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Eggs and Mango

Gives you: Firm skin

There’s no need to apply several products to get good, firm skin. Just eat some eggs and
mango, especially now that the fruit is in season. Eggs are naturally rich in amino acids that are
essential for formation of skin-plumping collagen. And mango, which is rich in Vitamin C, works with
these acids to boost collagen production. This helps build back lost stores in the body, which can
significantly improve the appearance of skin.

Do it right: To give a boost to your next breakfast, pair an omelette with a cup of fresh mango
chunks, which supply nearly an entire day’s supply of Vitamin C.

2. Red Bell Peppers and Black Beans

Gives you: Better Immunity

They look good at the veggie market and are expensive. But here’s a good reason to buy
them. You’ll absorb more immune-boosting plant iron by adding in some red bell peppers on your
plate. Iron in black beans is hard for the body to absorb, however, adding a dose of Vitamin C-rich
produce like red peppers converts the iron into a type that’s easier for the body to use.

Do it right: There are great recipes online that show you how to mix your beans with red bell
peppers and make the meal a tasty one too.

3. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil and Tomatoes

Gives you: Better protection from diseases

Tomatoes boast of four major carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, and

lycopene) besides three potent antioxidants (betacarotene, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C) which may help
fight cancer and heart disease. These protective chemicals are better absorbed with extra-virgin olive
oil, which is high in healthy monounsaturated fats.

Do it right: Leave the tomato skin on, since it is packed with phytochemicals. Extra-virgin olive
oil is the least processed form, so it contains the most beneficial compounds. Store it away from heat
and light to prevent it from going rancid.

4. Broccoli and Tomatoes

Gives you: Protection against cancer

Both are individually known to have cancer-fighting properties, but research has shown that
together they are the Hulk of cancerfighting foods. Scientists found consuming tomato and broccoli at
the same time was more effective at slowing the growth of cancerous prostate tumours than eating
either vegetable alone.

Do it right: Have one-and-a-half cups of broccoli along with two-and-a-half cups of fresh
tomato, with pizza or spaghetti.

5. Oatmeal and Strawberries

Gives you: A healthier heart.

Oats contain two important phytochemicals called avenanthramides and phenolic acids, which
are known to work with Vitamin C to reduce harmful effects of bad cholesterol and help prevent
plaque build-up that lead to heart attacks.

Do it right: Enjoy a half cup of sliced strawberries with your morning bowl of oatmeal.

6. Green Tea and Lemon

Give Green tea, a rich source of powerful antioxidants called catechins, is known to help
improve the heart’s health. However, according to studies only about 20 per cent of these compounds
are absorbed by the human body. Adding lemon juice to green tea has been shown to increase the
catechins level to 80 per cent.s you: A healthier heart

Do it right: After brewing yourself a cup of green tea, squeeze in the juice of one whole lemon.

7. Garlic and Onions

Gives you: Full-body protection

Both these veggies contain a number of organosulfur compounds and heart-healthy plant
chemicals that help keep arteries free of plaque. Some of these compounds have even been studied for
their power to detoxify carcinogens in the body.

Do it right: Most Indian cooking combines the two, however if you are in the mood for
something else, the combination even works for soups and sauces

9. Green Tea and Black Pepper

Gives you: A slimmer waistline

Forget crash dieting. After your next meal sip a cup of green tea with a little black pepper thrown
in. The combination boosts the absorption of EGCG, a key antioxidant in tea tied to calorie burning, by
130 per cent. Experts say the compounds in green tea can affect the hormones that regulate hunger
and fullness.

Do it right: Studies say as little as a half-teaspoon of black pepper can increase the absorption of
tea’s beneficial compounds

10. Avocado and Dark Leafy Greens

A spinach or kale salad is low in calories and high in nutrients, but it can leave you wanting more. To
make it more filling, top it with avocado. It’s likely to be more satisfying since it has a kind of good fat
(monounsaturated) that staves off hunger. Bonus: Avocado also helps your body absorb more of the
veggies’ disease-fighting antioxidants.

11. Oatmeal and Walnuts

A simple way to slim down: Eat the rough stuff. Simply adding more fiber to your diet can lead to
weight loss. That’s because your body can’t break down fiber, so it slows down digestion and takes up
space in your stomach. With 4 grams of fiber per cup, oatmeal can be a good source. Walnuts can add
about another 2 grams, plus satisfying protein and crunch.

12. Eggs, Black Beans, and Peppers

Start your day with this protein-packed scramble. According to research in the Journal of the American
College of Nutrition, people who had eggs for breakfast ate less for the rest of a day and a half than
those who had a bagel. Black beans and peppers make this morning meal even more filling, thanks to
a double dose of fiber.

13. Bean and Vegetable Soup

Add a broth-based vegetable soup to your lunch or dinner. The liquid fills your stomach, leaving less
room for higher-calorie foods. One study showed that people who started with soup ate 20% fewer
calories during a meal. Stirring in beans, such as chickpeas or black beans, can give it more staying
power because they’re high in protein and fiber.

14. Yogurt and Raspberries

This creamy treat may help turn up the fat burn. Research suggests that people who get more calcium
and vitamin D as part of a weight loss plan shed more fat than those who don’t. So, look for a vitamin
D-fortified yogurt, which serves up about 35% of all the calcium you need in a day. Top it with half a
cup of raspberries for sweetness and 4 grams of fiber.

15. Olive Oil and Cauliflower

At just 27 calories a cup, cauliflower is a diet-friendly food. It’s also low on the glycemic index (GI), a
measure of how much a food raises your blood sugar. One study showed that low-GI vegetables led to
more weight loss than starchier ones, such as peas and corn. Drizzle chopped cauliflower with olive oil
and roast it -- this brings out the flavor, and olive oil’s fats can curb your appetite by making you feel

16. Pistachios and an Apple

Need a midday snack? This combo offers protein, healthy fats, and fiber to fend off hunger. With
about 160 calories for 50 of them, pistachios are one of the lowest-calorie nuts. Plus, they’re usually
packaged in their shells, which can slow you down and keep you from munching mindlessly. The apple
adds sweetness and crunch to your treat, along with 4 grams of fiber.

17. Dark Chocolate and Almonds

Swearing off sweets sounds like a good way to drop pounds, but it can backfire. Nixing them
altogether can lead to overeating. With about 7 grams of sugar per ounce, dark chocolate is one
dessert you can feel good about eating. Pairing it with high-protein almonds keeps your blood sugar
levels steady, and that can keep you satisfied longer.


Avocados are rich in healthy fats and eggs, especially egg whites, are brimming with lean protein,
which makes this meal one of the best breakfast combos to try. Feel free to add in some chopped
tomatoes for an ethnic feel, and a simple touch of color and nutrition. If you eat eggs, a few small
slices of avocados with egg whites and one egg yolk is a great way to give your body healthy fats and
protein so it won’t turn to fat-storing carbs and sugar.


If you’re not into animal sources of food, no worries! Try having a green smoothie with some berries,
greens and unsweetened almond milk. Add in some unsweetened vanilla or chocolate plant protein
powder and a scoop of chia seeds for a complete nutritional meal, all in the form of a deliciously sweet
beverage. For the best tasting option, use spinach as your green, since it tastes sweet compared to
other varieties. Add ice to make it sweeter and a bit frostier, which is my favorite part of all! This
soothes you, provides protein and holds you over for hours to come, all with a dose of antioxidants,
fiber, nutrients and vitamins.


Greek yogurt is an incredibly popular food, and one you can find in almost any food store, even
convenience stores in today's high paced world. This makes it a great to-go option if you’re on the
road a lot or traveling. It also makes a great breakfast to have at home. I like to use unsweetened and
plain Greek yogurt, as well as nonfat. Add some of your favorite nuts or seeds like almonds, walnuts,
flaxseeds, pecans, coconut shreds, chia seeds or hemp seeds for protein and healthy fats. Then, for a
touch of sweetness and color, throw in some fresh or frozen berries like blueberries, blackberries,
strawberries or raspberries. This adds antioxidants, fiber and that extra touch of sweetness your body
might crave in the mornings. As a bonus, this is also a lower carbohydrate meal, high in protein and is
great for your blood sugar and your weight. Plus, protein satiates you and promotes alertness early in
the day, which is important for your morning meal.


Maybe you like to keep things simple and you need some healthy carbs first thing. No problem!
Oatmeal is a great healthy carb to have first thing in the day. It is full of fiber, lowers your glycemic
index and really satisfies the body for that comfy serving of carbs it often craves first thing each day.
Personally, I’m a protein girl, but everyone is different. If you do well on carbs first thing, try my
mom’s favorite recipe, which is a classic! She likes to have oatmeal cooked in a bit of milk with some
Splenda and a banana with walnuts. If you’re looking for a healthier option, try oatmeal cooked in
almond milk and use rolled oats instead of quick cooked. Use stevia to sweeten and add in some
berries and maybe some cinnamon for a low glycemic approach. If oats aren’t your thing, quinoa
makes a great substitute!


People can bash coffee all they want, but one cup in the morning has been shown to improve memory,
combat cancer, improve your liver function and even nourish your brain cells. It has also been shown
to be good for your arteries, combat depression and enhance your focus. One cup will not cause a
crash or dependency, and as long as you don’t use dairy based cream and refined sugar, coffee is
actually really healthy for you. Full of B vitamins, magnesium and insulin-reducing properties, it
lowers stress, lowers your blood sugar and is great for your waistline. Pair it with an omelet so you
have enough protein to start your day with and stabilize your insulin levels. You’ll most likely be
satisfied until lunch and won’t even think about that vending machine cinnamon bun you used to turn
to! Add some chopped veggies or even berries to your omelet for a piece of produce too, while you’re
at it.


If you’re really short on time, grab a banana, chop it up in a cup and add in 2 tbsp. almond butter.
Grab a spoon and if you have two seconds, sprinkle on some cinnamon and head onto work. This
makes such a great complete mini breakfast to have on the run. The banana is a great source of fiber,
carbs and potassium, plus stress-busting Vitamin B6, while the almond butter contains healthy fats
and 7 grams of protein, plus 4 grams of fiber that will stabilize your blood sugar, increase your
metabolism and fill you up quicker. The cinnamon adds a touch of sweetness, looks pretty and it
stabilizes you blood sugar and enhances digestion. This is such an easy mini meal that most people
don’t take advantage of enough. Just be sure to have something like yogurt and raw veggies to munch
on mid- morning. Try raw carrots, bell peppers or grape tomatoes in case you get the munchies around
10:30 or so and don’t want to eat lunch yet.

24. Super Berries and Leafy Greens

No, don’t worry – you won’t be eating a salad with these healthy ingredients – you’ll be making
superfood smoothie! The best fruits to use in the morning are berries because they’re incredibly
nutrient-dense, filled with fiber, and extremely versatile. They work great in a spoonable meal, but
also as a smoothie too because their low glycemic index means the smoothie won’t spike your blood
sugar like a blender full of high-sugar fruits will. Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries,
blackberries, and even the more exotic acai, goji, and camu camu berry powder all work great in a
smoothie. They’ve been linked to better brain function, better digestion, a healthier heart and a
happier mood. Be sure to add some leafy greens like spinach, chard, kale, romaine, or other greens
you enjoy to your smoothie for magnesium, fiber, Vitamin A and C, chlorophyll and natural protein.
And of course, feel free to add any raw nuts, seed, or plant-based protein powder if you like too.

25 . Oats and Berries

Oats are packed with soluble fiber and one of the most filling, inexpensive whole food superfoods you
can buy. They truly are one of the most unique grains out there. If you’re sensitive to gluten, simply
buy organic, gluten-free oats to prevent any cross-contamination. Oats’ fiber known as beta glucans,
are some of the most powerful fibers known for staving off hunger, improving digestion, and lowering
cholesterol. Oats are also a good source of potassium, magnesium, iron, protein, and very low in fat
and calories. They’re also lower in starch and higher in fiber than most other grains. Pairing them with
berries only benefits you further and will add a fresh piece of produce to the meal that’s also naturally
sweet. Add some cinnamon for even better blood sugar stabilization, and some nuts and seeds if you
like. One of our favorite recipes features raspberries, oats, sliced almonds, hemp seeds, and other
superfoods you’ll love!

26. Flax and Quinoa

Quinoa is packed with protein (and even has all essential amino acids), making it a wonderful
breakfast option as a breakfast porridge. It’s also a good source of potassium, iron, magnesium, and B
vitamins, but essentially overall lower in fiber than you need in the morning. Adding flax (preferably
freshly ground) is an easy way to add a tasty nutty fiber, and a powerful punch of omega 3 fatty acids.
Flax is also one of the best types of fiber for your heart and it adds a little flavor to quinoa as well.
Make a quinoa porridge with whole grain quinoa or quinoa flakes and even a healthy sweetener,
some spices, and

27. Chia and Berries

If you’re not into grains or smoothies, try having some chia cereal instead. While some refer to this as
chia pudding, it’s a delightful cereal and can easily replace grains in the morning if you choose due to
chia’s unique filling fiber. Chia is one of the most versatile ingredient in the kitchen and one of the
healthiest too. Packed with omega 3’s, iron, folate, potassium, protein, and magnesium, it’s a food
everyone can benefit from using. Use 2 tablespoons of chia, mix with some non-dairy milk, add some
fresh berries for added antioxidants, fiber, and taste, and some healthy sweetener like stevia if you
choose. From there, just let it sit for an hour or overnight in the fridge, and feel free to add any other
ingredients you enjoy. Try a Breakfast Berry Smoothie With Cacao Drizzle and Chia Pudding.

28. Cacao and Coconut

Now here’s a combo you might not have seen coming in the breakfast meal, but it’s a great one to
enjoy in a smoothie. These two healthy sources of fiber and fat are some of the best for packing in a
great deal of nutrition and focus-boosting nutrients in a small serving. Cacao is the best source of iron,
magnesium, zinc, fiber, and healthy fats you could ask for in one food. It can be enjoyed in a low-fat
approach by using cacao powder, or you can consume a fattier version for a more filling meal in the
form of raw cacao nibs. Whatever form, cacao is a great focus factor in the morning, free from the
harsh effects you’ll get with multiple cups of coffee. Coconut provides medium-chain-triglyceride fats
which help improve brain function and can aid in energy throughout the day It’s best to use coconut
shreds or coconut flour (or yogurt or kefir) in place of coconut oil so you’re benefiting from the whole
food. Be sure to add a fresh component to your smoothie if possible, either with some spinach (that
you’ll never taste), some berries, or even a half a banana or some pumpkin puree for a creamy, lower
sugar flavor.

29. Anti-inflammatory plate: Cherry, pineapple, blueberry

Pineapple is packed with vitamin C and contains an enzyme called bromelain that reduces
inflammation of the gut, boosts immune function, and stimulates protein digestion.

Try combining it with blueberries, which are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E.

Anthocyanin is the main antioxidant in both blueberries and cherries and is what gives these fruits
their gorgeous deep blue and red colors.

Grab some tart cherries over sweet ones as they are shown to contain higher amounts of phenolic
compounds, delivering a stronger anti-inflammatory punch.

30. Immune-boosting plate: Grapefruit, kiwi, strawberry

Feeling a little run down? Kiwi, grapefruit, and strawberries can give your immune system the boost it
needs to keep you healthy.

Kiwis are rich in vitamin C, which helps support the immune system and prevents free radical damage
that can lead to inflammation in the body.

Grapefruit and strawberries are also some of our top vitamin C foods containing more C than
oranges!) that can help boost immunity and fight off sickness. Rich in both vitamins A and C,
strawberry seeds also contain minerals that support immune function.

Helpful hint — don’t wait until it’s too late and you’re already sneezing. This would be a great fruit
plate to get in before a long flight so that your immune system is strong and ready to go.
31. Antioxidant plate: Fig, red grape, pomegranate

These three fruits are high in antioxidants and disease-fighting compounds that protect our bodies
from free radical damage and keep us looking and feeling youthful.

The resveratrol in red grapes — and red wine — offers powerful antioxidant and anti-aging properties
that help combat disease and signs of aging. Grapes are also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, which
keeps our vision strong and can minimize the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Pomegranates contain higher levels of antioxidants than most fruits and can help to reverse free-
radical skin damage.

Figs are not only dangerously delicious — they are also rich in minerals including potassium, calcium,
magnesium, iron, and copper and they are a great source of vitamins A, E, and K.

Incorporate some of these antioxidant fruits on your plate to help you fight disease, age gracefully,
and keep strong.

32. Detoxifying plate: Goji berry, watermelon, lemon

We can’t detoxify without the help of foods that will hydrate and flush toxins out of the system.

So, let’s start with watermelon, which is 92 percent water and also contains a major detoxifying agent
called glutathione. It is also a source of lycopene and vitamins A and C, which further aid in detoxing
and fighting free radicals.

Super alkaline upon digestion, lemon is also a strong detoxifier and has antibacterial and antiviral
qualities. I like to squeeze it over my fruit, add it to green juice (with lots of parsley and cucumber for a
major de-bloating combination), or drink it with warm water first thing in the morning to help cleanse
the body and get the digestive system going.

And let’s not forget goji berries. These little guys are a great source of antioxidants, vitamins (A, B, C,
and E), iron, and choline, which the liver needs for detoxification processes.

33. Beauty plate: Blackberry, papaya, cantaloupe

Here’s what you should be eating on the morning before your next big event!

Papaya is full of antioxidants and nutrients that assist in the production of collagen. It also contains an
enzyme called papain that helps to counter skin damage.

Blackberries are delicious low-sugar fruits that are packed with antioxidants and vitamins A and C.
We don’t want to miss out on cantaloupe. It contains beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A
in the body and helps make our skin glow and our hair strong and shiny.

35. Energy plate: Banana, avocado, apple

The next time you’re looking for some fuel or wanting to charge up your pre- or post-workout, throw
together this energy plate. These nutrient-rich fruits (yes, avocado is a fruit) will replenish and keep
you going for hours.

Bananas provide us with quick energy and are a great choice pre-workout. The healthy fats in
avocados slow down digestion and are better to incorporate into your post-workout meal.

Apples are high in fiber and will keep you full for long periods of time. Take your pick or choose all
three... If you’re looking for a burst of energy, this plate is for you.

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