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Rosehip Poncho

a simple poncho for a new baby

Rosehip Poncho

To fit baby:
premature (newborn: 6 months: 12 months)
To fit chest:
36 (41: 51: 60) cm, 14 (16: 20: 24) inch
Two knitted pieces:
15 (18: 21: 24) cm wide by 30 (36: 42: 48) cm long
6 (7: 8½: 9½) inches wide by 11¾ (14¼: 16¾: 19) inches long
King Cole Big Value Chunky
Shade: 1749 Rosehip, 100 (100: 100: 150) g
A pair of 6 mm (US 10) knitting needles
A 4 mm (G) crochet hook
Tension / Gauge
14 sts and 20 rows to 10 cm (4 inches)
measured over garter stitch using 6 mm needles
Pattern notes
The poncho is worked in 2 parts and sewn together afterwards
Garter Stitch
Cast on any number of stitches.
1st row: Knit.
This row forms the pattern and is repeated,
To knit poncho
Using 6 mm (US 10) needles, cast on 21 (25: 29: 33) sts,
Continue in garter stitch until work measures 30 (36: 42: 48) cm or 11¾ (14¼:
16¾: 19) inches. Cast off.
Knit another piece the same

To make up / Finishing
Sew parts together as follows: Place cast off row on first knitted piece against
the longer right side of the second knitted piece; from bottom of cast on row and
up 15 (18: 21: 24) cm or 6 (7: 8½: 9½) inches. Sew the two parts together
neatly. Now sew together cast-off row on the second knitted piece to the first
knitted piece in the same way, but to the
longer left side.

Crochet Edging
Using a 4 mm (G) crochet hook, crochet 1
round of single crochet (US) (crab stitch)
evenly around the edge of the poncho.

Cut yarn into lengths and add fringe around bottom edge. Each strand should be
slightly more than twice the length of the finished tassel. Fold the strands in
half and draw the folded end through the edge of the knitted fabric using a
crochet hook. Pull the loose ends of yarn firmly through the loop to form a
knot. Trim all the ends once the fringe is completed. Add one fringe to every
other crochet stitch.
Weave in ends. Pin out to size, cover with a damp cloth, and leave to dry
© Esther Kate Designs 2018

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