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Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271

GIS-based geo-environmental evaluation for urban land-use

planning: a case study
F.C. Dai a, C.F. Lee b,*, X.H. Zhang c
Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, People's Republic of China
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, People's Republic of China
Received 2 August 2000; accepted for publication 8 February 2001

A geo-environmental evaluation for urban land-use planning often requires a large amount of spatial information.
Geographic information systems (GIS) are capable of managing large amounts of spatially related information, providing
the ability to integrate multiple layers of information and to derive additional information. A GIS-aid to the geo-environmental
evaluation for urban land-use planning is illustrated for the urban area of Lanzhou City and its vicinity in Northwest China. This
evaluation incorporates topography, sur®cial and bedrock geology, groundwater conditions, and historic geologic hazards.
Urban land-use is categorized according to the types of land-use and projects planned, such as high-rise building, multi-storey
building, low-rise building, waste disposal, and natural conservation. Multi-criteria analysis is performed to evaluate devel-
opment suitability of the geo-environment for each category, according to appropriately measured and weighted factors. A
suitability map for each category is developed using an algorithm that combines factors in weighted linear combinations. It is
demonstrated that the GIS methodology has high functionality for geo-environmental assessment. q 2001 Elsevier Science
B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Urban geology; Land-use planning; Analytical hierarchy process (AHP); Geographical information systems (GIS); Suitability

1. Introduction There were 13 cities with a population of over one

million in 1978, 19 in 1984, and 30 in 1989. The
In China, cities are growing in importance, and percentage of population living in cities increased
urban areas are expanding rapidly, primarily because from 14.4% in 1982 to 28.6% in 1994. With a further
the population of the nation is increasing and propor- enhancement of the open-up door and economic
tionally more people are congregating in urban areas. reform policies, an acceleration of population growth
The census records show that the number of cities in is anticipated. It is predicted that the percentage of
China increased rapidly from 193 in 1978 to 300 in population living in cities will reach 34±36% in
1984, to 450 in 1989 and to 622 in 1994. Cities are 2000, 44±47% in 2010 and about 60% in 2020 (Liu,
growing not only in number but also in size as well. 1997).
The rapidly changing pattern of urban growth has
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1852-2559-5337/2859-2645; fax:
given rise to new problems for urban planning and
1852-2858-0611. redevelopment in China. The expansion of the various
E-mail address: (C.F. Lee). basic urban facilities, especially water supply,
0013-7952/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0013-795 2(01)00028-X
258 F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271

sewerage and sewage disposal, and transportation, involved in geo-environmental evaluations, thereby
constitutes the foremost municipal problems in most providing a relatively easy tool.
cities. Other problems include the mitigation of In this paper, a GIS-aid to geo-environmental
natural hazards, which are to a certain degree caused, evaluation for urban land-use planning is used for
or at least enhanced, by human activities. Urbaniza- the urban area of Lanzhou City and its vicinity in
tion often needs the acquisition of appropriate sites for northwestern China. This evaluation incorporates the
engineering construction. A major objective of urban following information: topography, geology, ground-
land-use planning is to evaluate the advantages and water conditions, and geologic hazards. Multi-criteria
disadvantages of one use of land parcels as compared analysis is performed to evaluate development suit-
to another, so as to yield the most bene®cial use of ability of the geo-environment for various land-use
land parcels and the conservation of fundamental categories, including high-rise building, multi-storey
natural resources. Problems of urban land-use that building, low-rise building, waste disposal, and natural
are related to the geo-environment ultimately involve conservation, according to appropriately measured and
every aspect of civil engineering through their weighted factors. Suitability map for each category is
impacts on the design, construction and maintenance developed using an algorithm, which combines factors
of speci®c engineering works. Some of these in weighted linear combinations.
problems, such as earthquakes and landslides, occur
as natural hazards inherent in the geo-environment.
Other problems, such as groundwater pollution, 2. Description of the study area
could pose actual or potential threats in the case of
poorly planned engineering works. Still others may The urban area and vicinity of Lanzhou city, the
have to do with the economics of land-use or devel- capital of Gansu Province and the second largest city
opment. Therefore, the geo-environment must be duly in northwestern China, is selected as the study area in
taken into account when planning and carrying out this paper (Fig. 1). The study area, with an area of
remedial measures that are designed to protect the about 370 km 2 and situated on the upper reaches of
environment. the Yellow River, is extremely varied in topography,
Technologically, geographical information systems relief, population density, and relevant geological and
(GIS) provide a powerful tool for geo-environmental geomorphologic processes (Fig. 2). Historically,
evaluation in support of urban land-use planning. An urban population growth has been con®ned primarily
important feature of a GIS is the ability to generate to the lowlands or low slope areas in the Yellow River
new information by integrating the existing diverse valley basin. However, in recent years, development
datasets sharing a compatible spatial referencing has spread rapidly upslope and also into small narrow
system (Goodchild, 1993). Although GIS technology valley areas, where slope stability and debris ¯ow
has been widely used to assess natural geologic problems have become increasingly common. The
hazards (e.g. Carrara et al., 1991; Wang and Unwin, of®cial records show that at least six signi®cant dama-
1992; Atkinson and Massari, 1998; Mejia-Navarro ging episodes of debris ¯ows have occurred in the
and Garcia, 1996), groundwater vulnerability assess- study area since the 1950's. The largest events with
ment (Hiscock et al., 1995; Halliday and Wolfe, 1991) documented records occurred on 14 August, 1951, 8
and site selection for waste disposal (Irigaray et al., June, 1966, 20 June, 1964 and 7 August, 1978, respec-
1994; Carver, 1991), studies which address geo-envir- tively. For example, the 1964 debris ¯ow, caused by a
onmental evaluation for urban land-use planning have rainstorm during which 150 mm of rainfall precipi-
been relatively limited. The purpose of the presenta- tated within 4 h, resulted in 43 deaths and 166 injuries.
tion of geo-environmental evaluation for urban land- On an average, there is more than one debris ¯ow of
use planning in the form of maps is ideally suited to major magnitude every 10 years. In addition, there
management by a GIS, in which multiple layers of were over 10 large-sized old landslides in the study
information can be integrated in different combina- area, particularly concentrating in the southeast part
tions. This can also avoid the existing dif®culties of of the area. Most of these old landslides are in a
combining numerous spatially related parameters dormant state, or in an intermittent creep state, but
F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271 259

Fig. 1. Location of Lanzhou city.

are ready to be destabilized by heavy rainstorms, seis- ited as a drape over a hilly palaeo-landscape, the land-
mic activity, and/or human activities. The scarcity of forms of the Loess Plateau in the study area are
stable lands for urban development has exposed an dominated by ridge and rounded hill. The sur®cial
increasingly large population to geological risk. loess, the Malan loess formation of upper Pleistocene,
Geomorphologically, the study area lies in the tran- overlying the Lishi loess formation of middle Pleisto-
sition zone between the Loess Plateau and the cene and the Wucheng loess formation of lower Pleis-
Qinghai±Tibetan Plateau. Since the loess was depos- tocene, is a sensitive soil deposit. When it is in a dry

Fig. 2. Topography and geomorphologic elements of the study area.

260 F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271

and undisturbed state, its shear strength is high and logical information is considered to be pertinent in
nearly vertical walls of up to 20 m height are common de®ning the general geo-environmental characteris-
(Wang and Unwin, 1992). As a result of the semi-arid tics of the study area. The thematic maps were digi-
climate, most of the thick loess deposits have low tized using the PC Arc/Info GIS software, and then
natural humidity of the order of 8±12%. However, transferred to a desktop ArcView GIS environment. In
the metastable structure of the Malan loess is prone the ArcView GIS, a raster grid cell of 20 £ 20 m 2 was
to collapse upon an increase in moisture content generated. Each cell is considered as a homogenous
during events of rainfall. Deeply incised gullies unit for any given factor. All in¯uential factors were
exist in the loess-covered area, frequently with sink- standardized and weighted, and then combined for
holes and pipe systems at the valley heads, and gullies each urban land-use categories, respectively (Fig. 3).
generally incised down to the bedrock. Mass move-
ments frequently occur on the steep slopes of such 3.1. Data collection and processing
deeply incised valleys. Debris ¯ow events occurred
as a result of mass movements and the precipitation The inputs to a GIS include remote-sensed data
characteristics of the area. About eight terraces have from satellites or aircrafts, existing digitized data-
been developed in the Yellow River basin in the Lanz- bases of maps, and information from tables and
hou City vicinity. However, heavily incised, the ®fth reports. The common characteristic is that each type
to eighth terraces have been modi®ed into hilly areas of data input describes the attributes of recognizable
by crustal uplifting and sur®cial erosion, and are thus point, linear or areal geographical features. Details of
classi®ed as rounded hill forms on the Loess Plateau. the features are usually stored in either vector or raster
Bedrock outcrop in the study area comprises Precam- formats.
brian schist and gneiss, lower Cretaceous sandstone The selection of data sources should be in¯uenced
interbedded with claystone and conglomerate, Tertiary by their accuracy and resolution, together with the
sandstone interbedded with conglomerate and silty nature of the problem to be investigated (Hiscock et
claystone. In addition, some intrusive granitic rocks al., 1995). The 1:50,000 topographical maps (20 m
sparsely outcrop in the northeast part of the study area. interval) covering the study area were purchased
From the viewpoint of geotectonics and neo-tecton- from local survey authority, and digitized manually
ism, the study area is characterized by crustal uplifting into a computer. The slope and elevation maps were
and streams down-cutting. Historic records show that developed from the digital elevation model (DEM)
about nine strong earthquakes have occurred in Lanzhou data generated from the digitized contour lines. Sur®-
city and its surrounding regions since the year 193 bc, cial and bedrock geology, groundwater conditions,
causing extensive damage. The most devastating event and distributions of landslides and debris ¯ows were
with a magnitude of 7.0 occurred in 1125 ad. The last obtained from the Hydrogeology and Engineering
strong earthquake, the Haiyuan earthquake, whose Geology Team of the Gansu Provincial Bureau of
epicenter was about 150 km away from the city, Geology and Mineral Resources (1988), and supple-
occurred in 1920 with a magnitude of 8.5. The geologic mented with ®eld observations. During the ®eldwork,
faults can be grouped into three classes: NNW, NWW observations were made of the landslide type, scarp
and NE trending (Fig. 2); they are considered to be and possible causes including the nature of the mate-
relatively inactive based on the available seismotectonic rials involved and hydrogeology at all landslide sites.
information. Seismic risk analysis shows that the poten- For debris ¯ow gullies, the steepness of the terrain,
tial seismic intensity with a 10% probability of excee- evidence of past activity, erosion and hydrological
dance over a period of 50 years is eight on the Chinese features were noted. Lithology of bearing layer and
MCS intensity scale (Sun and Wang, 1993). liquefaction potential were determined by geomor-
phologic features and site investigations for buildings
and structures, supplied by the Lanzhou Institute of
3. Procedures and methodology Urban Design and Construction. The available infor-
mation shows that the corrosive potential of ground-
The aforementioned geological and geomorpho- water is dominated by high SO422 content, and
F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271 261

Collection and collation of data Interpret urban development policy

Define land use categories
Set areal boundary
Establishment of spatial database
Vectorize maps
Establish attribute database
Rasterize vector maps
Calculate distance parameters

Selection of appropriate factors

Standardization of factors

Multi-criteria evaluation
Computation of weights of factors
Evaluate suitability for each category
Establish a pairwise matrix
Create single-category suitability map
Calculate factor weights
Vectorize suitability maps

Result analysis

Fig. 3. Flow-chart for GIS-based geo-environmental evaluation for urban land-use planning.

crystallizational corrosion is thus considered to be the scienti®c basis for urban land-use planning and rede-
most possible hazard to structural foundations. The velopment as well as site selection for engineering
corrosive potential is classi®ed as very low, low, works based on the actual geo-environmental char-
medium, and high based on the ranges of SO422 content acteristics, so as to achieve maximum socio-
of ,500, 500±1500, 1500±2500 and .2500 mg/l, economic bene®ts at a minimum environmental
respectively. The above-mentioned base maps were cost (Shi, 1993). Site selection should take into
compiled at a scale of 1:50,000 for the study area. consideration both site conditions and infrastructures.
These vector base maps were then transferred to the Different land-use categories have different physical
desktop ArcView GIS, and rasterized for subsequent requirements. It must be admitted that it is extremely
analyses. The raster grid cell de®nition was selected as dif®cult to make an inventory of and classify all
20 £ 20 m 2 resolution, which ensured that small types of land-uses due to their diversity and complex-
geomorphic features or most of the detailed slope ity. Urban land-use categories need to be selected
units would be mapped. This also permitted a closer very carefully, so that they are representative. On a
approximation of a spatially continuous description of regional scale the categorization needs to re¯ect and
the geomorphic features. In the ArcView software should be formulated by planning expertise. Shi
environment, several base raster maps could then be (1993) classi®ed the types of urban land-uses into
generated, especially the distance calculations between high-rise building, multi-storey building, low-rise
cells as required. These included distances from land- building, and natural conservation. Dai et al. (1994)
slides, debris ¯ow gullies, and geologic faults. Because categorized the types into high-rise building,
the landslide problem in the study area is characterized common civil industrial building, one-storey build-
by a reactivation of old landslides due to a change in ing, construction material exploitation, waste dispo-
groundwater condition, and/or human activities, land- sal, and park. Considering the possible impacts of
slide hazard is thus accounted for by setback from various uses of land parcels on the geo-environment
historic landslides in this study. and having consulted the local urban planning
authority, we categorized the types of urban land-
3.2. Urban land-use categories use into ®ve categories: high-rise building (residen-
tial building with $10 ¯oors or commercial and
Urban land-use evaluation aims at providing a institutional building that is higher than 24 m),
262 F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271

Table 1
Selection of factors for suitability evaluation

Factors Urban land-use categories

High-rise building Multi-storey building Low-rise building Waste disposal Natural conservation

Slope K K K K K
Elevation K K K K K
Ground conditions
Sur®cial geology K K
Formation combination K
Lithology of bearing layer K K
Depth to groundwater table K K K
Corrosive potential of K K K
Groundwater rise K K K K
Geologic hazards
Distance to debris ¯ow K K K K K
Distance to landsliding K K K K K
Liquefaction potential K K K K
Distance to fault K K K K

multi-storey building, low-rise building, waste dispo- Slope is even more important while considering the
sal, and natural conservation. ease of engineering construction and susceptibility to
landsliding. The likelihood for construction problems
3.3. Factors for suitability evaluation to be encountered was accounted for by considering
ground and groundwater conditions. Lithology of the
In this section, the various factors for determining bearing layer determines its bearing capacity and
the suitability of land parcels for each land-use cate- compressibility characteristics. It should be recog-
gory are provided. It should be noted that this selec- nized that the lithology of bearing layer most suitable
tion is not exhaustive, and that only those salient for development was determined empirically by
factors for which information is of great signi®cance considering the geology within a depth of about
were considered (Table 1). Flooding is excluded in 10 m for the high-rise building category and 5 m for
this study because arti®cial levees have been built the multi-storey building category. Groundwater,
along the Yellow River channel, and no historic including the depth to groundwater table, the corro-
record on ¯ooding is available. The local planning sive potential, and possible groundwater rise, may
authority also con®rms that ¯ooding is not a salient pose actual or potential threats to engineering
problem after construction of arti®cial levees. construction and maintenance, and thus must be
Four factor groups comprising 10 separate sets of taken into consideration. Geologic hazards are an
geo-environmental attributes were accounted for the important geo-environmental consideration in land-
high-rise building and multi-storey building cate- use planning. Liquefaction potential may be consid-
gories. Topography forms an important determinant ered for suitability evaluation of both categories due
of suitability assessment for both categories. Eleva- to its potential damage. Distance parameters were
tion is considered because high areas suffer from inac- employed to control building allocation. The distance
cessibility and lack of basic urban facilities, such as to landslides and debris ¯ow is an important consid-
transportation, water supply, and sewage and sewer- eration in ensuring the safety of engineering construc-
age disposal, both at present and in the near future. tion and maintenance work. In addition, the distance
F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271 263

to a fault is considered because the bearing capacity to debris ¯ow was adopted to promote natural conser-
and compressibility characteristics of fractured soils vation. The smaller the distance, the higher the rate
and rocks may not meet the demands for suitable that was awarded.
ground conditions.
Suitability for the low-rise building category was 3.4. Standardization of factor measurements
determined from eight factors. Similar to high-rise
In the geo-environmental evaluation process, a
and multi-storey buildings, topographic factors, both
primary step is to ensure a standardized measurement
elevation and slope are critical for the same reason.
system across all factors considered. Since most
Liquefaction potential and distance to landsliding and
images still hold cell values for the original map
debris ¯ow are vital for the safety of low-rise build-
codes, these have to be standardized to a uniform
ings. Sur®cial geology is in¯uential in the economic
suitability rating scale Ð in this case between 0 and
construction of this category. Groundwater rise may
4 for ease of analysis. Assigning values to speci®c
pose a potential threat because the overlying sur®cial
factors amounts to the making of decision rules in
loess deposits are prone to collapse upon wetting. The
the shape of thresholds for each factor. As a general
distance to faults is also considered based on the
guideline, a positive correlation between the value
assumption that building on a fault is to be avoided.
awarded and suitability is employed. These integer
For the waste disposal category a critical concern is
numbers ranging from 0 to 4 were assigned to very
the long-term geomorphic stability of the disposal
low, low, medium, high, and very high classes,
site. Site location in a geomorphologically stable
respectively. Table 2 shows the class boundaries and
area is imperative in preventing the failure of retain-
standardized measurements employed for each factor.
ing structures and in protecting surface and ground-
It should be noted that various statistical and empiri-
water quality (Rockaway and Smith, 1994).
cal guidelines from the related national codes and
Therefore, liquefaction potential and distance to land-
literature were used to determine the boundary values
sliding and debris ¯ow were accounted for in this
for the various land-use categories. For distance to
suitability assessment. Elevation was considered
landsliding and debris ¯ow, the determination of
because high areas suffer from inaccessibility and
class boundaries takes account of the possible conse-
lack of transportation. Groundwater vulnerability is
quence, including the possible runout zone and the
important in site selection for waste disposal, and
instability of landslide scarp or debris ¯ow channels.
can be de®ned as a function of: (a) the accessibility
This estimate was made based on ®eld observations.
of the saturated zone; and (b) the attenuation capacity
of the strata overlying the saturated zone (Hiscock et 3.5. Development of weights
al., 1995). In this study, the nature of sur®cial geology
and formation combinations, and the distance to faults A primary issue in the evaluation is to assign
accounted for the attenuation capacity of the strata weights to each factor separately. For each land-use
overlying the saturated zone; and groundwater condi- category, a set of relative weights for in¯uential
tions comprising depth to groundwater table and factors should be developed in advance so that it
groundwater rise were considered to represent the can be used as input for suitability evaluation in the
accessibility of the saturated zone. The loess with a next step. In this regard, the analytic hierarchy process
saturated permeability of 1.6 £ 10 27 ±3.0 £ 10 27 m/s (AHP), a theory for dealing with complex technolo-
(Li, 1994; Fu, 1994) is considered relatively imperme- gical, economical, and socio-political problems
able, compared to other types of sur®cial deposits. (Saaty, 1977; Saaty and Vargas, 1991), is an appro-
Corrosive potential of groundwater was accounted priate method for deriving the weight assigned to each
for because it might have some in¯uence on waste factor. Basically, AHP is a multi-objective, multi-
disposal sealing. criteria decision-making approach that employs a
Only four factors were considered for the natural pair-wise comparison procedure to arrive at a scale
conservation category. All land with high topographi- of preference among a set of alternatives. AHP gained
cal location and steep slopes were rated high for wide application in site selection and suitability
conservation. In addition, distance to landsliding and analysis (e.g. Banai-Kashani, 1989; Carver, 1991;
264 F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271

Table 2
Standardized potential rates (HB Ð high-rise building; MB Ð multi-storey building; LB Ð low-rise building; WD Ð waste disposal; NC Ð
natural conservation)

Factors Category Potential rating

0 1 2 3 4

Slope (8) HB/WD . 12 8±12 5±8 2±5 ,2

MB . 15 12±15 8±12 5±8 ,5
LB . 20 15±20 10±15 5±10 ,5
NC ,5 5±10 10±15 15±20 . 20
Elevation (m) HB/MB . 1660 1620±1660 1580±1620 1540±1580 , 1540
LB . 1700 1660±1700 1620±1660 1580±1620 , 1580
WD , 1540 . 1700 1540±1600 1640±1700 1600±1640
NC , 1600 1600±1700 1700±1800 1800±1900 . 1900
Depth to groundwater table (m) HB ,2 2±4 4±6 6±9 .9
MB ,1 1±3 3±5 5±7 .7
WD ,3 3±5 5±8 8±15 . 15
Corrosion potential of HB/MB/WD High Medium Low Very low
Distance to debris ¯ow (m) HB , 80 80±150 150±200 200±300 . 300
MB/WD , 40 40±80 80±150 150±250 . 250
LB , 20 20±50 50±100 100±150 . 150
NC . 500 300±500 200±300 100±200 , 100
Distance to landsliding (m) HB/WD , 50 50±100 100±150 150±250 . 250
MB , 30 30±60 60±100 100±150 . 150
LB , 20 20±50 50±80 80±120 . 120
NC . 400 300±400 200±300 100±200 , 100
Distance to fault (m) HB/ WD , 40 40±80 80±120 120±160 . 160
MD/LD , 30 30±60 60±90 90±120 . 120
Sur®cial geology LB Collapsible soils Loess Sand, bedrock
WD Sand, bedrock Collapsible soils Loess
Formation combination WD Sand, bedrock, Collapsible Collapsible Collapsible soils Loess
sand underlain soils soils, loess
by bedrock underlain underlain by
by sand bedrock

Lithology of bearing layer HB/MB Collapsible soils Loess Bedrock, sand

Groundwater rise HB/MB/LB/WD Yes No
Liquefaction potential HB/MB/LB/WD High Low

Bantayan and Bishop, 1998), and regional planning the relative importance of each factor; and synthesize
(e.g. Jankowski, 1989). It became popular following the judgements to determine the priorities to be
its implementation in the Idrisi GIS software package assigned to these factors (Saaty and Vargas, 1991).
(e.g. Eastman et al., 1995; Van der Merwe, 1997). To In the construction of a pair-wise comparison matrix,
apply this approach, it is necessary to break down a each factor is rated against every other factor by
complex unstructured problem into its component assigning a relative dominant value between 1 and 9
factors; arrange these factors in a hierarchic order; to the intersecting cell (Table 3). When the factor on
assign numerical values to subjective judgements on the vertical axis is more important than the factor on
F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271 265

Table 3 Table 4
Scale for comparisons (after Saaty and Vargas 1991) An example of a pairwise comparison matrix for assessing the
weights of factors
1 Equal importance
3 Moderate prevalence of one over another Factors A1 A2 A3 A4 Weights
5 Strong or essential prevalence
7 Very strong or demonstrated prevalence A1 1 2 9 7 0.5426
9 Extremely high prevalence A2 1/2 1 6 5 0.3211
2, 4, 6, 8 Intermediate values A3 1/9 1/6 1 1/3 0.0462
Reciprocals For inverse comparison A4 1/7 1/5 3 1 0.0901
Consistency ratio: 0.04

the horizontal axis, this value varies between 1 and 9. generated (Saaty, 1977)
Conversely, the value varies between the reciprocals
1/2 and 1/9. For example, four factors including slope
(A1), elevation (A2), the distances to debris ¯ow (A3) where RI is the average of the resulting consistency
and to landsliding (A4), respectively, are considered index depending on the order of the matrix given by
the most appropriate factors for determining the suit- Saaty (1977) and CI is the consistency index and can
ability of the land-use category of natural conserva- be expressed as
tion in this study. The factors are compared against all
others with respect to the land-use category of natural RI ˆ …lmax 2 n†=…n 2 1†
conservation. The pair-wise comparison matrix for where l max is the largest or principal eigenvalue of the
these four factors can be constructed as shown in matrix and can be easily calculated from the matrix,
Table 4, where the main diagonal is always equal to and n is the order of the matrix.
unity. It has been demonstrated that the eigenvector A consistency ratio of the order of 0.10 or less is a
corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the matrix reasonable level of consistency (Saaty, 1977). A
provides the relative priorities of the factors, i.e. if a consistency ratio above 0.1 requires revisions of the
factor is preferred to another, its eigenvector compo- judgements in the matrix because of an inconsistent
nent is larger than that of the other (Saaty, 1977; Saaty treatment of particular factor ratings. In this case the
and Vargas, 1991). The components of the eigenvec- consistency ratio of the matrix of paired comparisons
tor sum to unity. Thus we obtain a vector of weights between the four in¯uential factors in the suitability
which re¯ects the relative importance of the various assessment of natural conservation is 0.04, and is thus
factors from the matrix of paired comparisons. In this acceptable. Once a satisfactory consistency ratio is
case, the following weights for the four factors are obtained, the resultant weights are applied. The
obtained from the matrix in Table 4: slope Ð weights should add up to a sum of 1.0, as the linear
0.5426, elevation Ð 0.3211, distance to debris ¯ow weighted combination calculation requires. A similar
Ð 0.0462, distance to landsliding Ð 0.0901. Because process takes place in other land-use categories, as
the complete pair-wise comparison matrix contains shown in Table 5. Because the matrix is symmetrical,
many multiple paths by which the relative importance only the lower triangular half actually needs to be
of factors can be assessed, it is also possible to deter- ®lled. The remaining cells are then simply the reci-
mine the degree of consistency that has been used in procals of the lower triangular half. In this study, an
developing the judgements. In the construction of the external program was developed to implement the
matrix of paired comparisons, the consistency of the AHP algorithm described above.
judgements should be revealed because this matrix is
a consistent matrix. For example, if A1 is preferred to 3.6. Geo-environmental evaluation
A2 and A2 to A3, then A1 must be more preferred to
A3. In AHP, an index of consistency, known as the Multi-criteria evaluation is used to combine a set of
consistency ratio (CR), is used to indicate the prob- criteria to form a single suitability map according to a
ability that the matrix judgements were randomly speci®c category. In this study, factors are combined
266 F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271

Table 5
Relative weighting of factors for each urban land-use category

Factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Weights

Category 1: High rise building

(1) Slope 1 0.2623
(2) Elevation 1/3 1 0.1212
(3) Lithology of bearing layer 1/5 1/3 1 0.0611
(4) Depth to groundwater table 1/7 1/5 1/3 1 0.0290
(5) Corrosion of groundwater 1/3 1 2 3 1 0.0770
(6) Groundwater rise 1/5 1/3 1 2 3 1 0.0720
(7) Distance to debris ¯ow 1/2 2 3 5 3 3 1 0.1640
(8) Distance to landsliding 1/2 2 3 5 3 3 1 1 0.1640
(9) Liquefaction potential 1/7 1/5 1/3 1 1/3 1/2 1/4 1/4 1 0.0322
(10) Distance to fault 1/9 1/7 1/5 1/2 1/5 1/4 1/7 1/7 1/3 1 0.0172
Consistency ratio: 0.04
Category 2: multi-storey
(1) Slope 1 0.1944
(2) Elevation 1/3 1 0.0696
(3) Lithology of bearing layer 1/5 1/2 1 0.0363
(4) Depth to groundwater table 1/7 1/4 1/2 1 0.0258
(5) Corrosion of groundwater 1/5 1/2 1 2 1 0.0352
(6) Groundwater rise 1/3 1 3 2 3 1 0.0768
(7) Distance to debris ¯ow 1 3 5 7 5 3 1 0.1944
(8) Distance to landsliding 1 3 5 7 5 3 1 1 0.1944
(9) Liquefaction potential 1/2 2 3 4 3 1 1/2 1/2 1 0.1050
(10) Distance to fault 1/3 1 2 2 3 1 1/3 1/3 1/2 1 0.0681
Consistency ratio: 0.01
Category 3: low-rise building
(1) Slope 1 0.2858
(2) Elevation 1/3 1 0.0963
(3) Sur®cial geology 1/6 1/2 1 0.0468
(4) Groundwater rise 1/9 1/7 1/3 1 0.0233
(5) Distance to debris ¯ow 1/2 2 4 6 1 0.1690
(6) Distance to landsliding 1/2 2 4 6 1 1 0.1690
(7) Liquefaction potential 1/2 2 4 6 1 1 1 0.1690
(8) Distance to fault 1/6 1/2 1 2 1/5 1/5 1/5 1 0.0408
Consistency ratio: 0.01
Category 4: waste disposal
(1) Slope 1 0.1662
(2) Elevation 1/3 1 0.0697
(3) Sur®cial geology 1 3 1 0.1662
(4) Formation combination 1/3 1 1/3 1 0.0587
(5) Depth to groundwater table 1 3 1 3 1 0.1662
(6) Corrosion of groundwater 1/5 1/3 1/5 1/3 1/5 1 0.0308
(7) Groundwater rise 1/2 1 1/2 2 1/2 2 1 0.0766
(8) Distance to debris ¯ow 1/2 1 1/2 2 1/2 2 1 1 0.0855
(9) Distance to landsliding 1/3 1 1/3 1 1/3 3 2 1/2 1 0.0664
(10) Liquefaction potential 1/2 1 1/2 2 1/2 2 1 1 2 1 0.0855
(11) Distance to fault 1/5 1/3 1/5 1/3 1/5 1 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/ 1
Consistency ratio: 0.02
F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271 267

Table 5 (continued)

Factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Weights

Category 5: natural
(1) Slope 1 0.5426
(2) Elevation 1/2 1 0.3211
(3) Distance to debris ¯ow 1/9 1/6 1 0.0462
(4) Distance to landsliding 1/7 1/5 3 1 0.0901
Consistency ratio: 0.04

in weighted linear combinations. With a weighted highest along the mountains and narrow valleys. Suit-
linear combination, factors are combined by applying ability for waste disposal is also satisfactorily distrib-
a weight to each, followed by a summation of the uted in these areas with thick Quaternary loess
results to yield a suitability map (Eastman et al., deposits. Field checks con®rmed that the evaluation
1995), i.e. results are consistent with the actual situations.
Sˆ wi xi
4. Results and conclusions
where S is the suitability, wi the weight of factor i, and
xi is the potential rating of factor i. To make the maximum bene®cial use of land for a
For each land-use category, the data layers of certain area, a planner should take into consideration
factors that affect the suitability of land parcels for the actual geo-environment. This will allow the accu-
this land-use category were then reclassi®ed so that racy and implementation of basic information to be
they could be used as rating maps required in the improved and then applied in the planning process.
process of geo-environmental evaluation. The calcu- An important goal in geo-environmental evaluation
lated weight values are then transferred to the is to provide assistance to policy makers, planners and
ArcView GIS, and weighted linear combination is developers in the optimal development of an area
repeated for each category separately to create a suit- while preserving the environment. The evaluation
ability map with a value range per cell matching that results can assist planners in making decisions on
of the standardized factor maps using a range 0±4 in land-use alternatives for speci®c land parcels. These
this case. For each suitability map, a ®ve equal inter- are intended only to be a guide in determining the
val classi®cation between the minimum and the maxi- general trends and spatial distribution of suitability
mum cell values calculated is employed in this study, for the various possible types of developments.
i.e. assigning the ®ve ranges in an increasing order to The GIS methodology for macro- or micro-zona-
very low, low, moderate, high, and very high, respec- tion is capable of providing a degree of accuracy in
tively. The resultant raster maps were then vectorized. assessing the potential suitability of land parcels for
Figs. 4±8 display the results for each of the categories urban development. The most important advantages
investigated here. of this methodology over manual map production in
From Figs. 4±8, it can be seen that high-rise build- geo-environmental evaluation for urban planning and
ing category is clearly concentrated in the Yellow development purposes are: accessible methodology at
River terraces and some relatively wide valleys, relatively low costs, ease of use of commonly avail-
while high topographical locations and steep slope able data with minimal cost, very short time for data
areas are avoided. Likewise, the multi-storey building manipulation, the possibility to explore diverse
category concentrates in the basin and relatively high scenarios, potential to develop an optimum type of
topographical river terraces. Suitability for low-rise land development, and ease of handling the graphic
building is high in the basin and high topographical output. Traditionally, geo-environmental evaluation
¯at lands. The potential for natural conservation is and mapping were laborious and time-consuming
268 F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271

Fig. 4. Suitability potential for the high-rise building category.

Fig. 5. Suitability potential for the multi-storey building category.

F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271 269

Fig. 6. Suitability potential for the low-rise building category.

Fig. 7. Suitability potential for the waste disposal category.

270 F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271

Fig. 8. Suitability potential for the natural conservation category.

tasks because of the large amount of time and effort tions and priorities of the evaluators. In this case, a
required for the manual handling and processing of knowledge of the local geology is critical to the
the spatial data. A GIS software can be used to store, rationality of the weights applied. As mentioned by
analyse, and display all data required, and allows Van der Merwe (1997), the modeling results are
these spatial data layers to be analysed as accurately highly sensitive to the weights applied, and altering
as needed when investigating spatially complex geo- the weights assigned to the various factors will have
environmental potentials. The application of such a signi®cant effects on the results. The determination of
GIS technology has demonstrated that most opera- weights for the various factors is one of the most
tions can be accomplished ef®ciently and cost-effec- important challenges, as frequently encountered in
tively. The functional capabilities of GIS software conventional evaluation. In addition, it should be
support the development of spatial geo-environmental noted that, in practice, urban land-use categories are
evaluation for urban land-use planning purpose. The much more complicated, as compared to the categor-
study results presented herein have demonstrated the ization employed in this study, and that similar studies
great potential of GIS-based geo-environmental could be carried out for more comprehensive classi®-
evaluation for urban planning purpose. However, it cation of urban land-use types.
needs to be emphasized that the reliability of the
assessment results depends on a multitude of factors
ranging from the quality of the database to the intro- Acknowledgements
duction of potential errors associated with data entry,
manipulation, and analysis within the GIS. Another This study is ®nancially supported by the Jockey
problem is that the weighting method employed in Club Research and Information Centre for Landslip
this study can, although rationally defensible, be fairly Prevention and Land Development, the University of
arbitrarily applied and depends entirely on the percep- Hong Kong. Special thanks have to be given to Mr
F.C. Dai et al. / Engineering Geology 61 (2001) 257±271 271

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