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Maryhill College, Inc.




Students at pre-schools show a high level of self-esteem, as pre- school students

they tend to do everything whatever they are asked to. They are always energetic

anywhere, but self-esteem gradually decline during the early elementary school years

as children. In developing self-esteem, we should know if parenting style has a large

impact in cultivating it. Since parents are the first people who value us as a human;

they promote and support the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development

of a child from infancy to childhood.

According to Weiten et. al., (2014) understanding self-esteem, refers to overall

assessment of ones’ worth as a person, it is how we value ourselves; how we perceived

our value to the world and how valuable we think we are to others. Parenting style is

how parents rule over their children. The types of discipline parents have. Parents can

have a significant influence on their children’s self-esteem. In psychology there are

four major recognized parenting styles, the authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and

neglectful. (Hughes 2013).

Moreover, as stated by Human Development: A life Span View, self-esteem

suddenly drops at adolescence age wherein self-esteem is more needed and one of a

requirement to survive life in high school. There an increase in self-esteem issues

among, 75% of girls with low self-esteem report engaging in negative activities like
Maryhill College, Inc. 2

cutting, bullying, smoking or drinking. As they enter this area there is a larger world

they need to face. Having low self-esteem may bring students to unproductiveness.

With the above mention scenarios and situations, the main objective of the

research is to determine the correlation of parenting style in cultivating the self-esteem

of grade 11 students in Maryhill College. As the research findings were established and

information are gathered, it will be the basis of suggestions and recommendations to

help students with low self-esteem, through a proposed program to the school

administration that will tackle the relationship between parenting styles and self-esteem

of students.

This research focuses on the purpose of building and establishing the self-

esteem of senior high school students ensuring them to be more competitive in the

larger world and enable them to perform better not just in school bur also in their future


Statement of the Problem

This study investigated the correlation of parenting style in cultivating the self-

esteem of grade 11 students in Maryhill College, Lucena S.Y. 2018-2019.

Especially, the study addressed the following question:

1. What is the level of self-esteem of selected students?

2. What is the parenting style being experience by the respondents?

3. What is the relationship between parents’ parenting style to the self-esteem of


4. Based from the findings what output can be developed?

Maryhill College, Inc. 3

Significance of the Study

The result of the study expected to benefit the following:

To the Students, this will provide students information about the importance of

parenting style towards their self-esteem, and help them to gain ideas about their issues

and problem about self-esteem. This output will establish basis on how students will

take actions.

To the Teachers, the findings of the study will help the instructor to adjust to

their students who doesn’t have parents. They will be the one to act as the parents and

be the one who will cultivate of students’ self-esteem. It will provide teachers

information why some of their students possess low self-esteem.

To the school administration, the output of the study will help them to come

up with symposium or a seminar that will focused on the relationship of self-esteem

and parenting style. They are able to have proper enough knowledge about the issues

pertaining to students’ level of self-esteem. Through this they could help teachers,

parents, and especially those students who possess low or negative self-esteem.

To the Parents, the results of the study will serve as information about self-

esteem of their children. This study will be able to explain the importance of parenting

style towards the self-esteem of their children. It will recommend appropriate

approaches to be used to cultivate their children’s self-esteem.

To the Future Researchers, future researchers may use the results of the study

as basis in conducting similar study in other institutions for the needs of future

Maryhill College, Inc. 4

Theoretical Framework

As cited in the study of Wolf (2010) Self Esteem: The Influence of Parenting

Style, Social Learning Theory (Noller and Callan1991) involves the children learning

from their parents’ behavior, for instances if parents are confident and have little self-

doubt the children will reflect this. Further support of this aspect of social learning theory

links with self-esteem development is suggested by Sroufe and Fleeson who stated the

components of attachment figure becomes incorporated into self through the process of

the child’s learning or modeling of the parent. They propose that child’s early learning

about self occurs mainly within the context of the relationship with significant people in

their life.

To explain the social learning theory and in contrast it to the symbolic

interactionist theory, which is a like Opensaw, Thomas and Rollins assessed the

differences between these two theories. They suggested that the symbolic interactionist

view of self-esteem and parenting is that the child’s self-esteem is reflected from the

appraisal they received from their parents.

George Herbert Mead was one of the early and substantial contributors to

symbolic interactionist theory.), symbolic interactionist theory and found reflected

appraisal of self are substantially affected by parental appraisal.

This showcase the explanation how these theories relating to self-esteem

incorporate the significance of parenting in developing of self-esteem.

Maryhill College, Inc. 5

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

• level of the • identify the • a proposed
self-esteem of parenting style that symposium/
adolescence is being experienced seminar program
students by the students and and schedule for
• parenting the level of their the teachers,
style that is self-esteem. students as well
being • identify the as for the
experienced relationship between parents that
by students parents' parenting tackles about
• the styles and self- the importance
relationship esteem of students of parenting
between style to cultivate
parents' the self-esteem
parenting of students.
style and self-
esteem of the

Fig. 1 Conceptual Framework of the study

The conceptual framework presents the correlation of different parenting styles

and self-esteem of students. This also states the things that are needed to be identified

such as the different types of parenting styles that the students are experiencing, level

of their self-esteem and the relationship between parents’ parenting style and self-

esteem of the students. The goal of the study is to propose a symposium or a seminar to

the school administration that will tackle the importance of parenting style in

developing the students’ self-esteem to teachers, students and especially for parents.
Maryhill College, Inc. 6

Scope and Limitations

This research will focus on the parenting styles and level of students’ self-

esteem in Maryhill College, Lucena City. This research will cover the students’

thoughts and assessment about their self-esteem as well as how their parents rule over

them. This research will not include the students’ status of living and will not change

the students’ perceptions about their life, their belief, their faith and their culture and

Maryhill College, Inc. 7


For a better comprehension on the research study, the following definitions of

terms are provided:

Parenting style- refers to the process of taking care of children until they are

old enough to take care of themselves. There are four major types of parenting style,

the authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful, and permissive. (Webster’s Universal

Dictionary and Thesaurus 2006 & Child and Adolescent Development 2014).

Self-esteem- refers to a feeling of having respects for yourself and your

abilities, a confidence and satisfaction in oneself. (Webster’s Universal Dictionary and

Thesaurus 2006)
Maryhill College, Inc. 8



This chapter presents the review of the related literature, studies and synthesis

that focused on the self-esteem parenting style which are the variables of the study.

Related Literature

There are two major self-esteem drops during the normal course of adolescence.

The first drop occurs at the outset in early adolescence. The second drop in self-esteem

occurs during the end of adolescence, trial independence ages 18 to 23 (Pickhardt


Parents can have a significant influence on their children’s self-esteem,

beginning in the early life. In psychology there are four major recognized parenting

styles, the authoritative, neglectful, permissive, and authoritarian. Each one carries

different reactions in the children which they are used on. Authoritative parenting is

broadly viewed as the most effective and beneficial parenting for normal children. It is

recognized as authoritative when parents have high expectation in their children, but

temper this expectation with understanding support for their children. Neglecting

parenting is one of the most harmful styles of parenting that can be used in their child.

Being neglectful parent is damaging to children, because they have no trust foundation

with their parents from which explore the world. Permissive parenting, also known as

indulgent parenting is another potentially harmful style of parenting. These parents are

responsive but not demanding. These parents tend to be lenient while trying to avoid

confrontation. The benefit of this parenting style is they are very nurturing and loving.
Maryhill College, Inc. 9

Authoritarian parenting, also called as strict parenting, is characterized by parents who

are demanding but not responsive. Authoritarian parents allow little open dialogue

between parent and child and expect children to follow a strict set of rules and

expectations. (Hughes 2013).

Moreover, Lyness (2018) states that in order to build a good and positive level of

self-esteem in adolescents, self-esteem can start as early as babyhood. It develops slowly

overtime. It can start just because a child feels safe, loved, and accepted. It can start when

a baby gets positive attention and loving care. Parents can build self-esteem. parents

helps children to learn new things. At every age, there are new things for kids to learn.

Even during babyhood, learning to hold a cup or take first steps sparks a sense of mastery

and delight. As child grows, things like learning to dress, read, or ride a bike are chances

for self-esteem to grow. Praising child could help to develop their self-esteem. But

parents should do it wisely. As well as banning harsh criticism. The messages kids hear

about themselves from others easily translate into how they feel about themselves. Harsh

words are harmful, not motivating. When kids hear negative messages about themselves,

it harms their self-esteem.

As stated by Human Development: A life Span View, self-esteem suddenly

drops at adolescence age wherein self-esteem is more needed and one of a requirement

to survive life in high school. There an increase in self-esteem issues among, 75% of

girls with low self-esteem report engaging in negative activities like cutting, bullying,

smoking or drinking. As they enter this area there is a larger world they need to face.

Having low self-esteem may bring students to unproductiveness.

Maryhill College, Inc. 10

Nourishing positive self-esteem is important for children. As stated in Parenting

Style and Self-esteem by Lucy Driscoll, self-esteem is important because of its role in a

healthy human development. People with high self-esteem succeed more, have better

relationship, and are happier compared to those with low self-esteem.(Oswalt, 2010).

According to Palean, Nazario, Valero, & Descartin, (2017) one should strive to develop

high self-esteem because it determines his/her kind of personal and social relationships.

Holding good feelings about oneself results in flexibility and adaptability to situations

and people. On the other hand, low self-esteem may lead to poor social relationship.

Abraham Moslow categorized self-esteem as one of the basic needs of human when it

comes to motivation. Based on this hierarchy of needs, a child’s level of self-esteem is

a good way to determine the success of parenting style. Helping your child develop

positive self-esteem is possible. (Morin 2014).

Donwshen (2018) presents that very early in life, parents’ responsiveness to

their babies affects the development of self-confidence and self-esteem. Generally,

children who have warm and secure relationships with their parents/guardians are more

likely to ha positive self- concepts and self-esteem. (Arcega & Brawner, 2018)

Children and adolescences whose parents are warm and have reasonable

demands on them generally display high level of self-esteem. In the latter part, children

whose parents continuously disapprove and discourage their children tend to have

lower level of self-esteem. Parents should promote their children’s self-esteem by

giving them praise when they really accomplish a difficult task and encouragement

when they find them having some conflicts and struggles. Nonetheless, false praise
Maryhill College, Inc. 11

does not help children determine what they are good at and what they are not. (Blasi


Related Studies

Parenting can be defined as activities of parents with an aim of helping their

child to bring forth. There are two main dimensions underlying parental behavior, they

are parental responsiveness and parental demandingness. Parental responsiveness refers

to “the extends to which parents intentionally foster individually, self-regulation and

self-assertion by being attuned, supportive and acquiescent to children special needs

and demands”. Parental demandingness refers to “the claims parents make children to

become integrated to the family whole, by their maturity demands, supervision,

disciplinary efforts and willingness to confront the child who disobeys” (Gafoor, 2014)

Categorizing parents according to whether they are high or low on parental

demandingness and responsiveness creates a quadrant of parenting style, authoritative

and permissive falls under the high responsiveness while authoritarian and negligent

can be considered as low responsiveness. (Kurukkan, 2014)

Adolescence is crucial, critical period in individual’s development, a transition

between childhood and adulthood in a particular cultural environment. Self-esteem

plays a very important role for development during this period. (Minev 2018)

In the study of Rosli (2009) entitled “Effects of Parenting Styles on Children’s

Emotional and Behavioral Problems”, authoritative parenting was described as the

combination of permissive and authoritarian parenting style. The qualities of

Maryhill College, Inc. 12

authoritative parenting style are responsive, supportive, demanding, and guidance.

Parents with authoritative style show high support and high control toward children, yet

they understand their children’s feelings and teach them how to regulate and guide

them to learn from any mistakes. Authoritarian parenting style are parents who show

low responsiveness and warmth but high control toward their children. This parenting

style attempt to shape, control, and evaluate the behavior and attitude of their children

according to set of principles they provide. The parents tend to be conservative and

strict. The children are given a little choice and have to follow parents’ orders. Parents

have expectations and children are not allowed to disobey their parents.

Moreover, parents who exhibit non punitive, acceptance, and affirmative

behavior toward their children’s needs, desire, and action have permissive parenting

style. There are positive and negative elements of permissive parenting. Permissive

parenting show high responsiveness and support for their children. These parents are

liberal and give autonomy to their children and support what children like to do.

Neglectful parenting style show low support and low control towards their children.

Parents are uninvolved in their child’s life. They pay less attention and give little care

to their children. They do not pay attention on children’s emotions and opinion.

In the study of Deshpande and Chhabriya (2013) entitled “Parenting styles and

its Impact on Adolescents’ Self-esteem”, focused on adolescent teenager and taken

through their research that because to generation gap between parents and their

adolescent and incapacity of parents to understand their adolescent, conflict arise. It is

stated in their research that adolescent who received acceptance attitude in their parents
Maryhill College, Inc. 13

have a higher self-esteem, parental acceptance or support is positively related to

adolescents’ self-esteem.

. As stated in the study of Driscoll (2013) entitled “Parenting Style and Self-

Esteem”, past studies by Yang & Liang (2008) entitled “A study on the Influence of

Early Experiences on Adolescents’ Implicit Self-esteem” suggested that nurturing and

supportive parenting style could improve children’s self-esteem. This statement

indicates more investigations focusing on the correlation between parenting style and

self-esteem of children.

Parents serve a crucial role in the healthy development of a child. They should

serve as their base and safe haven Howe, (2011). According to Shyny‘s (2017) study

entitled “Construction and Validation of PS_FFQ (Parenting Style Four Factor

Questionnaire)”, parents are the main influence on a child’s life. They are not only

nurturing the child’s physical aspects but their styles nurturance contribute to the

development of child’s psych of particular interest is the parenting styles on children’s

academic achievement, psycho social development and various aspect in child’s

development. Studies have shown that parents an important role in their child’s growth

to adulthood and development of healthy emotional functioning. (Boutelle, Eisenberg,

Gregory, & Neunmark-Sztainer, 2009).

In the review of Morris, Cui, and Steinberg’s (2013) study entitled “Parenting

Research and Themes: What we have Learned and Where to Go Next”, it is indicated

that parenting style is related to emotional development in children through parental

Maryhill College, Inc. 14

responsiveness to child emotions, parental expression of emotions, and overall

emotional climate of the parent-child relationship.

In the study of Wairimu, M. J., Macharia S.M., & Muirru A (2016). Analysis of

Parental Involvement and Self-Esteem on Secondary School Students, it was stated that

experiences on a person’s life are the major source of self-esteem development. The

positive or negative experiences that a one person have creates an attitude toward the

self which can be favorable and develop positive feelings of self-worth, or can be

unfavorable and develop negative feelings of self-worth. In the early age of child’s life,

parents are the most significant influence on self-esteem and the main source of

positive and negative experiences that a child could have.

Furthermore, Harter as cited in the study of Chiew L.V., (2011) entitled “A

Study of Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Self-Esteem: Self-esteem’s

Indicator- Parenting-Styles”, stated that the foundation of self-esteem is laid in early

life, so the role of parents in self-esteem development has been focused much by

psychologist. There are strong evidence that parental involvement, acceptance, support,

and exposure to define limits have place influence on self-esteem of children. Different

parenting styles tend to associate with different levels of self-esteem.

These related literature and studies wanted to convey that at adolescence age self-

esteem suddenly drops. (Minev 2018, Pickhardt 2010, Human Development: A life Span

View) There are four major parenting style that normally experienced by students that

can affect the level of their self-esteem in different ways. Hughes and Rosli mentioned

the following: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and neglectful. Authoritative

Maryhill College, Inc. 15

parents are responsive and demanding at the same time. Authoritarian parents show low

responsiveness but high in demands. While, permissive parents exhibit a high support but

low in demand. Neglectful parents are parents who possess low responsiveness and lo


Moreover, Palean, Nazario, Valero, & Descartin, (2017), Oswalt, (2010), Lyness,

(2018), Chiew (2011) states that children’s self-esteem tend to decline as they reach the

adolescents stage that results to some conflicts. Self-esteem is important for it establishes

positive impacts in one’s life especially to adolescents.

However, Howe (2011), Shyny (2017), Driscoll (2013) explained that in the

early life of children the role of parents is crucial in every stage of developing self-

esteem. Since self-esteem’s foundation is laid in the early life. Additionally, the related

literature and studies present the impacts of parenting style toward the self-esteem of

adolescence. Nurturing and supportive parenting style could improve self-esteem.

Parents’ acceptance and support is positively related to adolescents’ self-esteem. They

are the main influence in a children’s life. Parental involvement largely affects the self-

esteem of children. In addition, Wairimu, M. J., Macharia S.M., & Muirru A (2016)

discussed that the environment where children were raised also contributes to the level of

their self-esteem. Experiences of person’s life are the major source of self-esteem

Maryhill College, Inc. 16



This chapter includes the research design, research locale, research population

and sample, research instrument, data gathering procedures and statistical treatment of

data that were used in the study.

Research Design

This study used descriptive research which describes what exist and may help to

uncover new facts and meaning. This study sought to find out if parenting style can

cultivate the self-esteem of grade eleven students of Maryhill College school year 2019-

2020. Since the study focused on the relationship of parenting style and self-esteem, the

descriptive method is appropriate method to use.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Maryhill College which is a private Catholic school

at M.L. Tagarao Steet, Lucena City. This educational institution was founded on 1938

as Lucena Catholic School. It also formerly known as Maryknoll Academy and Maryhill

Academy. This school has basic and higher education. Maryhill College offers senior

high school and has a high number of enrollees. The researchers noticed that students

possess different level of self-esteem and it affects their role as a students. As stated by

Weiten (2014) self-esteem suddenly drops when a child reach the adolescents stage.

This prompted the researchers to choose the senior high schools students as their

Maryhill College, Inc. 17

Research Population and Sample

This study involves the Grade 11 students of Maryhill College as the intended

respondent. The researchers believe that these students are capable of answering the

questions about role of parenting style in cultivating the self-esteem of students.

Because, as grade 11 students they are aware about their self-esteem and the way how

their parents treat them.

Random sampling was used in the study. It is important that the total number of

samples is determined first by using:

Slovin’s Formula

n= N

1+𝑁𝑒 2

Name of Section Population Number of Respondents

Peace 46 9
Piety 40 8
Charity 46 9
Fortitude 39 8
Hope 39 8
Humility 43 10
Justice 37 8
Wisdom 48 10
Fidelity 46 9
Total 384 79
Maryhill College, Inc. 18

Research Instrument

In order to answer the set of questions in the study, the researchers used a survey

questionnaire adopted and modified from the study of Pritha Saha(2017) entitled

“Correlation of Parenting Style to Self-Esteem and Aggression of Adolescents”, and

from Abidha, Kurukkan(2014) “Construction and Validation of Scale of Parenting

Style”. The survey questionnaire aims to determine the parenting style that is being

experienced by the students as well as the level of the students’ self-esteem. A type of

closed question modified Likert scale is used in this study.

Data Gathering Procedures

The authorization to conduct the study was made by the researchers through a

letter approve by Mr. Matt Willson Quisao, research adviser. As the research adviser

released the approval letter and final revision of the research instrument, the data

gathering of data started. The researchers asked the respondents to answer the survey

questionnaire; the researchers will assure that the gathered data will be kept


Statistical Treatment of Data

In order to analyze the importance of parenting style in cultivating the

self-esteem of students’ self-esteem, the researchers used the formula Weighted Mean.

This helped to identify the level of student’ self-esteem and the parenting style they

Maryhill College, Inc. 19

WM= 4f+3f+2f=1f


WM= Weighted Mean

N= number of respondents

In order to determine the relationship between parents’ parenting style and self-

esteem of the students the researchers used Pearson Coefficient Correlation

Σ(x − 𝑥̅ )(𝑦 − 𝑦̅)

√(Σ(x − 𝑥̅ )2 √(𝑦 − 𝑦̅)2

Where X is equal to the WAM of each item for self-esteem and 𝑥̅ is the average

WAM. Y is equal to WAM of each item for parenting style and 𝑦

̅ is the average WAM.

The result of the results of the correlation formula is equal to one.

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This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done

and interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the

specific research problem regarding the relationship between parents’ parenting style and

self-esteem of students.
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Table 1
Level of the self-esteem of selected Students
Statements: 4 3 2 1 Weighted Qualitative
(SA) (A) (D) (SD) Mean index
1. I am able to stand up 18 43 16 2 2.97 A
for myself and what I
believe in.
2. How I feel about 10 39 24 6 2.67 A
myself depends on what
others think of me.
3. I feel I can be 31 31 12 5 3.11 A
myself around other people.
4. Overall I feel good 18 41 15 5 2.31 D
about my abilities compared
to others (e.g. at school,
playing sports or socially).
5. If I make an 8 27 36 8 2.44 D
innocent mistake I let it get
me down.
II. Self-Esteem Part 2
6. I am a good person 23 37 15 4 3 A
who has a lot to offer.
7. I feel that I am a 19 46 10 4 3.01 A
valuable person who is at
least equal to other people.
8. How I feel about my 22 36 18 3 2.97 A
body makes me feel
9. I feel confident in 23 37 13 6 2.97 A
my abilities to achieve the
things I set my mind to.
10. I think other people 24 34 18 3 3 A
like me
Average Weighted Mean 2.85 Agree
Strongly Agree (SA) =3.26-4.00 Disagree (D) =1.76-2.50

Agree (A) =2.51-3.25 Strongly Agree =1.00-1.75

The table shows the level of the self-esteem of selected students in Maryhill

College. From the table 1 it could be seen that indicator number seven has the highest
Maryhill College, Inc. 22

weighted mean of 3.10 with a qualitative index of agree. Second to the highest is

indicator number nine with weighted arithmetic mean of 3.01 with a qualitative index of

agree. Indicator number 10 has a qualitative index of agree with a weighted arithmetic

mean of 3. However, indicator number four got the lowest weighted arithmetic mean of

2. 31 with a qualitative index of disagree. Second to the lowest is indicator number six,

its weighted arithmetic mean is equal to 2.39 with a qualitative index of disagree. While

indicator number five’s weighted arithmetic mean is equal to 2.44 with a qualitative

index of agree.

Based on the findings this contradicts the statement of Human Development: A

life Span View, self-esteem suddenly drops at adolescence age wherein self-esteem is

more needed and one of a requirement to survive life in high school. There an increase in

self-esteem issues. Pickhardt (2010) stated that there are two major self-esteem drops

during the normal course of adolescence. The first drop occurs at the outset in early

adolescence. The second drop in self-esteem occurs during the end of adolescence, trial

independence ages 18 to 23.

The final numerical value of table 1 is equal to 2.88 and falls under the

qualitative index of agree indicating that the level of the grade 11 students is average.

Table 2
The parenting style being experience by the respondents
Maryhill College, Inc. 23

Statements: 4 3 2 1 Weighted Qualitative

(SD) (A) (D) (SD) mean index
May parents:
1. Point out my mistake in a 25 46 6 2 3.18 A
manner that I understand.
2. Show love to me. 36 37 3 3 3.34 SA
3. Enquired the reason for my 21 48 8 2 3.11 A
4. Help me in studying. 30 39 8 2 3.23 A
5. Confer responsibilities in 30 43 5 1 3.29 SA
accordance with my growth.
6. Have faith in me. 39 29 9 2 3.33 SA
7. Fulfill my desires with 28 38 10 3 3.15 A
available means.
8. Make me aware that the 37 37 5 0 3.40 SA
responsibility of what I do
is mine itself.
9. Accept when I say no to 27 34 14 4 3.06 A
what I dislike.
10. Talk to me praising about 24 40 14 1 3.10 A
their friends.
11. Appreciate when I try to 33 37 5 4 3.25 A
become independent.
12. Punish according to my 26 37 13 3 3.09 A
13. Show love when I do 22 43 10 4 3.05 A
14. Has given me freedom to 28 40 8 3 3.18 A
select the subject for the
15. Give priorities to my 32 34 9 4 3.19 A
performances in studies.
16. Demand me to be 20 43 15 1 3.04 A
systematic in study.
17. Emphasize my success. 34 36 7 2 3.29 SA
18. Advise me. 39 31 7 2 3.35 SA
19. Celebrate my success with 32 31 4 4 3.25 SA
20. Give me timely advice. 29 39 8 3 3.19 A
Weighted Arithmetic Mean 3.20 A

Strongly Agree (SA) =3.26-4.00 Disagree (D) =1.76-2.50

Agree (A) =2.51-3.25 Strongly Agree =1.00-1.75

Maryhill College, Inc. 24

The table presents the parenting style that is being experience by the respondents.

It was shown in the table that indicator number eight has the highest weighted arithmetic

mean of 3.40 with a qualitative index of strongly agree. Second highest weighted

arithmetic mean is equal to 3.35 with a qualitative index of strongly disagree for

indicator number 19.While indicator number two has a weighted arithmetic mean of 3.34

with a qualitative index of strongly disagree. Conversely, indicator number 16 has the

lowest weighted arithmetic mean that is equal to 3.04 to the qualitative index of agree.

Second lowest weighted arithmetic mean is equal to 3.05 with a qualitative index of

agree for indicator number 13. Indicator number nine has a weighted arithmetic mean of

3.06 with a qualitative index of agree.

According to (Hughes 2013), in psychology there are four major recognized

parenting styles, the authoritative, neglectful, permissive, and authoritarian. Each

one carries different reactions in the children which they are used on. Authoritative

parenting is broadly viewed as the most effective and beneficial parenting for normal

children. It is recognized as authoritative when parents have high expectation in their

children, but temper this expectation with understanding support for their children.

Neglecting parenting is one of the most harmful styles of parenting that can be used in

their child. Being neglectful parent is damaging to children, because they have no trust

foundation with their parents from which explore the world. Permissive parenting, also

known as indulgent parenting is another potentially harmful style of parenting. These

parents are responsive but not demanding. These parents tend to be lenient while trying

to avoid confrontation. The benefit of this parenting style is they are very nurturing and
Maryhill College, Inc. 25

loving. Authoritarian parenting, also called as strict parenting, is characterized by

parents who are demanding but not responsive. Authoritarian parents allow little open

dialogue between parent and child and expect children to follow a strict set of rules and


The final numerical value of table 2 is equal to 3.20 with a qualitative index of

agree indicating that respondents experiences a positive parenting style from their


Σ(x − 𝑥̅ )(𝑦 − 𝑦̅)

√(Σ(x − 𝑥̅ )2 √(𝑦 − 𝑦̅)2

(0.27) (0.07)
√(0.27)2 √(0.07)2


The Pearson’s Coefficient Correlation was used to present the relationship

between parents’ parenting style and self-esteem of students. Where X is equal to the

WAM of each item for self-esteem and 𝑥̅ is the average WAM. Y is equal to WAM of

each item for parenting style and 𝑦

̅ is the average WAM. The result of the results of the

correlation formula is equal to one.

Through Pearson’s Coefficient Correlation, it was shown that there is a positive

relationship between the two variables, self-esteem and parents’ parenting style since the
Maryhill College, Inc. 26

result of the correlation is equal to one. The two variables have a positive relationship

which means if the value of one variable increases the value of another variable also


According to Lyness (2018), parents can help their children develop their self-

esteem. In order to build good and positive self-esteem, it can be developed as early as

babyhood. Children who have warm and secure relationship with their parents or

guardians is more likely to have a positive self-esteem and self-concept. (Arcega &

Brawner 2018). Furthermore, Blasi(2015) stated children and adolescents whose parents

are warm and have reasonable demands generally display a high level of self-esteem.

The self-esteem of selected students in Maryhill College have a good level of

self-esteem that was determined by the average weighted arithmetic mean which is equal

to 2.88 and qualitative index of agree. Also, students experienced a good parenting style

which is justified by the average weighted arithmetic mean which is 3.20 and with a

qualitative index of agree. Through Pearson’s Coefficient Correlation it was determined

that there is a positive relationship between parents’ parenting style and self-esteem.

The proposed program/symposium aims to discuss the importance of self-esteem

of adolescents. This also targets the parents to discuss parenting style. Through the

proposed program / symposium the importance of parenting style in nurturing the self-

esteem of students will be explained.

According to Mead (2017), attending parenting classes can make a big difference.

Parenting classes can make parents master the basics, parents learn more about what to
Maryhill College, Inc. 27

expect in the coming years and prepare for each developmental stage. They will also

learn how to engage and discover how to match their parenting style to their child’s

personality. Moreover, these classes will help them develop a support network, it is

important to meet other parents who face the same challenges. Furthermore, according to

Anwar (2016), self-esteem is developed by having more practices in a small group

discussion to accustom the habit of sharing, arguing and presenting ideas in pairs or to

other limited members. Self-esteem emerges itself when the opportunity and the

frequency of sharing and discussing have been accumulated.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions drawn from the

findings and the corresponding recommendations

Maryhill College, Inc. 28

This study was taken with the general objective of determining the relationship

between parents’ parenting style and self-esteem of grade 11 students in Maryhill


Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of self-esteem of selected students?

2. What is the parenting style being experience by the respondents?

3. What is the relationship between parents’ parenting style and self-esteem of


4. Based from the findings what output can be developed?

Summary of Findings

Based on the results of the statistical analysis of data, the findings are summarized

as follows:

1. Level of the Self-esteem of Selected Students. Based on the data collected on

the questionnaire handed out to the respondents. the researcher computed for the

average weighted arithmetic mean of 2.88 with a qualitative index of Agree.

Majority of the respondents chose the column “Agree” which is justified by the

average weighted arithmetic mean.

2. The Parenting Style Being Experience by the Respondents. The collected data

showed that majority of the respondents experienced a good parenting style

Maryhill College, Inc. 29

which is justified by the average weighted arithmetic mean that is equal to 3. 20

with the qualitative index of “Agree”.

3. The Relationship Between Parents’ Parenting Style and Self-esteem of

Students. Based on the results of the Pearson’s Coefficient Correlation it was

known that there is a positive relationship between parents’ parenting style and

self-esteem of students justified by the statistical treatment used which is equal to



Based on the findings derived from the study, the following conclusions were


1. The self-esteem of grade 11 students are in the good level.

2. The grade 11 experience a good parenting style.

3. There is a positive relationship between parents’ parenting style and self-esteem

of students which means that if good parenting style increases self-esteem

increases too.

4. A program or a symposium is the best output that will discuss the self-esteem and

partnering style. Also, the relationship between the two.


The following recommendations are offered based on the findings and conclusion

of the study.
Maryhill College, Inc. 30

To the students:

1. The questionnaire can serve as satisfactory self-evaluation tool for determining

the level of their self-esteem.

2. Students can use the research as a guide whether they are experiencing problems

towards their self-esteem.

3. Students who experience low level of self-esteem can attend the proposed

program intervention discussing the importance of parenting style in the

development of their self-esteem.

To the teachers:

1. The teacher can use the research as a guide in addressing the problem of their

students regarding their self-esteem issues.

2. They can stand as the second parent of the students since not all the students are

living with their parents.

To the school administration:

1. The proposed program must be tried out in Maryhill College to prove its

effectiveness to the students and parents regarding the relationship between

parents’ parenting style and self-esteem of students.

2. The output of research could be a guide for the school administration in

discussing the issues regarding the self-esteem of the students and importance of

parenting style in developing the self-esteem of adolescents.

Maryhill College, Inc. 31

To the parents:

1. The parents can attend the proposed program that will discuss the self-esteem of

their children and its relationships to their parenting style.

2. The proposed program could be a guide for the parents to improve tge self-esteem

of their children.

To the future researchers:

1. This study may be replicated by considering a bigger group of respondents in

private and public institutions or schools.

2. A further research related to the study may be undertaken so as to determine if

these factor have beneficial effects on the self-esteem of the students/adolescents

and thus spread its positive effects to the students.

3. The future researcher can do further research integrating other possible factors

that affect the development of students’ self-esteem such as peer pressure, social

support, school adjustment, body image etc.


Maryhill College, Inc. 32

Brawner D.G. & Arcega A.F. “Understanding the Self”. Quezon City: C&E Publishing,


Bjoklund, D. F., (2015). “Child and Adolescent Development An Integrated Approach”.

Pasig City: Cenagage Learning Asia PTE Ltd

Palean E. D., M. D. Nazario, J.G. Valero, I.L. Descartin. “Introspection: Understanding

the Self”. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp, Publishing Corp.

Weiten et. al., (2014). “Human Development: A life Span View” Pasig City: Cenagage

Learning Asia PTE Ltd.

Online Articles

Chiew L.V., (2011) entitled “A Study of Relationship Between Parenting Styles and

Self-Esteem: Self-esteem’s Indicator- Parenting-Styles”

Driscoll L.C., (2013). “Parenting Style and Self-Esteem”. Scripps Senior Theses Paper.

Retrieved March 11, 2019, from


Hughess (2013). “Self-Esteem in Early Adolescents” Retrieved April 14,2019, from

Abidha, Kurukkan(2014) “Construction and Validation of Scale of Parenting Style”.

Retrived August, 2019 from

Maryhill College, Inc. 33

Lyness D. (2018). “Your Child’s Self-Esteem” Retrieved April 21, 2019, from

Morriis A. S., Cui L., & Steinberg L. (2013). “Parenting Research and Themes: What we

Have Learned and Where to Go Next”. In R.E. Larzelene, A. S. Morris, & A. W.

Harrist (Eds.) Authoritative Parenting: Synthesizing Nurturance and Discipline

for Optimal Child Development

Pritha S., (2017) “Correlation of Parenting Style to Self-Esteem and Aggression of

Adolescents”, Retrieved, August 2019, from


Reibeiro L.L., (2009). “Construction and Evaluation of Four Parenting Style Scale”

Rosli N.A., (2009) “Effects of Parenting Style on Children’s Emotional and Behavioral

Problem”. Retrieved April 14, 2019, from


Shyny T.Y., (2017) “Construction and Validation of PS_FFQ (Parenting Style Four

Factor Questionnaire)”. Retrieved March 13, 2019, from

Wairimu, M. J., Macharia S.M., & Muirru A (2016) “Analysis of Parental Involvement

And Self-Esteem on Secondary School Students”. Vol 7,No.27

Wolf J., (2010). “Self-Esteem: The Influence of Parenting Styles” Retrieved March

11,2019, from

Maryhill College, Inc. 34

Yang, F., & Liang, N. (2008). A study on the influence of early experiences on

adolescents' implicit self-esteem. Psychological Science (China), 31(3), 556-561.


Research Output
Maryhill College, Inc. 35


Parenting: Nurturing the Self-esteem of



I. SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 3
Maryhill College, Inc. 36

II. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 4

III. NEEDS/PROBLEMS ............................................................................5

IV. GOALS/OBJECTIVES .........................................................................5

V. PROCEDURES/SCOPE OF WORK ....................................................6

VI. KEY PERSONNEL ...............................................................................6

VII. NEXT STEPS ........................................................................................7

The researchers conducted a study entitled Relationship Between Parents’ Parenting
Style and Self-esteem of Grade 11 Students in Maryhill College. It was found out that
Maryhill College, Inc. 37

parenting style can nurture a good self-esteem of adolescents. The researchers’ purpose is
to proposed a program to the school administration to conduct the symposium to the
parents, students and teachers regarding the self-esteem and parenting style and also
asking to support the program . This aims to help parents in developing the self-esteem of
students which can help adolescents. The proposed program will be using a event hall,
technical needs such as microphone speakers and multimedia tools.

The researchers are grade 12 Justice students in Maryhill College from the strand of
Humanities and Social Sciences which are Aereane Keith C. Rubiales and Carl Vincent
L. Pureza. The researcher aims to provide a proposed program that can be tried out in
Maryhill College, Inc. 38

Maryhill College focusing in self-esteem and parenting style. This program will tackle
the self-esteem of students and its importance for the adolescents. This program can also
explain the importance of parenting style to the parents in helping their children establish
and develop their positive self-esteem. The target population of the proposed project is
the grade 11 students which is also the respondents of the researchers. The researchers
carefully and comprehensively researched the topic and conducted a study entitled “The
Relationship Between Parents’ Parenting Style and Self-esteem of Grade 11
Students in Maryhill College”

According to the book Human Development: A life Span View there is an
increasing self-esteem issues during the adolescents age and was reported that 75% of
girls with low self-esteem engage in negative activities like cutting classes, bullying,
smoking and drinking. This can greatly affect the grade 11 since at this age they need to
Maryhill College, Inc. 39

survive in high school life in order to become a globally competitive citizen and reach
brighter future. When students possess a bad self-esteem this can affect their studies and
lead them to be dropped out in school and there will be an increase of percentage of out
of school youth in the Philippines.

This proposed program aims to:

State the desired goals and objectives to address the needs/problems stated above. Also
include key benefits of reaching goals/objectives.

• Discuss the self-esteem and its importance to the adolescents to students’ parents
and teachers.

• Elaborate the parenting style to the parents and its impact to the students.

• Increase the awareness of students, parents and teachers regarding the

relationship between parents’ parenting style and self-esteem of students

Procedures/Scope of Work
The proposed program will only take almost two hours discussing the main point of the
symposium. The discussion of self-esteem will include teachers, students and parents.
However, the discussion of parenting style can be administered for the parents and
teachers only.
Maryhill College, Inc. 40

Here are the proposed topics of the proposed program:

 Self-esteem in the Adolescents’ Age

 Importance of Self-esteem
 Different Parenting Styles
 Impacts of Parenting Style in the development of Students Especially in Self-

8:00-8:05 Opening Prayer

Key 8:05-8:10
Singing of the National Anthem
Opening Remarks
8:20-9:00 Discussion of Self-esteem
9:00-10:00 Discussion of Parenting style
10:00-10:05 Closing Remarks
10:05-10:10 Closing Prayer

The selection of the speakers or guests speakers must be under the supervision of the
school administration

Opening Prayer [name]

Opening Remarks [name]
Speaker for Self- [name]
Speaker for [name]
Parenting style
Closing Remarks [name]
Closing Prayer [name]
Master/s of the [name]
Maryhill College, Inc. 41

Next Steps
 The Maryhill College school administration can consider the proposed program
together with the study of the researchers.
 The proposed program can be administered annually in Maryhill College
 The institution can conduct a study similar to the study of the researcher to
determine the effectiveness of the proposed program

Aereane Keith C. Rubiales Carl Vincent L. Pureza Matt Wilson M. Quisao

[Researcher] [Researcher] [Research Adviser]

Date: _____________ Date: _____________ Date: _____________

Maryhill College, Inc. 42


August __, 2019


BED Principal
Maryhill Collge

Dear Madame:

Greetings of Peace!

We, the researchers, are currently conducting a study entitled “The Relationship Between
Parents’ Parenting Style and Self-esteem of Grade 11 Students in Maryhill College” in
partial fulfilments for the subject Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion.

Hence, we are asking permission to distribute the questionnaire among the selected Grade 11
students as our respondents. The information that they provide will remain confidential and
intended for academic purpose only.

Your positive response on this matter is deeply appreciated.

Thank you very much for the response you may accord this request.

Respectfully yours,

Pureza Carl Vincent L.

Rubiales Aereane Keith C.


Endorsed by: Noted by:

Research Adviser SHS Vice Principal

Approved by:


Maryhill College, Inc. 43

BED Principal


Maryhill College
Basic Education Department
S. Y. 2019-2020
Dear Respondent,


We the researchers currently conducting study entitled “The Relationship

Between Parents’ Parenting Style and Self-esteem of Grade 11 Students in Maryhill
College”. Related with this we would like to ask for your time to answer the questions
that will help us in our study. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Rest assured that
the information you give will be treated with strict confidentiality. Thank you so much
for your participation.

Respectfully yours,

Pureza Carl Vincent L.

Rubiales, Aereane Keith C.


Mr. Matt Wilson Quisao (Sgd.)

Research Adviser
Maryhill College, Inc. 44

Direction: These questions ask you how you feel about yourself. Please answer each
question.1 Namely, ‘Almost all of the time’ (4), A lot of the time (3), A little of the time
(2), Hardly ever (1). For the second part, Strongly agree (4), Agree (3), Disagree (2),
Strongly Disagree (1)
4-Almost of the time 4- Strongly Agree
3- A lot of time 3- Agree
2- A Little of time 2--Disagree
1- Hardly Every 1-Strongly Disagree

I. Self-Esteem Part 1

Statements: 4 3 2 1
1. I am able to stand up for myself and what I
believe in.
2. How I feel about myself depends on what
others think of me.
3. I feel I can be myself around other people.
4. Overall I feel good about my abilities
compared to others (e.g. at school, playing
sports or socially).
5. If I make an innocent mistake, I let it get me
6. I feel useless.
II. Self-Esteem Part 2
7. Overall I like who I am.
8. I am a good person who has a lot to offer.
9. I feel that I am a valuable person who is at least
equal to other people.
10. How I feel about my body makes me feel
11. I feel confident in my abilities to achieve the
things I set my mind to.
12. I think other people like me
Adopted and Modified: Pritha Saha (2017)
Maryhill College, Inc. 45
Maryhill College, Inc.
Directions: Given below are statements to know how your mother/father deals with you.
For each statement 5 options. Namely ‘Very right’ (4), ‘Right’ (3), Wrong’ (2), ‘Very
Wrong’ (1).
4- Very Right
3 -Right
1-Very Wrong
Parenting Style

Statement 4 3 2 1
May parents:
1. Point out my mistake in a manner that I
2. Show love to me.
3. Enquired the reason for my failure.
4. Help me in studying.
5. Confer responsibilities in accordance with
my growth.
6. Have faith in me.
7. Fulfill my desires with available means.
8. Make me aware that the responsibility of
what I do is mine itself.
9. Accept when I say no to what I dislike.
10. Talk to me praising about their friends.
11. Appreciate when I try to become
12. Punish according to my mistakes.
13. Show love when I do mistakes.
14. Has given me freedom to select the subject
for the study.
15. Give priorities to my performances in
16. Demand me to be systematic in study.
17. Emphasize my success.
18. Advise me.
19. Celebrate my success with me.
20. Give me timely advice.
Adopted and Modified: Abidha Kurrukan (2014)
Maryhill College, Inc.
Maryhill College, Inc.

Table 1
Level of the self-esteem of selected Students
Statements: 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. I am able to stand up for myself and 18 43 16 2
what I believe in.

2. How I feel about myself depends 10 39 24 6

on what others think of me.

3. I feel I can be myself around 31 31 12 5

other people.
4. Overall, I feel good about my 18 41 15 5
abilities compared to others (e.g. at
school, playing sports or socially).

5. If I make an innocent mistake, I 8 27 36 8

let it get me down.
6. I feel useless. 10 23 34 12
II. Self-Esteem Part 2
7. Overall, I like who I am. 27 37 11 4

8. I am a good person who has a lot 23 37 15 4

to offer.
9. I feel that I am a valuable person 19 46 10 4
who is at least equal to other people.

10. How I feel about my body makes 22 36 18 3

me feel confident.

11. I feel confident in my abilities to 23 37 13 6

achieve the things I set my mind to.

12. I think other people like me 24 34 18 3

Maryhill College, Inc.
Table 2
The parenting style being experience by the respondents
Statements: 4 3 2 1
(SD) (A) (D) (SD)
May parents:
1. Point out my mistake in a manner that I understand. 25 46 6 2

2. Show love to me. 36 37 3 3

3. Enquired the reason for my failure. 21 48 8 2

4. Help me in studying. 30 39 8 2

5. Confer responsibilities in accordance with my growth. 30 43 5 1

6. Have faith in me. 39 29 9 2

7. Fulfill my desires with available means. 28 38 10 3

8. Make me aware that the responsibility of what I do is mine 37 37 5 0


9. Accept when I say no to what I dislike. 27 34 14 4

10. Talk to me praising about their friends. 24 40 14 1

11. Appreciate when I try to become independent. 33 37 5 4

12. Punish according to my mistakes. 26 37 13 3

13. Show love when I do mistakes. 22 43 10 4

14. Has given me freedom to select the subject for the study. 28 40 8 3

15. Give priorities to my performances in studies. 32 34 9 4

16. Demand me to be systematic in study. 20 43 15 1

17. Emphasize my success. 34 36 7 2

18. Advise me. 39 31 7 2

19. Celebrate my success with me. 32 31 4 4

20. Give me timely advice. 29 39 8 3
Maryhill College, Inc.

Aereane Keith Comia Rubiales

Lot 10 block 10 St. Dominic Village1

Calumpang Tayabas, Quezon


Name: Aereane Keith C. Rubiales
Birthday: November 9, 2001
Birthplace: Magdalena, Laguna
Home Address: Tayabas City
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Born Again Christian
C Maryhill College
ELEMENTARY: Suba Elementary School
2018-2020 Majayjay, Laguna
SECONDARY: Quezon National High School
Lucena City
2014- 2018
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Maryhill College
Lucena City

C Maryhill College
Lucena City
Maryhill College, Inc.

Carl Vincent L. Pureza

Purok Sampaguita, Barangay Domoit

Lucena City

C Maryhill College
Lucena City
Name: Carl Vincent L. Pureza
2018-2020 September 17, 2001
Birthplace: Lucena City
Home Address: Lucena City
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

C Maryhill College
Lucena City
ELEMENTARY: Gulang-Gulang Elementay School
2018-2020 Lucena City
SECONDARY: Quezon National High School
Lucena City
2014- 2018
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Maryhill College
Lucena City

C Maryhill College
Lucena City

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