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Hair food combos

1. Eggs
Eggs are a great source of protein and biotin, two nutrients that may promote hair growth.

Eating adequate protein is important for hair growth because hair follicles are made of mostly protein. A
lack of protein in the diet has been shown to promote hair loss .

Biotin is essential for the production of a hair protein called keratin, which is why biotin supplements are
often marketed for hair growth. Research has also shown that consuming more biotin can help improve
hair growth in people with a biotin deficiency.

However, biotin deficiencies are uncommon if you consume a balanced diet. There is little evidence to
show healthy people benefit from consuming more biotin .

Eggs are also a great source of zinc, selenium and other hair-healthy nutrients. This makes them one of
the best foods to consume for optimal hair health .

A raw egg has 72–90 calories

An egg yolk has about 55 calories

A hard-boiled egg has 78 calories; an omelet has 94 calories

Weight watchers can have at least 1 egg a day

Diabetics can have just egg whites or 2 whole eggs a week

Other benefits:
Whole eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet, containing a little bit of almost every
nutrient you need. Omega-3 enriched and/or pastured eggs are even healthier.

Eggs are high in cholesterol, but eating eggs does not adversely affect cholesterol in the blood for the

Eating eggs consistently leads to elevated levels of HDL (the "good") cholesterol, which is linked to a
lower risk of many diseases of people.
Eggs are among the best dietary sources of choline, a nutrient that is incredibly important but most
people aren’t getting enough of.

Egg consumption appears to change the pattern of LDL particles from small, dense LDL (bad) to large
LDL, which is linked to a reduced heart disease risk.

The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are very important for eye health and can help prevent macular
degeneration and cataracts. Eggs are high in both of them.

Omega-3 enriched and pastured eggs may contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Eating
these types of eggs is an effective way to reduce blood triglycerides.

Eggs are fairly high in quality animal protein and contain all the essential amino acids that humans need.

Many studies have looked at egg intake and the risk of heart disease and found no association.
However, some studies have found an increased risk in people with type 2 diabetes.

Eggs are highly satiating and may reduce calorie intake later in the day. Regularly eating eggs may
promote weight loss.


2. Berries:
Berries are loaded with beneficial compounds and vitamins that may promote hair growth.

This includes vitamin C, which has strong antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants can help protect hair follicles against damage from harmful molecules called free radicals.
These molecules exist naturally in the body and the environment.

For example, 1 cup (144 grams) of strawberries provides an impressive 141% of your daily vitamin C

Also, the body uses vitamin C to produce collagen, a protein that helps strengthen hair to prevent it
from becoming brittle and breaking.

What’s more, vitamin C helps the body absorb iron from the diet. Low iron levels may cause anemia,
which has been linked to hair loss.

There are 62 calories (on average) in 100g of Blueberries..
Other benefits:
Cancer Fighting Properties

Improves fertility

Mood and Memory Boosting

Maintains cardiovascular health

Healthy Tissues and Blood Vessels

Maintains Eye Health

Aids in Weight Loss

Good for Diabetics


3. Spinach
Spinach is a healthy green vegetable that’s loaded with beneficial nutrients like folate, iron, and vitamins
A and C, all of which may promote hair growth.

Vitamin A helps the skin glands produce sebum. This oily substance helps moisturize the scalp to keep
hair healthy.

A cup (30 grams) of spinach provides up to 54% of your daily vitamin A needs .

Spinach is also a great plant-based source of iron, which is essential for hair growth. Iron helps red blood
cells carry oxygen throughout the body to fuel your metabolism and aid growth and repair.

What’s more, iron deficiencies have been linked to hair loss.

One cup of raw spinach or half cup cooked contains about 7 calories and only 1 gram of carbohydrate.

Other benefits:
Improves Eyesight

Macular Degeneration

Provides Neurological Benefits.

Maintains Blood Pressure

Strengthens Muscles

Helps Aid the Digestive System

Protects Skin

Proteins for Infant Growth


4. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene. The body converts this compound into
vitamin A, which is linked to good hair health.

A medium sweet potato (about 114 grams) contains enough beta-carotene to provide more
than four times your daily vitamin A needs.

Research has shown that vitamin A promotes the production of sebum, which helps keep
hair healthy.

What’s more, vitamin A could also speed up the rate of hair growth and encourage the
growth of thicker hair, all while preventing other hair follicles from regressing .


Avocados are delicious, nutritious and a great source of healthy fats.

They are also an excellent source of vitamin E, which may promote hair
growth. One medium avocado (about 200 grams) provides 21% of your
daily vitamin E needs .

Like vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps combat oxidative

stress by neutralizing free radicals.
Vitamin E also protects areas of the skin, like the scalp, from oxidative
stress and damage. Damaged skin on the scalp can result in poor hair
quality and fewer hair follicles


Nuts are tasty, convenient and contain a variety of nutrients that may
promote hair growth.

For example, an ounce (28 grams) of almonds provides an impressive 37%

of your daily vitamin E needs.

What’s more, they also provide a wide variety of B vitamins, zinc and
essential fatty acids. A deficiency in any of these nutrients has been linked
to hair loss.

Nuts have also been linked to a wide variety of other health benefits
besides hair growth, including reduced inflammation and a lower risk of
heart disease .


Seeds deliver a massive amount of nutrients with relatively few calories.
Many of these nutrients may also promote hair growth. These include
vitamin E, zinc and selenium.
An ounce (28 grams) of sunflower seeds provides nearly 50% of your daily
vitamin E needs, with a wide variety of hair-healthy B vitamins.

What’s more, certain seeds like flaxseeds and chia seeds also provide .

A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of flaxseeds provides 6,388 mg of omega-3

fatty acids. That’s more omega-3 fatty acids than half a fillet (178 grams) of

However, flaxseeds provide a type of omega-3 fatty acid that is not used by
the body as efficiently as the omega-3s found in fatty fish. Nonetheless, it’s
a great addition to the diet.

In order to get the widest variety of nutrients, it’s best to consume a mixture
of seeds.


7.Sweet Peppers
Sweet peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, which may aid hair

In fact, one yellow pepper provides nearly 5.5 times as much vitamin C as
an orange.

Vitamin C helps promote collagen production, which can help strengthen

your hair strands. It’s also a strong antioxidant, which can protect hair
strands against oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals overwhelm the body’s
antioxidant defense system. It has been linked to hair loss and the graying
of hair .

What’s more, sweet peppers are also an excellent source of vitamin A.

This vitamin may help speed up hair growth while stimulating the
production of sebum, which helps keep hair healthy.


Oysters are one of the best food sources of zinc.

Zinc is a mineral that helps support the hair growth and repair cycle.

A lack of zinc in the diet may promote telogen effluvium, a common but
reversible form of hair loss caused by a lack of nutrients in the diet .

Studies have shown that taking a zinc supplement can reverse the effects
of hair loss caused by a zinc deficiency.

However, taking too much zinc could also promote hair loss. That’s why
getting zinc from foods like oysters may be better than taking supplements,
since foods provide zinc in small but healthy doses

Beans are a great plant-based source of protein, which is essential to hair

Like oysters, beans are a good source of zinc, which aids the hair growth
and repair cycle. A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of black beans provides
7% of your daily zinc needs .

They also provide many other hair-healthy nutrients, including iron, biotin
and folate .

On top of all these benefits, beans are highly versatile and inexpensive,
which makes them an easy addition to the diet.


Studies have shown that compounds in soybeans may promote hair
growth. One of these compounds is spermidine, which is abundant in
soybeans .

For example, a study of 100 healthy people found that a spermidine-based

nutritional supplement prolonged a phase of active hair growth called the
anagen phase. The longer a hair follicle stays in the anagen phase, the
longer it will grow .

Test-tube studies have also shown that spermidine promotes human hair
growth .
However, the research on spermidine and hair growth is fairly new, so
more studies are needed before health experts can make
recommendations on spermidine intake.


11.Pea and hemp protein

Pea and hemp protein are great natural, plant-based sources of protein (as
opposed to whey protein which is made from dairy) that are extremely high
in omega acids and fiber. Hair needs keratin, which is a protein, to grow
and both hemp and pea are great sources of protein. I usually add these to
my morning smoothie.


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