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Assignment # 01

Department of Electrical Engineering

HITEC University, Taxila

BS Electrical Engineering Program

(Session 2018)

EC-222 Data Structures and Algorithms

Submitted by:
Muhamad Humaish Reg# (18-EE-029)

Instructor: Sir, WAQAR ISMAIL

Task 1:
Select A Single Link List named As (SLL) and Apply all
Operations on it
1. Creation Link List with 5 Nodes.
2. Traverse and Display link list.
3. Insert Elements Separately (At Start, at user entered
position, At End).
4. Delete Elements Separately (At Start, at user entered
position, At End).
Your code should have user choices to
 a....Create,
 b....Add at beginning,
 c....Add at position [please enter desired position],
 d....Add at the End,
 e....Display

#include<cstdlib>//The free function is defined in <cstdlib> header file.
using namespace std;

struct Node
int data;
struct Node* next;

Node* creatingnode(int value)

struct Node* Temp, * X;
Temp = new(struct Node);
if (Temp == NULL)
cout << "Empty Linked List" << endl;
return 0;
Temp->data = value;

Temp->next = NULL;

return Temp;

void InsertStart()
int value;
cout << " Enter the value" << endl;
cin >> value;
struct Node* Temp, * Y;
Temp = creatingnode(value);
if (head == NULL)
head = Temp;
head->next = NULL;
Y = head;
head = Temp;
head->next = Y;
cout << value << " Inserted at beginning" << endl;

void Insertlast()
int value;
cout << "Enter the value to be inserted: " << endl;
cin >> value;
struct Node* Temp, * X;
Temp = creatingnode(value);
X = head;
while (X->next != NULL)
X = X->next;
Temp->next = NULL;
X->next = Temp;
cout << value << " Inserted at Last" << endl;

void Insertatposition()
int value, pos, counter = 0;
cout << "Enter the value to be inserted: ";
cin >> value;
struct Node* Temp, * X;
struct Node* tail;
tail = NULL;

Temp = creatingnode(value);
cout << "Enter the postion at which node to be inserted: ";
cin >> pos;
int i;
X = head;
while (X != NULL)
X = X->next;
if (pos == 1)
if (head == NULL)
head = Temp;
head->next = NULL;
tail = head;
head = Temp;
head->next = tail;
else if (pos > 1 && pos <= counter)
X = head;
for (i = 1; i < pos; i++)
tail = X;
X = X->next;
tail->next = Temp;
Temp->next = X;
cout << "Please enter a Valid Position";

void Deleteposition()
int Pos, I;
int counter = 0;
if (head == NULL)
cout << "Linked list Is empty" << endl;
cout << "Enter the Position Of the Value To Be Deleted: " << endl;
cin >> Pos;
struct Node* X;
struct Node* tail;
tail = NULL;

X = head;
if (Pos == 1)
head = X->next;
while (X != NULL)
X = X->next;
if (Pos > 0 && Pos <= counter)
X = head;
for (I = 1; I < Pos; I++)
tail = X;
X = X->next;
tail->next = X->next;

cout << " Please Enter A Valid Position" << endl;
free(X);//The free() function in C++ deallocates a block of
//memory previously allocated.

cout << "List Deleted" << endl;


void Display()
struct Node* Temp;
if (head == NULL)
cout << "The List is Empty" << endl;
Temp = head;
cout << "Values In The Linked List Are:" << endl;
while (Temp != NULL)
cout << Temp->data << "->";
Temp = Temp->next;
cout << "Null" << endl;

int main()
int Choice;
head = NULL;
while (1)
cout << "1.Add a Node at the beginning of the list" << endl;
cout << "2.Add a Node at the Last of the list" << endl;
cout << "3.Add a Node at a particular place in the list" << endl;
cout << "4.Deleting a Node in the list" << endl;
cout << "5.Display the Single link list" << endl;
cout << "6.Exit Program " << endl;
cout << "Please Select an Option : " << endl;
cin >> Choice;
switch (Choice)
case 1:
cout << "Inserting Node at Beginning: " << endl;
cout << endl;
case 2:
cout << "Inserting Node at Last: " << endl;
cout << endl;

case 3:
cout << "Inserting Node at a given position:" << endl;
cout << endl;

case 4:
cout << "Delete a particular node: " << endl;

case 5:
cout << "Display elements of link list" << endl;
cout << endl;

case 6:
cout << "Exiting..." << endl;

cout << "Wrong choice" << endl;
} return 0;

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