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1) Student’s name : Githa Molina

Date : 2017, January 4th

Teacher’s name : Roswati, S. Pd. I, M.Pd
Book : Novel
Tittle : Obama Anak Menteng
Author : Damien Dematra
Type of Story : Epic Story

2) About the author of the Book :

Damien Dematra is a novelist, scenario writer, film director,
international photographer and painter. He wrote 53 English novels and
Indonesian novels,55 film scenarios and Television series, and produce 27
films in many genres. As a photographer, he got 2 highest title in
photography: Fellowship in Portraiture and Art Photography from Master
Photographer Association , and many international appreciation such as
International Master Photographer of the Year. As a painter, Damien Dematra
produced 365 paintings that produced in one year. Except the novel Obama
Anak Menteng, the other novels of Damien Dematra that has published in
Indonesia is: Si Anak Kampoeng, a novel based on the true story of Buya
Syafii Maarif; Sejuta Doa untuk Gus Dur; Sejuta Hati untuk Gus Dur,
Ternyata Aku Sudah Islam, a novel that inspired from the true story of Debu
music group; Demi Allah, Aku Jadi Teroris; Tuhan, Jangan Pisahkan Kami;
Soulmate-Belahan Jiwa; Angels of Death-Kumpulan Kisah Malaikat Maut; If
Only Could Hear-Kisah Suara Hati.

3) Explanation about the title :

The title is Obama Anak Menteng. It means this title is about the story
of Obama’s childhood and his friends in Indonesia. Obama is different child,
he is different from his friends so that he was always judged by his friend. It
makes Obama try to be harder than his friend in playing footbal and
basketball. But, obama has two neighbor that always be his friends. They

become a compact team especially when they compete with their enemy in
football competition. Finally, after he pass many “examinations”, Barry
(Obama) was accepted by his friends, even he become an idol in basketball

4) What the book about :

This novel is nice inspiration for the reader or everyone that is
different in environment. This is nice because give us the support to be better
even thought we have many differences with others. Who knows, with the
differences, we can be a president in the future.

5) Summary of the plot :

In the beginning of the story, its tell about Bary and his family came to
Indonesia. He went with a man wearing a dark brown pants. He is an
Indonesian male, and he looks so handsome. He is Lolo Soetoro and a
beautiful woman, she is tall, stepped out with beautiful hair, thick and long.
Nosed arched eyebrows, hazel-eyed, white, and has an oval face. Wearing a
black headband and dark blue sackdress. She is Lolo Soetoro’s wife, her name
is Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro. A yellow fluffy dog jumped down and bark,
the driver Ahmad Dadi is a tall man, with a java face and brown-skinned,
brown eyes clear and deep. Ahmad dadi’s children who were playing football
is hearing noisy . Slamet is 13 years old, raising his eyes were big, he has a
mole on the lower left and below the mouth. And his sister Yuniadi often
called Yuni.
After his father tell that there are new people in the pavillion, they
immediately go to see. Seen a head of boy who is reading a book seriously.
After they ventured out to him and introduced theirself. Slamet walking to
home from the store, carrying a bag of eggs, beside Yuniadi carrying a bag of
spinach. Suddenly, they saw Barry confusion, it turns out he lost his dog, they
decided to find together. They are very confused, they around all over the
field, front of house, bushes, streets, pass the alley that juts into the. They look

a group of children. The first child see to the other children, each touched
each other. Three other children laughing . Amir wearing a discolored, Bahrun
the spotty and Carut, the children who is 13 years old, has eyes sharp and thin
faced with a wound in his cheek. They immediately went, after arrived in
home, Barry pushed the door and the sound of a familiar direction behind the
thick edge of the short plants: barking dogs.
The next day, after the learning has done, Barry play ping-pong with
his father. Stanley Ann was reading the journal in the living room, and Slamet
was in the backyard. Slamet and Yuniadi listening to his radio. They saw
Barry and his father play ping-pong, they go to Barry’s home soon. They were
playing together. When they go to home from the school, Slamet and Yuni see
Barry was depression. He got the punishmen from his teacher, because he
annoyed the girl who is grade 5 . Suddenly, there is the door opened from the
inside they turned, a very thin man about 15 years old, oval-faced and staring
blankly. His lips were a little square pointed, sharp compete with fairly sharp
nose. He was wearing a tight red shirt.
Barry and Turdi then entered the house, Barry eats and then doing
home work, after completed his home work, Barry and Slamet playing
football on the field, they feel tired after they lay down on the ground, look at
the evening sky red. Suddenly, Barry invited Slamet to compete. Slamet also
agree. Slamet grabbed Barry’s right hand, Barry’s left hand is more powerful,
he gripping Slamet’s hand, then threw him to the ground that watered by
Saman recently. They wrestle on the wet ground, eventually Django (Barry’s
dog) did not hold up and come rolled on the ground, their clothes caked in
mud and muddy, wet, brown, and stickyt. They were both lying on the ground.
Barry go home soon and get cleaned up. Then he went to study.
The next day, Barry want to go to school by his bicycle. But it is not
permitted, finally he was escorted by Turdi. Although in his heart he wanted
to protest, but he can’t. After arrived, he jump down. Turdi cycled his bicycle
when he saw a white child, he is Sony. They walk together to the class.
Shortly after the class is end, Barry walking in a field across from his home

with his face is bent. Then Slamet called him, Barry stared at Slamet, then he
smile. Slamet play badminton. But Barry did not have a racket. Finally he had
an idea he was using a tennis racket belongs to both parents. They play very
fun. But their hands become very tired, so that they play only an hour .
After waking up, he saw the woman who is still rather young, about 13
years old, yellow skin, flawless. She is Inem. Barry looked surprised to see it.
He saw Slamet from a distance. Then he approached. Finally they agreed to do
the match football. Suddenly the child sitting on the ground to him. He is
Iboy, the neighbor of Barry. He is also adept at playing football. Finally Barry
with Iboy, Slamet with Yuniadi. In the next week, Barry practice soccer every
morning and boxing every afternoon. Monthly match in the square in front of
the house resumed. But this time, which will compete not only between
regions. Carut has been set in such a way in the committee so that the match
will be held one-on-one. Carut and Barry go to the middle of the square soon.
The referee reached into his pocket, then blow the whistle. The ball in the
middle was kicked. Their legs interlocked. Does not feel the first leg who took
it. Carut looked at Barry and gripping his shoulder and trying to push back.
Barry pushed to the back anyway. Both see each other apart, run as
fast as lightning took his ball back. Carut pulled Barry’s hand to the back, but
Barry took his hand, and they were thrown to the ground. Barry stood up, then
ran back. Barry ran toward the ball over backwards as fast as lightning. Vulgar
tackle on his feet. Barry was fall. He dribbled but Barry took his foot. "Cheat"
Barry said. Carut tried to get up but his back sprains. Barry dribble and shot
right in the middle. "GOAL ............... !!!" then the committee give the prize to
Barry. The money was used to buy mung bean porridge. The family who has
the main house go abroad for three weeks. They cautioned that the car is
heated. Ahmad took Slamet to test drive. Slamet also agreed. Ahmad begin to
explain to him slowly. He explained layout and how the brake clutch gas leads
the car. When passing in front of their house, his friend is clapping.
They wait and then went into the courtyard and sit back. Suddenly
Iboy asked "Between the president, businessmen, soldiers what want you to

be?" Slamet and Yuniadi answered "army!" "I still choose to be a
businessman, can hold a lot of money." Iboy said. "Well ... the balance is
president ..., " Barry said. They are all getting teased "the president have not
got anything." "Well cheating ....., but the president could be government
soldiers, you are my employers should just follow my orders" Barry said
innocently. That night after they finish studying, Barry playing with Slamet in
the backyard. Slamet see lolo was talking to his father. Slamet also feel
something that happen, but he can not guess what. Slamet does not know why
..... is there something else?
After go home, Barry play with Slamet and Yuniadi. Barry invite them
to take a picture. The next day, Slamet aspires to take photos, but he would
like to invite Barry. Slamet look at the kitchen, Turdi out of the kitchen
suddenly he told that Barry had to go to Hawaii this afternoon. Slamet didn’t
believe what he was hearing. Impossible! Barry certainly say goodbye to him.
Slamet shock, he did not believe, he took a few steps. He already loved the
child who is strange, they like to disturb. He felt loneliness that he didn’t
understand. He was unhappy at the loss of his friend.
Many years later, Slamet staring at a green suit, walking to the front
and up the gun to his chest, then put it to his chest. He has been a soldier.
Yuniadi, he also became a soldier. Iboy smiled at undergraduate economy
diploma. From the second floor where he worked on one of the big bank in his
country he saw people passing. He has been the assistant manager. Slamet
married to Joanna, he had long craved. For the sake of his wife finally he
came out of the army and switched professions to become a driver. Sonny has
been a managing partner at a leading law firm. Slamet was taking a rest,
suddenly Yuniadi called to his phone. "Met .." Yuniadi said. "Hell yeah,
what's up? Hurry!" Slamet said. "Go watching to the television now, the water
hair, he become a candidate of US president. "Yuniadi replied. "Are you sure
that Barry Soetoro?", "It's not Barry Soetoro, his name is Barack Obama, you
just look at the television" replied Yuniadi.

Slamet hurriedly ran to the Television and turn the knob. His body
sank into the rear when suddenly he saw a close-up of a black man who was
standing on the podium and staring confidently at the journalists who are
being asked. He heard a word in English: "Barry" "Soetoro" "Indonesia"
"Menteng" . His foot was limp. Impossible! finally he reached into his pocket
and went to the internet cafe, looking for all the data about Barack Obama. He
even asked his friend who master the English language to be able to translate
the information obtained. Slamet gather with his family and his children to
watch the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th US president. Already
many days he can not stop speaking about his friend. They never say a
goodbye, and suddenly his friend had disappeared, later emerged as US
president. Slamet chest tightness he'd like to see Barry again, At him just to
say: Goodbye friends!

6) Characterization of the two main characters :

- Barry : Discipline, Smart, Curious, Obedient, and Simple (Protagonist)
- Slamet : Diligent (Protagonist)

7) Three questions for the main character (Obama) :

a. How to become an optimist person?
b. What is the biggest chalenge to be a president?
c. Who is the important person that always support you from the begining
until the top?

8) The reason why did the author write this book :

The author wrote this book because Obama will come to the Indonesia
at that time and actually the author know many friends of Obama when he was
child. This novel as a thing that use to appreciate Obama. The author was
inspired by the life story of Obama and his friends in the Jakarta. The author
said that this book was dedicated for Ann Dunham, the super woman who
loves Indonesia.

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