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1. A web document is broken into section.

Structure tags

2.________is the phenomenon in which storage space is used inefficiently.


3.which is not the example of os


4.What is the command to print the number of lines in current directory.

wc -l filename

5.___________is known as expansion bus,communicates withexternal

External Bus

6.HIding complexity of algorithem is widely known as


7.which of the following pays the least attention to the ordering.

Selection sort

8.The unit that communicates sirectly with cpu is called________

Main memory specify a font for your whole page


10.which of the below access specifier can be used with keyword class

11.list of coded instruction are called as

Computer program

12.Emp Name="Zara Ali"


13.which command find the files with specific properties the match pattern


14. The time complexity of a quick short algorithem which makes use of
median ,found by an O(n) algorithem,as pivert element is

O(nlogn) rae running a library catalog

Insertion sort

16.correct way change fontface

<font face ="fontname">.....</font>

17. Howmany steps are there in problem solving

18.______ is the fist step in solving the problem

identify the problem

19.______ is the last step in solving the problem

Evaluate the solution

20.A process in the unix syatem can execute in two modes


kernal & user 3*4 is equivalent to 3<<2


22.for process running in the background _______ command can be used to

stop it.


23.A process on a unix system is the entity that is created by _______-

system calls.


24.what are range of heading tags available using html

<h1>to <h6>

25.The name of the class selecter can be

character,string or a combination of characters and numbers

26.which statements apply to the liskov substitution principle


27.The correctness and appropriiiiatenes of __________solution can be

checked very easily.

algorithmic solution

28.command that finds line that contain the word "not" from the file


29.the general syntax of defining a css rule


30.which one of the following event is called once the page has finished


31.if the given input array is sorted or nearly sorted,which of the following
algorithem gives the best performance.

insertion sort

32.what will be the output (x=1,y=2)(x=a*5;y=b*7).............


33.which algorithm pays the least attention to the ordering of the elements
in the input list

selection sort

34.identify the invalid variable name


35.which of the following tags are related to table in html


36.which statement will return true if atleast one condition is true

(condition1 | | condition2)

37.wht is the correct html for adding a background color

<body style="background-color:white">

38.register function which holds the address for instruction is known


Program Counter

39.Which of the following complexity analysis are correct

O(n lg n)- red back ,O(n2)- binary search tree

40.______is the default package in java


41.which of these java packages are imported by default in program

java.lang.package , current package, package with no name

42.which of the following is designed to control the opeartion of computer

utility software

43.javascript is designed for following purpose

all of them

44.what does the single responsible principle entail

ensuring that each class only has one axis

45.which of these access specifiers can be used for a class so that its
members can be accessed by a different class in same package


46.Every process has one parent process,but a process can have many child


47.The operating system searches the ________environment variable

entries for executable program..................


48.Microprocessir is called as ________ of the computer


49.The method listen() is used by________


50..A cellular network or mobile network is a ___________ network

distributed over land areas.


52.Constructors can be Private


53.What are the benefits of the single responsibility principle


54.You are designing an application from scratch


55.Commands that can be used to get a list of all files in the current
working directory

except none of these, all of them – ls -a, ls, echo *

56.In unix terminal is treated as Standard output file


57.identify the process that will start in background

pwd &

58.which command will calculate 4+2 and print


59.identify the benifits of solid

all do u implement yhe single responsible principle in the c# class



61.The six-step solution for the problem can be applied

both 1&2

62. which of the following event is called once the page has finished loading

onload keywordsncan be written in lowercase as well as uppercase

False might you violate the spirit of the principle of substitution

employee a behavior that

65.The output of the command echo $PATH is

paths of the directories to be reffered compiler stores the .class files in the path specified in classpath
environment variable


67. Javascript is designed for – query from db

68. if (a==10) {a=45} – java question – ans – compile time error

69. different types of files available in unix – 3

70. java question – finally – BC

71. java question – arr.length for calling the funvtion

72. single responsibility principle -

code is more readable

code is more reusable

unit testing is easier

73. tightly coupled classes

74. makes use of median by o(n) -


75. not a primitive datatype – string

76. single responsibilty principle c#-

cyclometric complexity

analyze classes

use code metrices

77. java – sop (a+””+...) - ans – 3 4 4

78. private int y – compilation error

79. java int j=5, class a ; - ans – 0 3 4

80. hello gopal -

echo “hello $name”

echo hello $name

81. <framset cols= “50%”..

82. pays least attention to ordering – selection sort

83. java class E ( double y =100) – compilation fails

84. class B int aa[] - ans – 5

85. heuristic solution requires built on knowledge

86. List of items – all of the above

87. Class A int x; - ans – 50

88. jvm is platform independent – false

89. address of instruction – program counter

90. correctnes of algorithmic solution can be checked easily

91. Class A{ x= a*5}- ans – 10

92. java code – suresh hema rakesh

93. arr[2], arr[3] – compilation fails

94. class selector , style will change – false

95. which variable used in javascript – none of these

96. < no script > tag do – enclose text in not support javascript browser

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