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Graduate and graduating students July 28, 2016 (Thurs) – August 12, 2016 (Fri)


Pre-Registration Activities

1. Go to the Graduate School (GS) for assistance. Make sure you obtain or have the following ready. 1)
Notice of Admission (NOA) 2) Student Directory 3)Recommended Courses for New Students Form.
2. Go to Office of the University Registrar (OUR) and present your NOA and submit Student Directory.
OUR will give you a Certification of Submission of Student Directory and Student Number* and a
Medical Examination Permit. *UP students from any UP campus should retain their student number.
3. Proceed to the University Health Service (UHS) and undergo a Medical Examination. The UHS will issue
a Medical Certificate stating that you are fit to enroll.
4. Go to your Temporary Adviser (stated in your NOA) and seek her/his advise on what courses to list in
your Recommended Courses for New Students form. Have him/her sign the form.

Registration Proper
1. Starting July 28, go to the Graduate School. Present your 1) signed Recommended Courses for New
Students form 2) Validated Medical Certificate 3) Certification of Submission of Student Directory and
Student Number
2. Have your SAIS account created and have your courses encoded
3. Follow item 4 and onwards in the procedure for continuing students

NOTE: Accountabilities must be settled with units concerned to be able to proceed with the SAIS
online registration.
1. Starting on your indicated schedule of registration, access the SAIS registration site URL: Log in using your SAIS username and password.
2. Select and encode the course(s) and sections(s) to enroll for First Semester 2016-2017 using your
approved plan of study or list of recommended courses as reference.
3. Click the FINISH ENROLLING button after each course is encoded to ensure that you will get the slot in
the course and section.
Change of Matriculation/Enrollment through Teacher’s Prerogative will start on August 3, 2016 using
the Form 26 to be issued by the Office of the College Secretary (OCS).
4. For those with Tuition Fee Exemption (TFE) or Local Government Unit (LGU) scholarships, proceed to
Window 9 or 10 of the Office of the University Registrar (OUR), Ground Floor, CAS Annex I Building.
Students who will avail of the Student Loan should proceed to the Student Loan Board (SLB) at the
Office of Student Affairs (OSA), 2nd Floor, Student Union Building.

1 For references on how to enroll using SAIS, please access resources//
5. Proceed to the Cashier’s Office (Room 105, Ground Floor, Administration Building), satellite payment
centers (CAS Dean’s Office, CEAT and OSA) or Landbank branches (Account Name: UPLB / Account
Number: 1892222009) to settle matriculation fees.
If payment is made through UPLB units, secure a copy of the Form 5 which will also serve as the Official
Receipt (OR).
If payment is made through Landbank, secure copy of deposit slip and submit to Window 11 of the
Office of the University Registrar (OUR) for posting. Be reminded that a student is deemed NOT
OFFICIALLY REGISTERED unless the deposit slip has been submitted to the OUR.
6. Have your ID validated at the UPLB University Library upon presentation of your Form 5.


1. Starting August 3, 2016 (Wed), request for the Form 26 (Change of Matriculation form) from the Office
of the College Secretary (OCS).
2. Proceed to the instructor(s) concerned for enlistment and approval of courses to enroll for the
3. Return the accomplished Form 26 to the Office of the College Secretary (OCS) for checking and
encoding and assessment.
4. Access your SAIS account and make the necessary changes in the entries of courses enrolled.
5. Return to the Office of the College Secretary (OCS) and claim your signed Form 26.
6. Proceed to the Cashier’s Office for payment of Form 26. Return the machine validated Form 26 to the
Office of the College Secretary for proper documentation. Secure the student’s copy for personal file.


1. Make sure that you are enrolling the right number of units. You may check your thesis units record
at GS portal but all registration/enrollment will be through SAIS.
2. Make sure you are enrolling the section of your adviser, if your adviser is not on the list inform the
unit concerned.
3. If you are charged with laboratory fee but will not use UPLB laboratory accomplish the Certification
of Enrollment in Thesis/Dissertation then submit to GS to have the Lab Fee removed before paying.

1) To support SAIS’ goal of convenience we will allow COIs to be accomplished later (during classes),
however the faculty still has the right to deny you in her/his class. So it is still safer to secure a COI
first before paying.
2) For convenience, we won’t hold students with a Requirement Deficiency (Plan of study, Outline,
Nomination of Committee etc.) during the registration but we will come after you later. Also, you
are responsible for your actions, not complying with these requirements on time may
delay/prevent your graduation.
3) You will be automatically dropped from the class of a course with a prerequisite that you have not
complied with. You may or may not have a refund.

2 For references on how to enroll using SAIS, please access resources//

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