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Exercise is a safe, nonpharmacological intervention recommended as first-line treatment for knee

OA. Exercise improves patients’ symptoms, mobility, quality of life, and psychological health
(Bartholdy et al., 2016; Wellsandt and Golightly, 2017).

We consider that the improvement noted in our study is not due to the natural evolution of OA. Hip
and knee OA is known to reduce muscular strength and atrophy the muscles that stabilize these
joints (Escalante et al., 2010). Core exercises, could improve the coordination and stability of the
trunk, pelvis, hips and knees by stimulating important muscles of the lumbopelvic-hip complex as
well as periarticular muscles of the knee. Appropriate training programs aimed at gaining strength
have proved to help prevent loss of muscle strength and could potentially protect joints against
pathologic stress.

OA lutut diketahui berkaitan dengan penurunan kekuatan otot dan atrofi otot-otot yang
menstabilkan persendian ini. Latihan inti, dapat meningkatkan koordinasi dan stabilitas trunk, pelvis,
pinggul dan lutut dengan merangsang otot-otot penting dari kompleks lumbopelvic-pinggul serta
otot-otot periarticular lutut. Program pelatihan yang tepat yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan
kekuatan otot kembali telah terbukti berpotensi melindungi sendi terhadap stressor patologis.

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