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The contributions of topography on geology or geological surveying are the study of the distribution by types of rocks
and other surface features of the earth, and seen as through geological processes rocks are folded and fractured or
even changed as the collision of continentes.Algunos geologists monitor and monitor earthquakes and volcanoes,
using their research to predict eruptions and earthquakes and examine the distribution of lava and ash from volcanic
eruptions in the past to predict them where they can present the most serious effects of an eruption .

The importance of surveying services for geological research is that their studies can have a wide range of
knowledge about earth materials this is a very common use that is given to this science, plus representation on a
topographic map the types of rocks that outcrop at the surface and type of contact between these, it is essential
therefore based on the geologic map is the map topográfico.para rocks distinguish different shades of colors are
used. In a geological map also reflect the tectonic structures (folds and faults), deposits of fossil, hydro-geological
aspects (fonts, drainage, etc.), mineral resources, etc.

Geological units that appear on a map may have been grouped according to various criteria: common age, same
type of rock, fossil same content, as permeability, etc. each of these maps receives an name elaboration
of these awards reqyuere detailed terrain maps. in the fieldwork, the geologist makes a series of itineraries looking
outcrops, ie exposed areas on the surface of the earth for observing the geological characteristics of the subsoil.
Once found the outcrop, this is located on a topographic or map on an aerial photo, with the help of standard tools of
the field work (hammer, magnifying glass, compass), try to identify rocks in the outcrop as well as all useful features

In geological mapping geologist has facility that using a topographical map, cross the study area and capture all
contacts of different lithologies found in the study area thereby obtain detailed geological map, from the moment
having made the respective topographic and geological survey, this will be used as an access guide and
geologist plasmará where all the structures found in the area of ​study whether faults, joints, domes, structures
(folds), etc. and this support to carry out the structural section.


Call fundamental technique for topographic maps are geologist since it is the reference of the land where you
will place the field observations. Currently, you can
get digital topographic information in different formats and scales; models also are lifting virtually the entire planet,
including bathymetry. LIDAR (Light Distance and Ranging) technology, photogrammetry and other sensors have
shown a rapid development due to its applicability in industries in surveying and mapping. Currently this technology
has become sufficiently small in terms of size and weight to be considered by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
platforms. Three-dimensional models from images LIDAR can represent very irregular surfaces very accurately as
caverns. LIDAR technology has also been used as a tool for mapping geomechanical very effective in the mining
industry, in monitoring threats from falling rocks or flood modeling. The use of remote sensing in mapping and
monitoring of mountainous terrain through remote sensing (LIDAR and photogrammetry) mapping topographical
changes possible with high accuracy.

GPS receivers are used for both devices as geological surveying that from ultra high frequency radio satellites are
able to triangulate the position with few meters laterally error with less precision in altitude. In the case of geological
sciences, GPS has become an indispensable tool for fieldwork, as devices suitable conventional provide accuracies
up to 3 m of error, but can also be found much more accurate equipment capable of performing millimetric
measurements they are also used for some jobs as neotectonic deformation, but have a high cost because of its high

For mapping underwater SONAR technology allows also perform useful bathymetric surveys for studies of lakes or
underground karst systems, although it is a relatively old technology, recently sonar devices are compact and
portable, very useful for geological applications. Although sonar technology is not as fast and accurate as laser
scanning, robots like DEPTHX model developed by Stone Aerospace makes 3D models with accuracies of 10 cm, as
the model of the Zacatón system in Mexico. Other possible applications are the bathymetry of lakes, rivers, estuaries
and seas, estimate sedimentation rates, among others. Today, it is possible topographic models even under layers of
ice, as did the team of British Antarctic Survey in Antarctica. From decades making geophysical data and elevation
measurements of both air and surface as satellite using high penetration radar topographical model it was generated
under the surface of Antarctic ice. Such model is Bedmap2 and may be used for modeling the ice layers, physical
oceanography and geological applications.


Topographic teams are often used to explore various regions by the possibility of mines and oil rigs and inspection
areas for the construction of maps and real estate.

There are lightweight and portable equipment capable of generating 700 000 points away per second with a viewing angle of
40 ° and rotating heads can rotate more than 20 times per second and provide information accurately less than 2 cm.

Among the different equipment we can topographic some within geology as:
● The compass which allows additional activities as the correct measurements of the bearings and dips in
rock bodies, measuring heights outcrops, among others.
● Tape Measure, For geologists, these allow measurements regarding the extension of an outcrop,
thickness of strata or distances between points (stations) of a polygon.

● Maps, which are perhaps the most important of all tools, when going to an activity of this nature, it is
essential to have vials or political maps and geological of the area where we are, they provide us with
basic information very valuable in terms of our location.

● GPS which offers real time our location, altitude, distance, among others, practical and less
cumbersome than with a traditional map.
● Altimeter which measures the height based on the atmospheric pressure. A good altimeter may well be accurate. But it
must be calibrated by climate changes during the day.
● Uprisings drone possible to obtain a wealth of information, with high precision and in a short time by
reducing operational risk.
● By the principles of stereoscopy, image processing information delivery 2 and 3 dimensions, as topography
or MDT, allowing to observe roughnesses, structures, infrastructure, vegetation, and accesses any
information from above.

● Photogrammetric techniques used deliver both visual and numerical information, allowing accurately
measure areas, perimeters, volumes or surface relative movements.


In the Mexican state of Chihuahua Cave Naica crystals, it is the most extraordinary accumulation of gypsum crystals
known on the planet discovered until ​ 2000 ​ workers digging a gallery 300 meters deep found ​ the Cueva de los
Cristales was held in 2007 laser scanning LIDAR to have a 3D model of the cave with crystals of gypsum and
selenite largest known so far, as ​ normally the gypsum crystals not larger than a few centimeters, but the
underground chamber Naica whose environment is suffocating, with 50 ° C temperature and relative humidity of 90%
to 100%, gypsum crystal structures are exceeding ​ 10 meters long and a meter wide. Are within 330 meters deep
under a rock limestone where they are mining in the quarry for lead obtaining, zinc and silver, in which there is a hot
spot volcano has been emitting heat, releasing minerals and creating deposits metals mine in a million years. The
camera of the crystals, which is 35 meters long by 20 meters wide and has an average height of about eight meters,
was always flooded by water at high temperature and rich in the same minerals that form the gypsum crystals. This
high-resolution three-dimensional model allowed for geological observations based on computer models. The
crystallographer and lead author of an investigation, Juan Manuel García Ruiz, of the Andalusian Institute of Earth
conditions under which was mine, allowed the continuous slow crystallization began to occur when the water
temperature dropped from 58 ° C.

Another example of a three-dimensional model was made for a cave in the karst of southern China, Miao Room's
cave; based on three-dimensional models generated from LIDAR, you can also get geomechanical information to
underground excavations with the advantage of avoiding delays in the progress of the work. These models can
perform geomechanical characterization of discontinuities as tilt, location, orientation and frequency roughness.
Rowed through an underground lake in rubber boats, cavers Allen and Jane McKenzie Funk follow Tim Allen to the
huge room Miao.

In 2013, an expedition led by British used a laser scanner to measure various art giant cameras with unprecedented detail. Daniela Pani, Andy Eavis and

Roo Walters laser scanner installed near the gallery entrance flooded. Part of the cave system Gebihe, the Miao Sala ranks as the second largest

underground chamber known in the world by area, after the House of Sarawak, Malaysia. It covers 1.27 million square feet (the equivalent of 22 football

fields). Cavers huge dwarfs in the vast hall of the Miao Sala. Only during rainy periods, a current flows through the central barrel of the camera,

deepening and transporting fallen rocks. Sometimes water comes from a well on the floor. Rocks the size of a house and slopes slippery mud hampered

the progress of cavers along the bottom of the camera. Stone formations active flow can be seen on the right. To break through the chamber, cavers

often stayed glued to the right side instead of venturing high through the central canyon. After climbing, crawling and squeezed between huge rocks on

the floor of the cave, members of the team were often blocked by dead ends. cavers often stayed glued to the right side instead of venturing high

through the central canyon. After climbing, crawling and squeezed between huge rocks on the floor of the cave, members of the team were often blocked

by dead ends. cavers often stayed glued to the right side instead of venturing high through the central canyon. After climbing, crawling and squeezed

between huge rocks on the floor of the cave, members of the team were often blocked by dead ends.

Miao opens into a large dome towards the end of the camera. A large stalagmite was a useful landmark for cavers find
their way.The scanning equipment data download to view a three-dimensional image of the cave before choosing the
location for the next scan. Laser scanning 3-D revealed remains of cave collapses. In studying these wastes,
researchers hope to better understand how to grow the cameras.

At the far end away from the Miao room, a gallery opens into another chamber at the far right. A previously
unknown passage can also be seen at the top. The laser scanner and other features revealed openings in the roof
which would otherwise could not be detected in the black darkness. A giant stalagmite, 148 feet high, one of the
largest in the world, dominates the open space under the huge dome at the end of the Miao Sala. The expedition
team will use three-dimensional models based ​ Laser scanning in interpreting the internal characteristics and to set
the shape and overall dimensions of the mass chamber.

● file: /// C: /Users/OLGA/Downloads/Practicas_de_GEOLOGIA.pdf
● ES


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