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Aruna. R. Gwalani, PhD Research Scholar in Yoga for Human Excellence, Bharathiyar
University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Dr.K.Perumal, PhD, Director Department of WCSC- Vision for Wisdom (Academy) Aliyar

Email address of author for correspondence:


Human life is a highly responsible one. Everyone had acquired a right to live on this planet as
he was born out of it. It is essential for man to have a perfect knowledge about his rights and
duties. Even though man was born with all physical and mental faculties in good order, he has
to understand and use them to lead a perfect life. Man has the sixth sense to transform the
naturally growing food to his taste and satisfaction, also he can cultivate his own food. All
things in this vast universe are physical manifestations of the Absolute, and man has no right
to kill a living thing for food. All animals except man, are incapable of raising crops or
preparing their food and have to resort to killing for survival. It cannot be considered a sin or
a crime on their part; but man, endowed with a sixth sense and capable of transforming the
resources available in Nature into things that make his existence comfortable, has no valid
reason to kill for food. Vegetarianism with limited and restrictive eating habits becomes an
essential lifestyle for spiritualism.

Keywords: Human life, sixth sense, food requirements, vegetarianism, spirituality


The first living being could be a uni-celled organism. Then slowly reached the five sensed
animal stage. Finally when it evolved into a sixth sense living being it was called a Human
being. During the evolutionary process, by hereditary man got some imprints – karmas of
animals. Animal imprints are of four natures: harming, killing, snatching the prosperity of
others, and destroying the freedom of others. Every human being has the sixth sense, which is
the ‘ability to predict’, only such a person will be able to think. The sixth sense makes a man
different from the animal. It is the animal instinct that snatches away the peace and prosperity
of other living beings. Human nature is unique. Through good thinking, good action, good
words one can contribute to the peace and prosperity of others. With love and affection the
same man acquires divine power and becomes one with nature, and this entire process is called

The purpose of a human life is to realise the Divine. Through the realisation, we can live a good
life without misery. We can live a simple life. Vethathiri Maharishi says “To attain salvation
and to get exonerated from all sins one has to get rid of his bad qualities and try to acquired
moralized character.’’

For sustenance of life man requires food. Food, clothes and other needs for a man are recurring.
We cannot avoid them. These are all the natural needs and are in tune with the Law of Nature.
For pleasure, taste and satisfaction man kills animals for his appetite. Body is the factory, an
important factor. A healthy body is fit to work hard and thereby earn a livelihood. Earning and
enjoyment shouldn’t be separated. To serve society ‘fitness’ is a must. Body is the instrument
that feels pain or pleasure. Nothing can be achieved with an unhealthy, uncared body.

Vegetarian Diet - a better choice

Fresh vegetarian diet containing dairy and little sweet taste is sattvic in nature. As meat is
obtained from dead animals, consuming meat always enhances the chances of violence and
decay. It is said that basically all human beings are vegetarians and fruitarians. Vegetarian
foods have high roughage contents, all nutritional elements in sufficient quantity, are very
cheap and increase body resistance quickly.

Roughage contents
Fiber content in vegetarian food prevents synthesis of VLDL – very low-density lipoproteins,
which are bad and can lead to heart diseases. Especially red meat contains high amount of
saturated fats, which are bound to increase cholesterol levels leading to heart attacks. This
roughage also helps to eliminate faecal matter from large intestine easily. Meat eaters usually
suffer from constipation, as it does not contain fibre. This is the reason why diseases like
ulcerative colitis and colon cancer are more common in meat eaters.

Food also heals

Raw and uncooked vegetables and fruits have many qualities for curing ailments. Incidence of
heart disease, cancer and chronic degenerative diseases is low in persons who are pure
vegetarians. Meat also contains more number of bacteria and parasites that can prove harmful
to the health of human beings. Majority of the victims suffer from food poisoning due to
salmonella is found in meat and fish eaters.
Anatomy and physiology of herbivorous and carnivorous animals
Teeth and intestines of human being are different from that of carnivorous animals.
Carnivorous animals have long, sharp, and pointed teeth, small salivary glands as it is not
required for digesting vegetables and grains. Meat eating animal’s secret more hydrochloric
acid, which is required for digestion of proteins. They also have proportionately larger liver,
which can neutralize 10 to 15% more uric acid than humans. The intestinal tract of these
animals is only 3 times body length so that rapidly decaying meat can pass out of the body
quickly. While humans have intestinal tract which is 10-12 times body length.

Environment and Ecology

Eating meat is against environment. Because to produce one pound of meat lot of grass, cereals
and water must be fed to livestock. One acre of land, which will produce one ton of beef, will
produce 10 to 20 tons of highly nutritious food. Meat producing industries disturb ecology by
throwing lot of waste and washing into river.

Protein myth
There is a misconception that, meat has monopoly on protein, and that, larger amounts of
protein required for strength and energy is not correct. Many people start eating meat because
of fear of protein deficiency. But the truth is, that the legumes and beans contain lot of proteins.
And this protein is lighter for digestion. Various studies have shown that proper balanced
vegetarian diet provides more nutritional energy than meat. Animal flesh contains high amount
proteins, which can tax kidneys and can cause diseases of kidney resulting in high blood urea.

Can we be at peace when we are creating negative karma?

Every human is born with his past karmas from generations. Killing an animal for satisfaction
and taste will only add on to karmas and not the purpose of one’s birth. The law of karma,
simply stated, is the law of cause and effect. It is a scientific law. As you sow shall you reap!
He who inflicts suffering upon another brings suffering upon himself. Such is the law! If a man
kills animal for food, he will not hesitate in killing his fellow men, whom he considers as
enemy. The root cause of the world is Irreverence for Life. When we kill an animal, the animal
experiences fear, death, violence, struggle, despair and anguish. The body of the animal is filled
with toxins and poisons. We then consume this meat which carries all this toxins, which
increases one’s karmas, thereby having no love and compassion for all life. Killing animals
and consuming them not only destroys individuals, but also society, it robs the natural system
of the earth and destroys nature. ‘’A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for
food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life for the sake of his appetite.
And to act is so immoral.’’ – Leo Tolstoy

Effect of Food on Temperament – The Three Gunas (Qualities)

Food you eat is either Sattvic, Rajasic or Tamasic according to its character and effect upon
the body and the mind. One can find out the nature or temperament of man from the nature of
the food he prefers. All things in the universe, including man, are controlled by the three gunas.

Sattvic food
Sattvic food is always freshly cooked and simple; juicy and light, unctuous, nourishing, sweet
and tasty. It increases the energy of the mind and produces cheerfulness, serenity and mental
clarity; sattvic food is highly conducive to good health. E.g., Milk, butter, ghee, fresh fruits,
vegetables, greens, sprouts, nuts, cereals etc. People who follow the sattvic way of eating are
known to be clear-minded, balanced, and spiritually aware. They usually avoid alcohol,
stimulants like tea, coffee, tobacco and non-vegetarian food. Sattvic means pure essence. This
is the purest diet for a consciously spiritual and healthy life. It nourishes the body and maintains
it in a peaceful state.

Rajasic food
This is food that is fresh but heavy. It includes non-vegetarian food like meat, fish, eggs, and
chicken, all whole pulses and dals (not sprouted), hot spices like chillies, pepper, and all
vegetables including onion and garlic. Rajasic foods are bitter, sour, salty, pungent, hot and
dry. Pungent condiments, sweets, fried bread, curd, brinjal ,carrots, black gram, onions, garlic,
lemon, tea, coffee, betel leaves, tobacco are rajasic articles of food. These foods create
sensuality, sexuality, greed, jealousy, anger, delusion, fantasies, egotism and irreligious
feelings. The rajasic man always plans to prepare various kinds of preparations to satisfy his
palate. The palate remains unsatisfied until the stomach is completely filled with pungent things
and till the tongue is burnt with chilies.

Tamasic food
This includes foods that are not fresh, overcooked, stale and processed - foods made from
refined flour (maida), pastries, pizzas, burgers, chocolates, soft drinks, tea, coffee, tobacco,
alcohol, canned and preserved foods like jams, pickles and fermented foods, fried foods, sweets
made from sugar, ice creams, puddings and most ‘fun foods’ are included in this list. All spicy,
salty, sweet and fatty foods form part of the tamasic diet. Beef, fish, eggs, wine, garlic, onions
and tobacco are tamasic foodstuffs. Tamas brings about stagnation leading to degeneration of
people’s health. Such individuals suffer from intense mood swings, insecurity, desires, and
cravings and are unable to deal with others in a balanced way. They have little regard for the
welfare of others and tend to be very self-centred.

Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic are more than just qualities in food — they are a way of life.

Ethics and Morality

It is the birth right of every individual to live without fear, a secured life. There should not be
any interference in these individual actions. This is called ‘’Freedom of Life.’’ While enjoying
the birth rights and freedom it becomes essential on his part to follow a set of ethics throughout
life. The ethics are:

1) Morality: All those thought, words, and deeds which do not harm self or others,
physically or mentally, presently or in near future is called Morality.
2) Duty: Responsibility to self and society.
3) Charity: Being kind and tolerant to others.

Two Fold Culture

1) I during my life time, will not harm anyone in any form.
2) I will also try to help the needy and remove their worries and protect them.
The above two principles has been advocated by Vethathiri Maharishi for the society
to understand and follow, so that one can lead a life without creating more karmas and
will help one to eliminate their karmas. If one follows this principle in life one can
moralize character. As all the animal instincts which has come as a continuum from
numerous births need to be eradicated.

To achieve the purpose of birth one should follow the above principles of ethics and morality,
which would help one to lead a healthy and a happy life. . All the three Gunas are a part of
human nature, manifesting in the form of deeds, and food habits go a long way in regulating
the Gunas in man. To lead a healthy life moderation in food is essential; overeating merely
because the food is tasty, is foolish. It is important to know the quantity that can be taken safely
and without ill-effects, and regulate one’s needs and desires in accordance with it. Awareness
and actions should go hand in hand, in anything. According to Ayurveda, Sattvic diet is the
best for physical strength, a good mind, good health, and longevity. It calms and purifies the
mind, enabling it to function at its maximum potential. A Sattvic diet thus leads to true health:
a peaceful mind in control of a fit body, with a balanced flow of energy between them. They
are known to have a very cleansing effect on the body. A Sattvic diet is excellent for those
individuals who desire to live a quiet, peaceful and meditative life. Sattvic foods comprise the
diet of many sages, yogis and spiritual teachers. These foods are supposed to produce calmness
and nobility among men.

1) Food Habits – Thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi. - 9, 16, 17 pp
2) The New Age Diet – J.P.Vaswani – 64 - 67pp
3) Sublimation and Social Welfare – WCSC Vision for Wisdom – 11, 12, 123 pp
4) Physical Health – WCSC Vision for Wisdom – 13, 55, 58 pp
5) SAK Association Animal Rights Day And Meatless Day Newsletter - Sadhu
Vaswani Mission – Issue no 84, November 2010

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