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Topic 1

1. a manager is an individual who is directly responsible for ensuring that tasks are performed by employees
in an organisation.

list the three types of managers for each level of management

Top Management –

 Commonly known executives or senior management.

 Ultimate source of authority and it manages goals and policies
 Paling Tinggi Dalam Hierarki Organisasi Contoh Presiden , CEO
 perancangan strategi jangka panjang. Ketua Pegawai eksekutif
 top management is the highest level of managers in a firm and they ultimate source of authority and
it manages goals and policies for the enterprise.

Middle Management –

 Designated as managers.
 Responsible to the top management for the functioning of their departments.
 Berada Di bawah Pengurus Peringkat Atasan sering dikenali atau dipanggil pengurus.
 perancangan taktikal jangka sederhana pendek. Pengurus pejabat
 they are responsible to top management for the functioning of department and specific projects for
lower level managers to implement.

Lower Management –

 Lower level manager or Line managers.

 Manager at this level focus on giving directions and controlling their subordinates at work daily to
ensure the success of the projects
 Paling Bawah dalam hierarki organisasi.Dikenali Sebagai Penyelia
 Perancangan operasi harian. Penyelia
 managers at this level focus on giving directions and controling their subordinates to ensure the
success of their project.

2. what are the three skills needed for different levels of management

Conceptual Skills :

 Ability to view the organisation as a whole and interaction among subunits

 ability to view the organization as a whole
 kemampuan melihat organisasi secara keseluruhan. kebolehan mental untuk merancang, melaksana
& mencapai objektif organisasi

Interpersonal Skills :

 Ability to get along with others while getting the job done
 ability to get along with others while getting the job done.
 mengenali staf dalam organisasi , membimbing dalam pekerjaan, memotivasi staf untuk
meningkatkan prestasi, mengurus konflik secara berkesan
Technical Skills :

 Ability to apply procedures, techniques, and specialized knowledge

 ability to apply procedures, techniques and specialized knowledge required for a certain task.
 kebolehan dan kepakaran dalam mengaplikasikan kaedah, prosedur, teknik dan peralatan dalam
bidang terttentu

3. list the six roles of a manager, discuss figurehead and initiator

 Figurehead
o menjalankan tugas berbentuk simbolik @upacara, menghadiri majlis, menyampaikan sijil,
menandatangani dokumen rasmi
 Leader
o menarah, mengkoordinasi & memotivasikan pekerja supaya melaksanakan kerja. to motivate
and encourage his subordinates, involve in directing and coordinating the activities of his
subordinates, resolving problems and issues
 Liaison Officer
o mengekalkan hubungan jaringan samaada dalam @ luar organisasi
 Spokesperson
o Membuat keputusan / bertindak serta merta terhadap masalah yang dihadapi diluar
jangkaan supaya persekitaran organisasi yang berkonflik kembali stabil dan harmoni
 Negotiator
o mewakili organisasi dalam perundingan yang melibatkan bidang kuasa.
 Initiator
o mewakili unit/jabatan untuk memberi maklumat yang jelas kepada pihak pengurusan atasan
dalam organisasi atau berkomunikasi dengan organisasi luar

Figurehead –

 A manager must carry out ceremonial duties and represent the organization in all matters of
 someone who is the head of the organisation who carry ceremonial duties for the organisation. i.e,
 A manager who represent the organisation in all matters of Formality

Initiator –

 Manager as an initiator of corporate actions and transformations.

 someone who cultivate or steer others towards goals among 3 processes, entrepreneurship,
capability development and reformation.

4. what are 14 principles of management identified by fayol, do think it is still applicable in today
organisation ?

Division of Labour, Scalar Chain, Discipline, Order, Equity, Unity of Command, Unity of Direction, Subornation
of Individual Interests, Stability of Tenure, Initiative, Esprit De Corps, Authority and Responsibility,
Remuneration, Centralization, .

Administration and management using the 14 principles for planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and
5. why it is a need for us to learn and understand other cultures in the era of globalisation ?
 Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their views and values. So when we are
working with people and building relationships with them, whether we do it face to face or
online, it helps to have some perspective and understanding of their cultures.
 Not just to share resources, ideas also understand the global economy.
 Globalization is a popular issue in the business world today. The global workplace involves a
significant of diversity management. The simplicity of modern globalization is often attributed to
rapid technological advances.
 To learn others culture is to understand about how we can respect, tolerate and work together to
achieve the goals set by organisations
6. define management
 Management refer to the process of delegating task to employees to be performed successfully.
 Management can be define the process of overseeing and coordinating resources efficiently and
effectively in line with the goals of an organisation.
 Management main functions are to coordinate and utilise resources efficiently and effectively.
 Pengurusan boleh didefinisikan sebagai proses memantau dan menyelaraskan sumber-sumber
dengan cekap dan berkesan selaras dengan matlamat organisasi.
 proses merancang, mengorganisasi, memimpin dan mengawal sumber-sumber organisasi secara
efektif dan efisien bagi mencapai matlamat organisasi
7. list the four management functions.

Perancangan –

 menentukan matlamat & tindakan di semua peringkat organisasi utk mencapai matlamat organisasi

Pengorganisasian –

 mengatur sumber dan kegiatan organisasi utk melaksanakan sesuatu rancangan

 Prioritising and grouping which tasks are to be done first.
 Can determining what tasks re to be done, who will implement and coordinate the, how the tasks are
to be grouped, who reports to whom as well as what decisions are to be made and by whom. The
manager needs to logically and effectively organize the information, resources and workflow so that
he will be able to react positively to changes in the business environment.
 Determine what task to be done, how the task to be done and who will coordinate

kepimpinan –

 proses mempengaruhi staf supaya mereka melaksanakan tugas dengan sebaik mungkin. proses
memotivasikan pekerja supaya mereka lebih produktif

pengawalan –

 proses memantau operasi organisasi, memastikan tdk tersasar drpd matlamat yang telah ditetapkan
dalam proses perancangan

Topic 2
1. list the steps in NGT.

Step 1: each group member records his individual ideas on the decision or problem discussed

Step 2: each member will read out his ideas to everyone in the group for sharing. These ideas are usually
written for review and reference by all group members.

Step 3: A discussion is held to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each idea.
Step 4: members secretly vote on a piece of paper. The idea that receives the higest number of votes is
accepted and implemented.

2. Have three methods can use for group decision

 Brainstorming
 Nominal Group Technique
 Delphi Technique
3. define planning
 Planning is one of the basic functions of management. Planning is determination of the courses of the
action to accomplish the desired goals.
 Planning is a process to determine the objective that an organisation desire to achieve in future by
setting the goals and how to achieve
4. The limitations of decision making -

The limitations in rational decision-making are common mistake, Bounded rationality & Risky environment.

5. List the steps in decision making process

 Rational decision-making process:
 Step 1: Defining the problem
 Step 2: Identifying the decision criteria
 Step 3: Allocating Weights to Each Criterion
 Step 4: Generating Alternative Solutions
 Step 5: Evaluating Alternatives Step
 6: Selecting the optimal decision

6. the various condition in decision making

Decision Making in certain condition –

 a condition where the decision maker/Manager know what to do base from reliable information,
measurable and become daily routine job or work example when to order stock/material for food
industry .
 A situation occurs when the decision maker knows with reasonable certainly what the choices are,
what situations are linked to each of the alternatives and the result of each alternative

Decision Making in Uncertain Condition –

 a condition where the decision maker/Manager don't have enough information to make judgement
for him to decide,example producing mobile hand phone brand A in large quantity when competitor
going launch mobile hand phone B where have more features in a week time.
 happen when the future environment is unpredictable and everything is in a state flux.

Decision Making in Risky Condition –

 A condition where decision maker/Manager when receive inadequate information/perfect

information about certain thing and making assumption that it wont risk based on experience
example during flood and heavy rain in Kelantan the state government make late decision on make
adequate resources or ask for help to safe peoples life
 when a manger lacks perfect information or whenever information irregularity exists, risks emerges.
7. list the adv and disadv of planning

Advantages Planing

 Generates intensive effort, Continuous effort, Unity of direction, Positive impact on individuals and
organization & Establishes work strategy
 Group-offer more knowledge and skills,solve problem,background of the group members are varied
where the problem can see from various perspective,willing to accept the decisions that been made
and committed to accomplishing the implementation.
Disadvantages Planing

 Restricts changes and adaptation, Uncertainty towards assumptions & Separation between planner
and implementer.
 Time consume&conflict arises which requires immediate attention,Discussion control by certain
peoples and limit others involvement,may have to compromise group objective,high cost
involve,sometime members been force to agreed to the ideas.

8. describe types of planning, explain one time usage and standing plan as stated in frequency of use

Types of planning:

 Format - Desciptive, Budget & Graphics

 Hierarchy - Strategic plan, Tactical plan & Operational plan
 frequency of use - One-time usage & Standing plan

one time usage - opening of a new branch.

standing plan - Repeatable use example disciplinary issues

9. list the steps in an effective planning process

Determining the objectives that need to be achieved
Building Individual commitment towards achieving the objectives

 Determining objectives by cooperating with all members of the organisation

 setting reasonable objective
 Announcing the objectives to the members in the organisation
 getting support from top management

Forming action plans

 to identify commitment of members towards achieving the goal

 to explain action plan and steps to be taken
 identify individual and resources for the task and time needed
Monitoring progress

 Determining long term and short term objectives

 Obtaining performance feedback from participating members
Maintaining flexibility

 when objective is difficult to achieve it need to modify

Topik 3
1. compare between centralised and decentralised


 A control given to the one of the top level people to control specially for decision making/
 A decision made by HQ regards any matter and the branch have to follow/fulfill the requirement
 situation where almost all controls are centralised, especially the control for decision-making, to one
party who is usually the top level people in an organisation. Organisations that practise this method
give the authority to the managers to make decisions even though it may just be a trivial matter.

 a certain authority given to certain group people at lower levels of an organisation

 situation where a certain amount of authority is handed down to subordinates or employees at the
lower levels of an organisation. Organisation that practise have decentralisation have more delegated
authorities at all levels.
2. list the type of departmentalisation.

Functional, Customer, Geographic, Product, Matrix

3. list the barriers of change in the perspective of organisation

structure inertia, restriction of change focus, group inertia

4. list the ways that can be used to overcome barriers to change

communication and learning, involvement, facilities and support, negotiation, manipulation and co-optation,

5. identify the four factors that influence organisational structure

Organizational strategy, Size, Technology, Environmental factors

6. describe authority and relate it with your organisation

Authority means

 the right to give commands

 Administer the work of others and make decisions
 It is associated with managerial positions to give orders and directly influence the actions of others.
 4, It is channeled from top to bottom, from top-level management to lower-level management
 For the employees to avoid conflicts and confusion, organization or company's unity is needed
especially where the needs to report to more than one manager. Unity of command is the
management principle that states employees report to only one manager at a time. This is being used
too in the present organization where I work now. Not only the method is functional but it creates
unity and harmony that generates prosperity.

7. mechanistic organisation

8. discuss the following;

 work specialisation
 job rotation

9. define the term chain of command

Topik 4

Reduction in organisation size and operational cost executed by management in order to increase competence
,efficiency and effectiveness.

downsizing commonly goes along with some reformation and reorganizing, they usually rearrange the task
and responsibilities of employees within the affected departments.

Top level management must explain in details why downsizing is necessary and choose a suitable time to
inform the employee .

Organisation must assist the affected employees by helping them to find the jobs or providing centres for


Retirement is the time when employee is decide to leave his job permanently .

An employee may select retirement for reason other than the desire to discontinue working.

Employee may suffer ill health or incapacitating physical problems that necessitate leaving because the
employee is no longer able to perform his job.

Employee Turnover

Employee turnover takes place when an employee voluntarily ends his service with the organisations.

organisations tries to retain a low turnover rate


Employee rewards refer to the payment granted to the employee as an exchange for the job carried out.

Payment Level

Payment level is a decision of making payment to employee whether at a level below, level above or at the
same rate with the payment of salary in the labour market.

Variable Payment

Variable payment is a decision that focuses on how far the payment of salary differs from the job performance
of an individual employee and organisation. The purpose is to increase motivations, effort and job
performance of employee.

 Piecework payment plan is the payment based on the amount they produce
 Sales Commissions is a percentage of the value of the goods he sold.
 Profit sharing is the payment taken from a part of the organisations profit.
 Employee share ownership plans - grants employee with company's share in addition to the rewards
that they usually receive.

Payment Structure

Payment structure is a decisions related to internal payment distributions.This refer to how far individual
employees in organisational receive different levels of salary.

Employee Benefit
Employee benefits includes various type of non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their
normal wages or salaries

On the job training - It is a form of training taking place in a normal working situation.

Example : New employee learning how to operate FORKLIFT in warehouse

It is a form of training taking place in a normal working situation. Employees learn in an environment in which
they will need to practice the knowledge and skills taught.

Off The Job Training - off the job training is done outside the location of the job area .The location of training
might be in classrooms with the same facilities or in other different locations.

Example : Lifting supervisor has been send by the company to learn on lifting activity in order to become
competence in lifting.

Unlike on-the-job, off-the-job training is done outside the location of the job area. The location of training
might be in a classroom with the facilities or in other different location.

who can evaluate you as the staff in your organisation?

 Supervisors
 Colleague
 Subordinates
 360-Degree Evaluations

what methods can be used for performance appraisal.

 Essay Writing
 Critical Incidents
 Measurements of Objective Performance
 Employee Comparisons

what are the steps in selection process.

 Application and resume review

 Interviewing
 Test Administration
 Making the Offer

Differentiate between external and internal recruitment

 Internet Recruitment - Internal recruitment gives existing employees and volunteers the opportunity
to apply for the job opening.
 External Recruitment - External recruitment is a process of developing candidates from outside the
organisation who are interest and qualified for the position offered.

Define HR planning

 HR planning is the process of forecasting the forthcoming human resource requirements of the
organisation and the defining as to how the existing human resource capacity of the organisation can
be utilised to accomplish these requirements.

What are the 2 components of HR planning.

 Job Analysis
 Forecasting

list the functions of HRM

 Employee separation
 Compensation
 Performance appraisal
 Training and development
 Selection
 Recruitment
 Human Resource Planning

Topik 5
1. list the elements in the communication process

Information Sender, Encode, Message, Channel, Decoding Receiver, Feedback, Disruption or Noise

2. what are the barriers of communication

Selective perception, Disruption, Emotions, Communication skills, Suspicion

3. what are the two comm channels?

Formal Communication

 Vertical Communication
 Horizontal communication
 Diagonal communication

Informal communication

4. explain kinesics
According to Williams (2000), kinesics is a type of communication that does not use words. Instead, it used
body language and facial expressions. A person is able to understand the message delivered by watching
the body language or the expressions shown. For instance, a person will move his head left to right when
he does not understand a certain matter. The use of body language always raises problems between the
sender and the receiver.

5. list and discuss types of communication

 Verbal communication occurs either orally or writing.
 Non-verbal communication is a type that does not use words, either verbal or written.
 Electronic communication are diffusion of information using radical techniques such as computers
modems, facsimile machines, voice mail, email, teleconferencing and private television network.
6. define communication

Communication is the process of transferring information and knowledge from one individual or party to
another person or party using meaningful symbols. It is method of exchanging and sharing of ideas, attitudes,
values, opinions and information.

Topik 6
1. what is SMART concept in setting goal ?

 Goals must be specific, challenging and acceptable

 There is performance feedback
 Feedback should be given at the right time
2. what J stacey adam proposed in this theory, what happen when our outcome is far better than input given
to us ?

 This theory appeals for a rational balance between an employee's input (such as hard work, skill level,
acceptance and enthusiasm) and output (such as salary, benefits and intangibles such as recognition)
 When our outcome is far better than input given to us, this pressure will motivate a person to achieve
equality or to reduce inequality.

3. what goal setting model can help the employees ?

 As a guideline and propeller of behaviour to support the goals of the organisation

 To provide challenges and standards that can be used to make evaluations
 For stating something important and preparing the framework for planning

4. define these terms

 Expectancy - is the belief that better effort will lead to increased performance
 Instrumentality - is the faith that if you perform well, you will received a valued outcome .
 Valence - is the importance that the individual places upon the expected outcome

5. list the five needs as suggested by maslow accordingly

Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, Self-actualistion

6. list the five needs as suggested by maslow accordingly

Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, Self-actualistion

7. The model suggested by BF Skinner which he relate individual behaviour, environment and laws. what is

positive reinforcement

 This indicates giving a positive response when an individual shows positive and desired
 This indicates giving a positive response when an individual shows positive and desired
 This indicates giving a positive response when an individual shows positive and desired behavior.
For example, immediately praise an employee when he comes early for work. This will increase
the probability of the outstanding behavior occurring again.

negative reinforcement

 This involves rewarding an employee by eliminating negative or undesirable consequences.

 This involves rewarding an employee by eliminating negative or undesirable consequences.
 This involves rewarding an employee by eliminating negative or undesirable consequences.

8. There are 2 main models of motivation, can you lists the two and its theories.

Need-based Models

 i)Hierarchy of Needs Model

 ii) Two-factor Model
 iii) Achievement of Needs Model

Process-based Models

 Expectancy Theory
 Equity Theory
 Goal-setting Model
 Reinforcement Model

9. discuss the two factor model.

Topik 7

1. define this type of leader

a) Visionary Leadership - is a leadership style that is able to create a positive image for the future of the
organisation by motivating employees and is able to depict the direction of the organisation based on the
planning and goals that have been set. Top Management will have Visionary leadership

b) Charismatic leadership - refers to the features of leaders in creating a strong relationship between
themselves and subordinates.

c) Transactional Leadership - determine what should be done by employees to achieve their own
objectives and the objectives of the organisation.

d) Transformational leadership - capable of enlightening and accepting suggestions and visions of the
group and are able to encourage employees to look beyond their own needs and own interest for the
well-being of the group.

2. what are the 5 grids in the managerial grid model, which grid is the best ?

a) Country Club Manager

b) Team Manager

c) Impoverished Manager

d) Authority-Obedience Manager

e) Middle of Road Manager

Team Manager is the best grid.

3. how path goal theory can help leader to motivate their subordinates ?

This theory stated states that a leader is able to increase the satisfaction and performance of this
subordinates by explaining and setting up the path towards behavioural goals by increasing the
number and forms of rewards towards the achievement of goals.

4. in the model, there are 4 quadrants, discuss the following;

 Delegating - This style involves letting followers "run their own show". The leader delegates
since the followers are high in readiness, have the ability and are both willing and able to
take responsibility for directing their own behaviours.
 selling/coaching- In this style, most of the direction still provided by the leader. The leader
also attempts through two-way communication and socio-emotional support to get the
followers psychologically to "buy into" decisions that have to be made.

5. what are the outcomes of the studies by ohio state uni ?

 Two consistent and important behaviour of leaders: consideration behaviour and structural
 Consideration be haviour refers to the behaviour of leaders that shown feelings of consideration
towards members of the group or subordinates and fulfilling their needs. Meanwhile, structural
behaviour refers to the behaviour of leaders in forming the work procedures of subordinates and
guiding them towards goal achievement.
 This study found that leaders with a high level of consideration are more inclined to
have satisfied subordinates compared to leaders with a low level of consideration.

6. explain briefly about the Personality Features of a leader.

The focus on personality is based on the assumption that some leader have certain physical features,
personality aspects and abilities. Examples of leader-centered style are authoritarian and charismatic

Topik 8

1. list and explain the three basic methods for controlling

Precontrol, concurrent, feedback

2. the 3 step of controlling are as follows:-

 Establishing standards to be used in measuring the level of growth

 Monitoring decisions and comparing them to the standards, that is the comparison of the
organisation's actual performance against planned performance
 Taking corrective actions to rectify any disadvantages and weaknesses that occurred during the
process of achieving the performance target that has already been set.

3. if a company facing a deviation, where the real outcomes did not match/tally with the stated
standard, what the company should do ?

The company is to make a comparison against the standard between actual performances with the
standard set because it allows any deviations or distortions to be detected and corrective actions can
be taken in order to achieve the goals that have been set.

4. basically there are five forms of control.. discuss the following;

 Bureaucratic control is hierarchical authority to influence employee where rewards are given to
employees who obey. However, punishment is meted out to employees who do not obey the
policies, regulations and procedures of the organisation.
 Self control means controlling emotions. Should a person is not able to control his/her own
emotions with regards to investing, it is a big hindrance to succeed as emotional investing is

5. list the steps in controlling process

a. establishing standards in 3 types:-

i. physical standard
ii. financial standard - Financial standard is in monetary form which includes

 labour cost
 sales cost
 material cost
 sales revenue
 profit margin and others

iii. time standard

b. measuring performance and making comparisons and,
c. Corrective actions

6. define controlling, what are the importance of controlling to an organisation ?

a. Controlling is a process of ensuring that organisational activities operate according to plan.

b. The importance of controlling to an organisation includes the following:-

 Quality assurance which is the smooth running of a particular process that can be monitored
and problems can be avoided by having controls and allows the organisation to monitor and
increase the quality of products and services offered. Through activities related to the
control process, members of the organisation will always be driven to act according to the
plans that have been established.
 Preparation to face changes as change cannot be avoided. changes in environmental factors
such as competitors, technology and legislation force managers to take controlling function
seriously so that they can respond to opportunities and threats more effectively. controling
helps the organisation to tailor its products to the changing needs and wants of consumers in
the market.

Topik 9

1. list the five reasons when is a team needed

 A team is needed when the objective or meaning of usage is clear and is able to resolve all kinds
of problems.
 when tasks that cannot be carried out individually but through the merging of these individuals
when a task is complex, needing diversity of perspectives or requiring repetitive interactions with
other people in order to complete it.
 when rewards can be provided for teamwork/performance. Team rewards depend on the team
performance than individual performance. It is the key to providing rewards for the team
behavior or effort. If the level of reward is not in line with the level of performance, the team will
not be able to function as required.
 when there are many resources readily available include training, time, place and collaboration
methods, equipment and consistent information and feedback regarding teamwork processes
and work performance . Failure in obtaining these resources, such as lack of training to support
the transition from individual work to teamwork will result in the failure of team implementation.
 Lastly, when it has a clear authority in managing and modifying the working method. this means
the team is given the freedom to determine the working method, making the work schedule,
training and maintenance, or finding ways to resolve customers' problems.

2. list the advantages of teams

 enhanced customers' satisfaction

 increased quality of products and services
 the need for speed and efficiency
 increased level of job satisfaction
 diversity in decision making

3. list the various types of teams, discuss self designed team

1. They are 7 altogether:-

 Employee Involvement Team

 Semi-autonomous Team
 Self-managed Team
 Self-designed Team
 Cross-functional Team
 Virtual Team
 Project Team

2. Self-designed team possesses the characteristics of a self-managed team but also controls the
design of the team, work activities and team memberships. This type of team is involved in
operational matters related to the team which exceeds the self-managed team and also has the
power to determine the work schedule, leave, how and when a task should be performed.

4. list the characteristics of teams

The team Characteristics are Team Norms, Team Unity, Team Conflict and Team Development.

5. list the phases of team development, discuss the following phases

 Phases of team development begin with forming, storming, norming, performing, de-norming,
de-storming and finally de-forming.
 Storming is the second development phase that is characterised by conflicts and disagreement
where team members have different opinions regarding with what and how a task should be
carried out.
 Deforming is the phase where members of a team will position themselves in order to control
fragmentation in the team. Thus, factions start to form in the team. members will avoid meeting
each other and the team leader.

6. define group and team

A group is defined as two or more individuals who interact and are independent of each other
towards achieving a certain objective.

A team is an interdependent and complementary entity in all aspects among the members, with a
partnership commitment towards achieving the same goals.

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