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a. Definition
Sexual dysfunction in men is an inability to achieve satisfaction with sexual
relations, which can be in the form of erection or emission problems, ejaculation or
orgasmus. Some other conditions are also called sexual dysfunction such as increased
and decreased libido, and infertility. (Lue TF, 2000; Lee M, 2005)
Erectile dysfunction (impotence), namely the failure of the penis in achieving
an erection sufficient to have sexual intercourse (coitus); Premature ejaculation is
uncontrolled ejaculation before or immediately after entering the vagina, the opposite
can occur namely slow ejaculation and retograd ejaculation; infertility is a condition
with insufficient sperm count or inadequate motility that fails to fertilize the ovum.
Patients can suffer from one or more sexual dysfunctions. (Lue TF, 2000; Lee M,
According to news reporting from Washington, district of Columbia, by news
Rx journalists, research stated, Erectile dysfunction (ED) defined as the inability to
achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance, is the
most common sexual problem for men.
Erectile dysfunction occurs when a man has permanent problems sustaining an
erection. Male sexual arousal is a complex process that involves the brain, hormones,
emotions, nerves muscle and blood vessels.
b. Causes
Causes of erectile dysfunction are age, chronic health problems, heart disease,
circulatory disorders, atherosclerosis (a hardening of arteries), high cholesterol level,
high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, neurological disease (Parkinson’s disease,
multiple sclerosis), hormonal changes and disorders (low testosterone ), certain
medications (antidepressants, antihistamines, medications to treat high blood
pressure), alcohol and smoking, drugs, surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area
or spinal cord, lack of exercise, poor diet and acidification of the body. Psychological
causes erectile dysfunction include depression, anxiety, stress, relationship problem
and other mental health conditions.
Sebagian besar penyebab organic pada ED meliputi neuropati pada system
saraf otonom,gangguan vaskuler, atau kadang-kadang defisiensi testosterone. Masalah
psikogenik pada ED meliputi penghambatan abnormal sentral terhadap mekanisme
ereksi pada keadaan tidak adanya kelainan fisik. Obat-obatan yang dapat
menyebabkan ED antara lain antidepresan,antipsokotik,antiansietas sedative,
antihipertensi, dan anti konvulan. Alcohol dan obat-obat terlarang termasuk
amfetamin, kokain, mariyuana, metadon, dan heroin juga dapat menyebabkan ED.


Kopf, Robert.2018.Impotence-Erectile dysfunction treated with Homeopathy and Schuessler

salts (homeopathic cell salts): A homeopathic and naturopathic guide:BookRix
Acton, Ashton.2013.Erectile Dysfuntion: New Insights for the Healthcare

Lee M.2005.Erectile Dysfunction, in DiPiro editor,Pharmacotherapy, A Pathophysiologic


Heffner, Linda J. and Danny J. Schust.At AGlance Sistem Reproduksi. Jakarta: Erlangga

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