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Types of research

The type of research used is descriptive with quantitative methods, because a lot of emphasis is
given to the measurement of research variables with data analysis numbers and carried out with
statistical procedures.

Location and time of research

The study was conducted in 24 Puskesmas located in Surabaya City and carried out in June 2013.

Population and Sample


The population in the study consisted of:

⦁ All health laboratory staff working in Surabaya City Health Center.

⦁ Communities around the Puskesmas working area in Surabaya.


The sample in this study were 30 health laboratory workers in a non-probability way with
purposive sampling technique. Sampling is purposively based on certain criteria made by the
researcher, that is, every subject that meets the above mentioned criteria is included in the
research sample until the required amount is fulfilled.

Research variable

Variables are properties that will be measured or observed whose values vary between
objects with other objects and are measured. The variables in this study include:

⦁ Independent variable: Laboratory Worker Performance

Terikat Dependent variable: Community Perception

Research procedure

Early Stage (Preparation)

This stage includes counseling with the supervisor for making a research proposal, then taking
care of a research permit from the Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic Surabaya and then
approaching and requesting permission to the Surabaya City Health Office to conduct research
related to the performance of laboratory personnel at the Puskesmas. Prepare the tools needed
for research, namely the questionnaire by compiling a list of questions.

Implementation Phase

Activities in this stage include the selection of respondents and preparation of tools for
interviews in the form of questionnaires. Respondents who were willing to be interviewed by
determining the time and place, then the researcher conducted an interview by visiting the
place and time specified by the respondent. Researchers record the results of interviews and

Report Preparation Stage

⦁ This stage includes, the results of interviews using questionnaires made tabulation of data from
respondents' answers and data tabulation calculations.

⦁ Consult about making research reports to mentors and revisions.

⦁ Presenting research results.

Data analysis

The data obtained from the results of this study are primary data whose results are obtained
from research directly. Collecting data in this study using research instruments namely
questionnaires. Before the data is further processed, a validity test is conducted to determine
the extent to which an instrument can measure what is measured (leading to data accuracy) and
reliability testing to determine whether the instrument can provide consistent measurement
results. Then the data was processed using statistical analysis of Pearson correlation using SPPS
to see the effect between the performance of laboratory personnel and public perception.


General Description of Laboratory Performance

Of the respondents who answered strongly agreed to have a value of 106 (71%), those who
agreed agreed were 41 (27%) and less agreed as many as 3 people (2%). In the analytic phase,
the respondents strongly agreed to have a value of 115 (77%) and agree as much as 35 (23%)
and post-analytic who answered strongly agree to have a value of 88 (59%), agree as much as 48
(32%) and post analytic as much 3 (2%) can be seen in appendix 10 page 64.

Overview of Community Perception

The public perception of laboratory activities which includes pre-analytic from respondents who
answered strongly agree to have a value of 72 (48%), agree as much as 72 (48%) and agree less
6 (4%). For the analytic stage, the respondents strongly agreed to have a value of 69 (46%),
agree as much as 73 (49%) and disagree as much as 8 (5%). And at the post-analytic stage, those
who answered strongly agree to have a value of 61 (40.5%), agree as much as 73 (49%),
disagree as much as 15 (10%) and disagree with the value of 1 (0.5%) can be seen in attachment
10 page 67.

Data analysis

From table 5.2 it is known that there is a significant relationship between laboratory
performance and public perception with ρ = 0.001. So it can be concluded that there is a
relationship between the performance of laboratory personnel in the Puskesmas and the public

From table 5.3 it is known that there is a relationship between the pre-analytic, analytic and
post-analytic stages. Among the three phases of this laboratory which provides a significant
relationship with community perception is the pre-analytic stage (ρ = 0.002), besides the
analytic stage also relates to the perception of society (ρ = 0.004) and post analytic (ρ = 0.007).


Based on research conducted in June 2013, there was a significant relationship between the
performance of laboratory personnel and the public perception. This can be seen from the
results of Pearson correlation test with a value of ρ = 0.001 (can be seen in appendix 12 page
71). Separately both in the pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic stages there is also a
significant relationship to public perception.

When analyzed separately between pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic stages, different
significance values were obtained. The pre-analytic stage has a more significant significance
value (ρ = 0.002) than the analytic or post-analytic stage. The analytical stage has a significance
value ρ = 0.004 while the post analytic stage with a significance value ρ = 0.007. The pre-analytic
stage in this study focused more on the services provided including communication with
patients, providing clear information about laboratory examinations, attitudes given by the
officer in this case hospitality, responsiveness given by officers in responding to patient

It turned out that the people who were respondents in this study, still thought that the services
of health laboratory personnel with good communication, had a better impact than the
examination process carried out. This is in line with the opinion of Rangkuti, 2006 which states
that perception is a process in which individuals choose, organize, and interpret stimuli received
through their senses into a meaning.
In Rangkuti's research, 2006 also discussed the analysis of the quality of drinking water service
performance stating that the quality determinant variable is the ability of officers to carry out
services, speed and responsiveness of officers in providing services, security and courtesy of
officers and trustworthiness, caring officers in providing services, and officer appearance,
physical, and service office facilities. One of the determinants of quality in service is the
friendliness and courtesy of complaints officers in providing services, attitudes of officers at
payment counters, attitudes of technical officers to customers in carrying out their duties, and
cleanliness and neatness of officers' clothes.

The same thing was disclosed by Hasbi (2012) in his research regarding the analysis of the
relationship of patient perceptions of service quality with the reuse of outpatient care at Poncol
Health Center in Semarang City which stated that the community's interest in utilizing outpatient
services at Poncol Health Center in Semarang was influenced by several factors including patient
perception of service quality outpatient.

Likewise with Aryastami and Hendarwan's (2006) research which explains that measuring
community perceptions of the responsiveness of the health service system can illustrate the
success of the puskesmas in an effort to increase access and reach of the public to public



From some of the discussions described in this study, it can be concluded that there are
several important things about the performance of the laboratory in the health center
towards the public perception;

⦁ Based on the performance appraisal of laboratory personnel in the Puskesmas including

significant pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic activities on public perceptions there is a
significant relationship.

⦁ There is a relationship between the performance of laboratory personnel in the pre-

analytic stage on public perception.

⦁ There is a relationship between the performance of laboratory personnel at the analytic

stage on public perception.

⦁ There is a relationship between the performance of laboratory personnel in the post-

analytic stage of public perception.

⦁ The most significant relationship is the relationship between the performance of

laboratory personnel in the pre-analytic stage on public perception.

From the results and discussion in this study can be suggested as follows:

Selanjutnya Subsequent research is intended to be more thorough and objective in looking

at factors that can affect the performance of laboratory personnel in the Puskesmas.

⦁ Direct socialization is needed to the community regarding the services available at the
Puskesmas so that the community can utilize the facilities at the Puskesmas.

⦁ Good communication is needed between laboratory staff and patients in an effort to

improve services in the laboratory.


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