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Research Paper

The mechanical performance of cordwood

R. Mouterde a, J.C. Morel b,*, V. Martinet b, Frédéric Sallet b

Laboratoire d’Analyse des Formes, ENSA Lyon, 3 rue Maurice Audin, 69512 Vaulx en Velin Cedex, France
Université de Lyon, Département Génie Civil et Bâtiment CNRS, FRE 3237, Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat,
rue M. Audin, 69 518 Vaulx-en-Velin cedex, France

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Cordwood structures are used by only a few independent builders and to date the only real
Article history: technical development has existed in North America. However, cordwood structures could
Received 5 July 2010 help reduce environmental impact because cordwood has very low embodied energy and is
Received in revised form able to store carbon dioxide. The goal was to test this composite material with a new
15 December 2010 approach in order to establish if the strength of cordwood walls was sufficient to be used
Accepted 22 December 2010 instead of conventional materials. Compressive tests were carried out on representative
Published online 26 January 2011 samples mainly composed of organic aggregate mortar and wood with moisture content
greater than 30%. Wet wood rather than dry wood was used to reduce the impact of wood
shrinkage which usually induces a lack of cohesion between the wood and mortar.
Different log arrangements were also tested in this paper. Results appear to indicate that
cordwood could reasonably be used for individual houses and the research on organic
aggregate mortar and new log arrangements may provide improved performance.
ª 2010 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The trend in construction is to prefer the use of wood deriv-

atives that include more and more added-value but this also
The development of global warming processes and the pre- reduces the sequestered carbon mass and increases embodied
dicted shortfall in natural resources are not the only concerns energy. Research on primary materials (i.e. non industrial) is
for environmental specialists. Although the public at large is a possible way to find future materials for small constructions
generally becoming increasingly aware of these phenomena, (i.e. 2 storeys high or less) (Bui, Morel, & Hans, 2009; Kouakou &
adopting behaviours more respectful of the environment, and Morel, 2009; Morel, Mesbah, Oggero & Walker, 2001).
in particular limiting carbon dioxide emissions, is difficult and The sequestered carbon mass content of buildings could be
this will undoubtedly take several generations. Simple solu- increased by using primary materials. In this spirit, some
tions need to be found. Since trees absorb atmospheric carbon Canadian independent builders have developed the cordwood
dioxide via photosynthesis during growth and they only technique, consisting of building walls constructed from
release it into the atmosphere when burning or decaying, all simple firewood logs joined with mortar (Fig. 1). Cordwood is
wooden buildings store carbon for years and can be consid- “firewood” sold by the cord which approximately equals 4 stere
ered a temporary response to the greenhouse gas effect. or 4 m3.
Horeover, the increased use of wood encourages the use of There is currently very little technical data on the
a naturally renewable material. mechanical performance of cordwood published in peer-

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Mouterde), (J.C. Morel), victor.martinet@developpement-durable. (V. Martinet), (F. Sallet).
1537-5110/$ e see front matter ª 2010 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
238 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 0 8 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 2 3 7 e2 4 3

to assist with reducing the release of greenhouse gasses, at least

Nomenclature in the short term. Moreover, cordwood is a recyclable material.
EC Embodied Carbon in kg [CO2]
EE Embodied Energy in MJ 2.2. Embodied carbon and energy
LCA Life Cycle Assessment, a method to assess
sustainability of building or products. The embodied carbon (EC) of cordwood is lower than that of
MC Moisture Content, it is the mass of water conventional construction materials. This is due to the use of
divided by the dry mass of the sample, in % firewood logs that need no particular treatment. They can be
RH Relative Humidity in % used without any specific shaping and no additives are required.
R-value Thermal resistance of a wall in m2 K W1 A Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials
(CORRIM) report (CORRIM, 2004) claimed a 17% increase of EC
from using wood frames rather than steel frames and 16%
reviewed journals. However in North America some research
increase from using wood frames rather than concrete frames.
has been done (Dick & Zubriski, 2005; Flatau, 2009; Lansdown
Moreover, the cordwood method features even less
& Dick, 1994, 1995; Roy, 2003; Shockey, 2006; Stankevitz,
embodied energy (EE) than wood frame structures as
Flatau, Roy & Dick, 2005). It is considered that this building
described in Pierquet, Bowyer, and Huelman (1998). They
technique has a strong potential in terms of sustainable
compared the thermal performance and EE of individual
development. However, its mechanical behaviour is charac-
houses in North America made of different wood frame and
terised by low compressive strength, poor cohesion between
unconventional concrete materials. Pierquet et al., 1998 found
wood and mortar and importantly shrinkage of mortar; hence
that total EE in cordwood was 130 MJ, which was lower than
walls are often too permeable. These points are discussed and
for concrete and most of the wooden structures studied.
investigated in this paper.
However, the thermal resistance (R-value) of cordwood walls
(7.8 m2 K W1) was not as good as others. This explains why
2. Sustainability of cordwood structures cordwood does not perform as well over the long-term. By
comparison, Dick and Chaput (2005) using a 610 mm deep
2.1. Sustainability cordwood wall obtained an R-value of 6.2 m2 K W1 which is
still not sufficient to obtain an efficient thermal insulation.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is one of the methods usually used Fig. 2 represents the total consumed energy of different
to assess sustainability. In LCA, the impacts are classified in 11 kinds of structures (extracted of Pierquet et al. (1998)) as
categories (carcinogens, ecotoxicity, respiratory organic, a function of years in service. The thermal performance was
respiratory inorganic, fossil fuels, climate change, land use, modelled on HOT-2000 software with the climate of Springfield
acidification, ozone layer, radiation, minerals). LCA data on (Illinois, USA). The only difference between the studied cases
cordwood was not found in the literature, but cordwood may be was in the wall; the doors, windows, foundations, being the
sustainable material at various levels. Since almost any logs same. For clarity, only three representative structures are
may be acceptable to build a wall it favours the local economy shown: wood frame, concrete frame and cordwood. The total
by using local wood. That makes the method inexpensive and consumed energy represents the sum of the EE plus the energy
easy to use that is why many independent builders use it required to heat the structure in a temperate climate. In fact,
(Francoeur, 2010). Because this wood is considered as waste no the value of total consumed energy at the origin is equal to the
industrial additives are added. EE. It appeared that, over a 50 year period, despite their better
Local use, and the renewable aspects of the wood, help reduce R-value, the total consumed energy of concrete structures is
carbon dioxide release. Less transportation and the capacity of never below that of cordwood. This shows that these kinds of
the wood to store carbon dioxide make cordwood a good material

Fig. 1 e Structural element of cordwood, exposed to Fig. 2 e Total consumed energy of various structures as
weather. a function of time in temperate climate.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 0 8 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 2 3 7 e2 4 3 239

structure are not really efficient at reducing energy consump- Preliminary results confirmed that the wood dries very
tion. However, wood frame structures have a lower value than slowly when contained in the masonry. A chestnut log, after 2
cordwood over a period of 5 years. years of drying, maintained an MC of 26% in a masonry block,
Therefore, cordwood clearly has low EE but its thermal whilst it decreased to 17% MC, during air seasoning.
resistance is not as high as that of wood frame structures. This This explains why measurements made on preliminary
could be improved by investigating different kinds of mortar structures showed no changes between 2005 and 2008, since
that could contribute to a better thermal performance. For the logs still had MC close to 30% and the expected shrinkage
example, substituting sand for wood chips, or sawdust, could did not occur. The sample structures were made from narrow-
improve isolation and obtain a higher R-value. Substituting section, very dry Linden logs, (lower than 30% MC) and a lime
lime for loam could reduce EE almost to zero. Thus previous and sand binder. The wood swelled, due to moisture uptake,
work has shown the importance of studying this kind of which led to swelling of the formwork and bursting of the
structure as a substitute for traditional types. upper section of the mortar between two sections.

4. Compressive behaviour
3. Hygrothermal behaviour of cordwood
The compression experiments described here were carried
It is well known that water has a great influence on wood. out in two parts:
Below approximately 30% moisture content (MC), wood
suffers from shrinkage that can trigger cracks and subse-  Calibration of test specimens to establish the intrinsic
quently modify its geometry. Also, wood and mortar strengths properties of the component materials;
are influenced by MC. The higher the MC is, the weaker the  Exploration of the geometrical and mechanical properties of
material becomes. the assemblies using test specimens that represent building
Dimensional variations caused by shrinkage can be very applications.
problematic during drying and can trigger important
displacements, based on the prototype structure dimensions At the test specimen scale, the behaviour of different dry or
can be reduced by as much as 5 cm m1. In these conditions, humid woods, were quantified as well as different types of
knowledge of thermal and moisture transfer is important to mineral or organic aggregate mortars. On the intermediate
understand the behaviour of the whole structure. Two solu- scale, the effects of log binding systems (log arrangement) were
tions can be envisaged to limit this effect; sourcing a new investigated on the following criteria; the binder coating rate,
formulation of mortar or the use special fittings that move drying and water uptake phenomena, and debarking effects.
with the structure (see Fig. 1: where windows are able to move The approach used did not entail studying an existing
with the structure). process described by several independent builders (self
Independent builders (Francoeur, 2010) have recommend builders), but rather developing, in a modern way, a composite
using very dry wood to avoid shrinkage but the problem still material adapted to the multi-performance criteria (mechan-
remains. Indeed, the water that is initially contained in the ical strength, thermal properties, savings, etc.) expected of
mortar is absorbed by wood during the construction phase. a contemporary building. To do so, it appeared essential to
Subsequently the wood swells then contracts, leaving small understand the individual behaviour of each of the compo-
gaps in the structure between wood logs and the mortar. This nents and to determine their intrinsic qualities, and then to
phenomenon, a lack of cohesion, weakens the whole structure. discriminate between the observations made concerning the
The use of a water-based binder, to prepare the mortar, composite material (Mouterde, Paulin, Arnaud, & Morel, 2008;
may strongly modify the degree of moisture content in the Mouterde, Paulin, Sallet, Morel, & Arnaud, 2009).
original material during construction. That is why a new The detailed behaviour of wood and mortar is not presented
approach was attempted. Initially, to avoid shrinkage prob- here although it would provide information concerning the
lems, it was decided to use wood with MC > 30%. This based behaviour of the cordwood only the main points to be taken into
on the hypothesis that when the structure dries, the mortar consideration will be highlighted. In this paper, an in-depth
may absorb the excess of water in wood, triggering shrinkage micromechanical analysis of cordwood is not presented but
of the wood and swelling of mortar, thereby reducing the lack a first approach to its macroscopic behaviour is. The material
of cohesion between the two materials. was tested at a large enough scale to be considered homoge-
Off-the-shelf wood moisture metres are unsuitable to neous (i.e. test specimen size 0.6 m x 0.4 m x 0.3 m and
measure this MC. Wood used in industrial applications tends 0.5 m x 0.4 m x 0.5 m). This choice was made because no tech-
to be <30% MC. Data obtained from moisture metres wood nical studies have yet been published on this material. So the
beyond the fibre saturation point is not reliable. Hence the MC aim, initially, was to get an order of magnitude value for cord-
of each species has to be measured with progressive oven wood to make this material available for use as soon as possible.
drying, which is a destructive test. This makes it difficult to
regularly monitor the wood MC of a log located inside 4.1. Testing on wood and mortar
a construction, and this does not allow monitoring of wood
MC evolution over time. In the test carried out here geometric 4.1.1. Wood
measurements were made in parallel with the test specimens Wood is an anisotropic material. In the piling process, it is its
to check for any size variation. transverse behaviour that is important. The mechanical
240 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 0 8 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 2 3 7 e2 4 3

performance is linked to the type of wood species used, via

density, transverse strength and MC.
Chestnut tree logs were used here, since this hardwood
tree species is readily available in the Lyon region, France. A
spruce was also included in this study. Testing was carried on
spruce and chestnut trees at an MC around 9%; this corre-
sponds to a typical MC in summer time in this region.
The failure was measured in two cases; transverse
compression and transverse tensile on 3e7 test samples. The
testing procedure used was given in Mouterde et al. (2008). It
appears that transverse compression failure for chestnut logs
occurred at an average of 6.1 MPa (Standard Deviation of
0.9 MPa) and transverse tensile failure occurred at 1.7 MPa
(Standard Deviation of 0.1 MPa). For spruce the transverse Fig. 3 e Stress-strain diagram for different mortars, the
compression failure occurred at 3.3 MPa (Standard Deviation composition of mortars is given in Table 1.
of 0.6 MPa) and transverse tensile failure occurred at 1.6 MPa
(Standard Deviation of 0.3 MPa), (Mouterde et al., 2008). From
these results the assumption was made that failure of the could be used to allow the shrinkage and swelling of the wood.
composite would be below these values. The design basis By comparison, the sand mortar was very stiff and not able to
values are more likely to be based on mortar rather than wood. follow the geometrical displacement of wood thereby
considerably reducing the cohesion.
4.1.2. The mortar
The choice of mortar composition is crucial to provide the 4.2. Compressive strength
final composite material with the expected mechanical and
thermal characteristics. Mortar properties depend on the The physical size of the samples used changed substantially
nature and the dosing of the different components: binder, over the four years of the study. To verify the conditions of
aggregates and water. a representative volume element, a sufficient number of
Three types of binder were tested: clay-based earth with samples were needed without reducing the size of logs nor-
a high percentage of laterite (as used by the School of Archi- mally used on a worksite. The height to width ratio of the
tecture of Grenoble {ENSAG}, France), hydraulic lime NHL 3.5 specimen, which could introduce friction phenomena, had to
(NF EN 459-1, 2002), and non-hydraulic lime CL 90 S (NF EN be carefully defined. Finally, the capacities of the testing
459-1, 2002). equipment available had to be taken into account.
The earth-based mortars were used during the first year in The compressive strength of the material was studied and
order to more easily recycle the logs while still being able to therefore test specimens with a slenderness ratio of 2 were
assess the potential and feasibility of the masonry bonding chosen in order to minimise the frictional effects between the
systems. They have not yet undergone mechanical tests. press and the test specimens (Fig. 4). The problem of friction
The hydraulic and/or non-hydraulic mortars were sub- between the steel of the press and a soft material was dis-
jected to mechanical tests at the School of Civil Engineering cussed for the case of compressed earth blocks by (Morel, Pkla,
(ENTPE), Lyon, France. For each mortar composition, standard & Walker, 2007).
cylindrical test specimens with a section of 200 cm2 and Two materials were tested. First, spruce wood with sand
a slenderness ratio of 2 were used. Since a lot of information is mortar (S) and the second was chestnut wood with woodchips
available concerning mineral aggregate mortars, the choice and sawdust mortar (SDWC). Results show that failure
was made to measure the properties of organic aggregate occurred at 0.9 MPa for the first one and 1.8 MPa for the second
mortars with added hydraulic lime. It was decided to use
sawdust, shavings (litter type), wood chips, hemp and a light
mineral aggregate e expanded clay beads.
Fig. 3 shows that the addition of hemp and clay beads Table 1 e Mortar characteristics and volume ratio of
reduced the strength of the mortar. On the other hand, addi- elements.
tion of lime reinforced the mortar. However none of the Mortar Lime Water Aggregates Compressive Stiffness
samples ever reached the strength of sand mortar. This was strength (MPa)
confirmed by comparing mortar SDWC and SD; a higher ratio failure
of lime compared to aggregates increases the strength. The (MPa)
advantage of mortars that combine sawdust and wood chips S 1 NHL 0.75 2 sand 3.7 750
is their ability to sustain significant deformation even if their SDWC 1 NHL 1 0.75 sawdust 1.5 130
strength is reduced (Table 1). Roy (2005) showed that sawdust 1 woodchips
reduced mortar shrinkage cracking but also reduced strength. SD 1 NHL 1 1.5 sawdust 2.5 330
These last types of mortar were selected because they could SDWCþ 1.5 1.25 0.75 sawdust 1.8 380
NHL 1 woodchips
be interesting from an energy saving point of view and
SDHCL 2 CL 2 1.5 sawdust 0.6 94
because better cohesion could be reached thanks to a higher
2 hemp
deformability. It was also assumed that a great deformability
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 0 8 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 2 3 7 e2 4 3 241

the externally located logs. In this case, it appears that better

results were obtained with a less strong but more deformable
There are insufficient results to observe trends in the general
behaviour of cordwood, but the results indicate the order of
magnitude for failure. Moreover, elastic modulus cannot be
calculated because the slopes represented are both elasto-
plastic (Di Benedetto, Tatsuoka, Lo Presti, & Sauzéat, 2005).
Cycles of loading and unloading are required to ascertain
elastic slopes, which is not the case in the Fig. 5.
It was observed that even though cordwood cannot claim
to have properties comparable to current conventional
materials with a high mechanical performance, it can never-
theless be considered a material with acceptable strength.
Given the thickness of this masonry (from 0.4 to 0.5 m), gravity
load displacement allows possibilities that are perfectly
compatible with the construction of individual buildings up to
2 storeys high. Unstabilised rammed earth, for example, does
not generally reach these values (0.8 to 1.5 MPa) (Bui, Morel, &
Hans, 2009; Bui & Morel, 2009; Maniatidis & Walker, 2008).
It is important to note that a failure point equal to 1.5 MPa, is
more than 10 times the downward load of a small house. Under
such conditions, there is a safety factor of 10, which corre-
sponds to the coefficient usually used for ancient masonry.
This gives a real legitimacy to the cordwood construction,
particularly since failure points can be improved, as described
Fig. 4 e Compression test on a cordwood sample, below. Focussing only on the mortar, limiting the EE used
slenderness aspect ratio of 2, moisture content 30%. means that few solutions can be envisaged to improve strength
and adhesion. In fact, results have shown, for example, that
the addition of lime is able to reinforce the composite but it also
increases the EE. It was considered possible that larger signif-
(Fig. 5). In the first test, failure occurred at a value of less than icant improvements could be achieved using inter-log bonding
that for sand mortar (Table 1). This meant that failure came systems. Therefore, the following experiments focussed on
from the lack of cohesion between materials and not from a log arrangement that would offer a more structured
failure of one of the components. For the second test, the arrangement at the macroscopic level.
failure was at higher values than for sawdust and woodchips
mortar (Table 1). Two explanations are possible for this; 4.3. Deformability
failure comes from the failure of the mortar or the failure
comes from the lack of cohesion at the interface. The last Compared to structures made with brick or concrete the
explanation is more plausible because on all the blocks a lack compressive strength of the test specimens was low, but this
of adhesion was observed between the binder and the logs was considered not to be a problem for typical cordwood wall
leading to face separation or lateral cracks with the ejection of dimensions, as seen above. However, this material has a very
low modulus, a parameter that can impact on dimensions of
the building and must be taken into account in the architec-
tural design; the structure must be able to withstand
substantial settlement without being damaged.
To find out the modulus of cordwood, two kinds of log-
bounding systems were tested: orthogonal (a) and oblique (b)
(Fig. 6). To illustrate the oblique embedding, Fig. 6 (c) shows
the framework of this structure. In both cases, to allow for
direct comparison the percentage of wood was between 60%
and 64%. Moreover, the same organic aggregate mortar made
of sawdust and chips (SDWC, Table 1) was used in all tests.
The mortar bed extended throughout the wall, not only in the
portion of the log ends.
The specimens tested here had a slenderness ratio of 0.5.
This is usually considered inappropriate for measuring
compressive strength in case of an isotropic material (Morel
Fig. 5 e Stress-strain of cordwood (sand and organic et al., 2007); but here, thanks to the orthotropic log arrange-
aggregate mortar). ment, it can still give an appropriate order of magnitude
242 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 0 8 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 2 3 7 e2 4 3

Fig. 6 e Two types of embedded wood alignment: orthogonal (a) and oblique (b and c).

measurement of the modulus. The wood logs were much times lower than for concrete. From this viewpoint, a parallel
more rigid than the mortar. The logs of each bed, being can be drawn with straw bale houses and inspiration can be
stacked perpendicularly, created friction on the mortar; this is taken from the construction techniques used for these
also called confinement. This friction on each mortar bed is buildings. Straw bale elastic moduli range from 0.4 to 1.8 MPa
the same as the friction with the press, which therefore is not (King, 1996, p. 169) which is 20 to 200 times lower than that for
a problem. The tests were stopped well before rupture because cordwood.
only the service load modulus was interesting in this experi- It is worth noting the experiments reported here were
ment. Fig. 7 shows tests done on three test specimens with the carried out with a MC for the wood around 30%. It means that
same oblique log arrangement and the same mortar (SDWC). mechanical properties can be expected to change with drying.
Since this material belongs to the elasto-plastic materials Two solutions are possible: the materials stiffen and the
category, the standard elasticity modulus cannot be measured whole structure is reinforced or the drying reduces cohesion
directly on the principal slope since it contains both elasticity and the structure becomes weaker. Further experiments need
and plasticity. The measurement was made from the slopes of to be carried out with lower values to establish the behaviour
loadeunload cycles which are closer to an elastic behaviour. of the composites with changing MC. Nevertheless the values
Six cycles were performed and therefore 6 moduli were established here are important because they correspond to
obtained for a given material. the properties of cordwood during the building phase.
Fig. 8 shows the moduli measured on 5 test specimens with What is important to observe is the maximum displace-
the same mortar and different bounding systems. In each ment that will occur during the life of the wall. With a down-
case, the modulus increased with the level of load, as previ- ward load of 0.2 MPa (corresponding to a 2 storey house), Fig. 7
ously observed by Bui, Morel and Hans (2009) using rammed gives a displacement close to 6 cm for a 3 m wall. Adding the
earth, which can be considered as a similar material. What is shrinkage displacement (15 cm), shows how significant the
interesting is that there was no difference between the two large displacements of this type of building are. To reduce this
kinds of log arrangement. Thus the framework of logs did not phenomenon, a solution could be to wait until the structure
influence the modulus, which would indicate that the mortar gets close to the MC in service before installing elements such
controlled the modulus, since it was much more deformable. windows, doors or stairs. A problem will remain due to MC
This phenomenon is the result of the orthotropic behaviour of variations between seasons: wood MC can vary from 8% in
the whole structure due to the embedded of logs which are summer to 20% of MC in winter. To prevent large seasonal
themselves close to being orthotropic materials.
The modulus ranged from 30 MPa to 70 MPa which is
roughly 10 times lower than for compacted earth and 500

Fig. 8 e Repeatability of modulus measurements on

Fig. 7 e Compressive test on oblique bounding system test oblique and orthogonal log arrangement cordwood test
specimens (stopped before failure). specimens.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 0 8 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 2 3 7 e2 4 3 243

variations, special devices could be used to enable windows or Bui, Q. B., Morel, J. C., Hans, S., & Meunier, N. (2009). Compression
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