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irst you do thing the possible thingfs that you like and copare to your self.I remember in many thing
but the one that my favorite thing is bike becuase i love riding to some places that makes me happy.
I want tobe remember if i list or die becuase all peaple have time to die not but soon. We need to
give importance our libes becuase it once. If you want to remember you do all things that good to
others. I want to be a remember by a servant of god becuase a few years i did not attend the mass
every sunday. I want to be remember by someone who loves me ang i love she too. My family is
loves me. I have a story about how i remember my family. I am simon rosales from banaba south
batangas city. My love ones is very very important to me because all the time my love one care to
me. I want when im gone to see my love ones have a great life and have a good life. When i seeing
my familynis haopy im also happy too. I have a question to my self how i feel when i dead? When
my spirit goes? Mayb be in heaven or in hell. I think go to in heaven becuase all of my sin will be
forgiveness our God and i regret. Did you when you always attending a mass in church your sin
becime less becuase our god is good. We need to be truth to our self and give our holy spirit to our
Lord who sacrifice her lives to us. Me as student i want to remember my classmates becuase in
school i am free to luff every hour in home i didn luff.I shouldn’t even have to write this, but if you
don’t care about the people around you, you’ll never be good at remembering their names. People
easily forget about things they attach no importance to. You can learn to care more about people by
losing yourself in the service of others, but that’s a topic for another time.Time. We never seem to
find enough of it in or fast-paced high-tech world we seem to find ourselves in. On our way to work
we make our best effort to avoid any eye contact while waiting in line for our coffee in the morning.
At school, we never talk to our crush because we live in fear. With our loved ones, we talk about
those we hate behind their backs.
Reality is we don’t have enough time. There’s not always tomorrow. We could pass by our potential
spouse at the coffee shop, miss out on a great relationship, and judge those we never take the time
to meet.
The world needs to realize that we don’t have forever. We’re born. We live. We die. We need to
enjoy life and stop rushing. If the world doesn’t slow down, neither will life. The faster life is, the less
you get to do, the less you get to meet, and the less of an impact you get to make.
Gandhi once said that the almost everything you do in life will be insignificant, but it’s important that
you do it. It’s all those little insignificant things in life that make us who we are. The problem is that
we are too focused on the big picture that we don’t have the time for anything. Without time you
might as well be without life.
For we may walk in and out of many lives, but we always tend to leave a mark in the sand. So next
time you see me standing in line, sitting at a desk, or smiling across the room, all I ask is to
remember me because I know I’ll remember you.That all about my know in how do i want to be

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