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Globalization: Stiglitz's Case By Benjamin M.

 Friedman Globalization and Its Discontents

Volume 49, Number 13 · August 15, 2002 

Globalization: Stiglitz's Case 
By Benjamin M. Friedman 

Globalization and Its Discontents 

by Joseph E. Stiglitz 

Norton, 282 pp., $24.95 


The most pressing economic problem of our time is that so many of what we usually 
call  "developing  economies"  are,  in  fact,  not  developing.  It  is  shocking  to  most 
citizens  of  the  industrialized  Western  democracies  to  realize  that  in  Uganda,  or 
Ethiopia,  or  Malawi,  neither  men  nor  women  can  expect  to  live  even  to  age  forty‐
five. Or that in Sierra Leone 28 percent of all children die before reaching their fifth 
birthday. Or that in India more than half of all children are malnourished. Or that in 
Bangladesh  just  half  of  the  adult  men,  and  fewer  than  one  fourth  of  adult  women, 
can read and write.[1]  

What  is  more  troubling  still,  however,  is  to  realize  that  many  if  not  most  of  the 
world's poorest  countries, where very  low incomes and incompetent governments 
combine to create such appalling human tragedy, are making no progress—at least 
not  on  the  economic  front.  Of  the  fifty  countries  where  per  capita  incomes  were 
lowest in 1990 (on average, just $1,450 per annum in today's US dollars, even after 
we allow for the huge differences in the cost of living in those countries and in the 
US), twenty‐three had lower average incomes in 1999 than they did in 1990. And of 
the  twenty‐seven  that  managed  to  achieve  at  least  some  positive  growth,  the 
average  rate  of  increase  was  only  2.7  percent  per  annum.  At  that  rate  it  will  take 
them another seventy‐nine years to reach the income level now enjoyed by Greece, 
the poorest member of the European Union.[2]  

This  sorry  situation  stands  in  sharp  contrast  to  the  buoyant  optimism,  both 
economic  and  political,  of  the  early  postwar  period.  The  economic  historian 
Alexander  Gerschenkron's  classic  essay  "Economic  Backwardness  in  Historical 
Perspective"  suggested  that  countries  that  were  far  behind  the  technological 
frontier of their day enjoyed a great advantage: they could simply imitate what had 
already proved successful elsewhere, without having to assume either the costs or 
the  risks  of  innovating  on  their  own.  The  economist  and  demographer  Simon 
Kuznets,  who  went  on  to  win  a  Nobel  Prize,  observed  that  economic  inequalities 

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often widen when a country first begins to industrialize, but argued that they then 
narrow again as development proceeds. Albert Hirschman, an economist and social 
thinker, put forward the hypothesis that, for a while, at the beginning of a country's 
economic development, the tolerance of its citizens for inequality increases, so that 
the temporary widening that troubled Kuznets need not be an insuperable obstacle. 
Throughout the countries that had been colonies of the great European empires, the 
view  of  the  departing  powers  was  that  the  newly  installed  democratic  institutions 
and  forms  they  were  leaving  behind  would  follow  the  path  of  the  Western 
democracies.  Political  alliances,  like  the  myriad  regional  pacts  established  during 
the Eisenhower‐Dulles era (SEATO, CENTO, and all the others), would help cement 
these gains in place.  

Not  surprisingly,  the  contrast  between  that  earlier  heady  optimism  and  today's 
grimmer reality has led to a serious (and increasingly acrimonious) debate over two 
closely  related  questions.  What,  in  retrospect,  has  caused  the  failure  of  so  many 
countries to achieve the advances confidently predicted for them a generation ago? 
And what should they, and those abroad who sympathize with their plight and seek 
to help, do now?  

Perhaps  not  since  the  worldwide  depression  of  the  1930s  have  so  many  thinkers 
attacked  a  problem  from  such  different  perspectives:  Have  the  non‐developing 
economies  (to  call  them  that)  pursued  the  wrong  domestic  policies?  Or  have  they 
been innocent victims of exploitation by the industrialized world? Is it futile to try to 
foster  economic  development  without  an  appropriate  social  and  political 
infrastructure, including what  has come to be called the "rule of law" and perhaps 
also  including  political  democracy  as  well?  Or  do  these  favorable  institutional 
creations follow only after a sustained improvement in material standards of living 
is already underway? Would more foreign aid help? Or does direct assistance from 
abroad  only  create  parallels  on  a  national  scale  to  the  "welfare  dependency" 
sometimes  alleged  in  the  US,  dulling  the  incentive  for  countries  to  undertake 
difficult  but  needed  reforms?  How  much  blame  lies  with  corruption  in  the 
nondeveloping  countries'  governments,  often  including  the  outright  theft  by 
government officials of a large fraction of whatever aid is received? And then there 
is  the  most  controversial  question  of  all:  Is  the  "culture"  of  these  countries—
specifically  in  contrast  to  Western  culture—simply  not  conducive  to  economic 

One  important  concrete  expression  of  the  optimism  with  which  thinking  in  the 
industrialized world addressed the challenge of economic development a generation 
and more ago, before these painful questions became prominent, was the creation of 
new  multinational  institutions  to  further  various  aspects  of  the  broader 
development  goal.  The  United  Nations  spawned  a  family  of  sub‐units  to  this  end, 
most  prominently  the  UN  Development  Program  and  the  UN  Conference  on  Trade 
and  Development.  The  Food  and  Agriculture  Organization  (founded  in  1945,  but 

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separately  from  the  UN)  and  the  World  Health  Organization  (1948)  had  more 
specific  mandates.  The  International  Bank  for  Reconstruction  and  Development 
(commonly called the World Bank), established in 1944 mostly to help rebuild war‐
torn Europe, soon shifted its attention to  the developing world once that  task was 
largely completed.  

The  International  Monetary  Fund  (the  IMF,  or  sometimes  just  the  Fund)  was  a 
latecomer to the development field. Established in tandem with the World Bank in 
1944, the IMF's original mission was to preserve stability in international financial 
markets  by  helping  countries  both  to  make  economic  adjustments  when  they 
encountered  an  imbalance  of  international  payments  and  to  maintain  the  value  of 
their  currency  in  what  everyone  assumed  would  be  a  permanent  regime  of  fixed 
exchange rates. 

By the early 1970s, however, the fixed exchange rate system proved untenable, and 
floating  rates  of  one  kind  or  another  became  the  norm.  Moreover,  as  the  Western 
European  economies  gained  strength  while,  at  the  same  time,  more  and  more 
developing  countries  entered  the  international  trading  and  financial  economy,  it 
was  increasingly  the  developing  countries  that  ran  into  balance  of  payments 
problems  or  difficulties  over  their  currencies  and  therefore  turned  to  the  IMF  for 
assistance.  As  a  result,  over  time  the  IMF  became  increasingly  involved  in  the 
business  of  economic  development.  And  as  development  has  faltered  in  many 
countries—including  many  in  which  the  IMF  has  played  a  significant  part—the 
IMF's  policies  and  actions  have  increasingly  moved  to  the  center  of  an  ongoing, 
intense debate over who or what to blame for the failures of the past and what to do 
differently in the future. 

Joseph E. Stiglitz, in Globalization and Its Discontents, offers his views both of what 
has gone wrong and of what to do differently. But the main focus of his book is who 
to blame. According to Stiglitz,  the story of failed development  does have a villain, 
and the villain is truly detestable: the villain is the IMF. 


Joseph  Stiglitz  is  a  Nobel  Prize–winning  economist,  and  he  deserves  to  be.  Over  a 
long career, he has made incisive and highly valued contributions to the explanation 
of  an  astonishingly  broad  range  of  economic  phenomena,  including  taxes,  interest 
rates, consumer behavior, corporate finance, and much else. Especially among econ‐
omists who are still of active working age, he ranks as a titan of the field. In recent 
years Stiglitz has also been an active participant in economic policymaking, first as a 
member  and  then  as  chairman  of  the  US  Council  of  Economic  Advisers  (in  the 
Clinton  administration),  and  then,  from  1997  to  2000,  as  chief  economist  of  the 
World  Bank.  As  the  numerous  examples  and  personal  recollections  in  this  book 
make clear, his information and his impressions are in many cases firsthand. 

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Globalization: Stiglitz's Case By Benjamin M. Friedman Globalization and Its Discontents

In  Globalization  and  Its  Discontents  Stiglitz  bases  his  argument  for  different 
economic policies squarely on the themes that his decades of theoretical work have 
emphasized:  namely,  what  happens  when  people  lack  the  key  information  that 
bears on the decisions they have to make, or when markets for important kinds of 
transactions are inadequate or don't exist, or when other institutions that standard 
economic thinking takes for granted are absent or flawed. 

The implication of each of these absences or flaws is that free markets, left to their 
own devices, do not necessarily deliver the positive outcomes claimed for them by 
textbook  economic  reasoning  that  assumes  that  people  have  full  information,  can 
trade  in  complete  and  efficient  markets,  and  can  depend  on  satisfactory  legal  and 
other  institutions.  As  Stiglitz  nicely  puts  the  point,  "Recent  advances  in  economic 
theory"—he  is  in  part  referring  to  his  own  work—"have  shown  that  whenever 
information  is  imperfect  and  markets  incomplete,  which  is  to  say  always,  and 
especially in developing countries, then the invisible hand works most imperfectly."  

As a result, Stiglitz continues, governments can improve the outcome by well‐chosen 
interventions. (Whether any given government will actually choose its interventions 
well is another matter.) At the level of national economies, when families and firms 
seek to buy too little compared to what the economy can produce, governments can 
fight recessions and depressions by using expansionary monetary and fiscal policies 
to  spur  the  demand  for  goods  and  services.  At  the  microeconomic  level, 
governments  can  regulate  banks  and  other  financial  institutions  to  keep  them 
sound.  They  can  also  use  tax  policy  to  steer  investment  into  more  productive 
industries and trade policies to allow new industries to mature to the point at which 
they can survive foreign competition. And governments can use a variety of devices, 
ranging  from  job  creation  to  manpower  training  to  welfare  assistance,  to  put 
unemployed labor back to work and, at the same time, cushion the human hardship 
deriving  from  what—importantly,  according  to  the  theory  of  incomplete 
information, or markets, or institutions—is no one's fault. 

Stiglitz  complains  that  the  IMF  has  done  great  damage  through  the  economic 
policies  it  has  prescribed  that  countries  must  follow  in  order  to  qualify  for  IMF 
loans, or for loans from banks and other private‐sector lenders that look to the IMF 
to indicate whether a borrower is creditworthy. The organization and its officials, he 
argues,  have  ignored  the  implications  of  incomplete  information,  inadequate 
markets,  and unworkable institutions—all of which  are especially characteristic of 
newly developing countries. As a result, Stiglitz argues, time and again the IMF has 
called for policies that conform to textbook economics but do not make sense for the 
countries  to  which  the  IMF  is  recommending  them.  Stiglitz  seeks  to  show  that  the 
consequences of these misguided policies have  been disastrous, not just according 
to  abstract  statistical  measures  but  in  real  human  suffering,  in  the  countries  that 
have followed them.  

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Most of the specific policies that Stiglitz criticizes will be familiar to anyone who has 
paid even modest attention to the recent economic turmoil in the developing world 
(which  for  this  purpose  includes  the  former  Soviet  Union  and  the  former  Soviet 
satellite countries that are now unwinding their decades of Communist misrule): 

Fiscal  austerity.  The  most  traditional  and  perhaps  best‐known  IMF  policy 
recommendation is for a country to cut government spending or raise taxes, or both, 
to balance its budget and eliminate the need for government borrowing. The usual 
underlying  presumption  is  that  much  government  spending  is  wasteful  anyway. 
Stiglitz  charges  that  the  IMF  has  reverted  to  Herbert  Hoover's  economics  in 
imposing  these  policies  on  countries  during  deep  recessions,  when  the  deficit  is 
mostly the result of an induced decline in revenues; he argues that cuts in spending 
or tax hikes  only  make the  downturn worse. He  also emphasizes the social  cost of 
cutting  back  on  various  kinds  of  government  programs—for  example,  eliminating 
food subsidies for the poor, which Indonesia did at the IMF's behest in 1998, only to 
be engulfed by food riots. 

High interest rates. Many countries come to the IMF because they are having trouble 
maintaining  the  exchange  value  of  their  currencies.  A  standard  IMF 
recommendation  is  high  interest  rates,  which  make  deposits  and  other  assets 
denominated  in  the  currency  more  attractive  to  hold.  Rapidly  increasing  prices—
sometimes at the hyperinflation level—are also a familiar problem in the developing 
world, and tight monetary policy, implemented mostly through high interest rates, 
is again the standard corrective. Stiglitz argues that the high interest rates imposed 
on many countries by the IMF have worsened their economic downturns. They are 
intended  to  fight  inflation  that  was  not  a  serious  problem  to  begin  with;  and  they 
have forced the bankruptcy of countless otherwise productive companies that could 
not meet the suddenly increased cost of servicing their debts. 

Trade  liberalization.  Everyone  favors  free  trade—except  many  of  the  people  who 
make things and sell them. Eliminating tariffs, quotas, subsidies, and other barriers 
to free trade usually has little to do directly with what has driven a country to seek 
an IMF loan; but the IMF usually recommends (in effect, requires) eliminating such 
barriers  as  a  condition  for  receiving  credit.  The  argument  is  the  usual  one,  that  in 
the long run free trade practiced by everyone benefits everyone: each country will 
arrive at the mixture of products that it can sell competitively by using its resources 
and skills efficiently. Stiglitz points out that today's industrialized countries did not 
practice free trade when they were first developing, and that even today they do so 
highly  imperfectly.  (Witness  this  year's  increase  in  agricultural  subsidies  and  new 
barriers  to  steel  imports  in  the  US.)  He  argues  that  forcing  today's  developing 
countries  to  liberalize  their  trade  before  they  are  ready  mostly  wipes  out  their 
domestic industry, which is not yet ready to compete. 

Liberalizing Capital Markets. Many developing countries have weak banking systems 
and  few  opportunities  for  their  citizens  to  save  in  other  ways.  As  one  of  the 
conditions for  extending  a loan, the IMF often requires that the  country's financial 

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markets be open to participation by foreign‐owned institutions. The rationale is that 
foreign banks are sounder, and that they and other foreign investment firms will do 
a  better  job  of  mobilizing  and  allocating  the  country's  savings.  Stiglitz  argues  that 
the  larger  and  more  efficient  foreign  banks  drive  the  local  banks  out  of  business; 
that  the  foreign  institutions  are  much  less  interested  in  lending  to  the  country's 
domestically  owned  businesses  (except  to  the  very  largest  of  them);  and  that 
mobilizing  savings  is  not  a  problem  because  many  developing  countries  have  the 
highest savings rates in the world anyway. 

Privatization.  Selling  off  government‐  owned  enterprises—telephone  companies, 

railroads,  steel  producers,  and  many  more—has  been  a  major  initiative  of  the  last 
two  decades  both  in  industrialized  countries  and  in  some  parts  of  the  developing 
world. One reason for doing so is the expectation that private management will do a 
better  job  of  running  these  activities.  Another  is  that  many  of  these  public 
companies should not be running at all, and only the government's desire to provide 
welfare disguised as jobs, or worse yet the opportunity for graft, keeps them going. 
Especially  when  countries  that  come  to  the  IMF  have  a  budget  deficit,  a  standard 
recommendation nowadays is to sell public‐sector companies to private investors.  

Stiglitz  argues  that  many  of  these  countries  do  not  yet  have  financial  systems 
capable of handling such transactions, or regulatory systems capable of preventing 
harmful behavior once the firms are privatized, or systems of corporate governance 
capable of monitoring the new managements. Especially in Russia and other parts of 
the former Soviet Union, he says, the result of premature privatization has been to 
give away the nation's assets to what amounts to a new criminal class.  

Fear  of  default.  A  top  priority  of  IMF  policy,  from  the  very  beginning,  has  been  to 
maintain wherever possible the fiction that countries do not default on their debts. 
As a formal matter, the IMF always gets repaid. And when banks can't collect what 
they're owed, they typically accept a "voluntary" restructuring of the country's debt. 
The problem with all this, Stiglitz argues, is that the new credit that the IMF extends, 
in order to avoid the appearance of default, often serves only to take off the hook the 
banks and other private lenders that have accepted high risk in exchange for a high 
return for lending to these countries in  the first place.  They  want, he writes, to be 
rescued  from  the  consequences  of  their  own  reckless  credit  policies.  Stiglitz  also 
argues  that  the  end  result  is  to  saddle  a  developing  country's  taxpayers  with  the 
permanent  burden  of  paying  interest  and  principal  on  the  new  debts  that  pay  off 
yesterday's mistakes. 

Stiglitz's indictment of the IMF and its policies is more than just an itemized bill of 
particulars. His theme is that there is a coherence to this set of individual policies, 
that  the  failings  of  which  he  accuses  the  IMF  are  not  just  random  mistakes.  In  his 
view  these  policies—what  he  labels  the  "Washington  consensus"—add  up  to 
something that is unattractive, if not outright repugnant, in several different ways.  

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First,  Stiglitz  repeatedly  claims  that  the  IMF's  policies  stem  not  from  economic 
analysis  and  observation  but  from  ideology—specifically,  an  ideological 
commitment to free markets and a concomitant antipathy to government. Again and 
again  he  accuses  IMF officials  of  deliberately  ignoring  the  "facts  on  the  ground"  in 
the countries to which they were offering recommendations. In part his complaint is 
that  they  did  not  understand,  or  at  least  did  not  take  into  account,  his  and  other 
economists'  theoretical  work  showing  that  unfettered  markets  do  not  necessarily 
deliver  positive  results  when  information  or  market  structures  or  institutional 
infrastructure are incomplete.  

More specifically, he argues that the IMF ignores the need for proper "sequencing." 
Liberalizing  a  country's  trade  makes  sense  when  its  industries  have  matured 
sufficiently  to  reach  a  competitive  level,  but  not  before.  Privatizing  government‐
owned  firms  makes  sense  when  adequate  regulatory  systems  and  corporate 
governance  laws  are  in  place,  but  not  before.  The  IMF,  he  argues,  deliberately 
ignores such factors, instead adopting a "cookie cutter" approach in which one set of 
policies  is  right  for  all  countries  regardless  of  their  individual  circumstances.  But 
importantly,  in  his  eyes,  the  underlying  motivation  is  ideological:  a  belief  in  the 
superiority of free markets that he sees as, in effect, a form of religion, impervious to 
either counterarguments or counterevidence. 

A  further  implication  of  this  belief  in  the  efficacy  of  free  markets,  according  to 
Stiglitz,  is  that  the  IMF  has  abandoned  its  original  Keynesian  mission  of  helping 
countries to maintain full employment while they make the adjustments they need 
in  their  balances  of  payments;  instead  the  IMF  recommends  policies  that  result  in 
steeper downturns and more widespread joblessness. He does not argue, of course, 
that  the  IMF  prefers  serious  recessions  or  unemployment  per  se.  Rather  it  simply 
acts on the belief—seriously mistaken in his view—that allowing free markets to do 
their  work  will  automatically  take  care  of  such  problems.  By  extension,  he  argues, 
the IMF also does not act to promote economic growth (which helps to produce full 
employment). Again the claim is not that the IMF dislikes growth per se, but that it 
believes free markets are all that is needed to make growth happen. 

As  a  further  consequence  of  the  misguided  policies  that  follow  from  this  "curious 
blend  of  ideology and bad  economics," Stiglitz argues,  the  IMF itself  is  responsible 
for  worsening—in  some  cases,  for  actually  creating—the  problems  it  claims  to  be 
fighting.  By  making  countries  maintain  overvalued  exchange  rates  that  everyone 
knows will have to fall sooner or later, the IMF gives currency traders a one‐way bet 
and  therefore  encourages  market  speculation.  By  forcing  countries  that  are  in 
trouble  to  slash  their  imports,  the  IMF  encourages  the  contagion  of  an  economic 
downturn  from  one  country  to  its  neighbors.  By  making  countries  adopt  high 
interest  rates  that  stifle  investment  and  bankrupt  companies,  the  IMF  encourages 
low  confidence  on  the  part  of  foreign  lenders.  At  the  same  time,  by  repeatedly 
coming to these lenders' rescue, the IMF encourages lax credit standards. 

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Second,  and  more  darkly,  the  IMF,  in  Stiglitz's  view,  systematically  acts  in  the 
interest  of  creditors,  and  of  rich  elites  more  generally,  in  preference  to  that  of 
workers,  peasants,  and  other  poor  people.  He  sees  it  as  no  accident  that  the  IMF 
regularly provides money that goes to pay off loans made by banks and bondholders 
who are eager to accept the high interest rates that go along with assuming risk—
while preaching the virtues of free markets as they do so—although they are equally 
eager to be rescued by governments and the IMF when risk turns into reality.  

Stiglitz  also  thinks  it  is  no  coincidence  that  food  subsidies  and  other  ways  of 
cushioning the hardships suffered by the poor are among the first programs that the 
IMF tells countries to cut when they need to balance their budgets. He observes that 
IMF officials tend to meet only with finance ministers and central bank governors, as 
well as with bankers and investment bankers; they never meet with poor peasants 
or  unemployed  workers.  He  also  notes  that  many  IMF  officials  come  to  the  Fund 
from jobs in the private financial sector, while others, after working at the IMF, go 
on to take jobs at banks or other financial firms. 

Here  again  Stiglitz's  point  is  that  the  IMF's  mistakes  are  not  random  but  the 
systematic  consequence  of  its  fundamental  biases.  His  argument  is  as  much  about 
the policies the IMF doesn't recommend as the ones it does:  

Stabilization  is  on  the  agenda;  job  creation  is  off. Taxation,  and  its  adverse  effects, 
are on the agenda; land reform is off. There is money to bail out banks but not to pay 
for  improved  education  and  health  services,  let  alone  to  bail  out  workers  who  are 
thrown out of their jobs as a result of the IMF's macroeconomic mismanagement. 

One  specific  example,  land  reform,  sharply  illustrates  what  he  has  in  mind.  As 
Stiglitz points out, in many developing countries a small group of families own much 
of  the  cultivated  land.  Agriculture  is  organized  according  to  sharecropping,  with 
tenant farmers keeping perhaps half, or less, of what they produce. Stiglitz argues,  

The sharecropping system weakens incentives—where they share equally with the 
landowners, the effects are the same as a 50 percent tax on poor farmers. The IMF 
rails against high tax rates that are imposed against the rich, pointing out how they 
destroy  incentives,  but  nary  a  word  is  spoken  about  these  hidden  taxes....  Land 
reform represents a fundamental change in the structure of society, one that those 
in the elite that populates the finance ministries, those with whom the international 
finance institutions interact, do not necessarily like.  

Stiglitz considers, and rejects, the view that these and other choices are the result of 
a  conspiracy  between  the  IMF  and  powerful  interests  in  the  richer  countries—a 
view that is increasingly popular among the anti‐globalization protesters who now 
appear at the IMF's (and the World Bank's) meetings. Stiglitz's view is that in recent 
decades  the  IMF  "was  not  participating  in  a  conspiracy,  but  it  was  reflecting  the 
interests and ideology of the Western financial community."  

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Finally,  Stiglitz  sees  the  IMF's  systematic  biases  as  a  reflection  of  a  deeper  moral 

The  lack of  concern  about the  poor  was  not  just a  matter of views of  markets  and 
government,  views  that  said  that  markets  would  take  care  of  everything  and 
government would only make matters worse; it was also a matter of values.... While 
misguidedly working to preserve what it saw as the sanctity of the credit contract, 
the IMF was willing to tear apart the even more important social contract.  

Throughout the book, the sense of moral outrage is evident. 


Do Stiglitz's criticisms hold up? 

To  begin,  it  is  easy  enough  to  accuse  Stiglitz  of  selective  memory.  From  reading 
Globalization and Its Discontents, one would never know that the IMF had ever done 
anything useful. Or that Stiglitz, and his colleagues first at the Council of Economic 
Advisers and then at the World Bank, had ever gotten anything wrong. Or that those 
against  whom  he  often  argued  in  the  US  government—especially  at  the  Treasury, 
which he continually portrays as complicit in the IMF's misdeeds, but at the Federal 
Reserve System too—had ever gotten a question right. (In the book's sole mention 
of Alan Greenspan, Stiglitz accuses him of being excessively concerned with inflation 
to  the  exclusion  of  a  vigorous  expansion  that  could  have  otherwise  taken  place  in 
the US during the Clinton years.)  

One  can  also  disagree  with  Stiglitz  over  the  consequences  of  what  the  IMF  plainly 
did,  even  including  those  policies  it  pursued  that  most  people  now  agree  proved 
counterproductive. By 2002 the Asian financial crisis of 1997–1998 is receding into 
the past. While some of the affected countries (most obviously Indonesia) still feel 
its effects, by now others have made solid recoveries. Stiglitz is right that they have 
not  regained,  and  probably  will  not,  the  rates  of  growth  they  achieved  before  the 
crisis. But those rapid growth rates may well have been unsustainable in any case. 
Even in Russia, where per capita income remains well below what it was when the 
Soviet  Union  collapsed,  and  where  the  IMF  pursued  the  policies  toward  which 
Stiglitz  is  the  most  scathing,  the  economic  situation  looks  better  today  than  it  did 
when he was writing his book. 

A  more  fundamental  problem,  as  Stiglitz  readily  acknowledges,  is  that  we  cannot 
reliably  know  whether  the  consequences  of  the  IMF's  policies  were  worse  than 
whatever  the  alternative  would  have  been.  Many  longtime  observers  of  the 
developing world will notice that Stiglitz rarely mentions economic policy mistakes 
that poor countries make on their own initiative. Nor does he pay much attention to 
the  large‐scale  corruption  that  is  endemic  in  many  developing  economies—except 
in the case of corruption in Russia, where he argues that the privatization program 

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pushed by the IMF opened the way for corruption on a historically unprecedented 
scale. He also never points out that the typical developing country spends far more 
on  its  military  forces  (to  fight  whom?)  than  it  receives  in  foreign  aid;  yet  it  would 
seem necessary to take account of such wasteful expenditures, along with graft in all 
its forms, if one is to give a clear picture of why the nondeveloping economies are 
not succeeding. 

It  is  surprising  too,  in  light  of  his  emphasis  on  the  absence  of  adequate  regulation 
and  supervision  of  financial  institutions  in  the  developing  world,  that  Stiglitz  does 
not  make  more  of  the  mistakes  made  by  private‐sector  businesses.  For  example, 
what made Korea vulnerable to the 1997–1998 Asian turmoil was that the country's 
business  conglomerates  (the  "chaebols")  had  borrowed  too  heavily,  and  that  the 
country's banks had financed these loans by borrowing in US dollars and relending 
in Korean won. True, banks abroad that were lending in dollars to the Korean banks 
may have become excessively confident that the IMF would bail them out if anything 
went  wrong.  But  surely  much  of  the  fault  lay  with  Korea's  own  businessmen  and 
bankers. And once they had built their house of cards, how much damage would its 
inevitable collapse have caused if the IMF had simply stayed away? 

Defenders  of  the  IMF  cannot  claim  that  all  went  well  after  countries  implemented 
the Fund's recommendations. But they would presumably argue that events would 
have  turned  out  even  worse  on  some  alternative  course.  They  would  also 
presumably  argue  that  of  course  they  knew  that  information  was  imperfect,  and 
markets incomplete, and institutions absent, in the countries that came to the IMF 
for assistance. The issue, to be argued on a case‐by‐case basis, is just what different 
set of actions might therefore have proved more beneficial. 

Interestingly, there is also disagreement today over just how prevalent dire poverty 
is  in  the  developing  world—and,  what  is  more  important,  whether  poverty  is 
increasing  or  decreasing.  Stiglitz  echoes  the  standard  view  that  the  number  of 
people  around  the  world  living  on  less  than  $1  per  day,  or  $2  per  day,  has  been 
increasing  in  recent  years.  By  contrast,  his  own  colleague  in  the  Columbia 
Economics Department, Xavier Sala‐i‐Martin, has recently published a study arguing 
just  the  opposite.[3]  Sala‐i‐Martin's  point  is  that  for  purposes  of  assessing  whether 
someone  is  economically  well  off  or  miserable,  what  matters  is  not  how  many  US 
dollars  the  person's  income  could  buy  in  the  foreign  exchange  market  but  what 
standard  of  living  that  income  can  support  in  the  place  where  he  or  she  lives. 
Because the currency values established in foreign exchange markets (and also the 
values that governments set officially for  currencies for which  there is  no market) 
often  do  not  accurately  reflect  purchasing  power,  the  difference  between  the  two 
measures of income is sometimes large.  

In India, for example, the average person's income in rupees in 2000 translated into 
just $460  per year  at the prevailing market exchange rate of 44 rupees  per dollar. 

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But  because  food,  clothing,  housing,  and  other  consumer  necessities  are  so  much 
cheaper  in  India  than  in  the  US,  the  same  amount  of  rupees  was  equivalent  to  an 
American  income  of  nearly  $2,400.  Similarly,  the  average  Chinese  income  in  2000 
was $840 at the official yuan–dollar market exchange rate, but more than $3,900 if 
measured on a purchasing power equivalent basis.[4]  

Even if we allow for these differences in the cost of living, the number of people in 
the  world  who  live  on  the  equivalent  of  $1  per  day,  or  $2  per  day,  is  still 
depressingly large: according to Sala‐i‐Martin's estimate, nearly 300 million, and not 
quite  1  billion,  respectively.  But  this  is  far  below  the  1.2  billion  and  2.8  billion 
figures that have become familiar in public discussion and are used by Stiglitz. More 
important,  Stiglitz  follows  the  more  familiar  view  in  saying  that  these  totals  are 
increasing,  but  Sala‐i‐Martin  estimates  that  they  are  declining  despite  the  rapid 
growth in world population. As a result, he finds, the proportion of people living on 
what amounts to $1 per day has fallen from 20 percent of the world's population a 
quarter‐century ago to just 5 percent today, while the $2‐per‐day poverty rate has 
fallen from 44 percent to 19 percent. 

Much empirical research will have to be done and much analytical debate will have 
to  take  place  before  anyone  can  confidently  decide  which  of  these  contrasting 
measurements  is  the  more  accurate.  But  it  is  worth  pointing  out  that  the  major 
source  of  the  decline  in  poverty  over  the  last  quarter‐century,  according  to  Sala‐i‐
Martin's calculation, is the dramatic reduction in poverty in China, the world's most 
populous  country—and  Stiglitz,  too,  praises  China's  performance  as  one  of  the 
developing  world's  great  recent  economic  success  stories.  (In  keeping  with  his 
central  theme,  he  argues  that  China  succeeded  in  reforming  its  economy  and 
reducing its poverty because it ignored the IMF's advice to liberalize and privatize 
abruptly, and instead followed the gradualist approach, adapted to its own situation, 
which he favors.) To be sure, the plight of many developing countries, especially in 
sub‐Saharan Africa, remains dire, as Sala‐i‐Martin also points out, and it may well be 
deteriorating. But if attention is centered on people rather than countries, the great 
advances made in China, and to a lesser extent in India—which together account for 
nearly  38  percent  of  the  world's  population—necessarily  represent  a  very 
significant improvement. 

Stiglitz's attack on the IMF raises not just factual (and counterfactual) questions but 
substantive issues  as well, particularly his argument that the IMF acts on  behalf of 
banks  and  bondholders,  and  rich  countries  more  generally,  and  therefore  against 
the  interests  of  the  poor.  To  what  extent  is  the  IMF  supposed  to  act  as  lending 
institutions ordinarily act? Stiglitz complains at length, and with many specific cases 
to cite, that the IMF violates countries' economic sovereignty when it requires them 
to  carry  out  its  policy  recommendations  as  a  condition  for  its  granting  credit.  But 
don't  responsible  lenders  normally  impose  such  conditions  on  borrowers?  Stiglitz 
never  acknowledges  that  today  the  IMF  faces  serious  criticism  from  many 

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economists and politicians in the West on the ground that it makes loans with too 
few  conditions,  so  that  the  borrowing  countries  often  simply  end  up  wasting  the 

Or  should  the  IMF  think  of  itself  not  as  a  lending  institution,  acting  as  responsible 
lenders normally do, but instead as an institution charged solely with promoting the 
welfare  of  the  borrowing  countries,  with  waste  of  some  credits  to  be  expected? 
Some parts of Stiglitz's complaint are not so much about the IMF per se as about the 
absence of some form of international authority capable of imposing on citizens who 
are  already  relatively  well  off  the  burden  of  assisting  their  less  fortunate  fellow 
human beings elsewhere.  

To  be  sure,  the  world's  rich  countries  could  simply  agree  among  themselves  to 
devote  a  much  greater  share  of  their  own  incomes  to  foreign  aid  (a  frequently 
suggested standard is 1 percent of GDP), either out of a sense of moral obligation or 
in  recognition  that  raising  the  incomes  of  poor  countries  would  create  benefits 
spilling  over  to  the  industrialized  world  as  well.  But  in  fact  there  is  no  such 
agreement.  The  foreign  aid that most  rich  countries give  is  shrinking  compared  to 
their GDP, and the efficacy of such aid is increasingly being challenged anyway.  

Even  within  countries  with  firmly  established  democratic  governments,  there  is 
always  debate  about  how  generous  such  assistance  should  be  and  what  form  it 
should take. But a large part of what troubles Stiglitz and many others who share his 
views of inequality among countries is that there is not only no such agreement but 
also  no  effective  mechanism—what  he  calls  "systems  of  global  governance"—for 
even choosing a policy in this important area and then making it stick. The earnest 
desire  in  some  quarters  for  a  more  formal  approach  to  international  burden‐
sharing,  together  with  the  equally  sincere  resistance  to  the  idea  among  others,  is 
nothing new. But it is worth recognizing explicitly that it is central to the question of 

Moreover, the matter at issue is deeper than simply whether there should or should 
not be functioning institutions empowered to act, in effect, as a world government. 
What obligations the citizens of one country owe to citizens of another is a question 
that goes to the heart of what is involved in being a nation‐state and in acting as a 
responsible  human  being.  Is  it  morally  legitimate  for  US  citizens  to  pay  taxes  to 
provide fellow Americans with a minimum standard of health care under Medicaid, 
or a minimum standard of nutrition through food stamps, that is far above what the 
average Angolan receives—and not at the same time be willing to pay the costs of 
bringing  Angola,  and  the  rest  of  the  world's  low‐income  countries,  up  to  that 
standard?  Most  Americans  will  readily  answer  yes.  But  as  philosophers  like  John 
Rawls and Thomas Pogge have argued, wholly apart from the practical benefits that 
we might gain from alleviating human misery abroad, justifying in moral terms why 
we owe more to strangers who are close at hand than we owe to strangers who are 
far away turns out to be complicated and, in the end, extremely difficult. 

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Many of the more practical economic elements of Stiglitz's argument are also issues 
of  long  standing.  He  makes  a  strong  case  for  policies  that  favor  gradualism  over 
"shock  therapy";  that  put  the  emphasis  not  on  what  developing  countries  have  in 
common  but  on  how  each  is  different;  that  place  the  concerns  of  the  poor  above 
those  of  creditors;  that  give  maintaining  full  employment  a  higher  priority  than 
reducing inflation (at least when inflation is less than 20 percent a year); and that 
fight  poverty  and  promote  economic  growth  directly,  rather  than merely  establish 
conditions under which economies will be likely to grow, and poverty to decline, on 
their  own.  There  is  serious  debate  over  each  element  in  this  program.  Stiglitz 
provides  a  powerful  logical  case,  together  with  much  by  way  of  both  broad‐based 
evidence and firsthand specifics, to support his side on each of these issues. But his 
objective is not to give a balanced assessment of the debate. 

Stiglitz has presented, as effectively as it is possible to imagine anyone making it, his 
side  of  the  argument,  including  the  substantive  case  for  the  kind  of  economic 
development policies he favors as well as his more specific indictment of what the 
IMF  has  done  and  why.  His  book  stands  as  a  challenge.  It  is  now  important  that 
someone  else—if  possible,  someone  who  thinks  and  writes  as  clearly  as  Stiglitz 
does, and who understands the underlying economic theory as well as he does, and 
who has a firsthand command of the facts of recent experience comparable to his—
take up this challenge by writing the best possible book laying out the other sides of 
the  argument.  What  is  needed  is  not  just  an  attempt  to  answer  Stiglitz's  specific 
criticisms of the IMF but a book setting out the substantive case both for the specific 
policies and also for the general policy approach that the IMF has advocated.  

Who  might  write  such  a  book?  The  most  obvious  candidate  is  the  former  MIT 
economist Stanley Fischer, who throughout the years that Stiglitz's analysis covers 
was  the  IMF's  first  deputy  managing  director—that  is,  the  Fund's  second‐highest 
ranking official, but for most observers, the person who, far more than anyone else, 
actually  set  the  direction  of  the  organization's  policies.  Another  is  my  Harvard 
colleague (now president of the university) Lawrence Summers, who served as the 
US deputy treasury secretary, and then secretary, during these years. Supporters of 
the IMF in the academic world, like MIT's Rudiger Dornbusch, may lack the firsthand 
"who said what to whom" knowledge that comes from high‐level public service, but 
they  are  clear‐thinking  economists  and  powerful  advocates  nonetheless.  In  the 
absence of such an answer, however, Stiglitz's book will surely claim a large place on 
the public stage. It certainly stands as the most forceful argument that has yet been 
made against the IMF and its policies. 


[1] Data from the 1999/2000 World Development Report, Table 2. 

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These  are  my  calculations  based  on  data  in  the  2001  World  Development 
Indicators; 1999 is the latest year for which full data are available. Some countries 
that  are  presumably  poor  enough  to  be  in  the  "lowest‐income  fifty"—for  example, 
Afghanistan—are  excluded  because  per  capita  income  data  are  not  available  for 

[3] "The Disturbing 'Rise' of Global Income Inequality," National Bureau of Economic 

Research Working Paper No. w8904, April 2002. 

[4] Data from the 2002 World Development Report, Table 1. 

[5]  Surprisingly,  Stiglitz  is  not  consistent  in  his  own  treatment  of  the  question  of 

what  conditions  are  appropriate  for  loans.  He  repeatedly  castigates  the  IMF  for 
imposing its officials' views over those of government officials in debtor countries. 
But he boasts about how the World Bank, where he worked, forced Russia to accept 
stringent conditions in order to receive a loan. 


November 21, 2002: Thomas W. Pogge, What Is Poverty? 

Page 14 of 14
252 Book reviews

Review of Joseph E. Stiglitz’s Globalization and its Discontents

(W.W. Norton, New York and London)

Joe Stiglitz has written an important book. It should be read by anyone interested in
economic development, public policy in an era of globalization, and the political economy
of decision making in international organizations. It is part memoir, part manifest, and part
criticism of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As a memoir, it is entertaining and
informative. It tells the story of how Professor Stiglitz went to Washington, and did not
like it there. He found out that politics was the main sport played inside the beltway, and
that ideology was often more important than rigorous intellectual debate. Worse yet, he got
little respect. People in high places did not always want to listen to him, and when they
did, they often ignored his advice.
As a manifest, the book is powerful. One does not have to agree with everything
Stiglitz has to say, to recognize that many of his ideas are important and deserve to
be discussed seriously. As a result of the debate generated by the book, some policies
that have become readily accepted in Washington are likely to be revised in the
The book is at its weakest when it comes to the criticism of the IMF. And this is not
only because of what Stiglitz has to say; it is mostly because of how he says it. The
tone is overly hostile and aggressive, and he misses no opportunity to insult the IMF
staff. According to Stiglitz, ‘‘intellectual consistency has never been the hall-mark of
the IMF,’’ and the staff systematically practices ‘‘bad economics.’’ His characterizations
of IMF economists and policies are unfair and, in many cases, self-serving. I believe
that the book would have been more effective had Stiglitz chosen a more temperate

1. The main argument

The main tenet of the book is simple, and goes something like this: pro-global-
ization policies have the potential of doing a lot of good, if undertaken properly and if
Book reviews 253

they incorporate the characteristics of each individual country. Countries should

embrace globalization on their own terms, taking into account their own history,
culture, and traditions. However, if poorly designed—or if a cookie-cutter approach is
followed—pro-globalization policies are likely to be costly. They will increase
instability, make countries more vulnerable to external shocks, reduce growth, and
increase poverty.
The problem, according to Stiglitz, is that globalization has not been pushed
carefully, or fairly. On the contrary, liberalization policies have been implemented too
fast, in the wrong order, and often using inadequate—or plainly wrong—economic
analysis. As a consequence, he argues, we now face terrible results, including
increases in destitution and social conflict, and generalized frustration. The culprits
are the IMF and its ‘‘market fundamentalists,’’ the ‘‘Washington Consensus,’’ and the
US Treasury.
Stiglitz believes that in the early 1990s, the IMF, the World Bank and the US
Treasury launched a conspiracy of sorts to run worldwide economic reform—this is the
infamous ‘‘Washington Consensus.’’ This view, however, is overly simplistic and
ignores the evolution of reform thinking during the last two decades. In the 1980s
and early 1990s, policy makers in many developing nations were moving faster than
the multilaterals or the Treasury. In Argentina, Chile, and Mexico, for example, the
reforms were the result of a ‘‘national consensus’’ that was more imaginative, daring
and far-reaching than anything bureaucrats in Washington were willing to accept at that
time. It is well known, for example, that the IMF was initially critical of Chile’s social
security reform, it opposed Argentina’s currency board, and it was highly skeptical of
Mexico’s trade-opening strategy during the mid-1980s. If anything, the original
emphasis on how to undertake economic reform came from a group of developing
countries’ economists—many of them from Latin America—and not from the ranks of
the multilaterals.
Three interrelated policy issues are at the center of Stiglitz’s criticism of global-
ization. (1) In designing reform packages during the 1990s, crucial aspects of the
sequencing and pace of reform were ignored. As a result, in many countries, reform
was implemented too fast—Stiglitz prefers gradualism—and in the wrong order. (2)
Advocating (and imposing) capital account liberalization was a huge mistake. And (3),
the IMF response to crises—and in particular to the East Asian crisis—was a disaster
that made things worse rather than better. In particular, imposing fiscal austerity and
raising interest rates were terrible mistakes that cost the East Asian countries several
points in terms of growth. Not surprisingly, given his theoretical writings during the last
35 years, Stiglitz frames his criticism around the insights of the theory of asymmetric
Stiglitz claims that if things had been done differently, that is, if they had been
done his way, the outcome in terms of social conditions would have been significantly
better. At times, I found his arguments to be persuasive. At other times, however, I
had trouble believing what I was reading, and I had to ask myself if he was being
serious. This was the case, for example, when I read—in pp. 129 and 231—that the
2002 Argentine crisis could have been avoided by following a more expansive fiscal
254 Book reviews

2. The sequencing and pace of reform and capital account liberalization

Stiglitz repeatedly argues that for economic liberalization to succeed, it is essential that
reform be implemented at the right speed and in the right sequence (see, for example, pp.
73– 78). This is a very important principle, and Stiglitz is right in emphasizing it. I believe
that Stiglitz is particularly on target when he argues that opening the capital account too
soon is likely to generate serious dislocations.
This emphasis on speed and sequencing is not new in policy discussions, however. In
fact, since the beginning of the economics profession, it has been dealt with over and over
again. Adam Smith, for example, argued in The Wealth of Nations that determining the
appropriate sequencing was a difficult issue that involved, primarily, political consider-
ations (see the Cannan Edition, Book IV, Chapter VII, Part III, p. 121). Moreover, Smith
supported gradualism—just as Stiglitz does—on the grounds that cold-turkey liberaliza-
tion would result in a significant increase in unemployment.
In the early 1980s, the World Bank became particularly interested in understanding
issues related to sequencing and speed of reform. Papers were commissioned, conferences
were organized, and different country experiences were explored. As a result of the
discussion surrounding this work, a consensus of sorts developed on the sequencing and
speed of reform. The most important elements of this consensus included: (1) trade
liberalization should be gradual and buttressed with substantial foreign aid; (2) an effort
should be made to minimize the unemployment consequences of reform; (3) in countries
with very high inflation, fiscal imbalances should be dealt with very early on in the reform
process; (4) financial reform requires the creation of modern supervisory and regulatory
agencies; and (5), the capital account should be liberalized at the very end of the process,
and only once the economy has been able to expand successfully its export sector. Of
course, not everyone agreed with all of these recommendations, but most people did. In
particular, people at the IMF did not object to these general principles. For example, Jacob
Frenkel, who was to become the IMF’s Economic Counselor, argued in a mid-1980s
article in the IMF Staff Papers that the capital account should, indeed, be opened towards
the end of the reform process.
Sometime during the early 1990s, this received wisdom on sequencing and speed began
to be challenged. Increasingly, people in Washington began to call for simultaneous and
very fast reforms. Many argued that politically, this was the only way to move forward.
Otherwise, the argument went; reform opponents would successfully block liberalization
efforts. I remember being introduced to this view by an economist turned politician,
Vaclav Klaus. When I met him in Prague in 1991, he said: ‘‘Oh, you are the ‘sequencing’
professor. . .’’ and then he added, ‘‘you got it all wrong. There is not such a thing as an
optimal sequence. We should do as much as we can, as fast as we can.’’ When I asked him
what were the bases of his recommendation, he simply said, ‘‘politics, politics. . .’’ In the
book, Stiglitz is critical of Klaus’s ‘‘rapid and simultaneous’’ reform strategy, but his
criticism fails to address the political economy concerns that at the time worried Klaus and
other pioneer reformers in Central and Eastern Europe.
In 1992, and in response to what was perceived as US pressure to lift controls on
international capital movements, Yung Chul Park from Korea University organized a
conference on capital account liberalization. Most participants agreed that following an
Book reviews 255

appropriate sequencing was vital for the success of liberalization. There was also broad
support for the idea that a premature opening of the capital account could entail serious
danger for the country in question (see S. Edwards (Ed.). Capital Controls, Exchange
Rates and Monetary Policy in the World Economy, Cambridge University Press, 1995). In
a paper presented at this conference, Robert Mundell captured succinctly the views of most
participants. The following quote is illustrative: ‘‘unfortunately. . .there are some negative
externalities [of an early capital account liberalization]. One is that the borrowing goes into
consumption rather than into investment, permitting the capital-importing country to live
beyond its means. . .without any offset in future output with which to service the loans.
Even if the liabilities are entirely in private hands, the government may feel compelled to
transform the unrepayable debt into sovereign debt rather than allow execution of
mortgages or other collateral’’ (p. 20).
At the 1992 Seoul conference on capital liberalization, one of the few dissenters was the
late Manuel Guitian, then a senior official at the IMF, who argued in favor of moving quickly
towards capital account convertibility. Yet, in stark contrast to Stiglitz’s characterization of
the IMF leadership, there was no dogma or arrogance in Guitian’s position. He listened to
others’ arguments, provided counter-arguments, and carefully listened to the counter
counter-arguments. I believe that Guitian’s paper—suggestively titled ‘‘Capital Account
Liberalization: Bringing Policy in Line with Reality’’—is one of the first written pieces that
documents the IMF’s change in views regarding sequencing and capital account convert-
ibility. After discussing the evolution of international financial markets, and expressing
reservations about the ‘‘capital-account-last’’ sequencing recommendation, Guitian sum-
marized his views as follows: ‘‘There does not seem to be an a priori reason why the two
accounts [current and capital] could not be opened up simultaneously. . .[A] strong case can
be made in support of rapid and decisive liberalization in capital transactions’’ (pp. 85 –86).
Starting in 1995, more and more countries began to relax their controls on capital
mobility. In doing this, however, they tended to follow different strategies and paths.
While some countries only relaxed bank lending, others only allowed long-term capital
movements, and yet others—such as Chile—used market-based mechanisms to slow down
the rate at which capital was flowing into the economy. Many countries, however, did not
need any prodding from the IMF or the US to open their capital account. Indonesia and
Mexico—just to mention two important cases—had a long tradition of free capital
mobility, which preceded the events discussed in this book, and never had any intention
of following a different policy.
But agreeing that sequencing is important is not the same as saying that capital controls
should never be lifted. A difficult and important policy issue—and one that Stiglitz does
not really tackle in this book—is how and when to remove impediments to capital flows.
Recent research that uses new and improved measures on the degree of capital mobility
suggests that a freer capital account has a positive effect on long run growth in countries
that have surpassed a certain stage in the development process, and have strong institutions
and domestic capital markets. Also, there is some evidence suggesting that price-based and
transparent mechanisms, such as the flexible tax on short-term inflows used by Chile
during much of the 1990s, work relatively well as a transitional device. It allows for some
capital mobility and discourages short-term speculative monies; at the same time, it avoids
arbitrary decisions by bureaucrats. However, as I have argued elsewhere, even Chile-style
256 Book reviews

capital controls have costs, and they did not spare Chile from contagion or macro
instability during the second half of the 1990s.

3. Crisis management in East Asia

Stiglitz is particularly critical of the way in which the IMF handled the East Asian
crisis. In his view, major mistakes included (1) closing down, in the middle of a financial
panic, a number of banks in Indonesia; (2) bailing out private and mostly foreign creditors;
(3) not allowing the imposition of capital controls on outflows; and (4) imposing tight
fiscal policies and high interest rates. He claims that the experiences of China and India,
two countries that did not suffer a crisis, and of Malaysia—which did not follow the IMF’s
advice, and recovered quickly—support his views. This argument is highly unpersuasive,
however. Anyone mildly informed knows that there are many reasons why India and
China have not faced a crisis, and attributing this to the presence of capital controls is
overly simplistic, if not plainly wrong. The case of Malaysia is a bit more complicated. It
has recovered fast—although not as fast as South Korea—but it is not clear if this recovery
has been the result of the imposition of capital controls. What is clear, however, is that
Malaysia surprised many observers by tightening controls only temporarily; after approx-
imately a year, and once the economy had stabilized, the controls were lifted just as Dr.
Mahatir had originally announced.
What makes Malaysia’s case particularly interesting is that historically the temporary
use of controls is quite unique. The historical norm is closer to what happened in Latin
America during the 1980s debt crisis, when what was supposed to be a temporary
tightening of controls, became a long-term feature of the regional economies. Moreover, in
Latin America, the stricter controls on capital outflows did not encourage the restructuring
of the domestic economies, nor did they result in orderly reforms. The opposite, in fact,
happened. In country after country politicians experimented with populist policies that at
the end of the road deepened the crisis.
Two of Stiglitz’s criticisms are right on target: closing banks in the midst of a panic is a
major mistake. Also, massive bailouts are costly and ineffective. A number of people have
long recognized this, and the recent proposal by Anne Krueger, the IMF’s First Deputy
Managing Director, is a positive development in an effort to implement an effective
standstills framework.
Stiglitz’ most severe criticism refers to the IMF’s fiscal and interest rate policies. He
argues that the East Asian crisis called for expansionary and not, as the IMF insisted,
contractionary fiscal policies. In his view, by imposing fiscal retrenchment, the IMF made
a serious recession even deeper. Worse yet, the IMF-mandated increases in interest rates
generated a string of bankruptcies that deepened the confidence crisis and further
contributed to the slowdown. Stiglitz’s position, however, does not have—at least, not
yet—much empirical support, and fails to recognize how severe the situation had become
by late 1997. These were not, as he argues, ‘‘severe downturns’’ that required textbook-
type counter-cyclical fiscal policies; these were major currency crises. And a key feature
of currency crises is that the public drastically reduces its demand for government
securities and domestic money, turning to safer assets, especially foreign exchange. This
Book reviews 257

constrains what governments in crisis countries can do: with a declining demand for
government securities—by both local and foreign investors—it is very difficult to run a
more expansionary fiscal policy unless the deficit is monetized. Moreover, if the decline in
the demand for domestic money is not brought to an end, the price of foreign exchange
will jump drastically—greatly overshooting its equilibrium level—and inflation will
increase significantly. If foreign currency denominated debt is high—as was the case in
a number of the East Asian countries—the weakening of the currency will result in a
significantly higher debt burden and further bankruptcies.
The first order of business in a major currency crisis is to re-establish confidence. While
massive and recurrent bankruptcies do not contribute towards achieving this goal, neither
do large deficits translated into money printing, or rapidly depreciating exchange rates. At
the end of the road, the issue is one of trade-offs, and the key question is by how much to
let the exchange rate depreciate, and by how much—and for how long—to increase
interest rates. The answer depends in part on the government’s objectives. If the authorities
want to avoid default and runaway inflation—clear key objectives of every East Asian
government—letting the exchange rate run amok is highly risky. Under most circum-
stances, pumping in liquidity when the demand for money is shrinking, and issuing
government debt when government securities are being dumped, is unlikely to restore
confidence or avoid an inflationary explosion.

4. Concluding remarks

I finish where I began: This is an important book that deserves to be read and discussed
widely. At the end of the road, however, I was left with a sense of emptiness. I have no doubt
that Stiglitz is sincere, and that he is truly pained by what he believes are major problems
with globalization. However, he is also rather naı̈ve. And it is this naivete, and not the
stridency of the delivery, what at the end makes this book fail. Stiglitz has too much
confidence on the ability of governments to do the right thing, and he exaggerates greatly the
extent of market failures. The agenda should be to improve institutions and incentives; to
promote competition and efficiency; to implement policies that raise productivity; to truly
help the poor and the destitute; to put an end to corruption and abuse; and to make sure that
globalization becomes a fair process, where the industrial countries also dismantle their
protective barriers. The agenda should not be to bring back bureaucrats, xenophobic auto-
crats, and corrupt politicians to run the economy. We have been there, and it does not work.

Sebastian Edwards
University of California,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, USA
E-mail address:

9 September 2002
PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 3 8 7 8 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 9 7 - 4
Journal of Libertarian Studies
Volume 18, no. 1 (Winter 2004), pp. 89–98
2004 Ludwig von Mises Institute

Edited by N. Stephan Kinsella*


NEW YORK: W.W. NORTON, 2002. PP. xxii + 282.
Globalization and its Discontents is an enjoyable and thought-
provoking book. It is probably the most readable, well-argued, and
subtle attack against globalization in the past few years. Although the
author fights, in a rather dogmatic style with some shades of arrogance,
against what he believes to be devious free-market attitudes, his prose
is simple and accessible to a wide audience. But it is also deceptive.
While the author emphasizes time and again that he is not leveling
an attack against market principles and globalization in general, he
advocates Keynesian policymaking (money printing and deficit spend-
ing) on virtually every page.
It is an enjoyable book for the reader in search of the perfect world,
and it suits the well-meaning anti-globalist who believes that since
individuals make mistakes, it is wiser to give other individuals the
right to interfere. Put differently, Stiglitz strongly believes that bad
policymaking can be reduced by enlightened policymaking, both na-
tionally and on a global scale. And that when international economic
agencies do not behave properly, they must be reformed, made more
transparent and accountable, and less dependent on special interests.
The author believes that national leaders, by and large, pursue the
well-being of their peoples. He also believes that international agencies,
like the IMF and the World Bank, must ensure that global phenomena
maintain a “human face,” and that national politicians be supported by
somebody in charge when something goes wrong. Indeed, it is hard
to see much economics in these conclusions (see in particular the final

General Counsel, Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. To submit reviews for this
section, visit

Journal of Libertarian Studies 18, no. 1 (Winter 2004)

chapter of the book). Some readers might also question its logic. As
the following pages will explain, these doubts are justified.
The foreword to the book sets the pace. While taking good care to
inform the possibly unaware reader about his fundamental contribu-
tions to economic science, Professor Stiglitz, the 2001 Nobel Laureate,
reveals that he became interested in real-world matters in 1993 when
he joined the Clinton administration. He later continued his career at
the World Bank where he was chief economist and senior vice presi-
dent. The author claims that this book is the result of those eye-opening
experiences, during which he found out that decision-making processes
are often influenced by politics and ideology. He further realized that
globalization without governance often leads to devastating results,
especially on Less Developed Countries (LDCs).
Surprisingly, however, the core argument of the book is not the
analysis of the causal link between ideology, politics, and economic
performance in a globalized world. Rather, the author keeps concen-
trating on bad policymaking carried out both by Western national
governments and by international organizations. He posits a direct
causal link between globalization and bad policymaking, and con-
cludes by suggesting suitable rules for global economic management.
According to Stiglitz, these rules should be fairness and consensus,
and they should be designed through a democratic process so as to
guarantee social justice and meet the needs of everybody.
His thesis is not developed in a theoretically consistent framework.
Instead, the author offers a list of case studies in bad economics and
policymaking by the IMF and the U.S. Treasury. The next paragraphs
will therefore reconsider the main issues raised by Stiglitz, highlight
his most important arguments, and underscore some factual and meth-
odological puzzles, these being in fact equivalent to a number of
implicit assumptions.


Although much of the text (for instance, the first chapter) focuses
on poverty and globalization, Stiglitz does not state explicitly that pov-
erty is the consequence of globalization. On the contrary, in chapter
nine, he states clearly that the origin of all problems is the way global-
ization has been managed, rather than globalization per se. In particu-
lar, he feels that since mainstream economists became the managers
of the globalization process, people have been betrayed, especially in
Book Reviews

LDCs. He adds that globalization policies and institutions—including

the IMF and U.S. government—provoked a number of shocks that led
entire countries to major crises and disasters. Thus, Western global-
izers should take the blame for such failures, since they made empty
promises and forced many LDCs to undertake suicidal steps toward
As a matter of fact, Stiglitz never really defines what he means
by the term “globalization.” From a free-market perspective, glob-
alization refers to the freedom to choose among opportunities avail-
able on a global scale: Buyers are free to maximize their purchasing
power, and sellers are free to compete in order to satisfy consumers’
needs and remunerate the scarce resources they use. In other words,
globalization stands for a world of opportunities opened to buyers and
the end of privileges for sellers. It is, therefore, manifest that global-
ization is an improvement for those who are allowed to choose, and
for those who can successfully satisfy buyers’ needs. But it is irrele-
vant for those who cannot choose—where more-or-less altruistic poli-
cymakers decide on their behalf—and it is even harmful for those who
enjoy normative privileges.
However, none of the above characterizes Stiglitz’s thought. One
can guess that from his standpoint, globalization is little more than a
promise generated by free-market fundamentalists—this being a syn-
onym for neoclassical scholars, experts, and selected bureaucrats. Con-
sistent with this view, whenever a country failed to grow after its rul-
ers were exposed to neoclassical advisors, globalization is assumed
to have been aborted. Once this rather bizarre definition of globaliza-
tion is accepted, his book can be perceived as an instructive guide to
the misdeeds of neoclassical scholarship and the alibis it has provided
to widespread criminal behavior. His account of the Russian crisis
(chapter five) is a good example.
However, the argument runs into trouble when the author suggests
that the solution to neoclassical policymaking is some kind of paternal-
istic Third Way managed by caring and altruistic politicians devoted
to achieving full employment. In particular, he ignores the possibility
of having made a mistake by equating globalization with neoclassical
thinking. And he seems to be totally unaware of the fact that the al-
ternative to mainstream economics is not enlightened and expanded
governance structures, but rather, to echo Mises’s wording, freedom
to choose and discard. These oversights characterize both the author’s
interpretations of the crises and his view about what could have been
done instead.

Journal of Libertarian Studies 18, no. 1 (Winter 2004)

These decisive misunderstandings are apparent from the very

first pages. While acknowledging that free capital movements and
free trade have enhanced living standards in vast areas of the world,
Stiglitz remarks that during the age of globalization, the poverty gap
has not been reduced. He forgets to tell the reader that most LDCs,
where living standards are stagnating and people keep dying because
of poverty and civil wars, have hardly been touched by globalization
or, more generally, by economic freedom. Accusing globalization
for aborted economic growth in Africa since the end of colonialism
is not only trite and inaccurate, it is ridiculous.
As for destabilization, Stiglitz seems to be the victim of his own
understanding of the free-market process. One does not need a doctor-
ate to know that free-market economics is about preventing policy-
makers from interfering in peaceful activities voluntarily undertaken
by individuals. And it does not take much to see that if market forces
are set free, but policymakers do not withdraw and privileges do not
disappear, the system sooner or later breaks down. Still, the book
ignores these basics, and actually eliminates the whole question by
assuming with apparent casualness that there are many different forms
of free markets (chapter nine).
Finally, the book falls in line with the well-known mantra whereby
all the evils of the developing world are the consequence of present
or past Western behavior. For instance, in Stiglitz’s view, Western
globalizers forced LDCs to reduce their trade barriers and de facto
created huge trade deficits while destroying fragile production struc-
tures. That is not just a terminological question or a somersault in
logic; it is bad economics. One wonders what happened to exchange
rates. Free trade (and globalization) is a game whereby you cannot
have losers, such as import-competing industries, without also having
winners, such as exporters. Put differently, you can’t have imports
unless you have exports to pay for them. Maybe exchange rates did
not depreciate enough because they were fixed and the local currency
was not convertible, or perhaps because foreign aid made sure that
cheap imports could flow in.
Whatever the correct answer is, globalization has nothing to do
with fixed exchange rates and inconvertible currencies. And if the West
is guilty of providing too much aid to the leaders of poor countries, as
is probably true, Stiglitz should say so. But he doesn’t. Indeed, when
he mentions the evils of fixed exchange rates, the author attributes them
to the inconsistencies of the globalizers. Surely, Western protectionism

Book Reviews

hasn’t made life easy for third world countries, but protectionism is
the opposite of globalization. It is wrong to claim that the best pol-
icy against protectionism is central planning with a human face or
enlightened governance.

After having suggested that globalization is the result of bad
policymaking enforced by the IMF and, to a lesser extent, by the
World Bank and the WTO (chapter one), the rest of the book is, by
and large, a sequence of anecdotes and case studies. On one side,
Stiglitz describes the blind bureaucrats from the IMF, the repented
but weak employees of the World Bank, and the greedy American
establishment that fought communism but forgot about democracy.
On the other side, we meet the author himself, who modestly explains
how he abandoned the academic world in order to solve America’s
economic problems and, having done that, decided to move on to
solve world poverty. As the reader soon finds out, the author faced
disappointment, but fought hard and almost single-handedly to stop
IMF colonialism.
Stiglitz’s cases are persuasive, but somewhat irrelevant and decep-
tive. They are beside the point, since it is a gross mistake to consider
neoclassical constructivism as a synonym for globalization. They are
deceptive, for although it is undeniable that advocating capital-markets
liberalization in, say, Ethiopia, may harm domestic banks if they are
unable to offer good enough credit conditions to borrowers, it is wrong
to conclude that farmers suffer as a result. Unfortunately, this rhe-
torical strategy is a recurrent feature of the book.
Stiglitz offers various counterexamples to the development strate-
gies recommended by the IMF. In particular, his implicit thesis is
that countries that turned down IMF advice did well. One case is
Botswana (chapter two) which, incidentally, ranks relatively high (and
higher than Ethiopia) in the Index of Economic Freedom. Another
case is China (chapter three). It would be hard to deny that Botswana
was right in rejecting IMF policymaking and constraints, or that the
political power of China was no match for any IMF bureaucrat. But
the Botswana case does not demonstrate that the country’s successes
were due to socialist planning, enhanced regulation, protectionism, or
expansion in the bureaucracy. Nor would one claim that the Chinese
leaders succeeded because they introduced further regulation and cen-
tralized planning in the past two decades.

Journal of Libertarian Studies 18, no. 1 (Winter 2004)

Indeed, Stiglitz does not do it, either. As mentioned earlier, he

never says that globalization per se is bad. He simply states that open-
ing up may be beneficial if some preliminary conditions are met, and
that good governments can do desirable things. He hastily concludes
that whenever free-market blueprints failed, the explanations lie with
Western economic and political interference, starting with the IMF
and U.S. Government, which forced good politicians to open up too
quickly. As a result, civil servants became corrupt, jobs were destroyed,
and easy imports, foreign bankers, and high interest rates choked de-
velopment. Finally, social tensions erupted, in some cases leading to
civil wars.

The economics of IMF policymaking occupies most of the book,
since the author frequently deals with privatization, liberalization, for-
eign direct investment, social tensions, and poverty. A review is not
the right place to discuss in detail the fragility of neoclassical econom-
ics in these areas, which is the main goal of the author throughout
the book. It may be enough to underscore Stiglitz’s main ponts. First,
he argues, although too much government intervention is bad, there
are plenty of good things a government can do if properly enlightened
and informed, presumably by reformed international agencies. Second,
the market does not yield perfect results, so free-market economics
is wrong unless proper institutions are in place, fairness enforced, and
full employment guaranteed. Third, the IMF was originally created
to get things right by following Keynesian guidelines, but was soon
seduced by the dream of the invisible hand. Rather than accomplish-
ing its original and true mission, it ended up colluding with Western
financial capitalism and pressure groups.
Once again, the reader is offered various examples:
• free trade, where imports are paid through foreign aid and
exchange rates are irrelevant;
• free capital markets, which would undermine much-needed
subsidies and expose debtors to the consequences of bad rep-
utations or bad borrowing decisions; and
• price liberalization, which would be unfair to inefficient or
badly located producers.
The argument is further developed in chapters four to seven, in
which the Southeast Asian and the Russian crises are explored in detail,
Book Reviews

and where the virtues of gradual Keynesian transitions are opposed

to the evils of IMF-style shock therapies. At this stage, Stiglitz’s ap-
proach should no longer surprise the reader. Let us consider the Asian
case. In his view, Southeast Asia’s economies were doing fine until the
West forced them to open up their capital markets, destroy the miracle,
and cause what the author defines as the most dramatic economic
crisis since the Great Depression.
However, some caution is in order. Although Stiglitz singles out
Indonesia, Korea, and Thailand to illustrate the catastrophe, the well-
informed reader cannot help remembering that in 2002, five years
after the 1997 crisis blew up, real GDP in those three countries was
respectively 99%, 124%, and 105% of its pre-crisis level. As for the
alleged domino effect, real GDP in developing Asia in 2002 was 33%
higher than just before the crisis.1
Never mind the figures. Stiglitz is quite right in saying that the IMF
should have kept out of the whole story, but he is wrong in saying that
those countries were in good shape prior to IMF intervention, and that
the IMF precipitated the crisis. Indeed, why would speculators attack
these countries if they were in such healthy conditions to begin with?
The truth of the matter is that globalization exposed economic dis-
tortions and malfunctions, but the IMF delayed the moment when
the distortions were exposed. The redistributive patchwork advo-
cated by Stiglitz may appear to help temporarily, but they are mere
window dressing, and can hardly fix a sick system, as the Asian crisis
demonstrates. It is deplorable that the IMF played the window-dressing
game first, and then provided funds to bail out selected lenders.
Instead, the author accuses the IMF of having served Western
financial interests and having disregarded fairness, although the reader
will look in vain for a clear definition of fairness. He will find just a
hint in chapters three and seven, where Stiglitz refers to fairness as
one of the key elements of the social contract—the other being full
employment. The author does not bother to explain by whom and
where this contract was signed, nor does he clarify what was written in
it. Nonetheless, it is clear to him that governments broke the contract
by not pursuing fairness, so violent attitudes by the residents were al-
most legitimized. Put differently, he is persuaded that income transfers
are one of the fundamental human rights, rather than being an abuse

International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook (Sept. 2003), sta-
tistical appendix: “Output.”

Journal of Libertarian Studies 18, no. 1 (Winter 2004)

by some at the expense of others. The IMF and the Washington con-
sensus are therefore guilty, since they forced national governments to
renege upon the social contracts.

As a matter of fact, if the reader forgets about the author’s flights
into morality, the main problem with the book appears to be its title,
which should have been related to the economics and politics of inter-
national agencies (the IMF in particular) and of the U.S. government,
rather than to globalization. Once again, Stiglitz says very little about
globalization, and what he says rests on questionable foundations.
Globalization is about deregulation and low taxation. These are not
quite the same thing as active central banking, fixed exchange rates,
and high taxation, which are the core components of many IMF poli-
cies and macro-rescue plans in the past three decades.
As has been argued above, the author neglects the distinction, and
develops three main theses. First, international agencies have done a
poor job by trying to enforce neoclassical recipes. They have aggra-
vated the economic conditions in many LDCs, and raised bad feelings
against anything coming from the West, and from the U.S. in particu-
lar. Second, despite their past misdeeds, international agencies per se
are not a bad idea. Their primary goal should, however, be restricted
to the provision of sound information and unconditional aid. Third,
opening up (globalization) should not be rejected in principle, but
decisions about its timing, depth, and features should be a matter for
each national government to decide, especially when politicians are of
good quality, and they demonstrate an ability to preserve consensus.
From a policymaking viewpoint, Stiglitz does not consistently ad-
vocate a worldwide governance scheme for globalization. Global gov-
ernance by enlightened and compassionate international bodies is
desirable, in his opinion, but each government should also be free to
act as it judges appropriate. As for the meaning of the expression “good
government,” he recommends fairness as the primary criterion to be
taken into account for any development policy (chapter three). Nev-
ertheless, one is left wondering about who decides what is fair, and
whether Stiglitz would be willing to accept the notion of fairness that
many national governments have enforced in the past decades, irre-
spective of IMF intervention.
Consistent with his assumption about fairness, Stiglitz considers
privatization and liberalization attractive, but only if they guarantee

Book Reviews

extra jobs at fair conditions. Hence, his thesis in favour of conditional

globalization and of policies aimed at spreading the costs if anything
undesirable happens—including bad lending and investment. There-
fore, bad entrepreneurs should not be allowed to fail, but should be
rescued through money printing. After all, he argues, a little inflation
is preferable to widespread poverty and civil war. It is not a new the-
sis, and we leave it to the reader to evaluate the extent to which money
printing can solve the problems of faulty management and bad govern-
ment, and whether it can provide suitable incentives for entrepreneu-
rial activities or fairness to those layers of the population who cannot
protect themselves against inflation.


This book illustrates and contributes significantly to one gross
misconception about globalization: Globalization does not identify
policies, neither from neoclassical nor from Keynesian quarters. We
do not know how people want to behave, what kind of safeguards they
prefer to have, or how much they are willing to pay for them. Free-
market globalizers have nothing to say about that, and believe that
nobody has. This justifies Professor Stiglitz when he correctly criticizes
IMF policymaking and inconsistencies (chapter eight), and it also
explains why he is in trouble when he suggests recipes that go beyond
generic, but nevertheless treacherous, notions such as fairness and
social consensus, almost bordering on demagoguery. See for instance
chapter eight, where he confronts the legitimacy of property rights
with that of the social contract.
Instead, globalization is about the freedom to opt out of the pro-
posed policies. As the Russian case demonstrates, a market system
rests on widely accepted behavioral rules. Stiglitz deserves credit for
pointing out that Western consultants have contributed to suffocating
or destroying those rules. He also deserves credit for hinting that
those consultants also helped centralized policy-making retain its
coercive power so that rent-seeking and collusion with the policy-
maker continued to be the winning strategy (chapter seven). Of course,
it is hardly surprising that under such conditions, alternative systems
have not come to the surface, but it is puzzling to see that the author
believes this to be the essence or the consequence of globalization.
On the contrary, globalization in Russia and in some other countries
of the Soviet Empire was never the name of the game. Put differently,
Stiglitz succeeds in showing the game and excels in describing it (see

Journal of Libertarian Studies 18, no. 1 (Winter 2004)

chapters six and seven), but equally frequently fails to call it by its
proper name: neoclassical constructivism.
University of Turin


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