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2. Balloon
3. Bazaar
4. Bonsai
5. Bouquet
6. Fillet
7. Tofu
8. Cliché –
9. Debris
10. Elite

11. Router [raw-ter]- (computing) a device that forwards data packets

between computer networks
12. Edelweiss [ey-del-vays] is an Alpine perennial plant native to Europe.
13. Colonel - military officer
14. Eulogy - A formal expression of praise

15. Graffiti - A rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls

16. Harassment- An abusive act
17. Havoc – violent disturbance
18. Hippopotamus - river horse
19. Massacre – violent killing
20. Island - ground
21. Abattoir [a-bat-waa] is a slaughterhouse.

22. Tow truck [tow trak] - The act of hauling something (as a vehicle)

by means of a hitch or rope

23. Vignette [vin-yet] - A brief literary description

24. Fuchsia [fyoo-sha] - A dark purplish-red colour

25. Rendezvous – MEETING PLACE

26. Corps /KOR/– An army unit usually consisting of two or more

divisions and their support
27. sachet – BAG
28. baccalaureate -
29. Chevrolet – BRAND OF A CAR
30. Chassis /CHA-SI/SHA-SI/ - A metal mounting for the circuit
components of an electronic device
31. Denouement – RESOLUTION
32. Champagne
33. Lasagna
34. Buffet
35. Plow
36. Hierarchy
37. Accommodate
38. aficionado

41. Genre
42. Broaden
43. Strengthen
44. Autonomous
45. Prose
46. Rhythmical
47. Encyclopedia
48. Meter /metre
49. Anecdote
50. Fraud
51. Oration
52. Essay
53. Elaborate
54. Theme
55. Myth
56. Hyperbole
57. Rhyme
58. Melodious
59. Ode
60. Closet (Type of Dramatic Poetry)

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