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How to Increase Blood Flow to the


The brain uses about three times as much oxygen as the muscles do. Oxygen is vital to
brain function, and brain healing. Optimal brain function relies on a healthy blood flow.
There are a number of different methods you can use to increase the amount of
oxygen-rich blood that flows to your brain.

Exercise regularly. All aerobic activity has positive effects on circulation and health. One
research study concluded that moderate exercise improves blood circulation to the brain in older
women.[1] Walk for 30–50 minutes at a brisk rate of speed, three or four times per week.

 The results of the study indicated as much as 15% higher blood flow to the brain.
 Many studies suggest a connection between exercise and overall brain health, though there's
no definitive research suggesting that increased blood flow may prevent or reverse cognitive
 Aerobic activity is any physical activity that causes you to breathe harder, and raises your heart
rate. Swimming, bicycling, dancing, and even sex are all aerobic activities. Find one that best
suits your lifestyle, and engage in it with enthusiasm!

Take short walks throughout the day. It's not necessary to commit to a lengthy
exercise session to reap the benefits of walking. Taking short walks will also help
increase the blood flow to your brain. Even a walk of three to five minutes will have a
positive effect on your blood's circulation.
 Use a timer throughout your day to remind yourself to take walking breaks. If you work
at a desk, schedule short walks.
 Take advantage of naturally occurring opportunities to walk. Take the stairs instead of
the elevator. Park at a distance from your destination. Get off the bus or train before
your exit, and walk the remainder of the route.

Stretch during the day. Stretching improves overall circulation, and prevents stiffness in the
joints and muscles.[2]Set aside a few minutes every hour to stretch your body.

 Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles. While it's not possible to truly "stretch" your
brain, by enhancing blood flow throughout your body, circulation will improve and increase.[3]
 Simple stretches that result in increased blood flow to the brain include touching your knees or
toes from a standing position. Alternatively, sit on a clean area with your legs outstretched, and
touch your knees, shins or toes from this seated position. Be careful not to do anything that
causes pain or discomfort in your back.

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