste product of muscle
metabolism that is produced enzymatically by ⁄ ⁄
creatine phosphokinase from creatine. ⁄
 Considerations in using creatinine clearance test

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006.2 RENAL FUNCTION Ms. Amapola Puaso, RMT MSMT

 When dealing with body sizes which deviates  Disadvantage:

greatly from the average 1.73 m2 of surface o Not reliable in patients who have a
such as in children, the following correction history of immunologic disorders
must be done:
 Injecting radionucleotides such as 125I-
iothalamte provides a method for determining
INULIN CLEARANCE TEST GFR through the disappearance of the
 Inulin is an extremely stable substance that is radioactive material.
not reabsorbed or secreted by the tubules.  This procedure can be valuable to measure the
 It is not a normal body constituent, however, viability of a transplanted kidney
and must be infused by IV at a constant rate
throughout the testing period. TUBULAR REABSORPTION TESTS
 Therefore, although inulin was the original  Measurement of GFR is not a useful indication
reference method for clearance tests, current of early renal disease, the loss of tubular
methods are available that are endogenous reabsorption capability is often the first
and can provide accurate GFR results function affected in renal disease.

 Cystatin C is a small protein produced at a  Osmolality refers to the number of particles in
constant rate by all nucleated cells. a solution.
 It is readily filtered by the glomerulus and  Renal concentration is concerned with small
reabsorbed and broken down by the renal particles, primarily sodium and chloride
tubular cells. molecules.
 Therefore, no cystatin C is secreted by the  Particles with large molecular weight such as
tubules, and the serum concentration can be glucose and urea do not contribute to the
directly correlated to GFR. evaluation of renal concentration.
 Measurement of serum cystatin C has been  Therefore, osmolality is performed for a more
shown to provide a good procedure for accurate evaluation of renal concentrating
screening and monitoring GFR. ability.
 Immunoassay procedures are available for  Methods used in measuring osmolality:
measuring cystatin C o Freezing point osmometers –
 Advantages of cystatin C measurement: measurement of freezing point
o Independent of muscle mass depression
o Can be performed on patients who o Vapor pressure osmometers –
have difficulty in urinating depression of dew point temperature
by solute parallels the decrease in
β2-MICROGLOBULIN vapour pressure
 β2-microglobulin dissociates from human
leukocyte antigens at a constant rate and is REFERENCES
rapidly removed from the plasma by  PowerPoint
glomerular filtration.  Strasinger, S.K., Di Lorenzo, M.S. (2014) Urinalysis
 Enzyme immunoassays are available for the and Body Fluids
measurement of β2-microglobulin “Consistency is the DNA of mastery”
 Advantage of the test:
o Rise in plasma level has been shown to
be more sensitive indicator of a
decrease in GFR than creatinine

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