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MultiMedia Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Fifth Grade Science Crash Course Creators!

Content Area: Science
Grade Level(s): 5th grade
Content Standard Addressed:
Depends on the Topic the student chooses. They are able to choose any fifth grade science standard we
have learned about. For my video I used S5P3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information
about magnetism and its relationship to electricity.
Technology Standard Addressed:
6 Creative Communicator
Selected Technology Tool:
☒ Movie (list application):
☐ Audio (list application):
☐ Other: (list)
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☒ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

The Universal Design for Learning is used in this lesson through engagement, representation, and action/
expression. Students are becoming more motivated learners because they are able to use creativity and
can pick what is going to be in their video. They are able to display representation by showing content we
have already learned in class previously and presenting it differently than I did. This project can also replace
their lowest test grade and gives students the opportunity to show me what they know and it not be
through a test.
Lesson idea implementation:
I am using this lesson plan to help students review for the upcoming Georgia Milestones. This can be a very
stressful time for our students as well as teachers. After I have finished going over all the standards that
will be presented on the milestone, I will use our class time to have the students create a movie on
different science standards. I will put them into groups of three and then have them decide on a topic. No
groups are allowed to display the same standard. I will encourage the students to choose a topic they might
not have done well on previously, so they can become the expert on it. Ultimately the students will be able
to decide what topic is best for them.

After the students pick their topics, they will decide who is in charge of making the written slides, who is in
charge of finding the videos, and who is the head editor. Each of the groups will be given iPads to help
them create their procuts. I will show the student in charge of finding the video how to search for
educational videos on discovery education. The head editor of the group, I will show them how to
incorporate and clip the video. The students will have two days after I have showed them the ropes, to
complete their videos. Then we will have a class movie day where all of the groups show their videos and
take notes on topics they need to review!

Spring 2018_SJB
MultiMedia Tools
Importance of technology:
Technology in the classroom is so important. For this particular project it is critical because it could not be
done without it. The students are making their own educational movie and without that we would lose an
authentic learning experience with our students. This gives them the opportunity to create a product that
will help them learn along with their classmates. This project could also utilize something like a podcast and
have a similar effect but the visual learners would be losing out!
I used this video to introduce and show the main topics of the relationship between magnetism and
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
The students are going to be limited to specific websites in order to keep them safe on the internet.
Students are only going to be allowed to use Discover Education which is a password protected website to
find their videos and their textbooks to find information. We unfortunately will not be posting our movies
to the classroom blog, with copy right laws constantly changing we do not want our students to get flagged
for copyright. We will turn on filters when it comes to google images, so that it only shows us images that
are fair use!
Reflective Practice:
I think this lesson plan really enhances student learning by giving the students the opportunity to create
using knowledge they have used earlier in the year. To further extend it, I could have given each student a
different standard and given them a longer time frame so that they had full control of their own project
and did not have to work with a group. I think the students could have also narrorated their own project or
created a video with them in it to display their science concept!

Spring 2018_SJB

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