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Prova de inglês

7º ano

Mariana Andrade

1. Complete os espaços em branco. Usando os verbos no box.

Drive – can’t - dance – speak

a) She is from Japan. She can ________________ Japanese.

b) I ______________ cook very well.

c) Rita, can you ________________ a car?

d) Can you _________________ forró?

a. drives – can’t – dances – speaks

b. speaks – can’t – drive – dance

c. speak – can’t – dances – drives

d. drive – can’t - speaks – dances

2. Observe o texto a seguir.

Maria (work) ______ for a computer company in Los angeles,

C a l i f o r n i a . She (write)______ computer programs.She (go) _______ to
Los Angeles every Day.
Marque a alternativa que preenche na ordem correta os espaços do texto no
simple present dos verbos entre parênteses.

a. Work – write – goes

b. Works – writes – go
c. Goes – writes – works
d. Works – writes – goes
3. Marque a alternativa que NÃO está correta quanto ao simple

a) Marta works...

b. Pedro watches…

c) They p!ay...

d. We does studies…

4. No tempo verbal Simp!e Present utiliza-se o verbo auxiliar DO ou

DOES para formar frases negativas ou interrogativas. Marque a alternativa que
utiliza corretamente um desses auxiliares.

a) I collect stamps.
b) Does not We play card games.

c) Do you like cola?

d) Do not she plays soccer.

5. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase.

“____ They ________ ecology?”

a) Does – study.

b) Do – study.

c) Do – studies.

d) Does – studies.

6. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase negativa.

“They ________ in the lake.”

a) Do not swim.

b) Does not swim.

c) Do not swims.

d) Does not swims.

7. Q u a l a f o r m a n e g a t i v a d a f r a s e abaixo?

“ John cries all night.”

a) John does not cries all night.

b) John not cry all night.

c) John do not cries all night.

d) John does not cry all night.

8. Complete as sentanças usando a alternative correta:

a) “She drinks _______ coffee”

b) “How ______ cups of coffee do you drink every day?”

c) “He says there was ______ milk in the pot. It was almost empty”

d) “There are ________ bottles on that shelf”

e) “How _______ money do you have?”

a) little – many – little – few – many

b) many – much – little – few – many

c) much – few – little – few – many

d) much – many – little – few – much

9. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as sentenças:

There are ________ dogs and cats for adoption if you want one.

I have _______ books.

Do you want _______ water?

I have so _________ love to give.

a) many/many/ much/much

b) many/ much/many/ many

c) much/ many/ many/ much

d) many/ many/many/ much

10. Qual é a alternativa que apresenta apenas advérbios de frequência?

a) badly – gently – fast – often
b) often – rarely – usually – always
c) always – rarely – fast – softly
d) often – always – badly – fast

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