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Muhlenberg Theatre Association Ruddigore Dir: Charles Richter

Fall 2007 SM: Colleen Sherry

Welcome to Ruddigore! Below you will find some general information about our rehearsal
process, Stage Management policies, and our run. Please don’t hesitate to speak to Stage
Management if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you.


→ Please fill out the Emergency Information Sheet and return it to Stage Management ASAP. All
personal information will be kept confidential.
→ The rehearsal schedule will be distributed approximately one hour after the end of rehearsal via
email and will be posted on the MTA board in Seegers Union.
→ Rehearsal days are Monday through Thursday, with the weekend schedule TBA once the cast
conflicts have been assembled.
→ While we will be performing in the Empie Theatre, our rehearsal locations will often change.
Please make sure to check the location on the schedule.
→ Theatre Department Trip: You have the option of seeing the trip on either September 22nd or
September 29th.
→ Fall Break: There will be rehearsal on Thursday, October 11th from 7:00-11:00 PM. There will not
be rehearsal on Friday, October 12th. We ask the full cast to be prepared to return to campus in
time on Tuesday, October 16th to rehearse from 7:00-11:00 PM.
→ The tech rehearsal hours for Saturday, October 20th and Sunday, October 21st are TBA; each day
will have approximately 8 hours of rehearsal (in addition to call times)
→ Your call time for rehearsal is the time that you are expected to begin working. If you need to
change clothes, warm up, grab a cup of coffee, etc. in order to begin rehearsal, please allow
additional time for this.
→ If you are running late or ill, please call Stage Management (the earlier the better). If you aren’t
there, we will begin calling you a minute after your call time.
→ Please make sure your cell phone is turned off (not to vibrate) at the start of rehearsal, and that
your personal belongings are kept out of the way during rehearsal.
→ The Trexler Pavilion for Theatre and Dance and the Center for the Arts are well air conditioned
and can get quite chilly. We recommend bringing a sweatshirt/jacket to rehearsal.
→ Our rehearsal spaces are public spaces and we are not the only ones using them. Please make sure
to pick up your trash after rehearsal and to keep the spaces looking presentable!

→ Please bring a list of all conflicts you have to our next rehearsal and hand it in to Stage
Management, even if you wrote it on your audition information sheet and/or had the conflict
previously approved. Except in the event of an emergency, only conflicts agreed to with Stage
Management and any other necessary parties will be honored. All conflicts must be handed in to
Stage Management with advanced notice!
→ If you are required to see another MTA production during the rehearsal process of Ruddigore, please
make sure to buy your ticket in advance for a performance that does not conflict with our rehearsal
→ For those in Acapella groups, Ruddigore rehearsals and performances have priority over Acapella
group rehearsals / performances.

As of 9/03/07 Page 1 of 2
Muhlenberg Theatre Association Ruddigore Dir: Charles Richter
Fall 2007 SM: Colleen Sherry

→ There will be a sign-in sheet on the Stage Management table during rehearsals and in the Empie
Dressing Rooms when we move into the theatre. Please make sure to drop by and initial by your
name! Do not sign anybody else in. This immensely helps Stage Management in keeping track of
everyone so we can begin the rehearsal on time.
→ Once you have signed in, you are expected to remain in the general area of the rehearsal space, or
the dressing rooms / backstage area during tech and performances. If you have already signed in
and need to leave for any reason (except when on break), please alert a member of Stage
→ On breaks, please check the clock and be responsible for returning on time


→ The Costume Shop is located in the Trexler Pavilion for Theatre and Dance on the 3rd floor to the
right of the Upper Level Dance Studio. The hours are: Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
→ Measurements and Fittings will be scheduled through Stage Management and the Costume Shop
Manager, Brian Strachan. If you are unable to make your scheduled time or are running late,
please call Brian at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Please wear appropriate undergarments!
→ Please don’t cut your hair until you clear it with Constance Case (Costume Designer), Charles
Richter (Director), and Stage Management. Men – no shaving! If you can grow sideburns, please
do so.

→ Be aware that our performances during our first weekend coincides with Family Weekend and
tickets will sell out in the next month extremely fast!
→ Saturday, October 27th is a double show day. There will be a (free!) dinner provided for cast
members and their families in between the shows. Invitations will be sent out when we get closer
to the date.

→ In the even of an emergency, call Muhlenberg College Campus Safety first. They can be reached at
→ If you are injured during rehearsal alert a member of Stage Management so we can assist you.
There are first aid kits in most of the rehearsal spaces, along with supplies in the Stage Management

Thank you!
Ruddigore Stage Management

Colleen Sherry SM

Catherine Christon ASM David Slotnick ASM Anna Treichler ASM

xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

Attached: Wallet Card, Rehearsal Calendar

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