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Behavioral scientist have know for many years that visual images can have a powers effect on the proces of learning in
some cases, pictures may readch people who simply do not listen well to the spoken Word, or who may not understand
what the words mean.


Behavioral scientists have that visual support is important in comunication for three main reasons:

 It can help explain, reinforce, and clarify the spoken Word during a presentation. If you can not say something
easily you may be able to show it to your audience.
 Some people pay more attention to what they see that what they hear, and can more quickly and easily recall
information and concepts with a visual component that those that are just spoken aloud.
 People tend to recognize ideas most eaily when they are presented as a combination of both words and picture,
rather that when presented as either words or picture alone.


Good visual have a number of characteristcs in common. The most important is simplicity. The more complex a
visual display becomes, the more difficult it is for an audience to understand . keep your visuals clear, ordered, and
simple when trying to explain an important idea or relationships. Good visual sise color to explain and attract. Very
few people tend to have exactly the same taste in colors, buy almost everyone appreciates occasions whwn colors
are used meaningfully and consistently . certain traditions, such as using red numbers or bars to indicate a loss and
balck ones to indicate profit, allow audiences to quickly grasp information. Try using a simple legend to explain
color use on your charts and graphs; it helps the audience and will ensure consistency in your visual aids.

Fast track Off track

Thinking cafrefully about the needs and interests of Including large amounts amounts of text in your visuals
your audiences as you plan your visual aids so the audience has t oread much of your message
Choosing visuals that capture the essence of your main Using stock visuals that are only indirecly related to
points your main poins
Using color in a consistent, careful manner so that Failing to explain and coding in your visuals, including
related ítems are color- coded and gruped together your visuals, including your use of color, symbols, and
graphic depictions
Making sure your visual support is simple, crips, clean, Not not worrying about the overall look and hoping it
and uncutterd will Word adequately.


Its one thing to know your material. It is another matter entirely to believe that you can get up on stage and speak
with confidence to a group of strangers. Understanding your message and having a well- organized speech are
important to your success, but so self – confidence.


Rehearsal will help improve your speech and raise your level of self – confidence. Simply knowing that you are
been through the contents of your speeech more that once builds familiarity and is reassuring .it will also ensure
you talk for the correct amount of time. A run through or two will show whether you have too much, litte, or just
enough tos ay. Rehearsal will also help you to improve your transitions. By practicing your speech, youll be able to
identify the rough spots and Work on smoothing the transition from one main point to another and from one part
of the speech to another.
The best speakers seem to confidently deliver their speeches extemporaneously or “from the heart”, without
notes. Such speeches are not really memorized Word for Word, but rather are thoroughly researched, well
rehearsed, and professionally supported. Many extemporaneous speakers will use their acetate
transparencies, 35mm slides, or electronic slides- to prompt their memories. Others prefer to Word from buller
point on notecards or use the full manuscrip. Whichever you choose, make sure that your notes are simple, easy to
follow and allow you to maintain eye contact with the audience.


The better prepared you are, the more confident you will feed at the pódium. Make sure you have thought about
all aspects of your presentation, from the layout of the room to the type of microphone you will use. The
knowledge that your have personally arranged every detail, and have meticulously planned and your talk, will help
build your confidence, if you get cold feet, remember that you are been asked to speak because the the audience is
interested in your expertise and viewpoint. Just approach this speech as you would any other managerial taks,
knowing that you have the ability, the intelligence, and confidence to get it done.

The audience I know my speech

I’m the empert i
wants to hear and i’m confident
know this subject
what i have to say that it reads and
better then
flows easily and


 Have you doublé-cheked the time and location for your speech?
 Are yo usure about thr of time allotted to the speech?
 Have you decided how to arrange the room?
 Have you found out wheter you are using a lectern or are free to walk aroud the room during the speech?
 Have you tested the microphone and soud system?
 Are you familiar with the arrangements and systes for visuals?
 Do you knoe¿w what lighting is available, and have you planned whether it needs to change for screen
visual sor handouts during your talk?
 If you are usin a computer during the presentaation, are the relevant files back up on a secoud computer
to use if necessary?

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