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Rules and Consequences

1. Electronics are not to be out during class unless permitted by the teacher. Students who

have their electronics out when they are not supposed to, will receive a warning and will

be asked to put the electronic device away. The second time this incident occurs, the

device will be taken away and will be returned at the end of the period. The third time, it

will be confiscated for the whole day and for any incidents that occur after this, the

device will be sent up to the front office.

2. Students are expected to complete their homework and submit it on time. Homework that

is not turned in on time will not receive full credit. Points will be taken off as deemed

appropriate. Late work for each unit will be accepted up until test day which will mark

the completion of a unit.

3. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to come in on their own time and find out

what they missed. They may come in before school, at lunch time, or after school to

receive the missed material. If a student is absent on test day, they must make up the

exam within one week during their own time.

4. No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Only water is allowed. Students who

bring food or drinks into the classroom will be asked to put it away or throw it out.

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