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"Sun-Moon" Love Story/"Manobo Folktale"!,,, Long time ago, only the Sun rode the Sky.

His wife, the

Moon, stayed at home & tended the children & their farm. The Moon loved their 2 children & went
about her tasks happily., 1 cloudy day when the Sun was home, the Moon had to go to the river 4 water.
She crooned the children to sleep & called her husband "Dear Husband, I'm going to fetch water. Watch
over our children, but don't get near them coz U know what will happen F U do." After this warning, she
left. The Sun looked lovingly at his children. He had never b-4 been able to really know them or even get
near them. Overcome w/ Love, he Kissed them. To his horror, they shriveled to ashes! His anguish was
great. He moaned & cried. Suddenly he remembered what his wife had told him - not 2 touch the
children. Not knowing what 2 do, he hid in d forest. Soon after this the Moon returned. Her screams &
lamintations reached his husband in d forest &, his pity overcoming his fear, he went home. "My
Husband, why did U do it? Did I not tell U never to touch or even draw near our children? Why did U
disobeyed me? "I couldn't help kissing them Oh my Wife. They looked so sweet. I have never seen
anything so sweet b-4. Forgive me O Moon! Forgive me! He begged." But the Moon wouldn't be
comforted. Her reproaches increased in intensity. The Sun got angry. "Mang-gad" he shouted. "Did U say
that I disobeyed U? How would U dare that U R superior 2 me- that U can order me what 2 do Mang-
gad. U R my property! I can do what I want! Binotong Slave! "Ai" She moaned. "I am nothing! Nothing at
all! Then my children R nothing too!" And 1 defiant sweep of her arm she scattered their ashes to d 4
winds. Horrified & enraged, the sun seized 2 Gabi leaves, threw them in his wife's face & dashed out of
the house. When he returned very late at night, his ill temper was gone. He regretted having Shouted at
his Wife. His wife has fled, but a glimmer of pinpoints of light told him where she was, for the lights
were, he knew, his children following their mother in her flight... So started d endless cycle of d Sun
chasing the Moon & the Moon fleeing from d Sun. The Moon is 4Ever w/ her children, the tiny bits of
light we call the "Stars"!!!

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