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For those who having boredom, feels like something disconnect from you, something in
you tired of superficial knowledges, and you need to know a deeper answer for your life.
For all the seekers around the world who trying to find a way to understand our true
nature as human being. What is exactly that we all need to know?
Let’s start with why. Did you ever wondering no matter where a baby was born, in
whatever circumstances, comfortable or unpleasant, no matter who your parent is, rich or
poor, why every babies cry?
We all crying because that is the first sign of suffering, but as we grown up most of us
forget about it and only a view can see the phenomena. People who realized and more
aware of it, try to understand the arts, then learn how to stand above the suffering.
Alright, the next movement we have to know is the arts. In order to understand the arts,
let’s figure it out what is the arts and where we can find it.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency
and vibration.” Nikola Tesla.
Yes, that statement give us basic understanding to find the arts. But, for further
understanding you have to experience it by yourself. Where you can find the great place
and the right instructions to experience that?
As we all know there is a place that have a special magnet and attracted millions of
people to stay or just visit this island. The last paradise that have an authentic vibration,
sacred frequency, and limitless energy that flowing around the island. The whole world
knows “BALI”. But this island of Great Souls has it’s own mysterious way, not everyone
who come or stay in Bali get the essence knowledge. If you ask the tourist who discover
deep, they will said : “Every time I come to Bali, It’s like being in living adventure and I
keep founding the hidden treasures of Bali.”
The purposes of this website is to help you reach the essence knowledge for every one
who come to Bali. And if you don’t have enough time and resources to bring you come to
Bali, don’t worry we already mention the concept too in this website to help you realizing
your soul inside. Check the link Concept.
Well, the Bell Of Peace has been rung…
It’s time for The Bringers Of The Dawn take an action, we have to restore the balance of
this world.
No matter how big or small your act is, it’s time to start.
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert
Human race of our time has discover great technology that makes our life so easy, even
this information could reach you all over the world is because our invention. But,
somewhere along the line we start losing
Most people on this modern world literary drowned by huge waves of confusion. Bali
Nature Method offering you a way
If you were born in poor family and not aware of benefits that you could maximized,
maximizing your self potential while you have less things, suffering will drowned you.
You start wanting more, not satisfied with your life, your mind always complain and
became a grumpy person, blaming the situation, and sadly you just wasting your life and
the capacity that you bring inside of you.
If you were born in rich family and getting to attached with your wealth, always looking
for the pleasure from the surface world, such as physical body and mental body, which is
only satisfied you temporary, the suffering play tricks on you too. In some cases, we even
heard about the addiction of drugs, some public figure taking a suicide, which is hardly
dangerous in spiritual view.

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