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WEEK 1 Relative Pronoun as Subject

Relative Pronoun as Subject

Grammar 1

Fauzi, Fufah, Rafif, Tsania
Relative Pronoun as Subject

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Relative Pronoun as Subject

Adjective Clause

Adjective is a word that describes a noun (Manser, 1995: 5).
Adjective adalah kata yang menjelaskan kata benda atau merupakan
kata sifat dari kata benda.
An adjective usually comes in front of a noun.

Clause is a component of a (complex) sentence, with its own and predicate, especially on doing the
work of a noun, adjective or adverb (Hornby, 1987: 204).
Clause adalah kata yang terdiri dari S + V.

An adjective clause is a dependent clause that functions like an adjective (Farmer, 1985: 329).
Adjective clause atau juga bisa disebut Relative clause adalah clause yang posisi atau
kedudukannya sebagai penjelas dari kata benda.
An adjective clause modifies a noun, it describes or gives information about a nouns and pronouns.
An adjective clause follows a noun. Adjective clause also called Relative Clause, is a clause or
clause that is used instead of adjectives that describe the state of nouns or pronouns. It functions to
explain, identify or provide additional information about nouns.


of Object


Modify Object of
Pronoun Preposition


Relative Pronoun as Subject

Relative Pronoun as Subject

Relative Pronoun as Subject

Relative pronoun as subject is a conjuctive pronouns as subject of sentence which are used to make
compound sentences.
Kata ganti penghubung yang digunakan sebagai subjek dari kalimat.


The conjunctions that we must use when it is the subject of relative clause are:
- Who for people
- Which for things not people or for animals
- That for things

Example: S V Relative Pronoun

(Kata Ganti
The student is called Angel. She gave me a book.
Yaitu Adjectice clause
dengan memakai kata
who gave me a book.
penghubung Relative
pronoun yang digunakan
untuk membuat kalimat
The student who gave me a
book is called Angel.

*note: She is a subject pronoun. She refers to “the student.”

To make an adjective clause, change she to who.
Who is a subject pronoun. Who refers to “the student.”

Relative Pronoun as Subject

Example & 1. The lady … lives across the street is my aunt.

a. Whom
Discussion b. Who
c. Whose
d. Which
Answer: b. Who karena subjek dari clause diatas menggantikan sebuah
subjek “the lady”, setelahnya diikuti oleh kata kerja dan clause diatas
memberikan informasi yang lebih tentang “the lady”.

2. The poor boy is sleeping on the mattress, ... is too dirty and old.
a. Which
b. That
c. Whose
d. Who
Answer: a. Which karena berfungsi sebagai subjek dari kata kerja “is” pada
adjective clause “which is too dirty and old” dan mengacu pada noun
“mattress” pada main clause.

3. People ... eat fruits and vegetables may have more attractive skin color.
a. That
b. Which
c. Whom
d. Whose
Answer: a. that karena berfungsi sebagai subjek dari kata kerja “eat” pada
adjective clause “that eat fruits and vegetables” dan mengacu pada noun
“people” pada main clause.

4. Vina’s brother, ... is extremely dilligent, named his new baby Tommy.
a. That
b. Whom
c. Whose
d. Who
Answer: d. Who karena berfungsi sebagai subjek dari kata kerja “is” pada
adjective clause “who is extremely dilligent” dan mengacu pada noun
“brother” pada main clause.

5. Do you bring the book … I gave it to you yesterday?

a. When
b. That
c. Which
d. Who
Answer: c. Which karena pada dasarnya penggunaan “which” sama seperti
“who”, hanya saja “which” digunakan untuk benda.

Relative Pronoun as Subject


1. The lady … lives across the street is my aunt.

a. whom
b. who
c. whose
d. that
2. Fruit … is grown organically is expensive.
a. which
b. that
c. where
d. what
3. Someone sent her a letter, … made her smile all day long.
a. whom
b. which
c. that
d. who
4. It was my classmate … hit the tennis ball over the net.
a. which
b. whom
c. who
d. that
5. The homeless was sleeping on the sidewalk, … was dirty and smell very bad.
a. who
b. whose
c. which
d. what

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