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Background. In recent years, dentistry

has benefited from a marked increase in the
development of esthetic materials, A including
ceramic and plastic compounds. But the
✷ ✷

advent of these new materials has not elimi-

nated the usefulness of more traditional

restorative materials such as gold, base



metal alloys and dental amalgam. U
Direct and indirect Overview. This report outlines T Iimportant
features of direct and indirect restoratives,
with an emphasis on the safety and efficacy
restorative materials of each material.
Conclusions and Practice
Implications. This article was developed
ADA COUNCIL ON SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS to help dentists explain to their patients the
relative pros and cons of various materials
used in dental restorations, which include
atients and practitioners have a variety of fillings, crowns, bridges and inlays. The

P options when choosing materials and proce- weight of the scientific evidence indicates
dures for restoring carious lesions or missing that all of these materials are safe and effec-
teeth. This report outlines important features tive for their intended use. Patients, in con-
of many of the most popular restorative choices sultation with their dentists, are free to
and is intended as a communication tool for dentists to choose the most appropriate among them for
use in discussing the options available for a particular their particular needs.
restoration with their patients. This is not a comprehen-
sive literature review and, due to space
limitations, it covers only the most com-
The weight of monly used restorative materials. The to explain the differences between the
the scientific choice of material and procedures to two categories thus: Direct materials
evidence restore form, appearance and function are those that can be placed directly in
to the dentition is an important health the tooth cavity during a single appoint-
indicates that
care decision that is ultimately made by ment. Indirect materials are used to
all of the the patient after careful consultation fabricate restorations in the dental lab-
various dental with his or her dentist. It is imperative oratory that then are placed in or on the
restorative that dentists provide this information in teeth; placement of indirect materials
materials a manner that is clear, concise and generally requires two or more visits to
are safe and based on the best available scientific complete the restoration. Table 3 (page
information. 466) lists commonly used direct and
effective for
This article is a companion piece to indirect materials.
their intended the chart comparing the important fea- The service life of dental restoratives
use. tures of many frequently used restora- depends on a number of patient-, ma-
tive materials that appeared in the terial- and procedure-related factors.
March 18, 2002, issue of ADA News1 Patient-related factors include the size
(Tables 1 and 2). The chart tabulated physical and clin- and location of the restoration, chewing
ical characteristics of the two common categories of habits and loads, the level of oral
materials: direct and indirect. Practitioners might wish hygiene and maintenance, and systemic

“Practical Science” is prepared each month by the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs and Divi-
sion of Science, in cooperation with The Journal of the American Dental Association. The
mission of “Practical Science” is to spotlight what is known, scientifically, about the issues
and challenges facing today’s practicing dentists.

JADA, Vol. 134, April 2003 463

Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.




General A mixture of mer- A mixture of sub- Self-hardening mixture of Self- or light-

Description cury and silver alloy micron glass filler fluoride containing glass hardening mixture of
powder that forms a and acrylic that powder and organic acid sub-micron glass filler
hard solid metal forms a solid tooth- that forms a solid tooth with fluoride-
filling. Self-hard- colored restoration. colored restoration able to containing glass
ening at mouth tem- Self- or light- release fluoride. powder and acrylic
perature. hardening at mouth resin that forms a
temperature. solid tooth-colored
restoration able to
release fluoride.

Principal Uses Dental fillings and Esthetic dental fill- Small non–load-bearing fillings, cavity liners and
heavily loaded back ings and veneers. cements for crowns and bridges.
tooth restorations.

Leakage and Leakage is mod- Leakage low when Leakage is generally low; Leakage is low when
Recurrent Decay erate, but recurrent properly bonded to recurrent decay is com- properly bonded to the
decay is no more underlying tooth; parable to other direct underlying tooth;
prevalent than other recurrent decay materials, fluoride release recurrent decay is
materials. depends on mainte- may be beneficial for comparable to other
nance of the tooth- patients at high risk for direct materials; fluo-
material bond. decay. ride release may be
beneficial for patients
at high risk for decay.

Overall Good to excellent in Good in small-to- Moderate to good in non–load-bearing restorations;

Durability large load-bearing moderate size poor in load-bearing.
restorations. restorations.

Cavity Requires removal of Adhesive bonding permits removing less tooth structure.
Preparation tooth structure for
Considerations adequate retention
and thickness of the

Clinical Tolerant to a wide Must be placed in a well-controlled field of operation; very little tolerance to
Considerations range of clinical presence of moisture during placement.
placement condi-
tions, moderately
tolerant to the pres-
ence of moisture
during placement.

Resistance to Highly resistant to Moderately resistant, High wear when placed on chewing surfaces.
Wear wear. but less so than

Resistance to Brittle, subject to Moderate resistance Low resistance to Low to moderate

Fracture chipping on filling to fracture in high- fracture. resistance to fracture.
edges, but good bulk load restorations.
strength in larger

Biocompatibility Well-tolerated with rare occurrences of allergenic response.

Post-Placement Early sensitivity Occurrence of sensi- Low. Occurrence of sensi-

Sensitivity to hot and cold tivity highly depen- tivity highly de-
possible. dent on ability to pendent on ability to
adequately bond the adequately bond the
restoration to the restoration to the
underlying tooth. underlying tooth

Esthetics Silver or gray Mimics natural tooth Mimics natural tooth color, but lacks natural
metallic color does color and translu- translucency of enamel.
not mimic tooth cency, but can be
color. subject to staining
and discoloration
over time.

Relative Cost to Generally lower; Moderate; actual cost of fillings depends on their size and technique.
Patient actual cost of fillings
depends on their

Average Number One. One for direct fill- One. One.

of Visits To ings; 2+ for indirect
Complete inlays, veneers and

464 JADA, Vol. 134, April 2003

NOTE: The information in this chart is provided to help dentists discuss the attributes of commonly used dental restorative materials with their
patients. The chart is a simple overview of the subject based on the current dental literature. It is not intended to be comprehensive. The
attributes of a particular restorative material will vary from case to case depending on a number of factors.
Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.




General Porcelain, ceramic Ceramic is fused to Alloy of gold, copper and Alloys of non-noble
Description or glass-like fillings an underlying metal other metals resulting in metals with silver
and crowns. structure to provide a strong, effective filling, appearance resulting
strength to a filling, crown or bridge. in high-strength
crown or bridge. crowns and bridges.

Principal Uses Inlays, onlays, Crowns and fixed Inlays, onlays, crowns Crowns, fixed bridges
crowns and bridges. and fixed bridges. and partial dentures.
esthetic veneers.

Leakage and Sealing ability The commonly used methods used for placement provide a good seal against
Recurrent Decay depends on leakage. The incidence of recurrent decay is similar to other restorative
materials, under- procedures.
lying tooth structure
and procedure used
for placement.

Durability Brittle material, Very strong and High corrosion resistance prevents tarnishing; high
may fracture under durable. strength and toughness resist fracture and wear.
heavy biting loads.
Strength depends
greatly on quality of
bond to underlying
tooth structure.

Cavity Because strength Including both The relative high strength of metals in thin sections
Preparation depends on ad- ceramic and metal requires the least amount of healthy tooth structure
Considerations equate ceramic creates a stronger removal.
thickness, it restoration than
requires more ceramic alone; mod-
aggressive tooth erately aggressive
reduction during tooth reduction is
preparation. required.

Clinical These are multiple-step procedures requiring highly accurate clinical and laboratory
Considerations processing. Most restorations require multiple appointments and laboratory fabrication.

Resistance to Highly resistant to Highly resistant to Resistant to wear and gentle to opposing teeth.
Wear wear, but ceramic wear, but ceramic
can rapidly wear can rapidly wear
opposing teeth if its opposing teeth if its
surface becomes surface becomes
rough. rough.

Resistance to Prone to fracture Ceramic is prone to Highly resistant to fracture.

Fracture when placed under impact fracture; the
tension or on metal has high
impact. strength.

Biocompatibility Well-tolerated. Well tolerated, but Well-tolerated. Well tolerated, but

some patients may some patients may
show allergenic sen- show allergenic sensi-
sitivity to base tivity to base metals.

Post- Sensitivity, if present, is usually not material-specific.

Sensitivity Low thermal con- High thermal conductivity may result in early post-placement
ductivity reduces discomfort from hot and cold.
the likelihood of dis-
comfort from hot
and cold.

Esthetics Color and translu- Ceramic can mimic Metal colors do not mimic natural teeth.
cency mimic natural natural tooth appear-
tooth appearance. ance, but metal
limits translucency.

Relative Cost to Higher; requires at Higher; requires at least two office visits and laboratory services.
Patient least two office visits
and laboratory

Average Number Minimum of two; Minimum of two; Minimum of two.

of Visits To matching esthetics matching esthetics of
Complete of teeth may require teeth may require
more visits. more visits.

JADA, Vol. 134, April 2003 465

Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

conditions that can change TABLE 3

the amount of saliva and
its chemistry. Material-
related factors include DIRECT INDIRECT
strength, wear resistance,
tolerance to water, dimen- Amalgam All-Ceramic (Porcelain)

sional stability and color Resin-based Composites (Direct and Metal-Ceramic

stability. Added to this are Indirect)

procedural factors gener- Glass Ionomers Cast-Gold (High Noble) Alloys

ally encountered in making
Resin-Modified Ionomers Base Metal (Non-noble) Alloys
and placing a restoration,
such as the size and depth
of the cavity, the ability to prevent contaminating ment conditions, especially wet fields; and excel-
the cavity surface with saliva and blood, and the lent load-bearing properties.2-4 Amalgam’s resis-
ability to access the tooth and tooth surface tance to wear is superior to that of resin-based
needing restoring. Because each restoration has composites, especially for areas in direct and
unique circumstances that profoundly affect its heavy contact with opposing teeth. This is due
lifetime, this article does not attempt to discuss or largely to amalgam’s ability to adapt through
predict longevity of service for any of these mate- deformation under load.
rials. Dentists need to consider all of these factors Ideally, amalgam should be placed in a clean,
and discuss them with patients for them to make dry field. Often, cavity location or patient man-
the best informed decision. agement considerations make this impossible,
and amalgam is the only direct material currently
DIRECT RESTORATIVE MATERIALS available that can be used to provide a service-
Dental amalgam. A modern amalgam restora- able restoration under these conditions.5 The
tion is an alloy composed of mercury, silver, tin inability to keep a clean, dry cavity preparation
and copper along with other metallic elements occurs most frequently in very young patients, in
added to improve physical and mechanical prop- deep cavities under the gingival margin or very
erties. A unique aspect of the amalgam restora- far back in the mouth. In these very challenging
tion is that it starts out as a pastelike mixture of situations, amalgam can provide a satisfactory
metals and, within a few minutes after place- and very serviceable restoration.
ment, hardens in the mouth by a series of chem- Safety of dental amalgam. Amalgam has been
ical reactions to form a stable metallic alloy. The used successfully as a restorative material since
mercury is transformed from the metallic liquid the middle of the 19th century.6-8 Despite its long
state into a solid and stable intermetallic history of success, the safety of this material has
compound. been questioned periodically owing to the pres-
Amalgam is especially suitable for Class I and ence of mercury in its composition. Nevertheless,
II restorations in teeth that encounter heavy virtually every major health organization respon-
chewing forces. Class II restorations tend to be sible for protecting public health in the United
large with extensive tooth-material interface States (such as the National Institute of Dental
areas. These present a potential for leakage of and Craniofacial Research, the Centers for Dis-
oral fluids around the margins of the tooth-filling ease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food
interface, increasing the risk for recurrent caries. and Drug Administration9) and abroad (such as
However, amalgam has been reported to be the World Health Organization and Federation
capable of sealing the tooth-restoration margins Dentaire International) have declared dental
with corrosion products that accumulate with amalgam as safe and effective.
time. Since it is metallic in composition, amalgam Very small quantities of elemental mercury
is unable to mimic the color or translucency of vapor (less than one-half of the estimated natural
natural teeth, and its silver-gray color limits its daily exposure) can be released from amalgam
use on anterior teeth. restorations during chewing.10 The possibility of
Advantages of amalgam restorations over other localized allergic reactions to amalgam is recog-
direct-placement materials include resistance to nized.9 A recent study reported that immediate
wear; tolerance to a wide range of clinical place- hypersensitivity to amalgam is relatively infre-

466 JADA, Vol. 134, April 2003

Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

quent.11 A 1986 review of the literature spanning fillings to the tooth. Shrinkage of the composite
a time frame of 1905 to 1986 turned up only 41 on curing can induce stress on the
cases of amalgam allergy.12 Considering the hun- restoration/tooth bond, resulting in strain or
dreds of millions of amalgams that were placed bending of the tooth and in rare instances frac-
over this period, amalgam allergy can be consid- ture. Failure of the tooth/composite bond also can
ered very rare. be a source of early postoperative sensitivity.
Efficacy of dental amalgam. Until the advent of Recent improvements in composites and the
resin-based composites in the late 1960s, adhesives used to place composites have mini-
amalgam was the restorative material of choice mized the occurrence of these adverse events.
for all but the most esthetically demanding resto- Composite restorative materials are rarely
rations. For example, the total number of placed without the use of an adhesive. The cavity
amalgam restorations placed in 1979 in the preparation is cleaned, etched with phosphoric
United States was estimated to be 157 million.13 acid or similar etchant and impregnated with a
That number had declined to about 66 million in bonding resin to adhere mechanically to the
1999. The relative number of microporosities created by etching
amalgam restorations placed was the dentin and enamel. Bonding
surpassed by resin-based composite Like other restorative resins typically contain low–molec-
restorations in the late 1990s, and ular-weight resin monomers, and
materials currently
the use of amalgam continues to some of these have been implicated
decline at a fairly constant rate. approved for use in in allergic reactions. Sensitization
This decline can be attributed to dentistry, resin-based to compounds such as hydroxyethyl
several factors, including the composites are methacrylate have been reported,
increase in the demand for esthetic considered safe. but the problem is actually more
restorations, the reduction in dental common among dentists than it is
caries and its severity, improve- among patients.16 Frequent expo-
ments in composite technology and sure to these resins have been
improved training and experience of the clinician reported to cause allergic dermatitis on the fin-
in the placement of composite restorations. gertips of clinicians who have had repeated direct
Resin-based composites. Composite restora- contact with these unreacted monomers.18
tive materials are complex blends of polymeriz- Another safety concern regarding resin-based
able resins mixed with glass powder fillers. To composites arose in the mid-1990s, when some
bond the glass filler particles to the plastic resin researchers claimed to have detected the presence
matrix, the filler particles are coated with silane, of bisphenol A, which is known to have an estro-
an adhesive coupling molecule. Other additives genic potential, in the saliva of patients who
also are included in composite formulations to recently had received pit-and-fissure sealants.19
enhance radiographic opacity for better diagnostic The presence of bisphenol A in the dental
identification, to facilitate curing and to adjust sealants in this study was thought to have origi-
viscosity for better handling. Color and translu- nated from the breakdown of bisphenol A
cency of dental composites are modified to mimic glycidyl dimethacrylate, or Bis-GMA, a monomer
the color and translucency of teeth, making them commonly used in composite and sealant formula-
the most esthetic direct filling material available. tions. Two recent studies disputed this con-
Safety of resin-based composites. Like other tention. A study published in 2000 demonstrated
restorative materials currently approved for use that a small amount of bisphenol A could be
in dentistry, resin-based composites are consid- detected in saliva immediately after placement of
ered safe. Allergic reactions to resin-based com- a particular pit-and-fissure sealant, but this pres-
posites have been noted in a very small number of ence was very transient and no detectable level
people.14-16 Postoperative tooth sensitivity after was measured in the blood of these patients.20 The
the use of composite materials is not uncommon, authors of this study concluded that the suspi-
but it usually is transient and related to leakage cions of sealants’ potential for estrogenicity was
next to the margins of the filling or, occasionally, unfounded. A second study, published in 2001,
to mechanical stress placed on the tooth as the demonstrated that the bisphenol A measured in
filling material cures.17 Highly effective bonding these clinical trials19,20 most likely was derived
resins are used to provide adhesion of composite from the enzymatic cleavage of a different

JADA, Vol. 134, April 2003 467

Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

monomer—bisphenol A dimethacrylate, or Bis- structure is much like a dental composite in that

DMA—and not from the suspected breakdown of it has acceptable esthetics, except for the ten-
Bis-GMA.21 The majority of composites and dency of ionomers to appear opaque when com-
sealants currently used do not contain Bis-DMA. pared with natural tooth enamel.
Therefore, current resin-based composite ma- Variations of this material incorporate metal
terials generally are regarded as safe and effec- powders, such as the alloy powder also used in
tive when placed properly. amalgam, or involve the sintering of silver with
Effectiveness of resin-based composites. These the glass powder in an attempt to improve
esthetic materials originally were designed and strength and wear resistance. The polyacrylic
intended for anterior restorations only. As their acid also has been freeze-dried and incorporated
popularity increased and the materials were fur- into the glass powder, requiring only the addition
ther improved, their use expanded into nearly all of water to react and set. Residual acid in the
classes and types of dental restorations. Today, mixed material promotes an ionic bond to tooth
composites are commonly used for anterior resto- structure, adhesively bonding the material to the
rations and also used extensively for small- to tooth. The glass powder has a natural rich fluo-
moderate-sized posterior fillings in teeth without ride content that has been credited with pro-
severe chewing loads. While they generally are viding a cavity-inhibiting environment to protect
not as strong or durable as metals, resin-based the tooth from decay.24 Although widely quoted,
composites have shown promise of improvement this protective effect of fluoride in glass ionomers
in durability and length of service in clinical has come under scrutiny in recent years, as
studies of their performance in Class I and Class there has been little clinical evidence of its
II restorations. effectiveness.25
An important factor in the placement of resin- Safety of glass ionomers. Glass-ionomer ma-
based composites is adequate field control. Com- terials have proven to be safe with little potential
posite restorations cannot be placed successfully for soft-tissue irritation or other adverse
in a cavity that is contaminated by blood or responses. Postoperative sensitivity of glass
saliva. Cavity contamination results in failure to ionomer material is low and most often is
achieve adhesion between the filling and the attributed to the placement technique rather
tooth and subsequent leakage at this interface. than to a direct reaction to the material.26
Direct versus indirect composites. Curing Effectiveness of glass ionomers. Modern glass-
shrinkage can be prevented partially by fabri- ionomer materials often are used to restore non-
cating and curing the bulk of the restoration out- carious erosion or abrasion defects that develop in
side the mouth. Heat and pressure also can help the tooth near the gumline. They also are used for
improve the degree of cure in the restoration. For pediatric restorations, for which service longevity
these reasons, indirect composite restorations fab- requirements are low. Glass ionomers also fre-
ricated in a dental laboratory were developed, quently are used as cavity liners or bases, pro-
attempting to improve the overall durability of viding protection to the underlying tooth pulp in
the filling. However, indirect composites may deep fillings. The tooth color of the material
require a second appointment for placement. allows for an esthetic restoration, but natural
While some improvement in properties could be appearance suffers since the material lacks
achieved, clinical evidence indicates that direct translucency. In addition, glass ionomers have
composite restorations carefully fabricated from been used as pit-and-fissure sealants. However,
quality materials probably are as serviceable as the high viscosity of these materials and their
the indirect laboratory-fabricated equivalents.22,23 rapid chemical setting restricts their use to wide
Glass ionomers. Glass ionomers are tooth- fissures and patients with a high risk of devel-
colored filling materials that can be used to oping caries.27 Glass-ionomer materials also have
restore cavities with low load-bearing require- functioned well as cements for crowns and
ments. They are supplied as a powder-liquid bridges.
system composed of an acid-soluble glass powder The materials are sensitive to both moisture
and liquid polyacrylic acid. On mixing, the acid contamination and desiccation during the setting
reacts with the surface of the glass powder, reaction. These factors make glass ionomers a
forming a hard matrix that surrounds the unre- rather technique-sensitive material to place prop-
acted portion of the glass powder. The resulting erly and one that requires good control of mois-

468 JADA, Vol. 134, April 2003

Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

ture and contamination within the cavity. of materials with different working characteris-
Resin-modified glass ionomers. Resin- tics and properties from which to choose. The
modified glass ionomers are similar to conven- choice often depends on the type of material
tional glass ionomers but have better properties selected for the indirect restoration and the clin-
and handling characteristics.28 Acrylic resins sim- ical requirements, such as setting characteristics,
ilar to those used in resin-based composites are film thickness, setting rates and adhesion to the
added to the material to reduce sensitivity to the underlying tooth.
setting environment and to provide the ability for All-ceramic. Dental ceramic materials are
the material to be rapidly cured (hardened). used to fabricate lifelike restorations. Ceramic’s
Resin-modified glass ionomers (sometimes called translucency and toothlike color contribute to
“hybrid ionomers”) have two curing systems, highly esthetic restorations. Ceramic is a very
light-curing and self-curing. The light-curing hard and strong material capable of sustaining
system enables the material to be cured on biting forces but, being a brittle glasslike ma-
demand with a visible light-curing unit. The terial, can fracture when subjected to extreme
mechanical properties of resin-modified glass forces or sharp impact. Because of the natural
ionomers are similar to those of conventional hardness of ceramic, these restorations are highly
ionomers, thus preventing them from serving resistant to wear. However, if they are not highly
effectively in permanent load-bearing restora- polished and smooth, they rapidly can wear
tions. They are tooth-colored and have a slightly opposing restorations or natural teeth. Over the
better enamel-mimicking translucency than that years, laboratory-fabricated all-ceramic restora-
of conventional glass ionomers. tions have become very popular owing to their
Safety of resin-modified glass ionomers. Resin- excellent esthetic properties, high strength and
modified glass ionomers are well-tolerated when excellent biocompatibility.
properly placed.27 However, the addition of the Safety of ceramic materials. These materials
acrylic monomers slightly increases the potential are composed largely of fused natural oxides.
for irritation or allergenic response when com- Their glasslike properties render them very inert,
pared with conventional glass ionomers without and they tend to be highly biocompatible and
resins. These materials are not indicated for well-tolerated.29,30 However, all-ceramic restora-
patients who have a demonstrated allergenic tions rely on technique-sensitive resin-based
response to resin-based composites. cements and adhesives to hold them in place and
Effectiveness of resin-modified glass ionomers. to seal the tooth against leakage. Rare allergies
The clinical uses of resin-modified glass ionomers or sensitivities to the resin components of the
are the same as those of conventional glass cements and adhesives can occur. There are a few
ionomers. Unlike conventional glass ionomers, nonresin cements that can be used with all-
which suffer from short working and long setting ceramic restorations, but they may reduce the
times, the working and setting times of these overall strength of the restoration owing to their
materials are under better control by the dentist. lack of adhesion to the ceramic and the tooth.
This removes some of the technique sensitivity Effectiveness of ceramic restorations. Dental
from this material, making it easier to achieve a ceramics are indicated for crowns, inlays, onlays
successful restoration. For this reason, resin- and veneers in areas where the highest level of
modified glass ionomers have largely replaced esthetics is desired. Although ceramic is a natu-
conventional glass ionomers for most indications. rally strong material, crowns on posterior teeth
In addition, the improved translucency results in composed entirely of ceramic have lower success
a better esthetic match to natural tooth enamel. rates than those of metallic restorations because
of the material’s brittleness.31 The low fracture
INDIRECT RESTORATIVE MATERIALS resistance of all-ceramic restorations also limits
All indirect restorations require a cement for the them primarily to single-tooth restorations.
prepared teeth to retain them. The cement can Ceramic veneer restorations replace a very
have a large influence on the performance and thin layer of enamel on the front of teeth to
biocompatibility of the overall restoration. Two improve the appearance or color of the teeth.
broad categories of available cements are water- These restorations are only approximately 0.5
based cements and resin-based cements. From millimeter in thickness, but because they are
these two categories, a dentist has a wide variety bonded to the underlying tooth with resin-based

JADA, Vol. 134, April 2003 469

Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

cements and adhesives, they have proven to be cian can overcome this drawback to some degree.
very durable. All-ceramic crowns, inlays and The metal-ceramic restoration cannot provide
onlays can be similarly bonded to teeth to the high level of esthetics achievable with an all-
improve their strength and performance. A prop- ceramic restoration, but it can provide much
erly constructed and bonded all-ceramic restora- better durability for posterior restorations. Very
tion can provide many years of service with very high-strength metal alloys also can be used to
little change in color or appearance. fabricate larger multiple-tooth bridges using this
Metal-ceramic. The technology for effectively option. Metal-ceramic restorations provide a very
bonding porcelain to dental metal alloys was durable, long-lasting option for the restoration of
developed in 1962 in an attempt to improve the posterior teeth or teeth with a great deal of struc-
strength and durability of these restorations.32,33 tural damage.
These restorations are made by thermally Cast-gold (high noble metal) alloys. One of
bonding dental porcelains to an underlying metal the most serviceable dental restorations available
framework that has been cast to fit the tooth or is the cast-gold (high noble metal) restoration.
bridge preparation. The high supportive strength Gold alloys provide a strong, biocompatible, long-
of the underlying metal allows lasting option with a long history of
metal-ceramic restorations to pro- outstanding service to dentistry.
vide full coverage of posterior teeth The relative high strength of cast-
One of the most
and to be used for multiple-tooth gold alloys allows for a minimal
bridges. The natural tooth color of serviceable dental reduction of tooth structure to
ceramic masks the unnatural restorations available achieve adequate thickness for the
appearance of the underlying metal is the cast-gold restoration. The long survival time
to provide excellent toothlike color restoration. and the low wear of both the resto-
and appearance. ration and opposing natural tooth
Safety of metal-ceramic restora- structure establish cast gold as the
tions. These restorations generally are well- standard by which other dental materials are
tolerated except for the moderately rare incidence measured.
of allergy to the metal portion of the restoration. Safety of cast-gold alloys. By their nature,
High-noble alloys are better tolerated than the noble metals are chemically nonreactive with
base alloy metals when used for these restora- little potential for adverse biological response.
tions. For this reason, the proper choice of metal Allergenic reaction to gold is rare, but it can occur
becomes an important consideration when using in the form of localized inflammation.34 Non-noble
this option. metals are added to improve the strength of cast-
Another clinical consideration when choosing a gold alloys, and these additions tend to reduce the
metal-ceramic restoration is the additional noble nature of the alloy. However, even at noble
amount of tooth reduction necessary to accommo- metal content below 75 percent, these alloys gen-
date the proper thickness of metal and ceramic erally are well-tolerated.
needed to fabricate the crown. Care also must be The high strength and toughness exhibited by
taken to achieve a smooth ceramic surface to these metals allows for the fabrication of thinner
reduce the potential for excessively wearing restorations, thus reducing the amount of tooth
opposing teeth. Metal-ceramic restorations reduction required during preparation. Cast-gold
generally do not rely on adhesion to the tooth for alloys also can be cemented with practically any
strength and can be cemented with a wide effective cement, providing the dentist a wide
variety of dental cements. The resin-based variety from which to choose. Cast-gold alloys
cements, in rare occasions, may induce allergies still are considered the standard against which
and sensitivities. other restorative materials are compared clini-
Effectiveness of metal-ceramic restorations. The cally in terms of fit, biocompatibility and clinical
longevity of a metal-ceramic crown or bridge is service.35
somewhat less than that of an all-metal restora- Effectiveness of cast-gold alloys. Noble alloys
tion because of ceramic’s potential to fail. The are used to fabricate inlays, onlays, crowns and
opacity of the underlying metal tends to render bridges. Longevity is difficult to measure because
the restoration somewhat less lifelike than the of the many human factors that affect an indi-
all-ceramic restoration. However, a skilled techni- vidual restoration, but it generally is agreed that

470 JADA, Vol. 134, April 2003

Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

cast-gold alloy restorations have a typical service looking restorations. This article has presented
lifetime of 20 years or more.35 These restorations many of these options, along with their indica-
owe their longevity to a high resistance to tions for use and possible safety concerns. On the
mechanical failure, excellent fit to the tooth basis of current knowledge from laboratory and
preparation and resistance to recurrent decay. clinical studies, the choices discussed in this
The largest disadvantage of cast-gold alloys is the report, when placed properly, can provide the
inability to match natural tooth color. However, patient, in almost all cases, with a safe and effec-
small restorations often can be conservatively tive treatment in the repair of missing, worn,
placed in locations in which little or no metal can damaged or decayed teeth. ■
be seen under normal conditions.
Base metal casting alloys. Base metal, or Address reprint requests to the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs,
non-noble, alloys were developed to provide a 211 E. Chicago Ave., 4th Floor, Chicago, Ill. 60611.

more economical alternative to cast-gold alloys.

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