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Choose to buy amazon stock because:

Amazon is the most disruptive force to emerge in retail in several decades. Its operational efficiency,
network effect, and a brand intangible asset built on customer service provide it with sustainable
competitive advantages that few, if any, traditional retailers can match. Amazon has built a powerful
business model through competitive pricing, unparalleled logistics capabilities, and high-level customer
service, making it an increasingly vitaĐơn
vị thường xuyên định kỳ khảo sát mặt bằng giá cả trên thị
trường, so sánh giá bán từ các nhà cung cấp khác, nên không phụ thuộc vào bất kì nhà cung cấp nào. l
distribution channel for consumer brands. Even with more retailers looking to expand online, we believe
Amazon will maintain its consumer proposition through the convenience of Prime's expedited shipping,
expanding digital content library, and new partnerships from its Whole Foods acquisition. Aided by more
than 410 million estimated global active users, more than 100 million Prime members, and fulfillment
infrastructure, technology, and content investments, Amazon owns one of the wider economic moats in the
consumer sector and is likely to reshape retail, digital media, enterprise software and other categories for
years to come.


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