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Copy-cat do not know from where …………

SURYA: Eye disease, Headache, Fever, loss of appetite, diarrhea, heart

disease, Bile, Thirst, Sun stroke.

CHANDRA: Veneral disease, Skin disease, Cold cough, Phlegm, smallpox or

Measles, Laziness, Spleen and liver disorders, Mental disorder,
Epilepsy, Typhoid, Synus, Eye diseases, dropsy, impurities of blood,
swellings, stomach ache, lunacy, influenza

KUJA: Accidents, cuts, wounds, loss of semen, dog bite, blood defect, loss of
blood, piles, blood pressure, heart disease, constipation, anemia, bile,

BUDHA: Stomach disorder, Leprosy, Childlessness, intestinal complaints, skin

diseases, mental disorder, eczema, itches, scabies, sore throat, tonsils,
dumb, bald, ring worm , leucodrama
GURU: Hernia, Bronchitis, liver complaints, jaundice
SUKRA: Veneral diseases, uterine disorders, eye diseases, phlegm and wind ,
diabetes, anemia, skin disease , diseases of ovaries, Abortion
SANI: Lethargy, gas troubles, rheumatism, arthritis, defective speech, tooth

ailments, indigestion, ulcer, asthma

RAHU: Cataract, Tooth ailments, pox, leprosy, suicide, body pains,

stammering, ailments of lever and spleen, rheumatism, sudden death,
murder, accidents, sexual perversity, homosexuality, lesbianism,
cohabitation with animals, snake bite, insanity.

KETU: Cuts, wounds, leprosy, itches and sores, suicide, stomach ache, small
pox, piles, cancer, sudden death, murder, hunger, skin eruptions,
snakebite, viral fever, tumour.

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