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Prova BIMESTRAL Ens. Fund.

8º Ano
Disciplina: Inglês
Nome: Nº
Data: / / 19 4º Bimestre – Peso: 4 Valor: 9,0


Read. Write T (True) or F (False). (0,25 x 4 = 1,0)

Living in Space
How would you like to work in a lab that is orbiting in space? The International Space Station
has been floating above Earth since November 2000. Astronauts from all over the world take
turns living at the Space Station for six months at a time. While they are there, they perform
experiments and learn about what it would be like for humans to live in space.

Living in space has many challenges. Activities you don’t even think about on Earth are difficult
without the help of gravity. When astronauts go to sleep, they have to be strapped to their
beds. Otherwise they would float around and bump into things. Activities like cutting hair or
clipping nails are very different, too. Astronauts have to use a vacuum to catch hair and nail
clippings. Bits of hair and nails floating around could damage expensive equipment!

Astronauts agree that their favorite activity is looking out the windows of the Space Station.
What could be better than viewing the landscape of Earth from space?

1. Gravity helps astronauts perform many different activities in space. ________

2. Only astronauts from the United States work at the Space Station. _______

3. Astronauts have to deal with unique challenges in space. ______

4. Astronauts favorite activity is to eat in space. _______
Based on the text answer. (0,5 x 3 = 1,5)
1. Since when has the International Space station been floating around Earth?
2. Give 2 examples of simple activities that are difficult to do in space.



3. What do astronauts do while in space?




1 – Choose all the correct options to complete each sentence. (10 x 0,25 = 2,5)

1. It takes hard work and ______ to reach a difficult goal.

a. chance c. degrees
b. perseverance d. proof

2. If you are a(n) ______ pilot, you should talk to people who have a lot of experience.
a. advance c. seasonal
b. fundamental d. aspiring

3. Water is a ______for life.

a. background c. requirement
b. proof d. landscape

4. The ______in our town includes lakes and mountains.

a. plain c. valley
b. landscape d. background

5. Scientists use special ______to collect rocks and soil on Mars.

a. instruments c. wonders
b. satellites d. Requirements
6. I tried to ______my sister’s silly personality in the picture.
a. invent c. create
b. capture d. make

7. I like to paint giraffes. They are my favorite ______.

a. witness c. method
b. audience d. subject

8. Artists create work for a(n) ______to enjoy.

a. audience c. landscape
b. subject d. portrait

9. My aunt doesn’t like to take pictures of people. She prefers to take pictures of ______.
a. portraits c. landscapes
b. witnesses d. illustrators

10. Photographs are great because they help me remember ______events.

a. realistic c. permanent
b. abstract d. meaningful


Complete each sentence with the past passive of the verb in parentheses. (5 x 0,2 = 1,0)

1.We took a lot of pictures on our vacation. Many of them _____________________ (were taken/
was took) at the beach.

2.My favorite picture was a landscape. It _____________________ (got capture/was captured) just
before sunset.

3.My mom used to have a camera that printed photos right away. A special kind of film
_____________________ (requires/ was required) to take pictures.

4.My sister used her phone to take pictures. Later, the photos _____________________ (sharing/was
shared) online.
5. She didn´t buy the new computer, I did. The computer ________________ (was bought/ bought)
by me.

Choose the correct alternative to form the First Conditional (5 x 0,2 = 1,0)

1. If I ___________ time tonight, I will finish the novel that I am reading.

will have
am having
2. If David ________ answer my phone this time I ________ call him again.
won't / doesn't
doesn't / won't
won't / don't
isn't / won't

3. If you eat to much junk food you ____________ fatter.

will become
are becoming
4. I will stay in bad If I ________________ well tomorrow.
won't feel
don't feel
not feel
5. I will leave early ______________________.
if I will finish my work
if I am finish my work
if I finish my work
if I won't finish my work
Transform the sentences into the Reported Speech: (5 x 0,1= 0,5)

1. The teacher said to me: "Open your notebook."


2. Robert said, “I will pass the exam.”


3. She said “ I like to travel”


4. He said to me “ I play volleyball.”

5. My mother said: "Put on your shoes."


What are your favorite types of visual arts? List three and give an example for each.

1- ___________________________.
An example is_________________. I like it

2- ___________________________.
An example is_________________. I like it

3- ___________________________.
An example is_________________. I like it

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